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Daily Digest: The Narrative is Everything, CNN’s Silver Lining, and Ammunition Wines

What TeenVogue Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Gun Rights – “As a teenager growing up in north central Florida, Teen Vogue was one of my favorite magazines. It spoke to my interest in design and fashion as well as my desire for self-empowerment and knowledge. But when I came across a recent guest column in the magazine by gun control activist Shannon Watts, I was stunned at how one-sided it was. I submitted an alternative perspective to Teen Vogue, but the editors sat on my submission, refusing to even respond to my multiple inquiries. I was left to assume they didn’t want to share my point of view with their readers.” That’s probably a safe assumption. 

The Brady Campaign is running a survey in case you’d like to participate.

So the NRA spent $30 million (ponied up by five million members) compared to Michael Bloomberg’s $50 million…an amount he keeps in checking. If the election had gone the other way,  that would have been Shannon sitting there at the table with President Hillary. There but for the grace of God . . .

They didn’t do it alone . . . SIG SAUER, Inc. Thanks Partners for U.S. Army Modular Handgun System “Two industry leaders partnered with SIG SAUER in the RFP, including Winchester® of East Alton, Illinois, and Ultimate Training Munitions (UTM) of North Branch, New Jersey. Winchester supplied ammunition for the rigorous MHS testing, while UTM supplied non-lethal ammunition and conversion components for training. Winchester and UTM join SIG SAUER by being selected as the ammunition and training component providers for the MHS award.”

According to this songwriter, all we need is one less gun. Well, maybe. Any volunteers? [NOTE: TTAG will not give you your 2:58 minutes back.

The consequences of establishing a “gun-free” zone . . . Bills aims to hold businesses banning guns responsible for customers – “More and more businesses across the country are banning firearms on their property. Now, a proposed bill in the state Legislature aims to make those businesses responsible for the safety of customers who may be left vulnerable without access to their weapon. Michael Sfakianos is a concealed weapons permit holder and values his right to carry his gun in public. ‘If something were to happen, how long does it take for law enforcement to get there or someone else to help me out?’ he asks. ‘I’m responsible for my own well-being, my own life.'”

Legal quandaries down under . . . The legal minefield of 3-D printed guns – “In the next 20 years we will be able to print drugs, metals and substances at an atomic level – possibly all at home. Regulation of these things is currently predicated on the idea that producing them typically required expertise and specialised equipment. But that may no be the case for long. This will mean we need a new unified approach to legislation that specifically speaks to the capabilities of 3-D printers, and the distribution of the files they use.”

CNN finds a silver lining . . . How President Trump is bad for the gun industry – “President Barack Obama was the greatest gun salesman in America — until Hillary Clinton ran to replace him. Sales soared to records because gun owners feared they would impose tougher gun restrictions. Now that a Republican endorsed by the National Rifle Association is in the White House, those supposed villains have disappeared. Sales of guns and ammo are falling, right along with the stocks of gun makers.”

‘Ammunition Wines’ Introduced at Safari Club International Convention – “Andy Wahl, GM, Winemaker and Ammunition Wine co-founder, credits the companies growth to their individual approach to their wine and customers. ‘We have wines that speak to people. We create advocates who make Ammunition Wine their own.’ Wahl said. ‘Our wines are like wiener dogs. Lots of personality and individuality, but a tough-as-nails hunting dog with a serious mean streak.’ Ammunition Wine sets itself apart with its unique, vintage early 1900’s-style packaging and tin capsules to mimic the look of a cartridge.”

 Guns and Gals, eh?

38 thoughts on “Daily Digest: The Narrative is Everything, CNN’s Silver Lining, and Ammunition Wines”

  1. I’m unconcerned about any slump in gun sales. Plenty of slave state residents who have threats and bans nearly weekly. And I’m happy I didn’t spend all my bucks before the inauguration… really good seeing old Wayne LaPierre sitting with power! It got me politically active for the 1st time in many years($ too). It mattered for a change…

  2. Yeah, 3d printing is scary all right.

    In fact it has the potential to be a seriously disruptive technology; forget about firearms, let’s think about things like basic consumer goods. Plus, if I can assemble at the atomic or near-aromic level, I should be able to take apart on the same scale; that offers the potential for nearly perfect recycling.

    If I can do it cheaply enough, that is. And there’s the rub.

        • If it can be compressed without data loss or corruption, that is. If I lose a few decibels off the high end of my favorite mp3 it ain’t no thing, but if the pistons in my 3d printed engine are a few thousandths too thick or thin, it goes boom.

      • HA! New guys again, I guess. My first computer had a 720K floppy for its *only* input, I later paid $800 to add a 20 meg hard drive. Today for $800 you can buy a laptop, fer chrissake, with 30,000 times that capacity built in. File size is no problem.

      • Like a jpg or gif. Just define outside shape and type of fill. File size can also be decreased if the shape can be defined programmatically.

    • Well technology isn’t going to regress just because it’ll cause problems for preexisting economic systems.

      Hell, I know of at least two projects that use modified welding machines.

  3. Get rid of gca 68, import bans, make cans available without paperworks and stamps. Make constitutional carry nationwide. Make machine guns once again legal to purchase new.

    Any slump in gun sales right now is just temporary. People catching their breathes and rebuilding their mad money.

    • I have little doubt that there was a huge amount of panic buying prior to the election, and now the monetary supply is sufficiently exhausted to cause sales to slump. Which is probably good if manufacturers drop prices to move all the product they ramped up and produced prior the election. And for those getting refunds, buying will resume. I understand that many gun stores in California had a hard time getting stock prior to the first of the year, and there will be a lull while the manufacturers decide which way to jump in making compliant rifles–which means either featureless (see, e.g. Stag with the Hera stock) or with Bullet Button Reloaded. However, since the regulations the CADOJ submitted were instantly challenged (and mostly incomprehensible), many are just waiting until they are final before introducing new stock.

