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Daily Digest: Pop Psychology, Blaming Us, and Russia Uses the Big Guns

From the Survey of American Fears . . . The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns – “According to the New America Foundation, jihadists killed 94 people inside the United States between 2005 and 2015. During that same time period, 301,797 people in the US were shot dead, Politifact reports. At first blush, these numbers might seem to indicate that Donald Trump’s temporary ban on immigrants from seven countries—a goal he said was intended to “protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States”—is utterly misguided. But Trump is right about at least one thing: Americans are more afraid of terrorism than they are of guns, despite the fact that guns are 3,210 times more likely to kill them.”

Your V8 forehead slapper of the day . . . Despite tough Canadian rules, illegal guns within reach – “Canada’s gun control laws ban dozens of assault rifles, but some permitted firearms are easily modified for greater damage, and more lax regulations in the United States make smuggled weapons accessible, experts said after a rare Canadian mass shooting on Sunday. A man was charged on Monday with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder with a restricted weapon in the shooting at a Quebec City mosque. Police have not commented on the type of gun used, but sources said it was a semi-automatic weapon.” The gist: it’s America’s fault.

Making Tennessee’s parks great again . . . NRA Applauds Vreeland v. City of Knoxville Settlement – “The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) applauds the settlement reached in Vreeland v. City of Knoxville. This settlement strikes a reasonable balance between the right to carry firearms in public parks within Knoxville, as guaranteed by Tennessee law, and the city’s use of Chilhowee Park as a secure facility for private or ticketed events. At its core, this settlement reaffirms that individuals have the right to defend themselves with lawfully possessed firearms throughout Tennessee.”

Walther Arms, Inc. Launches 2017 USPSA & IDPA Contingency Program – Walther Arms, Inc. has a rich history steeped in competition shooting with our rimfire and airgun competition rifles and pistols. Now Walther is also targeting practical shooting competitions. The PPQ and the new Q5 Match have become serious contenders for practical shooters in the production and carry optics categories because of the ergonomic grip and top of the line factory triggers. To further support practical shooting disciplines Walther Arms is offering a contingency program for USPSA and IDPA top matches, putting $400,000 on the line for competitors that win with a Walther. Walther has made it incredibly easy for shooters to participate in the program, and will be rewarding top placement in specified divisions.

No more dish pan hands!

The Russian Military’s Super Weapon of Choice: The ‘Big Guns’ – “The heavy use of artillery reflects the fact that Russia models its army to be artillery-centric, and it shares that doctrinal philosophy — not to mention the weapons themselves — with its proxies in Eastern Ukraine. It’s also a doctrine that derives from the particular environments in which Russia fights its wars, and is a tradition that developed first in Imperial Russia and honed by the Soviet Union during World War II, when the Red Army carried out the largest artillery bombardments in history in the Seelow Heights and the Karelian Isthmus.”



22 thoughts on “Daily Digest: Pop Psychology, Blaming Us, and Russia Uses the Big Guns”

  1. Good. With Trump in charge maybe we can get Putin to bring some of that artillery to Syria in a joint offensive. Would love to see some daesh bag heads get crushed underneath the treads of some T-90 tanks.

  2. Just a “wee” bit too much finger in the trigger I’d say.
    Just sayin.
    I think that was British humor or something.

  3. It does amuse me how much people fear terrorism, of all the threats we face in our collapsing country it doesn’t even make my top 10.

    • To me, terrorism is a bigger fear than being shot, and here’s why: I don’t engage in a lifestyle that would tend to get me shot.
      About 2/3 of those deaths are from suicide, and I’m not suicidal.
      Most of the rest are connected with either a failed relationship, or criminal activity.
      Terrorism, on the other hand, is random. It makes no difference what the victims are doing, they are just dead.

      One I can control for the most part, the other I can’t control at all.
      Although, to be honest, I fear driving more than I do terrorism. Much greater chance of being killed, and it’s just as random.

  4. “Semi-automatic guns can legally hold magazines up to five rounds in Canada, but many military-style semi-automatics are easily modified to 30 rounds, said A.J. Somerset, an author on gun issues.” Modified? Changing out a five round magazine for a thirty round magazine is a modification? Yep, learn something new every day.

    I’ve heard that the semi-automatic rifle used in the mosque shooting was an AK-47. How much of a thigh-slapper would it be it the trace on it revealed that it somehow made its way into Canada after going into Mexico via “Fast and Furious”?

