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Daily Digest “Call of Duty: Reality” Edition

Herra Kuulapaa Super Redhawk Alaskan

Finnish photographer Herra Kuulapaa has an ongoing project taking high-speed photos of bullets in flight. His stuff is worth a look. When you’re done, click the Home button and check out his other photos, too. Pretty awesome.
Residents in Charlestown, RI called police to report a low-flying helicopter near their homes with men inside firing guns toward the ground. Police responders interviewed the men, who told officers they were shooting at an abandoned car inside a gravel pit. The pilot (not one of the shooters) said he knew of pilots who have done the same in Texas. He was advised that this was Rhode Island. No charges have been filed.

A Louisiana student is in hot water after using a mobile app to go on a virtual mass shooting rampage at his school. The app overlays first person shooter-type graphics onto the real world as visualized by your phone’s camera, and lets you record what is displayed. A worried parent notified authorities after discovering the video on YouTube, and the teen was arrested for terrorizing and interference of the operation of a school. “You can’t ignore it,” said Major Malcolm Wolfe. “We don’t know at what time that game becomes reality.”

A oft-seen theme over the last few years has been new residents who have sprawled into areas near existing shooting ranges then trying to have those shooting ranges shut down due to noise and or “for the children” safety issues. In many cases, the mere fact of a lawsuit will force the range to close, as they often cannot afford to defend themselves in court. A new set of regulations in Pierce County, WA will hold shooting ranges in unincorporated parts of the county immune from citizen litigation about noise (or their mere presence), as long as the ranges abide by existing shooting hours (7a-10p) and land use regulations.


Urge California Governor Jerry Brown to VETO gun control bills here:

29 thoughts on “Daily Digest “Call of Duty: Reality” Edition”

  1. A Louisiana student is in hot water after using a mobile app to go on a virtual mass shooting rampage at his school. The app overlays first person shooter-type graphics onto the real world as visualized by your phone’s camera, and lets you record what is displayed. A worried parent notified authorities after discovering the video on YouTube, and the teen was arrested for terrorizing and interference of the operation of a school.

    That is SERIOUSLY creepy. I’d be at the head of the line calling for that kid to be secured and psych-evaluated if that happened at one of my local schools. There’s a strong implicit threat in not only doing this, but posting the video publicly.

    • In this day and age in America is there a kid anywhere that doesn’t understand that staging an attack on a school, even a phony one, just isn’t done. Not unless you love flashbangs and a knee in your neck. Seriously stupid move.

    • Yeah, the same guy that gave the quote I had also said, “He said it was a result of him being frustrated and tired of being bullied. He said that he had no intentions of hurting anybody.”

      I understand that maybe you had no intentions, but there’s no way for us to know that. Colossally stupid all the way around. And honestly, I don’t think that “no intention” would always be the case. The kid’s actions tread a little too close to the line for my comfort.

      • I understand these reactions, but honestly punishing this kid hard is about the last thing anyone wants to do. This is a kid lashing out, not even physically, because he is tired of being abused. The kid is going to be incapable of seeing this any other way than that he is being punished for essentially doing nothing while his abusers will have more ammo as it were to abuse him without ever getting in trouble. That is dangerous, both for the kid specifically and society in general for the habit of punishing victims when they lash out (harmlessly in this case) and NEVER punishing the people who abuse them. Not saying what the kid did is right, but nobody tried to change anything about the way bullying was handled after columbine and that is just dangerously ignorant. It’s like we want it to happen, otherwise we would be more discouraging to bullies.

    • I just stumbled across that app on Google Play a couple of hours before I read this. I thought it was creepy then. . .

    • You mean an “implied threat”? WTH is that. Either is a threat or isn’t.

      “You can’t ignore it,” said Major Malcolm Wolfe. “We don’t know at what time that game becomes reality.” A cop? Perhap will know WHEN THERE IS ACTUAL GUNFIRE AND BULLETS.

      Here’s an idea. ban cell phones and youtube from school if you buying this nanny leftist nonsense “for the children”

      • Amen. The guys posting above you are friggin’ pantywaists.

        Hey, geniuses, the odds of a mass shooting happening at a school are so slim that it’s not even worth worrying about.

        The kid was playing a dumb game that looks mildly entertaining.

        If he’s tired of being bullied someone should give him free boxing lessons.

