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Daily Digest: ‘Lucky’ in Washington, Gifting a Gun, and Packing in Public ‘Parks’

Stroke of luck and gun laws kept Washington state mall shooting from being much worse, police say – “’I suspect,’ said Burlington Police Det. Adrian Kuschnereit, ‘that this theater room and the people inside of it may have been a planned target for a shooting.’ But because of Cetin’s strange behavior and reluctance to go through a background check, a gun store clerk refused to sell him a .45-caliber handgun hours before the suspect went to the mall. And Cetin’s cellphone, wedged in the theater exit door, was spotted by a moviegoer and removed.” Funny that the LA Times story doesn’t give much credit to the responsible FFL who refused to sell a gun to a questionable individual.

Flip or Flop’s Freshly Separated Hosts Clarify That Gun Incident – “On Monday, Flip or Flop’s hosts, Tarek and Christina El Moussa shocked the home-improvement television-watching public with news of their separation. Today, they clarified some details in People Magazine. The outlet traces the break in their marriage to an incident that went down back in May of this year, during which Tarek hopping the fence in his backyard and wandering into Chino Hills State Park with a gun in his backpack. TMZ released some particulars from the police report, which stated that 11 Orange County deputies and a helicopter responded to a call regarding ‘a possibly suicidal male with a gun.’” He apparently just wanted to “blow off some steam.”

Tis the season . . . When gifting a gun, ‘do your homework’ – “Some might question whether it’s legal to buy another person a firearm as a gift, given rules about straw purchases. The short answer: ‘You can purchase a firearm as a gift legally,’ Kolisek said. ‘You cannot purchase a firearm for someone who cannot purchase a firearm for themselves legally — that becomes a straw purchase,’ he said. ‘It becomes a little convoluted, especially with ATF regulations. It has to be a legitimate gift. If you receive money for it, it’s no longer a gift.’”

TTAG’s resident war hero Jon Wayne Taylor [not shown] managed to get the Tavor X95 to shoot a 1.05″ MOA group at 100 yards, sending IWI match ammo downrange. His average group: 1.75 MOA. His groups with other match grade ammo: a bit over 2.5 or more MOA. In the video above, Steve Fisher and Tom Alibrando have a go at accuracy testing the X95, shooting at a steel plate two hundred yards distant. “Two hundred’s fine,” the duo pronounce after ringing steel. Good enough?

The last thing we need is guns at sporting events –  “Current Washington law prevents possession of firearms at ‘any stadium or convention center, operated by a city, town, county, or other municipality’ unless an individual has a concealed carry permit. But most stadiums are operated by public facilities districts or private entities, and thus, can make their own rules on weapons. The bill proposed by McCaslin, Shea and Taylor would expand the law so it specifically prohibits public facilities districts and public stadium authorities, or any private group that leases a stadium or arena from them, from banning pistols for those with concealed carry permits.” If it’s owned by a private entity, they make their own rules. But in a publicly owned facility, the laws of the state and Constitution should apply.

The case for expanding campus gun carry – “The most common objection to campus carry is the increased danger of allowing firearms on campus. Opponents of campus carry present a gruesome parade of horribles if individuals can carry guns on campus—heated classroom discussions will break out into gunfights, students will shoot professors who give them bad grades, partying will turn dangerous with the mix of alcohol and guns, and unintentional shootings will multiply. It is extremely unlikely that this parade will ever materialize.” Not to mention that it hasn’t yet at any of the campuses where carry is now allowed. 

Cops shoot and kill someone about 1,000 times a year. Few are prosecuted. What can be done? – “Jurors’ unwillingness to convict police officers may seem baffling — if not infuriating. But it’s not difficult to understand their reluctance. They don’t want to second-guess the split-second life-or-death decisions of a police officer who used deadly force. They understand that policing is violent and that sometimes police officers have to use their guns. Some jurors don’t believe a police officer could be a murderer. It is also possible that jurors are afraid to find a police officer guilty, because they think his or her colleagues might retaliate against them.” Or the vast majority could actually be good shoots.

