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Daily Digest: The NRA’s New Spokesperson, Ruger’s Good Year and the HPA as a Public Health Issue

Dana Loesch To Serve As Major National Spokesperson For NRA – FAIRFAX, Va. – Dana Loesch, the conservative leader, online pioneer and nationally syndicated radio host, will serve as a major national spokesperson for the National Rifle Association. NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre named Loesch as a Special Assistant to his office for Public Communication, with direct attributable authority on NRA matters. “During the past year Dana has proven herself to be a powerful voice for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans,” LaPierre said. “It is clear that Dana has the communication skills, experience, and natural ability to serve our organization well as one its very public faces in the news media.”

Sid Miller to approve new technique for killing feral hogs: poison – “The man who gained fame for successfully allowing hunters to shoot hogs from helicopters is now championing another strategy to hasten what he calls “the feral hog apocalypse”: poison. Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller will announce Tuesday that he is approving a pesticide, “Kaput Feral Hog Lure,” for statewide use. He says the product, poisoned bait food, is the first specifically designed to control the feral hog population, now estimated at more than 2.5 million in Texas.” Sounds like what we really need is more hunters out there shooting pigs.

But not everyone’s on board with the new porcine eradication strategy . . . Sellmark stands with Texas Hog Hunters Association to oppose Sid Miller – “Sellmark and its brands stand with the Texas Hog Hunters Association in helping to stop the introduction of a new Warfarin based pesticide, approved by Texas AG Sid Miller, to control the feral hog population. Sellmark and Texas Hog Hunters Association believe in hunting, trapping and aerial management to protect landowners from the millions of dollars of damage hogs cause each year, but discourage the inhumane and unsafe use of poisons. While Warfarin may kill hogs, it may also put other wildlife, humans and the entire ecosystem in harm’s way.”

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announced today that for 2016 the Company reported net sales of $664.3 million and diluted earnings of $4.59 per share, compared with net sales of $551.1 million and diluted earnings of $3.21 per share in 2015. For the fourth quarter of 2016, net sales were $161.8 million and diluted earnings were $1.10 per share. For the corresponding period in 2015, net sales were $152.4 million and diluted earnings were 88¢ per share. The Company also announced today that its Board of Directors declared a dividend of 44¢ per share for the fourth quarter, for shareholders of record as of March 17, 2017, payable on March 31, 2017.

Elections have consequences . . . McAuliffe vetoes 2 concealed weapons bills – “Gov. Terry McAuliffe vetoed two bills Monday relating to concealed weapons – one involving handgun permits and the other pertaining to switchblade knives. The first bill, HB 1582, would have allowed members of the military over the age of 18 to apply for concealed handgun permits if they are on active duty or had an honorable discharge and had received basic training. … The second bill the governor vetoed, HB 1432, would have legalized the carrying of a concealed switchblade knife ‘when it is carried for the purpose of engaging in a lawful profession or lawful recreational activity the performance of which is aided by the knife.’”

Radical egalitarianism . . . Okaloosa (Florida) workers can now carry guns on the job – “Any of Okaloosa County’s more than 800 non-sworn employees who have concealed weapon permits now can carry firearms in county vehicles and on most county properties. In a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the County Commission reversed an old policy that prevented such employees from carrying guns on the job. The idea to change the policy came from Commissioner Graham Fountain, who is a law-enforcement officer. The change will allow the employees ‘to no longer be second-class citizens,’ Fountain said. ‘It will allow our people to do what all other residents can do.'”

Shoot With Both Eyes Open Using OFFEYE Optical Filters From Birchwood Casey – “The new OFFEYE™ Optical Filters from Birchwood Casey® help shooters with cross or middle eye dominance see targets more clearly for more effective shooting. Most experienced shooters know that shooting with both eyes open provides better depth perception, field of view and peripheral vision. When a shooter’s dominant hand and eye are not the same, this can cause problems with seeing more than one target or one that is out of focus.”

Committee sends guns in schools bill to Senate floor – “Lawmakers advanced Wednesday morning a measure that would authorize boards of education throughout Wyoming to decide whether to allow people to carry firearms in schools — a measure supporters say is a compromise gun bill and opponents criticize as exposing children to danger. House Bill 194 passed the Senate Education Committee unanimously. It now heads to the Senate floor for a series of three votes before it would go to Gov. Matt Mead’s desk for signature.”