    • I think what Mr. Somerset means by modification is that in Canada rifle magazines (20,30,40 etc. -round) are pinned to hold 5 rounds with a pinned rivet. The rivet can be drilled out but there is prison time of up to 5 years if it is done. AKM type rifles are banned however the similar vz-58 and Type-81 rifles are legal to buy. I would bet that the shooter used one of these. Canadians can also use AR-15 pistol magazines, which hold 10 rounds, in their rifles and there is even a conversion kit for the SKS to allow a 10 round 7.62×39 AR-15 pistol magazine in these rifles instead of just 5 rounds for a semi-auto. Canadian gun owners should brace for the banning of the two AK type rifles above along with “pinned” magazines. Possibly, there may be a push to ban .22 magazines over 10 rounds as there is no mag limit for .22 semi-auto mags.

  5. You’ll notice they compare 94 terrorism deaths to 300k+ deaths by firearm as a way of dismissing concerns over terrorism, but they don’t mention how many have died over the same period due to prescription drugs, medical mistakes, or heart disease.

    • God forbid they include cars, baseball bats, and frying pans. All have higher annual casualty rates than firearms.

    • You can stop at medical errors, perhaps the most lethal of all. What should people really fear? Consulting a physician. (Let alone being hospitalized…) Doctors’ mistakes kill 300K+ per year. Not ‘nothing we can do’ , but ‘oops, did I say 10cc? I meant 1cc…’

      Besides, those “gun figures” include the ~2/3s that are suicides.

      • Yeah, that suicide figure makes the entire “study” obvious bullstuff. Why would I EVER be afraid of suicide?

        • “Why would I EVER be afraid of suicide?”
          You’d be surprised at how many people with no suicidal tendencies suddenly turn suicidal.
          The reasons are legion, ranging from the death/injury to a loved one, a sudden forced lifestyle change, or even something as simple as neurological damage from a blow to the head from a fall, to the stupid reasons such as being jilted by your high school girlfriend (for all of three weeks).
          Suicide is not something you can rule out so positively. Far too many people have done it who appeared to have no reason for it at all.

    • According to ‘Consumer’s Reports’ magazine there are 440,000 deaths PER YEAR from medical errors. This is a truly mind bogling fiqure, but they had the data to back it up. I personally have known a few people this happened to though.

  6. “The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns”

    Silly and stupid. Net out the suicides and familial murders from that 301,797, and what’s left are mostly murders committed by professional criminals knocking off other professional criminals on the streets of Chicago and other Democrat cities.

    Avoid those places and you’re as safe as safe gets in the modern world.

    Terrorists will find you in an otherwise peaceful suburban mall, music hall, street fair or favorite restaurant.

    • Mass shootings all happen at those places too without any consideration for what kind of life you’ve been leading and they have a higher combined body count than 100 people over the course of 10 years. It’s really silly to worry about those things though because their per capita occurrence is highly rare. The same is even more true of terrorism.

  7. “The gist: it’s America’s fault.”
    Not really in this case. What he’s really saying is “guns that are legal in Canada can be easily modified by their UNSTABLE OWNERS into DEADLY KILLING MACHINES that these licensed gun owners will use to KILL EN MASSE when they finally GO INSANE. Therefore we need to ban more guns.” The left likes to talk about dog whistles, but in this case it’s one long dog-whistle against licensed Canadian gun owners, who by the way are the least likely of all Canadian demographics to commit violent crimes.

    And every day, gang bangers shoot each other with smuggled or stolen guns.

  8. “From the Survey of American Fears . . . The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns …”

    … should start with the insanity of assigning responsibility for any number of deaths to inanimate objects. “With.” It’s “with guns.”

    Guns don’t do anything at all. People do things, sometimes, with guns. 94 deaths from terrorism, compared with 301,797 deaths from people doing other things (One assumes. The quote does not specify.) , with guns.

    Shooting a gun is hard. Shooting a gun at something is harder. Shooting something with a gun takes several steps, all hard to do right” get ammunition, which you can get wrong; combine the gun with ammunition, which you can get wrong; make the gun fireable, which you can get wrong; point the gun at what you want to harm, which requires very fine movement & control; and operate the firing mechanism, which is incredibly specific.

    On their own, guns just sit there, perhaps rusting. Being afraid of guns is like being afraid of rocks. In psychology, that’s called a phobia.

  9. I sometimes wonder why liberals who hate guns don’t consider the deaths by firearm in the country, since they are overwhelmingly criminals being killed, a matter of ad hoc population control which may work to eliminate a penchant for violence from the gene pool.

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