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David Gregory with the offending magazine (courtesy
In yet another example of gun laws that will only trip up the lawful, Washington, D.C. is requiring all gun owners in the District (link contains auto-play video) to re-register their firearms with the police within 90 days, starting January 1. Letters will start going out soon to anyone who registered a firearm in the District between 1976 and 2010. The re-registration will require a trip, in person, to the police station, and will be good for three years, at which point the registration will have to be renewed (but hey, at least that one can be done online or by mail). Anyone who fails to re-register can be cited for possession of an unregistered firearm, and…

could face a fine of up to $1,000 and/or up to 1 year in jail. Remember, folks, these would be people who already obeyed the law once by registering, but now would be made criminal by failing to do so again. Meanwhile, criminals and prohibited persons still cannot be legally required to register their guns. Dick Heller has apparently filed suit to challenge the new requirement. [h/t Pascal]

A three-year-old girl was injured in a shootout in the Avondale neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio at about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. Two men fired “at least 10 bullets” at each other, one of which struck little L’eah Johnson in the buttocks and exited through her abdomen. SWAT was called in, and six people voluntarily surrendered themselves into custody after a brief standoff. As of late Tuesday, the toddler was in critical care at the hospital, though police do not believe her injuries are life-threatening. Unfortunately, she’ll still have to spend the rest of her life correcting the spelling of her name to everyone she meets.

The West [by God] Virginia Citizens Defense League filed an injunction request on Tuesday seeking to force the city of Charleston to do away with a waiting period and limit on handgun purchases and allow the carry of firearms on city property. Earlier this year, the WV Legislature approved a preemption law in the interests of uniformity, taking the regulation of guns away from individual cities. The Charleston city ordinances would lose effect under the preemption law, though under the law, Charleston could keep its firearms laws by opting out of the Home Rule Program, which allows cities the power to enact their own taxes and pass other local regulations. Charleston recently passed a half-cent sales tax that’s allowed under Home Rule, which Citizens Defense League lawyers argue means that the city intends to remain on Home Rule, and should therefore be forced to abandon their city gun ordinances.

Today’s Lockdown of the Dayâ„¢ is brought to you from the Alexander School System in Albany, Ohio. The 90-minute lockdown was implemented on Friday following the discovery of a magazine from a 9mm handgun in a 10th-grade student’s locker. The magazine contained “three or four rounds” of ammunition. No weapon was found, and an interview of the student and his family indicated that the gun to which the magazine belonged had been sold years before.

Do you know what dish you’re taking to your holiday dinner yet? If not, mattv2099 would like to suggest some Austrian Fruit Salad. It tastes like freedom!
I’d leave out the kiwi.

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  1. Any TTAG readers in DC that don’t feel like re-registering their guns can bring them to my gun safe. I promise they are going to a good and loving home. I’ll even send yearly updates on what they’ve been up to. I’m right across the Potomac in gun friendly (at least for now) Virginia.

    • Zig Heil Mein Fuerer, 1st Registration, Then Confiscation,,
      We can go house to house Just like in High Water Canada…

      • come down to the station. we just want to talk. 10 years hard labor in the Gulag. Seriously. this is Fucked UP. You think all the hoods are going to run down and re-register? They never registered in the first place.

    • Damn that boat. Took my guns out fishing and they slipped overboard. You know guns just don’t float even if they have wood furniture?

      Oh, the horror.

      • I’ll even allow annual visitation. I’m just saying if someone is facing confiscation there is another option; their guns can live a free and happy life.

    • I’m comfortable with that. Saddling a child with an uncommon spelling of a common name is damn near child abuse, in my opinion.

    • I doubt they would have made the joke if her survival was still in doubt. Since it sounds like she’ll make it, I say fair game.

      • Yeah, if she had died or been “expectant” then it’s not like I would have said, “Well, at least she doesn’t have to worry…”

    • Oh I’m on board with it. Moreover, let a hundred flowers bloom, I say, and let’s get all multicultural up in here. It’s time we add some diversity to the naming of major storms. Forget about a black president, we won’t enter post-racial America until we start seeing Hurricane Laquisha or Tropical Storm Anfernee come ashore.

  2. You know, over the last couple of days this site is making me feel better and better about moving to OH….

  3. Unfreeking believable. DC has gone past full retard.
    Going to see if Mr. Heller has any kind of fund set up or if his attorney is pro bono.

    • Yep, Congress’ little plantation on the Potomac. It’s the Feds’ model for the rest of the country. Enjoy…

    • Because it’s a re-registration requirement. You cannot re-register unless you have previously registered. It’s like being late once makes you tardy, and being late subsequent times makes you retardy.

  4. “an interview of the student and his family indicated that the gun to which the magazine belonged had been sold years before”

    Sounds a lot like “lost in a tragic boating accident”…

    • Like i told the stoners when my high school brought in the drug dogs. Always keep your contraband on your person. They check lockers and cars, not pockets…yet.

      • We can check pockets with “reasonable suspicion,” a far less restrictive measurement than the police have to follow.

  5. Half-cent tax. Why not just say we’re gonna tax you a penny? Instead, its “hey f*ck you, you’re stupid and you won’t complain about it if its less than a penny when really it’s a penny cuz nobody carries around half pennies you stupid d*ckhead”. What a bag of d*cks. Literally, a satchel sewn for the sole purpose of containing multiple d*cks. They are d*ckbags.

    • Are the d*cks all mashed together like assorted chicken parts, or are they sticking out the top like baguettes?

      (h/t to Louis CK)

    • Yeah, if it’s a half-cent sales tax on every purchase, no matter what the purchase price, then that’s pretty stupid.

      On the other hand, if it’s a 0.5 percent sales tax on the purchase price, then it works out just as well as any other tax rate.

  6. So THAT’s what those Ka-Bar pistol bayonets are for! I have been wondering for so long now. Now it all makes sense.

  7. Who cares if people register. The government doesn’t care if people don’t abide by the law. I learned this first hand last week. I recently called the ATF’s NFA branch to report a gun dealer selling NFA items without a SOT(Selling NFA items illegally) and they refereed me to a Atlanta office, which referred me to another office in Portland, OR to only have them say ok when we have time we will look in to it. I got the very distinct impresson they could “care less”. I even had to explain to the ATF agent on the phone what a NFA or Title II weapon was. It would seem like they only are taught about Title I firearms. I even gave them video and paperwork evidence that the FFL knowingly lied on federal documents. He even admitted he knew he was filling out false documents to see if they (ATF) would no catch it. This ticks me off because when 07 FFL dealer is selling the NFA items it’s illegal and makes the whole FFL community look bad. Maybe he gets caught someday and we know the media is going to make huge deal of NFA items. “Why wasn’t he caught, why wasn’t he blah blah blah” We need more control ect. He even has a Facebook page showing him shooting full auto post 86 machine guns. It would seem that it’s a waste of time to report criminals to the ATF and FBI. It was a real wake up call to me. Now I know why media breaks the law. They know that no one cares. It seems only when someone high up in government makes noise do they care. I won’t be calling them again to report illegal firearm activity if they are going to make me jump through hoops. It sucks for us who follow the laws.

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