Passing the Hearing Protection Act would improve public health . . .Why You Need Less Noise for Work and Your Health – “Being around excessive noise has been found to affect our health quite seriously. Epidemiologists have found correlations between chronic noise sources such as highways and airports and high blood pressure, something that in turn can lead to other health risks, including damage to our brains and kidneys. Other studies have found links between noise and sleep loss, heart disease, and tinnitus. People who live in consistently noisy places also commonly have elevated levels of stress hormones.”

19th century caliber wars . . . MOzarks Moments: Missouri’s Hawken brothers and their Plains rifle – “The rifle that the pioneers primarily used as they settled the Great Plains and the mountain men/fur trappers primarily used in the Rocky Mountains was made by two brothers in their gunshop in St. Louis. The famous Hawken rifles were handmade by Jacob and Samuel Hawken from 1823 to 1855. … The most common black powder, flintlock rifle of the day was the famous Kentucky rifle. However, it was not a large enough caliber to stop the grizzlies and buffalos the mountain men were encountering to the west. Samuel decided to make a shorter rifle that was a larger caliber for those men heading into the west from St. Louis.”


76 thoughts on “Daily Digest: The NRA’s New Spokesperson, Ruger’s Good Year and the HPA as a Public Health Issue”

    • Sorry, but that’s a pretty ignorant comment. What do you have against Iowa farmers? Iowa has no shortage of pork, and feral hogs destroy crops. They are not indigenous wildlife. They are an artificially introduced invasive species.

      If you’re soon keen to shoot a hog, maybe you can find a local farmer to turn one loose on his back 40 for you. Get your helicopter and gun it down. Seriously, the traditional commercial hog slaughtering process saves a lot more meat.

    • As a Texan who has family with their livelihood impacted by feral hogs wreaking agricultural destruction, no you don’t. You really, really don’t.

      • I love the idea of shooting hogs, and yet have never tried it. The concept turned into an industry, where a few hours on some farmer’s property costs an arm and a leg, where what is NEEDED is massive weekend invasion by armed folk simply shooting all of them. I understand that a female hog will bear her first litter at 8 months old. We will NEVER get ahead of that, so as much as I tend to not like it, a safe poison is going to be necessary. But it better not kill my dog, never mind my son!

    • No, you don’t.

      Imagine hogs getting into some of those 500-bu/acre fields in Iowa. You’d never be rid of them.

  1. I like Dana. Go for the jugular I always say. And I 2nd what a bad idea poisoning the porcine pests is. I wish I could head to Texas and join in the fun…

    • Gawd I can’t stand Dana. She will just drive more gun owners from the NRA with her overcompensated attitude and flagrant appreciation of being a bullet lovers wet dream.

      Why not make Ann Colter the official NRA lap dancer and Sean Hannity the NRAs lord king know-it-all. I can’t wait for the junk main on that

      Sometime ago the NRA was about guns..Now it’s a fat boys club about political money. Yea, greasy wheels and all that, but there are real 2A orgs out there without the million dollar a year eye candy strutting around Wayne’s office trying to fit in.

      • Yes, God forbid a smart woman who just happens to be attractive become one of the faces of the NRA. Pandering, oh my god, disgusting. Almost as disgusting as having a young, hip black dude as a public face of the NRA. Thank God we don’t have that….

        Seriously, I don’t get this hate on Dana. Nobody so far has given a good reason. It’s always, “she’s too hot, she’s white trash, she’s dumb.” Talk about negative stereotypes of right-wingers, that’s YOU guys. Can’t stand a smart attractive woman, bigoted (though against a different group than usual), automatically think a woman is less intelligent. Has anyone who hates her even checked out her books? Hands Off My Guns is great, and Flyover Nation is pretty good so far. Dana’s a good one, and attacking her just makes us look like the “sexist” morons the left says we are already.

    • Dana is a gradumacate of the Fox C-6 school district (which is to STL residents, akin to being essentially illiterate with a degree that pretends otherwise). She was a (very) marginal journo student at Webster U when she got knocked up, and dropped her classes. Was a random call-in on the local FM talk, and got lucky that she was an expediatianly interesting product.

      Regardless of whether she has some agreeable opinions, she’s essentially ignorant white trash. Which is how the left will always bury her.(And sometimes I can’t disagree….) She’s cute if you’re 70 with an ugly wife, and/or never been laid. Otherwise, she’s just another whack-a-doo hoosier chick with some pro-gun viewpoints she’s not smart enough to viably support.