Voodoo does that GLOCK voodoo that they do so well. In this case,  a complete GLOCK slide with suppressor height sights and a new recoil spring. Agency Arms G43 drop-in trigger will delight mouse gun owners who want to perfect perfection (perfectly). Critical Capabilities AR-15 lower receiver takes GLOCK mags because who wants to carry two different mags when you’re doing two-gun.  And while we know many of our readers consider “smart guns” a government plot to switch off the Second Amendment, ZEROBRAVO’s S.M.A.R.T. Card is a great way to zero your gun. I wonder if Instructor Zero uses it.

34 thoughts on “Daily Digest: ‘Lucky’ in Washington, Gifting a Gun, and Packing in Public ‘Parks’”

  1. According to the People magazine story (which my wife reads), not only did the Orange County Sheriff hunt down Tarek, they took his gun out of his back pack–and every gun in his house “out of an abundance of caution,” even though there did not appear to be any basis to detain him under Welfare & Institutions Code section 5150 (involuntary mental health assessment law). One, I wold like to know what legal authority they think they had to do that (none that I know of), and two, whether he will ever see them again.

    • No doubt the wife gave them the guns.
      My wife watches that show. Neither of them impress me but she always struck me as a high maintenance bitch.

      • My wife watches that show too and I have always had the same opinion as you do.

        Then again the guy seems like a tool too so I always figured maybe they were meant for each other. Guess I was wrong.

        Then again maybe it was all for the cameras.

      • Highest MAINTENANCE possible.
        Like Lee Trevino once said ” somewhere someone is sick of her shit”
        Wouldn’t mind checking her plumbing though…

  2. “Funny that the LA Times story doesn’t give much credit to the responsible FFL who refused to sell a gun to a questionable individual.”

    I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.

    “Voodoo does that GLOCK voodoo that they do so well.”

    Points for the Blazing Saddles reference, Dan.

  3. Stroke of luck huh? Isn’t that how its supposed to work? Oh and California confiscates guns all the time. Dude didn’t even get a celebutard break…the “respect my authoritah punk” rule.

  4. 1.75 average MOA out of a nearly $2k rifle is simply unacceptable when you’re using match grade ammo.

    Hopefully the DT MDR will be able to top that handily when it’s released, and have a 300AAC option.

    • Accuracy wise they’re frankly shoddy. I like mine ergonomically but it seems like a bit of a miss in every other way.

    • The rifle would probably do better with someone behind it who understands proper form for marksmanship, unlike the guys in the video.

  5. Tomorrow, my dad turns 80. I have heard him talk about wanting a 357 magnum for a long time. I guess it was more of a wish than a want. On the way home today, I decided to make his wish come true. Can’t wait to see his reaction tomorrow when he unwraps a brand new Ruger GP100.
    My youngest son will be 21 in February. He wants a revolver. Shit! I don’t even have one yet. Maybe I should ask for one.

    • My thoughts exactly. I bought one of those Polymer80 glock lowers a ways back, and now the biggest problem with it is finding a complete slide that doesn’t cost more than a new Whole pistol.

      • I know this will be hard to believe, but I bought 2 complete Glock slides off eBay, yes, gun hating eBay, for around $300 a piece. They were sold as brand new. If they were used, I couldn’t find any evidence of it. Give them a look.

    • Accidents, negligence, stupidity, and, yes, even intentional mayhem will eventually occur in any human activity, period. That’s just part of the package for being human.

  6. What? 1000 killings by cops per year? If those deaths are included in the 11,000 homicides per year, that’s almost ten percent! I’m surprised it’s so high.

    • Only 1000?
      Last time I paid attention, about ten years ago, police killings of people who didn’t need killing (according to police investigations) were in the 300 range, and I thought the bad shoots were under 10% of the total.

  7. Apparently the BATF did too good a job with its “Don’t Lie For The Other Guy” campaign.

    Once the BATFE got a case before the Supreme Court (Abramski,, ‘straw purchase’ got a new definition:
    Holding: Regardless whether the actual buyer could have purchased the gun, a person who buys a gun on someone else’s behalf while falsely claiming that it is for himself makes a material misrepresentation punishable under 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(6), which prohibits knowingly making false statements “with respect to any fact material to the lawfulness of a sale of a gun.”

