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D.C. Mayor Bitches About Ballistic Billboard

“To promote the use of guns in the city I think really is just anti-safety,” D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray told re: a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) billboard promoting their First Shot program. Not mentioned by NBC: the District’s pols refuse to”allow” a gun range in the nation’s capitol. Also no word on when the mainstream media will abandon the lazy-ass and profoundly misleading pseudo-journalistic technique known as vox populi or man-in-the-street sound bites.

18 thoughts on “D.C. Mayor Bitches About Ballistic Billboard”

  1. Well, of course Gray is against it. Given what the 2A was created to protect, why wouldn’t a corrupt tyrant be against it?

  2. Well, of course hizzoner is against the safe and responsible exercise of a civil right in the nation’s capital. What other stance could he take?

    • person in the street interviews…. When you’re in charge, and you don’t like the answers, you can just ignore them and NOT air them.

  3. “Also no word on when the mainstream media will abandon the lazy-ass and profoundly misleading pseudo-journalistic technique known as vox populi or man-in-the-street sound bites.”

    The answer is “never.” CNN wrote a news article at 9:40 Monday night about the Mars rover landing. At 8 the next morning, they wrote a follow-up entitled “Mars Rover: Is all this really necessary,” and about a quarter of that article was devoted to quoting and discussing what random commenters had said under the previous article. CN-effing-N is using random comments as the basis for “news” articles. “Man on the street” is never going away.

  4. haha, my comment copied the headline for this post and since there is a profane word in it my comment has been held back. I think thats funny.

  5. So, the Mayor says, “I think it’s offensive,” and “It’s really not responsible at all, in fact, I think it’s irresponsible.”

    Guess what, you blithering idiot, you know what kind of speech the First Amendment was designed to protect from the likes of you? Offensive speech. Irresponsible speech. Speech that you don’t like, or don’t agree with. I thank the good Lord above for the guys who were smart enough to write the restrictions down on paper, so that whinging dirtbags like you can’t prohibit things like this just because they hurt your precious feelings.

  6. So, Mr. Mayor, disarming citizens and giving criminals the upper hand is somehow “pro-safety”?

    • What’s really interesting to me is that this poster isn’t promoting arming citizens or armed self-defense or concealed carry. Solely based on its appearance, it’s promoted shooting sports, as in “recreational shooting.”

      I’m trying to figure out if the Mayor finds recreational shooting more or less offensive than the thought of armed self-defense. Which is more abhorrent to him, learning to shoot and arming yourself out of need, or learning to shoot and arming yourself out of want?

  7. If those in our government like Vincent Gray are not removed from office and relieved of their ‘duty’ immediately…. the republic will be lost.

  8. It’s a sign promoting the safe and proper use of firearms, and it doesn’t even have a firearm pictured. How anyone could find that offensive boggles my mind.

  9. My thanks to the mayor for illustrating the fundamental difference between conservatives and “progressives”. If a conservative doesn’t like something – TV show, food, advertised product, newspaper, whatever – he/she does not buy or use that item. If a “progressive” desn’t like something, they want to ban it so NO ONE can use it. This includes speech and even thoughts.

    • True. The Portland Library (the progressive government here is PC, leftist, etc) only has two books by multi-award winning famous scifi author L Neil Smith who just happens to be libertarian, a strong supporter of the 2A, and not PC. BTW, the two books of Smiths that are available at the Portland Library are both lessor known less popular titles. Some of his most popular books are The Probability Broach and Tom Paine Maru are both anti government. I can’t wait to read those two books.

  10. Politicians don’t want safe cities. Safe cities don’t have enough problems. In safe cities there are no needs for adding extra staffers, expanding the police force, putting together task forces, increasing their budget. Our politicians love problems, they love crime. They also like poor education standards, sick people, poor living conditions – the list goes on and on. They just won’t admit it. These are sick individuals, they are ambulance chasers. Just look at the average politician: they were probably not loved by their Mothers or Fathers, thus they CRAVE attention, any attention. That’s also why they tend to engage in risky behavior. That’s why so many get caught with prostitutes, taking money, snorting coke, lying about their past, forging documents, etc. These people are not your “average” individual. They are sick, they can’t help themselves. In fact, deep down inside they probably hate themselves. That’s why they try to make everyone’s lives so difficult. It may actually make them feel better. Probably also why they write books about themselves. Only partially sarcastic.

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