        • Logical guess: He/she is a Glenn Beck watcher or former stalker. Either way it’s a disconcerting prognosis.

          Personally what little this humble poster(self reference) knows of Loesch, her 2A stance and defense of individual rights, this one approves. Could honestly not care where she went to school or wether or not she dropped out due to getting “knocked up”. While such opinions are respected, they come off as being slightly elitist and potentially overly critical of a pro rights ally trying to further the cause.

          Disclaimer: Esoteric Inanity is by no means a paragon of knowledge and proper societal etiquette, but merely a lowly highschool graduate with an equally looked down upon E&I degree. Could potentially be considered “white trash” also.

      • Serious question: I’m only a public high school graduate with no college at all. Well, I do have a seminary degree, but it’s liberal arts but not STEM, so I’m sure I’m one of those under-educated WT deplorables that you seem to despise.
        Anyway, back to the question: WTF does “expediatianly” mean? I can’t find it in the old fashioned 27lb Oxford English Dictionary (in 2 volumes) next to my little desk here.
        Your input is greatly valued, O Highly Educated One.

      • So illiterate, she wrote two great books on gun rights and the reason why middle America hates our political leadership. Oh, but you probably wouldn’t get the second one, since you accused her of being white trash. Would you say she’s deplorable, even? Seriously, which side are you on?

      • “She was a (very) marginal journo student at Webster U”

        Was there ever an *outstanding* journo student who was not a fanatical far-left liberal? At ANY university?

  2. The hogs are absolutely wrecking the ag business, trashing property but putting out poison, specifically engineered or not, is seriously going to mess up the ecological web. That is going to come back around, and I’ll bet dollars to donuts, it’ll be worse than millions of hogs destroying property.

    • Downunder a poison known as “1080” (aka Sodium fluoroacetate) has been used to control rabbits, foxes, wild dogs, and feral pigs. The problem is 1080 is a bit indiscriminate and kills a lot of native animals too.

      The Greenies like it because it kills without guns. The unfortunate native animals are collateral damage.

      Sodium fluoroacetate was banned in the US in 1972 by the EPA.

      • The South Georgia Heritage Trust (as in the British owned island in the South Atlantic) used helicopter spread poison bait to eradicate the rats which were devastating native fauna. The active ingredient in the rodent bait pellets is called brodifacoum. It is an anti-coagulant, which causes the rodent to die of internal bleeding and organ failure. Rodents that take the bait become photophobic (scared of light) and consequently most die in their burrows, where they are inaccessible to scavengers such as skuas and giant petrels, cutting down on secondary poisonings.

        Streams and drinking water should not be greatly affected because brodifacoum is not soluble in water.

        The trust also eliminated more than 6,600 reindeer. The species introduced by Norwegian whalers in 1911 and were having a devastating impact on the island’s vegetation, which in turn affected native burrowing seabird communities. Fittingly, specialist marksmen from the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (SNO) did the shooting.

    • Alex, I think you may be missing the point, here, we are LOSING this battle, 20-30 years from now we are going to have 50 times the hogs we have now, they will be everywhere, probably 20 in your back yard. If you shoot them all tonight, 20 more will be there tomorrow. Our automobiles will have to be designed to drive over a bed of 300 lb hogs. What I am saying is SOMETHING has to be done, and shooting them one at a time is not going to do it, particularly since the best time to hunt them is at night, and night equipment is expensive. Some mass eradication method is needed, if not poison think of something else.

      • LarryinTX, don’t worry, I understand that this is the nuclear option, and it needs to be done. I’m just predicting news headlines, lawsuits, politicians screaming about oversight, peta weenies protesting and the EPA blaming everyone and their mothers, and sick people. I’m worried this is going to make people sick.

      • I dunno if it’s nine out of 10 but a lot of people just like that shirt for some reason.

        If a picture pops up of her wearing a Voodoo Glow Skulls, Suicide Machines, Screeching Weasel or Op Ivy shirt then I think we can assume she knows who The Misfits are.

        If she gets caught wear a Kinks shirt, she might be some sort of audiophile.

      • Sounds very plausible.