    • Are you F***ING kidding me!? Strong implicit threat!? The threat here is that people like you are out there pushing that psych eval crap on every kid that walks out of your preconceived goose-step rhythm! OMFG! Do you know this kid? Is he “weird”, or not normal? Maybe he is just naive and was really actually playing a game! Contrary to what the mass media has told you, not all kids today are worldly and full of guile and ready to blow up on the rest of us! Let the damn kids be kids for Christ’s sake! Why not find out about this kid before we destroy him with all this shit about mass killings and whacko juvenile delinquents.

      Now all of you liberals disguised as 2A patriots can go ahead and flame me…I have raved and let it out.

  2. OK, now I’m going to probably hurt my go pro camera, but I’m going to shoot my .50 at night to see that fish gill muzzle break in action.
    I’ve always felt that houses that go in next to ranges, race tracks and air ports should be low cost subsidized housing for the deaf.

  3. I will never understand this reasoning. If you do not want to hear gunshots, or dragstrips or circle tracks(I like noise), then don’t move your stupid a@@ next to one and expect it to be quiet! It is that damn simple!

    • These people do not care. Many will move into the area and then proceed to lobby the local government to remove whatever it is they do not like knowing full well when they purchased the house there was a gun range near by. Sadly, they should just leave the house alone and let a gun owner who does not care move in.

      I have seen this several times here in CT. Famous is the Blue Trail Range law suite where a home owner claimed that bullets where landing in his yard. His evidence in court? Brass cartridges found on his property. No joke. By some act of cartoon physics shells flew over 200yards into his yard. The Range won the law suite but not without paying a huge cost because ever gun grabber with a 500 mile range including our own state AG pulled every legal trick in the book to practically bankrupt them. In the end, the homeowner still won without winning in court because the 200yard range remains closed to this day.

      For my own range that I belong to, the club has had to slow purchase homes that were allowed to be built by the town very close to the range and then those owners attempted to have the range closed. Over time homes have been purchased only to be knocked down. Because of the stupidity of the laws we have, that land cannot be incorporated so we cannot expand the range not even the parking lot. Then there is the women who live across the street who in the summer takes out her lawn chair with her paper and wait until sunset, we fire just one shot 10secs after sunset, she calls the cops. Then there are the joggers who come by and take a break at the fence and call us baby killers from outside the club fence. We get to call the police on them, we find that many are not ever town residents.

      I am Ok with an ordinance like they have for lawn mowers in my town. No lawn mowers before 8am and no loud machines or music after 10pm. My shooting range does 8am till 30min before sunset.

      In short, these people knew what they were getting into before the house, they should not be allowed to complain.

      • “In short, these people knew what they were getting into before the house, they should not be allowed to complain.”

        That’s what logic would dictate, but too often reality proves to be the opposite. That’s the whole point of the new regulations, it’s like getting an inoculation against contagious stupidity.

      • I guess a similar issue happened in the Berskshires. Some moonbat complained that bullets were hitting the roof. (it was acorns) He called the cops and the cops went and told the guys they had to stop shooting. In order to hit the roof of this house you would have to indirect fire your rifle and hope it hits. Its just another reason why I am glad to not live in MA. Oh and the no shooting in state forests.

    • Our local private range is right next to a corn field, a John Deere dealership, and a gravel pit.

      John: Is this heaven?
      Ray: It’s — it’s Iowa.
      John: I could have sworn it was heaven.
      Ray: Is there a heaven?
      John Kinsella: Oh, yeah. It’s the place where dreams come true.
      Ray: Maybe this is heaven.

  4. After viewing those photographs, all I can say is wow! If anyone still wonders why you need good ventilation at an indoor gun range, they should check the hi-res pictures and also see the ones where he talks about the different powders and how each one burns and how some have a lot of unburned material.

  5. Missouri law provides legal shelter to gun ranges. Towns cannot pass ordinances that are more restrictive than state law. Amen.

    • More states need to adopt laws like this. A lot of historical drag strips were closed due to idiots moving next to the strip and not liking the noise.

  6. They didn’t say exactly how he was “terrorizing” anybody – only that he’d taken pix of the inside of the school, overlaid some game graphics on it, and posted the resulting video to youtube. So what? Was anyone harmed? Were some nervous nellies so freaked out by the idea that they were terrorized at the mere thought? Was he parading around the school pointing his camera at people, going “pew, pew, pew…” and shooting imaginary bullets?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  7. Sure, playing that game on his phone may be a bit creepy but last I checked it was not a crime. Also, if no one had any clue he did it until someone saw the video on YouTube then the whole premise of him disrupting school business is completely bunk. This is what happens when people are afraid of their own shadows.

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