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Fairfax is on board with Cornyn’s bill . . . NRA Backs Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill in U.S. Senate – “On behalf of its five-million members, the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) today applauded the introduction of S. 446, The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, sponsored by Senator John Cornyn (TX). ‘The current patchwork of state and local gun laws is confusing and can cause the most conscientious and law-abiding gun owner to run afoul of the law when they are traveling or temporarily living away from home,’ said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA-ILA. ‘Senator Cornyn’s legislation provides a much needed solution to a real problem for law-abiding gun owners.'”

Have they found Moors Murderer’s shotgun? Ian Brady claims buried gun was from his secret arsenal – “Moors murderer Ian Brady has claimed he held a secret arsenal of guns during his killing spree. And the monster has hinted a shotgun found near a possible burial site of one of his victims may be his. The Eibar double-barrelled weapon, in its original case, was found wrapped in a polythene sheet beneath rocks under an oak tree on Saddleworth Moor. It was uncovered last December by a group searching the area for the remains of Keith Bennett, 12.”

Cue the snowflake outrage in 3, 2, 1 . . . This Preppy Hunting Jacket Is Now Office-Appropriate – “Young New York finance guys are beginning to sport the new outerwear of their tribe on the cusp of spring, fusing navy-blue gilets, olive-green waxed jackets, and gray fleece vests with the standard uniform of city business. Thus merging town and country, they’re evolving the professional wardrobe in the direction of an American hybrid—equal parts Edwardian sporting party, Dartmouth keg party, and party of four with an 8 p.m. reservation at Dorsia.”

Blue Force Gear Launches its New Belt Fed Loop – Blue Force Gear®, the designer and manufacturer of the world’s finest weapon slings and tactical equipment, debuts its new Belt Fed Loop™ (BFL) today. The BFL was designed for belt-fed weapons, and it is expected to have high application in the military because when soldiers regularly turn their weapons into the armory they have to remove the slings. The BFL allows for a quick, easier removal of the sling from the weapons.

One less eco-wacko . . . Man who shot controversial pipeline with rifle killed by cops after chase, authorities say – “A man accused of using a high-powered rifle to shoot at the controversial Sabal Pipeline Sunday was killed after a car chase and confrontation with authorities, according to Marion County officials. The incident started about 9 a.m. when deputies were called about a man using a rifle to shoot at the under-construction pipeline and nearby equipment in Dunnellon. When deputies responded, the suspect fled.” FYI, the pipeline was approves by President Obama’s EPA.

Man who fell asleep with fingers on guns’ triggers headed to jail – “Prosecutors say a man found sleeping in a car with his fingers on the triggers of two loaded guns will be sleeping in a New Jersey prison for at least the next six years. Guilio Mesadieu was sentenced Friday to 12 years in state prison. Union County prosecutors say he’ll be required to serve at least half of that sentence.”

The latest Project Childsafe ad from the NSSF:

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  1. All the hoplophobes who are gnashing their teeth at the thought of national reciprocity have New Jersey to thank. If the cops in places like NJ simply informed out of staters that their permits weren’t valid in New Jersey and they needed to unload their weapons and store them in the trunk, there wouldn’t really be a need for forced reciprocity.

    • Nah, they’d still bust you for unlawful possession because you didn’t have a NJ gun permission slip. Your only escape is to drive straight through without stopping–and without speeding.

      • You’re missing the point. If states like New Jersey treated out of state gun owners with respect there wouldn’t be a need for federally forced reciprocity. It’s because they’re a bunch of dicks that the concept gained political momentum. ‘Making an example’ out of a poor single mother (e.g.) did an enormous amount of damage to their ’cause’.

        • Bunch of dicks sounds about right. I should know, I use to live there. Nastiest bunch you will wish you never meet.

        • A good friend of mine’s dad was a former NYPD detective. Interestingly, he HATED New Jersey state police with rare passion. He was often heard to say that if he found one bleeding by the side of the road, he’d stop and spit on him. That’s a pretty sad indictment of the mentality of a lot of Jersey LEOs.

        • It also gained momentum because around 20% of the states don’t allow concealed carry. There has always been a huge push for the feds to force these few hold out states to allow carry. Hopefully soon we will all be able to get non-resident VA permits and carry in our slave states like CA, NJ, MD.

      • If you have a concealed carry permit in your state, NJ PD can run your license plate and learn you have the permit. They then “find” a reason to make a stop and start asking questions. If they get “suspicion of something wrong” they can search you car and away you go to jail and serious charges.

        I suspect NJ and other anti-gun states will work to get around, or outright ignore, any federal reciprocity laws that may be enacted.

        My plan for the foreseeable future is to avoid those NE and west coast states that are so hostile.

        • ‘I suspect NJ and other anti-gun states will work to get around, or outright ignore, any federal reciprocity laws that may be enacted.’

          Same here. I’ll still avoid slave states like the plague. They’ll likely think you’re carrying just to spite them and look for anything they can to teach you a lesson. Bear in mind, you’ll have to follow the letter of the law, so no hollow points in NJ. Eventually someone will score a huge settlement and they’ll ease up, but that someone will probably have to spend a few years in prison first.

        • I’m pretty sure this is not universally true; there is nothing in my state that ties my CHP to my car’s license plate. Nothing.

  2. If the NRA-ILA story is accurate, I am going to be super pissed.

    It claims the bill to be just reciprocity. The house bill is much more than that.

    • Is this bill the counterpart of the GOA backed bill by Rep. Hudson? If not watch out, NRA may be pulling a fast one again.

  3. I see lots of people who don’t shoot and are either ambivalent or against pleb gun ownership wearing Eddie Bauer jackets with shoulder patches. They don’t even know what the patches are for. Those “hunting jackets” pictured are more suited for driving around the countryside than even shooting clays (which I’m sure is the only thing these yuppies would ever consider doing with a gun). Modern hunters and shooters don’t wear fancy $1000 Barbour jackets out in the field or to the range. Heck, most people who would even consider hunting wear some type of camouflage when in the field, but Mossy Oak, Realtree, and imitators are just kind of trashy now because people wear it everywhere, constantly. I would bet most of the people who read this site have day jobs where they’re required to wear suits or polo shirts and khakis. On the other hand, I try to be “gray” but not tactically so (I do wear a lot of Eddie Bauer, Columbia, and North Face stuff, but I don’t like anything camouflage or with too many pockets in normal life).

    • But how can you operationally operate during operations without two or three dozen pockets?

    • Don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth. If the population at large wants to start wearing “tactical” clothing I am fine with that. Better to help actual gun owners when they wear something similar to conceal weapons.

  4. The pipeline shooter smacks of the Molly Maguires of old.. a very dangerous development. Infrastructure is hard to defend even with patrols, drones, cameras and sensors—a smart terrorist can easily bypass that stuff. Political wackos of the future will learn how to get past the defenses via careful study. Bakken oil trains are particularly vulnerable and are an explosion hazard in urban areas. Bombs on bridges, missiles attacks against aircraft, chemical attack, bioterrorism, dirty bombs and even nukes are our future. There will be more Tim McVeighs coming our way no matter what we do.. fuel oil and ammonium nitrate are cheap; it’s cheap to make dioxin and botulin toxin also. As people become more marginalized, there will be more attacks.

  5. if a woman from kentucky can get an abortion in all 50 states “because of the 14th amendment” then why cant a dude from wisconsin carry concealed in all 50 states because of the 2nd amendment

    remember: the word “abortion” is NOT in the 14th amendment…ANYWHERE…

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