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Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Fear and Loathing in Orlando, a Useful Idiot in Pennsylvania, and Disgust in Manhattan

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9 injured after balloons cause Orlando mall shooting scare – “Two months after a gunman killed dozens inside an Orlando nightclub, the sound of popping balloons prompted shoppers to frantically flee an Orlando mall, injuring nine. Orange County Sheriff’s Officials spokeswoman Deputy Rose Silva tells news outlets there was no gunman at the Florida Mall. The loud sounds were actually from six large balloons being popped as part of an industry-standard inspection for the grand opening of former ‘NSync singer Joey Fatone’s new restaurant.” Don’t feel bad, Orlanoans. The thought of Fatone-inspired cuisine would be enough to send us running, too.


Ban crossbows!: Three killed in apparent Toronto crossbow attack – “Three people were killed Thursday after they were apparently shot with a crossbow in Toronto’s east end. Police said the bodies of two men and a woman were found in a Scarborough garage. A crossbow was found near the bodies.”

Beretta’s understandably proud of their Rio results:


I shot a skeet version of the $9000 DT11 at SHOT and it’s a hell of a gun. Maybe some day.


McGinty wins endorsement of CeaseFire Pennsylvania – “In a conference call Wednesday morning, Shira Goodman, CeaseFire Pennsylvania’s executive director, credited (Republican Senator Pat) Toomey with gun-control measures he’s backed in the past, but she also said (Democrat challenger Katie) McGinty was a better match for the group’s agenda, which includes expanding background checks, keeping guns away from those on federal terrorist watch lists and restricting military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines.” So even after Toomey carried their water, sponsored a background check bill, and publicized CeaseFire PA’s support for him, the anti-gun org throws him over and endorses the Democrat in the next election. Go figure. Two words, Senator: useful idiot.


America’s most virulently anti-gun daily newspaper isn’t happy: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a proud Trump supporter and avid Black Lives Matter basher, named PBA’s person of the year – “He’s slammed gun control supporters as ‘freedom-loathing gun-haters.’ He’s labeled Attorney General Eric Holder an ‘a—–e.’ He’s ripped the Black Lives Matter movement as ‘Black lies Matter.’ But to the city’s largest police union, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is America’s finest lawman.” It must have taken everything they could muster to leave the term ‘Uncle Tom’ out of their story. Anything that upsets the Daily News this much has to be a good thing.

37 thoughts on “<span style="color:#9C3822">Springfield Armory</span style="color:#9C3822"> Daily Digest: Fear and Loathing in Orlando, a Useful Idiot in Pennsylvania, and Disgust in Manhattan”

  1. Subscribing to the NY Daily Snooze can save a lot of money on toilet paper, while putting the Snooze to its best and highest use.

    • I’d rather give my money to the fine folks at Charmin. Buying a newspaper, no matter what use you put it to, only encourages them to print more.

  2. We had an incident up here in a mall in north florida during the xmas holidays where some punks gotten into a fight banging trashcans around which got mistaken for gunshots and had half the city closed off.

    • At least *something* caused it! How about JFK airport the other day, nothing whatsoever happened except some jackass made a phone call, shut the whole place down for a day, with dozens if uparmored operator wannabes running around with machine guns, screaming and yelling, terrorizing the travelers! Caused by NOTHING!

  3. Soooo…Toomey ain’t bad enough? Must be that R(ino) in front of his name. Yeah I saw folks scattering like sheep after balloons were popped (AND it was announced beforehand):)

  4. Proud to have Clarke running the county I work in. Such a contrast between the horrid city run by an out of touch mayor (who thinks a trolley system is the city’s salvation) and the tough on crime county sheriff.

    • What is it with leftists and stupid mass transit projects? It’s like they just can’t wait to make some new craptastic, rarely used, system to nowhere when they get into office.

      • Liberals in Indiana always want a “bullet train” to take them from one empty corn field to the next.

      • Metro area mass transit systems are a major boon to life satisfaction among denizens. IF maintenance is not neglected, you can expect a regularly operating system, if appropriate to the area (e.g., not a trolley to the suburbs), to take thousands of cars off the road. When that happens, you have faster and freer traffic flow.

        My company has seven vans that run from my side of town to the office. Each can has 14 people. That’s about 100 cars off the road from one employer, or 5% of my company – remember this is just some of the employees on my side of town. Multiply that out among the other employers around town and the people living in other parts of the metro area, and you are looking at a potential reduction in 20-25% of cars on the road. Think about how much faster your commute could be, especially as you reach the gridlock of the core. It’s something that benefits both riders and drivers.

        • I always enjoy watching the near empty mass transit systems trolling around Indy, and getting in the way of traffic.

  5. “9 injured after balloons cause Orlando mall shooting scare”

    Not unusual for the FloriDUH Mall. Another stampede of morons happened on 2012:

    That place is a tourist trap with overpriced crap, surrounded by Crime-Hills on one side, red-light district on another and more tourist traps & the Orlando airport on the other sides.

    Only idiots who have more money than sense shop there. And the *locals* that shop there are folks that just moved into the area and don’t know any better.

  6. “Anything that upsets the Daily News this much has to be a good thing.”

    Or to quote another commenter from TTAG a few years ago, “I believe that being despised by the despicable is as good as being admired by the admirable.”

  7. “The loud sounds were actually from six large balloons being popped as part of an industry-standard inspection for the grand opening of former ‘NSync singer Joey Fatone’s new restaurant.”

    Yeah, I’m going to need more information than that. You can’t just drop an absurd statement like “popping balloons is a standard inspection technique for restaurants” without explaining what the hell popping balloons has to do with a goddamn restaurant. I’m genuinely curious here, what the heck is the purpose of that test? The linked article doesn’t explain it, either, and I’m terrified to think what weird porn will appear if I Google “balloon popping inspector”…

  8. Who the heck is Joey Fat One? Never mind, I’ll ask my daughter, or my granddaughter…

    Sheriff Clark is the kind of professional I aspired to be. Unfortunately, my mouth kept me from promotions.

    • Clark does have a damn good mouth, doesn’t he? When he says something, you are left without any doubt exactly what he meant, and he wastes very few words in the telling.

  9. How does someone shoot three people with a crossbow? Don’t those take an exorbitant amount of time to reload? And my understanding is that those multi-shot crossbow things they used in Gladiator were fantasy.

    • I’m just amazed that the linked article correctly uses the term “bolt” instead of “arrow”. A reporter getting that right seems more unlikely than killing three people with a crossbow.

  10. So surprising that after daily mass shootings that some balloons popping would scare some people. Go figure. I’m not saying that as anti-2 amendment, I’m anti-crazy.

    Also, the sheriff is a Nazi

    • Do you hear that…..that’s mom calling you up from the basement….your spagetti-Ohs are ready.

    • David, you must have been out sick, or stoned, the day they explained Nazis and Fascism in school. Hitler had even less use for negroes than he had for Jews, only there were fewer of them in Germany to put in camps.

      Do a little homework before you apply labels, please. Oh, and look up Godwin’s law while you’re at it.

      Labeling someone a Nazi when they are most definitely NOT a Nazi is not a good way to win an argument.

  11. So even after Toomey carried their water, sponsored a background check bill, and publicized CeaseFire PA’s support for him, the anti-gun org throws him over and endorses the Democrat in the next election.
    I am loving it!
    The RINO got shot in the butt by his buddies.

  12. Special Snowflakes at the mall.
    So now all Abdul has to do is let off some fireworks at the mall to cause mass casualties?

  13. Its almost like anti-gun organizations are just front groups for the DNC…….wow……..who knew.

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