    • That sounds like a great list, JWM. The HPA and eliminating the Hughes Amendment are particularly appealing to me- I’d love a can, not to mention a proper SAW or IAR.

    • Issue an immediate EO to reverse the expanded ITAR regulations, and let the small gunsmiths and inventers get back to work!

  4. I guess I’ll just have to settle for Mr. Trump being the Greatest Suppressed SBR Salesman of All Time.

  5. 2:58 seconds?!! Liars! Imagine my dawning horror when I clicked on the link and realized I was in for 2:58 MINUTES! MINUTES I TELL YOU!

  6. God I hope I live to see the day when I can 3D print a bottle of Chevas, an eight-ball and a good hooker.

    • I couldn’t figure out how to skew it enough to make the data useless. They’ve already answered the questions they’ll use for some press release later, and they’ll just ignore any data they don’t like, so I figured fewer returns would speak to the relevance of their organization.

    • I took the rare opportunity to call them out on their commie bs. Fuck those lying scumbags. I hope enough people fill it out counter to what they expect so that at least one mindless drone begins to question what they are doing at the Brady Campaign.

  7. “… Now that a Republican endorsed by the National Rifle Association is in the White House”

    Didn’t I read somewhere recently that some of the left-leaning voters were going out and getting guns themselves?

    • Pro gunners buy armaments on principle, anti gunners buy guns because the cannot control their madness.

    • What I read on that subject was that lefties were *threatening* to purchase guns, as though somebody cared. I doubt they will actually do it.

  8. “Why does the [NRA] have a seat at the table?”

    Oh, maybe to represent the perspective of the tens of millions of people — sorry, “deplorables” — who own and use — sorry, “bitterly cling to” — guns. You know, citizens — sorry, “irredeemables” — having a voice in govt stuff that impacts them, through their membership organization.

    Even if “the NRA” were a manufacturers’ organization — citizen disarmamant weenie sound bite #9 — they’d still be alinged with individual people — meaning their customers — because you can’t sell people what they don’t want. Until you — meaning “they” coerce them — cough “Obamacare” — an industry exists because its customers want what it does. Until the US mandates guns in the home like Switzerland, any gun manufacturers’ association represents its customers: citizens.

    Some of our progressive friands hate a membership organization speaking up on policy because they don’t recognize it as republican — small “r” — self-government in action. The rest hate it because they do. They all get wee-wee’d up when the wrong folks stop quietly sitting in the back of the bus.(*)

    (*) Quoting tbe most recent former president, who yes, said that, yes about policy opposition, and yes obviously in full knowledge of the call back — “dog whistles” is what his media enablers called such things — which would shut up most opposition, afraid of being called “racist.”

    Silly people. Having already called anyone not on their policy bus “racist”, “deplorable”, “irredeemable” even, they have nothing left to threaten with.

  9. I’m against the “holding businesses accountable for gun free zones” bill, and you should be, too. After all, are we advised near daily to avoid stupid people, in stupid places, doing stupid things? Isn’t hanging out in a so-called gun-free zone a pretty stupid thing? If so, then why do it? If you do, then why are you blaming someone else for YOUR decision?

    “Gun-free” schools, government buildings, or perhaps even private property which are mandated by statute to be gun free zone, are one thing. Those locales should provide security and take responsibility for your safety. The law forbids you from carrying there and such locations are not only inextricably linked with daily life in this society, but in the case of schools are compulsory.

    The doughnut shop down the street? Not so much. That’s private property, with numerous competitors, and a trivial impact on daily life. No shoes, no shirt, no empty holster, no service. Besides, concealed carriers can’t always be trusted to be cool about it. Just this week, a jack wagon at the Galleria here in Houston “dropped his backpack” and the firearm contained within “just went off.” Fortunately, nobody was injured. He’s banned from the Galleria now (which has lawful no-guns signs posted) and they’re yanking his carry license.

    One bad apple? Perhaps, but let’s not forget that TTAG runs a regular feature on irresponsible gun owners. Let consenting adults make their own decisions about their own engagements. Quit trying to deputize or demonize anybody who doesn’t let you get your own way on their time and property.

      • My bet is that it was the kind of gun that wasn’t in a holster or a compartment by itself, and something else in the backpack (like a pen, maybe) pulled the trigger when the backpack was dropped.

    • Not everybody lives in a large city with multiple donut shops. And even if you do not all folks are mobile enough to leave their own neighborhood at a whim.

      If a business invites the general public in it has a duty to allow them to protect themselves or provide the protection their policies deny their customers.

      • No one would be asking these businesses to provide protection for their customers, had they not removed the law-abiding citizens’ ability to protect themselves in the first place. It was THEIR unfair and discriminatory action (banning lawfully-carried guns on the premises) which prompted our REACTION (demanding they then assume responsibility for protection.)

  10. Ammunition Wines? Okay, I’ll bite:
    Cabernet Sauvignon = .308 WIN. Present at every event, usually not that exciting, but makes everyone happy.
    Sparkling rose = 6.5 Creedmore, because it’s the flavor of the week, overpriced, and doesn’t do anything .308 won’t do.
    MD20/20 = .25 ACP. Both are cheap, nasty, and regularly found in convenience stores.

  11. Did anyone else take the survey? What a bunch of propaganda, I did have fun telling them they are anti civil rights though

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