        Funny story that relates: Was at a gun show last year wearing a Danzig skull and horns shirt. Some guy comes up wearing a Misfits shirt and says “Hey rad shirt bro, Danzig right on!!!”. Politely responded to him “Thanks man, diggin’ that Misfits shirt!!!”, he looked confused and responded “Misfits what, who?!?!?!”.

  3. Warfarin as an anti-coagulant pesticide on hogs will end up killing pretty much any mammal that eats it, no?

    Rabbits, those Axis deer Tyler loves, pretty much most foragers it seems.

    It would be expensive, but wouldn’t a trap pen make a better choice, especially if the trap was so large it doesn’t trigger their ‘I’m trapped!” instinct?

    • I’m not a biologist but the poison is always in the dose.

      Rodents have a particular susceptibility to warfarin which means those dose to kill them is lower than their body mass suggests, hence making it an effective poison for them with doing serious harm to other animals that might ingest a dose or two. (Rodents OD faster.) That makes if different and more pet safe than say, D-Con (which causes CNS swelling) or strychnine which does all sorts of things that are not completely understood.

      Strychnine was a “health supplement” back in the day and warfarin is still used for people with certain heart/blood conditions.

      • I have familiarity with the concept of the LD 50, the dose where 50 percent of the lab animals die. And yep, years back, a very light dose of Strychnine was sold as a stimulant.

        With a larger dose it acts as a poison by continually firing your muscles, causing asphyxiation. A pretty ghastly way to die, being fully conscious and totally unable to do anything about it.

        • Strychnine is a nerve toxin that interrupts the “off switch” for neurons. That is known and it is what causes spasms. Unlike other nerve toxins, the mechanism (as far as I know), is not. This is why there is no specific antidote known.

          Fortunately with modern medicine strychnine isn’t particularly lethal to people because supportive care will get them past it. In severe cases activated charcoal can adsorb it from the GI tract and in days past tannic acid was used to neutralize the strychnine by creating a reaction that creates an insoluble salt. In fact the old school method of dealing with strychnine poisoning was to give them charcoal, tannic acid and chloroform their ass to unconsciousness until they recovered.

          Strychnine is a “…is a white, highly toxic, bitter…” substance. Hence my internet handle.

      • The problem with strych is that the LD50/kg for canines and raptors is very low, while the LD50/kg for some target pests, such as pocket gophers, is actually pretty high.

        We used to joke that you’d better make your strych grain bait for gophers really yummy stuff, else they’d never eat enough of it to do more than make them itch.

  4. Warfarin rat poison is effective in buildings where vermin are the only species that can get to it. Out on agricultural land, I’m skeptical of its efficacy and safety, and I wouldn’t want to eat a hog that died from it either.

    • Having seen the secondary kill rate of pocket gophers & squirrels that died from anti-coagulant poisons when I experimented with it on our farm, I want absolutely nothing to do with anti-coagulant poisons.

      For burrowing vermin, zinc phosphide on oat bait was far more selective and fast-acting.

    • I believe the product is “Super Beats”.

      She started that when she worked for Glenn Beck who hawked the stuff like it was made from ground up Golden Fleece dissolved in water from The Fountain of Youth with some bone dust of Jesus Christ Himself mixed in.

      A guy I worked with LOVED him some Glenn Beck and would play it in the shop all morning. As near as I can tell Glenn Beck’s only redeeming quality is that he’s not garage band death metal, which is all another guy wanted to play.

  5. I look forward to the environmental impact statement on the uncontrolled spreading large amounts of a general poison into an active eco & agricultural system. Really, if they have to ban lead projectiles “for Bambi”, seeding the earth with agent turns-fats-blue can’t be OK. (But blue n yellow mine water might make a pleasant green, so it’s all good.)

    Or maybe this is one of those “Killing raptors is O K when it’s for our eco-power project, but picking up one eagle feather on a hike is not.” – things. It’s all fun and games as long as the right people(*) get hurt.

    I’m getting it, now. Sowing the earth with funny salt damages the right people, *and* it’s a “Rules for thee, but not for me.” – thing. It’s a two-fer. And they get up in people’s business where they weren’t before. It’s a three-fer.

    (*) “The right people”, meaning people who are wrong; deplorable, even. Like eco-weenie projects drive miners out of work, n destroy habitat woodsy people do woodsy things in, so that’s a two-fer, too.

