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Weapons seizure Kanagawa Japan courtesy

Despite the fact that Japan is basically a completely disarmed country, Japanese police seized a bunch of guns and ammunition from a house in Kanagawa Prefecture that they’d received a tip was a yakuza stash house. They found 18 handguns including S&W revolvers and Colt automatic pistols, a “military rifle” and 670 rounds of ammunition. No arrests have been made in connection with the seizure. Read on. . .

Your Lockdown of the Day™ comes from Bolingbrook, IL, where Bolingbrook High School was placed on a short lockdown after a freshman put a BB gun in the face of his math teacher. He had been asking the teacher for a grade change when he pointed the gun at the teacher point blank. According to the principal, the gun appeared to be a real firearm and the student believed it fired bullets, not BBs. “The student did believe it was real,” he said. The student fled the classroom and was found by school officials hiding in a bathroom with the gun to his neck. The principal talked the kid down, he put the gun down, and was apprehended. The whole incident, including the lockdown, took about six minutes.

Back on the 24th I told you about an Indiana lawmaker proposing a bill, HB 1048, that would allow gun owners to store guns in their vehicles on school campuses. That bill had a vote pending last week, but then it was held over by the Public Policy Committee because of the Purdue University shooting. Tuesday was the last day to move a bill to the full House, and 1048 did not get scheduled, because Rep. Tom Dermody, chair of the Public Policy Committee had second thoughts and decided not to move it forward. Instead, lawmakers attempted to attach an amendment that would have the same effect as 1048 to HB 1005, an unrelated greenhouse gas-related bill. The bill passed out of committee, but was stopped by the House Speaker and the Rules Committee, who stripped the gun amendment from 1005 so that bill could move forward. “I support the language 100 percent in another context,” said Rep. Jerry Torr, R-Carmel, chairman of the Rules Committee. The point of all this that everyone involved in the non-passage of this good law is a Republican.

A retired Florida Department of Law Enforcement agent’s badge and gun were taken from his vehicle as it was parked outside a bar in Lakeland, Florida on Sunday. A rear window was smashed, and the former agent’s badge and GLOCK-brand GLOCK 9mm were taken, along with a briefcase, cash, personal checks, and a driver’s license. Florida law prohibits him from keeping the gun on him while he was in the bar, unless he was on duty.

Two teens in Fitchburg, MA were arrested on drug and gun charges Tuesday morning in a raid carried out by local and state police and federal officials. Fitchburg and state police and members of the BATFE were involved in the raid, which ended with two 19-year-old men arrested. One was charged with possession with intent and unlawful possession of ammunition without a FID card, and the other was also charged with unlawful possession of ammunition without an FID card. The punch line is this: the laws in Massachusetts are working. How can you tell? The second teen, the one only charged with the FID violation, has seven other pending firearm-related charges and this incident violated his pretrial release. So clearly, the laws are having their desired deterrent effect. Right?

Hickok45 has a followup on his two Springfield Armory XDs pistols, post-recall.


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  1. Is that rifle missing its charging handle and bolt carrier group? Looks like a Surefire 60 round mag too

  2. I’ve noticed in anti-gun jurisdictions like Japan, England, Chicago pre-Heller, and others that connected bad guys still manage to have firearms.

    It’s almost like high level crooked government reps and high level gangs are working together to mutually pillage the common, law abiding man.
    Ach, what am I saying.That’s pure crazy talk……….

    • That’s crazy talk, all right! The government would never do us dirty like that. They just have the safety of the children in mind. What, do you not care about the children?

      HEY EVERYBODY, this guy doesn’t care about the children!!

      /progressive brainwashing

  3. That looks like a 1903 Colt. No doubt smelter bound. 670 rounds of ammo. The Japanese government would soil themselves if they looked in my bins.

    • Sadly, all of these firearms in the picture are what the japanese consider “the good stuff.”

    • It is somewhat disorienting to reflect that a “Yakuza Stash House” is less well equipped than, put discreetly, many an ordinary US sport shooter’s safe. The Yakuza, though, are just the Japanese upper class’ way of keeping the peasants in line. They are registered (yep, they have to register) hoodlums. Bizarre, really.

      The reason for such a paltry stash is clear: As Japan is thoroughly disarmed, the Yakuza just beat their victims to a pulp without fear of a gun defense, or slice them up, as hoods did in the Chicago projects sixty years ago. Guns are loud and you have to keep buying ammunition.

      • As I understand it from some gaijin friends who live there and some sketchy ex-pats I knew back in my SF days, the Yakuza are all armed like a Compton gang banger.

        Here’s the real politik angle, they almost never use them. Like many a criminal enterprise in any developed country there is an “understanding” about how the game is to be played. As in Italy, the criminal element is an integral part of the society, it exists because it must, and as long as it “behaves” within certain proscribed limits it gets (mostly) left alone. Save for the occasional sacrifice.

        Net, net, the cops know exactly who the Yakuza are – they bribe them as a matter of course and are “protected”. To a point. But, should somebody start shooting, the Japanese police will get Medieval on their buttocks and act on all the info they already have.

        I’ll do a little digging, Dollars to Yen this was a police retaliation for somebody stepping over the line.

    • The cynic in me thinks the yak informer was probably from a rival gang… They probably “let” the cops raid this house for this stash.

      Plenty of guns get smuggled into Japan, but they’re rarely used in crime… And when they are, the gangsters there have the courtesy to shoot other gang members rather than civilians.

  4. Why on earth was the ATF involved in the raid on these two gangbanger felons? I don’t see that ANY federal firearms laws were violated, and the only possible federal law violation (charged as a state crime) was the heroin possession with intent to sell, which is outside the ATF’s jurisdiction.

  5. So, an entire school district is locked down for four hours after a toy gun is found in a kid’s backpack (I exaggerate for effect,) but an incident with a real gun (sort of) is brought to a close within six minutes? Wowser. Go Illinois, go.

  6. “The principle, upon realizing that it was a BB gun told the student to; ‘Go ahead, do it. No balls!’ The unidentified freshman was seen being loaded into a squad car with one hell of a welt.”

    • Agreed.

      To put that in perspective – 210 rounds (7 magazines) is a basic load for an M16. Most guys carry more than that (due to the “if you can’t eat it, wear it, or shoot it, don’t bring it” mentality). So 670 rounds is kind of pathetic.

  7. Apparently, the Yakuza don’t train. My wife would blow through that in a couple of months.

    Also, how in the heck does a retired officer still have a badge? That belongs at the officers home, prominently displayed on his “I love me” wall, not in his car. Guess it was good for getting out of tickets, until it was stolen.

    As a proud owner of a Springfield-brand GLOCK 9mm, the rest looks fine. 😉

    • Or maybe they do train and that’s why there’s so little!

      Nah, they don’t. Not easy to let off a few rounds without getting noticed.

  8. Japan has a long history of disarming its subjects. The Japanese government, Imperial or otherwise, has rarely if ever allowed its subjects to carry weapons of any sort–blunt, bladed or projectile. Those weapons were reserved for military, law enforcement, and the well-connected (see: samurai) Peasants had to make do with whatever they could improvise–a water staff, gardening implements, or their bare hands.

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