    Abramski was not a prohibited person. His uncle was not a prohibited person. The transfers to each of them properly went through an FFL SCOTUSBLOG analysis summarized “It makes no difference, the Court majority stressed, that the individual who buys the gun personally or the individual who actually gets the gun after the purchase has a legal right to have a gun. That does not excuse the crime of lying about who the buyer is at the time of the sale, it said. The government has to be able to track gun buyers, and truthful forms about buyers are a key to that, according to the ruling.”

    Transfer to an ineligible person is also a crime, 18 USC 922 (d), but that is not the definition of a ‘straw purchase’.

    • His uncle was the true purchaser, not a gift recipient.
      The case was still bullshit though. The most he was guilty of was defrauding a manufacturer out of a Blue Line Discount.

  8. ““Jurors’ unwillingness to convict police officers may seem baffling — if not infuriating…”

    Juries do convict officers sometimes… see: Peter Liang. I think the very best indicator that a jury will find guilty is when the prosecutor charges appropriately and doesn’t confuse their own case by trying for murder charges in clear manslaughter cases.

  9. Police are actually more likely to be convicted for violent crimes than the general public. It is a reluctance to second guess them WHILE PERFORMING THEIR DUTIES. There is also this problem with grandstanding prosecutors bringing ridiculous charges, then switching up at the last second when it’s clear the jury aint buying it.

    Not saying criminals aren’t human, but would a dog catcher be charged with animal cruelty for using that pole/lasso thing? I mean the dogs seem to hate it. The dog catcher gets bit all the time so he must hate it. Hell, lots of folks find the whole idea of a “dog pound” to be abhorrent on it’s face, they definitely hate it. But, you know, packs of wild dogs roaming the streets where our kids are playing remain no bueno.

  10. As has been stated….it’s rare for an officer to be charged for killing someone….and it’s virtually unheard of for them to be convicted. They are rarely charged unless the DA feels massive pressure to charge…usually because the evidence of guilt is OVERWHELMING ( see the Scott/Slager case). They are almost NEVER convicted because the defense and the police union only have to bribe, coerce, blackmail, intimidate or secrete ONE JUROR into refusing to convict to get
    an acquittal….(again, see the Scott/Slager case). This situation can be remedied first by recalling the elected DA when they refuse to charge for what is blatant criminality. Second require ALL such trials to be held in a jurisdiction FAR from where the charged officer works to minimize the ability of the defense and the unions etc. to tamper with jurors. And finally we need FEDERAL prosecutors to go after these criminals when the state system fails….(once again see the Scott/Slager case).

    • Dan – “the defense and the police union only have to bribe, coerce, blackmail, intimidate or secrete ONE JUROR”. Are you implying that this occurred in the Slager/Scott case or in fact ANY police-involved shooting? Granted, the hung jury in this case was puzzling and downright inexplicable – but that doesn’t mean that there was improper/illegal activity by the defense or police union. If you have proof that any such activity occurred in this or any other police-involved shooting, let’s see it.

      • Not only was that verdict explicable, but this “lone juror” ended up getting a majority to side with him against the voluntary manslaughter charge. The murder charge was rejected on the first day of deliberations, unanimously, even by the lone black juror.

        Expert after expert testified that the evidence proved Scott assaulted Slager, even showing that Slager’s own blood and distinctive taser burns were found on Slager’s uniform. They also tore the prosecution to pieces over the “taser planting” theory. Are you ready for this? He didn’t plant it. His initial statements match the video perfectly.

        I know this is really hard for you to believe but Michael Slager was justified. No jury will ever convict him.

  11. “And while we know many of our readers consider “smart guns” a government plot to switch off the Second Amendment…”

    Lol. I know I do. Even if “safety” was the current intent with those things, there’s no doubt in my mind that, down the road, they would be used for exactly that purpose.

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