    Poison vs shooting stols those eeee-ville hunters from doing something tbey like, and doubtless will be deployed by the state. Can’t have those farmers solving their.own problems. The intrusive inspections in.private land to see if the program is working is just a bonus.

  6. Any advances for carry rights in Wyoming are looking quite unlikely right now. With any luck Anthony Bouchard’s election to district 6 was a sign of things to come. While the man does have his critics and faults, he seems to be quite earnest in his 2A beliefs.

      • Extension of concealed carry to nonresidents is a highly desired priority. As it stands right now only a Wyoming resident may avail themselves of full constitutional carry rights. Out of staters only have open carry as an option, and while said option is better than nothing, it has its complications. For instance, roughly 7-8 months in most places of Wyoming it can get quite cold. Wearing a decent coat and still being able to “openly” carry a firearm can be quite tricky. Not to mention that any fellow countrymen, irregardless of their home state, should be able to partake of the same rights that all Wyomingites can. There is also a benefit for state residents, in that it gives any overzealous cop one less excuse to ascertain as to the legal status of a law abiding citizen carrying, should he/she happen to see a firearm on their person.

        Elimination of so called state sanctioned “Gun-Free Zones” is yet another top priority that has been in the, forgive the pun, crosshairs for some time. Ideally, any law abiding citizen should be able to carry(without permitting) into any school, college, government building or business(that isn’t opposed) in the state. Former Uinta county representative Allen Jaggi drafted a bill to eliminate the gun-free zones that are under state discretion for all CFP holders. Schools, colleges and certain state government entities. The bill was sabotaged however, when it was routed into the state senate education committee. While there, senate committee member Hank Coe of Park County oversaw a heavy editing of it. This changed a simple three page bill into a convoluted 15 page mess. The bill was essentially rewritten to give local municipalities discretion over carry rights. This would have set 2A rights in the state back over a hundred years. Fortunately the bill was killed when it went back to the house.

        • You make some fine points, although I expect most people would envy just the CC. But as a final goal, removing any method by which a person’s possession or non-possession of a firearm, in any configuration or condition, could need “investigation” by any LEO for any reason would sound like a worthy goal. ie, “Officer, that is none of your business, do you want me to call your boss?”

        • One step at a time. Rosie Berger is now gone, and that’s going to help the odds for future legislation.

    • Sounds like code for: Lure in more progressive Californians.

      Apologies, the code for that would be to “Spread the poison”.

  7. The eye filters are neat for playing around on the range. Since I have always shot with both eyes open and am far sighted as well as opposite eye dominant, I came up with the idea of contrasting focals. I decided against it because I am pretty sure I won’t be wearing them when I have to defend myself. I would rather learn to shoot with my natural weaknesses.

    • I wear contacts and always used monovision, a technique corrects one eye for distance and another for close work. When I took up shooting sports, I switched the correction for my right, dominant eye from distance to close so I could better align the front and back sights.

    • I recently bought “topreaders” in both sunglasses and clear glasses. These are safety glasses with reading glasses compensation at the top of the lens instead of the bottom as bifocals have. The concept is that for your dominant eye only, you have a lens which allows you to see the reticle on your scope clearly, while you can also see the target. And when you put the rifle down, you are seeing through clear safety glasses. They seem to work really well so far!

  8. While Warfarin may kill hogs, it may also put other wildlife, humans and the entire ecosystem in harm’s waY and all the $$$ from canned hunts and aerial bombardment aka billy zane hunting. I wouldn’t even poison a rat becides hunting rats with a pellet gun and night vision is awesome.(u toob)

    • I almost lost a dog once because (according to the vet) she apparently ate some portion of a rat which had been poisoned. Cost me $1000 to save her, she was starving to death because she could not eat. Rat traps are cheap. Man up and kill the bitch, one on one, and leave my puppy alone. Trapping hogs, I’m afraid, will not be so easy. When you shoot a hog, under a lot of circumstances you can just let it lay. Poison, not so much, the carcass is DANGEROUS!

  9. I don’t know enough about Ms. Loesch to have an informed opinion. But that picture certainly doesn’t put her in a good light, from where I stand.

    • BFG, eye and ear protection, what’s not to like? I am not imagining she wants to be my girlfriend, so what more should I be considering? Think about it.

      • Loesch, like Sara Tipton, are both never Trumpers. For some on this forum I guess that’s also a turn on. ?

        Don’t care for either, gun owner or not.

  10. McAuliffe can’t leave the Governor’s mansion fast enough for me. Unfortunately, it appears this newly blue state is going to vote in his even-worse lieutenant or some other ultra-prog nutcase.

  11. Using poison bait is a really bad idea for a lot of obvious reasons. I think a better option may be to just have the state hire a few hunters and start a state run eradication program. Collect the carcasses, have them professed, and give the meat to the needy or sell it at just above the processing cost.

    If getting it funded were too much of an issue, I’m sure a log of farmers would be eager to chip in if the program looks like it’ll be effective.

    • Isn’t that close to what happened to buffalo? Professional hunters hired to kill tens of thousands?

  12. More company Team-Building events for bacon-culling, just make sure everyone passes a basics course and shows competency, mmmm bacon!

  13. It’s Wafarin, the same thing used as a human blood thinner (your grandpa’s probably on it) and the first big use was rat poison.
    Not on my farm.
    The reality is that, even though pigs rapidly multiply, they are also highly mobile. Shooting them, and high pressure hunting of them really does work. I’ve seen it work on my place and several other places I’ve hunted, which are now hog free.
    But that is because the land owner allowed a small team of experienced people to hunt at will, night and day, for at least a few years in a row. I hunted one piece of property with another man three days a week or more for 2 years straight, killing over 100 pigs a piece each year. There are no more pigs living on that property.
    Very few land owners are going to give teams of people they don’t know really well license to hunt at all times, anytime, around their entire property, and for good reason.

    • Wow. That actually sounds cool! Let me guess, the farmers are more likely to go along if you have suppressors and NVG, which also makes it sound like more fun. So, were you paying, were you being paid, or neither? From your description, was this guy perhaps a neighbor, making it beneficial to your place to clear his place?

      • I don’t pay, and nobody pays me. That said, most of the counties where I hunt have bounties ($5 a tail). It’s not much, but it covers your ammo. Yes, we hunt with NV gear and suppressed ARs. The richest hunting land for pigs I’ve ever hunted was on the Brazos river, with the river between a sorghum field on one side and a sod farm on the other. The pigs did $40k in damage in one night. I ran it regularly with a group of SEAL and Ranger buddies. We did it straight fire-team style, treating the river like an LDA. We killed so many pigs in the summer of 2011 that we were having to use a bobcat tractor to pile their bodies up. We shot the song dogs off that pile for months after the pigs stopped coming. It is now rare for them to see any at all.

        • When I was at Fort Benning last (2011-12), the bounty was 30 bucks a tail. Texan counties are short-changing you. There was nowhere you could bring the carcasses to get a few bucks for cheap meat? The pigs we shot at Benning (on-post) tasted great with a good marinade and the proper use of a charcoal grill. I’d think some butcher would love to take them off your hands and sell as “wild boar” or something to hoity-toity restaurants in Austin. Not that I’m knocking you for leaving the carcasses, it’s not like they actually went to waste. SOMETHING ate them eventually.

        • Guardiano- no butcher would, nor should, be legally allowed to buy dead game animals off anyone who walks in for sale to the public. There is no inspection process of the animals or the meat.
          As for me, I usually just cut the loins and the hams out and leave the rest.
          Live animals trapped can, and are, sold to butchers all the time and big pigs go for a pretty penny.

          • Huh, so how do they get their “wild game” meats for restaurants? I always assumed their were pro hunters who were just bringing in deer/elk/etc carcasses to a butcher and the butcher then sold to the restaurant. I guess I never really knew how any of that worked because I butcher my own deer anyway. Living in northern PA, I don’t really feel the need for government or any other 3rd-party involvement in my hunting. They ain’t the King’s deer, now, are they?

    • I’m in full agreement that I’d never allow warfarin (or other poisons with known high secondary/tertiary kill rates) on my farm – ever.

      Strych has basically been so restricted now it’s nearly unusable, thanks to similarly high secondary kill rates in raptors and canines. I’ve seen how bad the secondary is for warfarin in raptors, canines and felines, and it’ll kill them all, stone dead, in a couple of days. A year or two of scattering warfarin around indiscriminately will result in the same level of restrictions, and then farmers/ranchers will lose yet another tool.

      IMO, there are only two environmentally responsible solutions:

      1. Trap – live trap and then shoot them.
      2. Hunt them in a structured, methodical manner, as you’ve done.

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