“A conservative pastor on President Donald Trump’s informal evangelical advisory council thinks NFL players who kneel during the national anthem to highlight racism should ‘be thanking God’ they haven’t been ‘shot in the head,'” the huffingtonpost.com reports, after catching Southern Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress on Fox and Friends (video below). When the mainstream media et al. freaked out, the leader of the First Baptist Church in Dallas issued a statement reaffirming his comments . . .


It is an absolute fact that in many countries of the world professional athletes would be imprisoned ― or worse ― for publicly opposing their nation’s anthem or disrespecting their national leaders. If any member of the press doubts this fact, then I would encourage them to take a trip to North Korea themselves, publicly shame Kim Jong Un and then see what happens. All of us should thank God every day that we live in a country where we do not have to fear government persecution for expressing our beliefs.

And why don’t Americans fear “government persecution for expressing our beliefs”? Because we’re armed. Well, a lot of us are. Including many NFL players.

And just in case you think Pastor Jeffress’ “head shot for protesters” rhetoric is over-the-top, check out the list of Kim’s killing methods in the foxnews.com’s story North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un’s executions: anti-aircraft guns, flamethrowers, mortars. As this is a gun site . . .

Anti-aircraft Guns – While these weapons were designed to take down enemy fighter jets, they have become a favorite method of execution for Kim. In 2015, reports surfaced from South Korean intelligence that the dictator’s Defense Minister Hyong Yong Chol was pulverized to death by an anti-aircraft gun after the young despot ordered his execution for falling asleep during an event and not carrying out instructions.

Hee Yeon Lim, a 26-year-old defector, recently told western media that she was part of a crowd of 10,000 ordered to watch the execution by anti-aircraft guns of 11 musicians who allegedly made a pornographic video.

“What I saw that day made me sick in my stomach. They were lashed to the end of anti-aircraft guns,” she said. “A gun was fired, the noise was deafening, absolutely terrifying. And the guns were fired one after the other.”

She added: “The musicians just disappeared each time the guns were fired into them. Their bodies were blown to bits, totally destroyed, blood and bits flying everywhere…and then, after that, military tanks moved in and they ran over the bits on the ground where the remains lay.”

As the son of Holocaust survivor, proud American and constitutional conservative, I believe NFL players have a right to protest whatever they want, [pretty much] however they want and — assuming the League and team owners don’t object — wherever they want. But that doesn’t make it — or them — right. Or, for that matter, grateful.


    • Except that sedition isn’t a crime here…
      Still waiting for a team owner – even just ONE – to suspend or fire a single team member for directly disrespecting the fans.

        • Kaepernick chose, of his own volition, to opt out of his contract.

          He remains unemployed simply because his salary demands exceed his market value (i.e. he is a mediocre quarterback, but expects to be paid much more than he’s worth).

        • He wants a starting position, with starter money and the only openings in the league at the moment are for backup.

          The last team he started on finished the season 2-14, he doesn’t look like a winner. His negotiating position is not good.

          Maybe the 49ers will take him back, they’re currently 0-3.

        • Sack or pick krapernick lost his job because he was a shitty quarterback, period. Anyone who watched him play knows this. He earned the name “sack or pick” for a reason. Everything else is fake news.

        • ” Sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (SCHENCK V. UNITED STATES, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]). . . .

          Following the September 11th Attacks of 2001, the federal government feared that terrorist networks were very real threats, and that if left unchecked, would lead to further insurrection. As a result, Congress enacted the Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272. Among other things, the act increases the president’s authority to seize the property of individuals and organizations that the president determines have planned, authorized, aided, or engaged in hostilities or attacks against the United States.
          The events of September 11 also led to the conviction of at least one American. In 2001, U.S. officials captured John Philip Walker Lindh, a U.S. citizen who had trained with terrorist organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Lindh, who became known as the “American Taliban,” was indicted on ten counts, including conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals. In October 2002, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.”

      • The NFL is violating its own rules regarding the anthem. It states that each player is to have his helmet in his left hand and face the flag while standing, and not talking during the anthem. Both teams have to be on the field or they will be fined. But heck, what are rules for?

        • That is the only thing that can compel them. If anyone has a problem with their “protest”, he shouldn’t give the NFL any of his money.

        • Nobody but the NFL GIVES A FLYING F that they’re violating NFL rules, they are violating our rules. And our understanding of peaceable sssembly.

        • Snatchums said: “If anyone has a problem with their “protest”, he shouldn’t give the NFL any of his money.”
          Professional sports teams are entertainment companies, pure and simple. Just like Disney or MGM.
          They exist on the disposable income of ordinary people, who watch and support them just for the entertainment they provide.
          And there are a LOT of entertainment companies out there vying for their dollars, not to mention hobbies that don’t cost nearly as much as a day at the stadium.
          The NFL leadership (and the MLB leadership as well) should remember that without massive fan support, their stadiums will crumble, their players will be working for minimum wage, and their mansions will be sold for tax liens.

        • “…what are rules for?”

          For selective enforcement to suppress views those in charge don’t like, of course.

    • Lol sedition, “muh football star didn’t stand for the song, he wants to shoot politicians…” totally reasonable interpretation.

        • I’m familiar. I’m wondering how you think not standing for a bloody song fits the definition of advocating for overthrowing, putting down, or destruction by force of the government…

          I think you meant 18 chapter 115, the sedition and subversive activities codes. Nothing in Part 1 chapter 37 is even relevant (it’s about espionage).

        • Protesting America on foreign soil is seditious there is case law on it, although poorly supported by prosecutions (of piles of evil (D) to include Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama. . . I could list more but I care more about my time and this blog than you do about the truth).

        • Well as a Christian and a libertarian I guess you’ll have to come round me up and take me out.

          I neither respect the flag of this country nor do I stand or sing an anthem we’ve been brainwashed to worship. Nor do I pledge allegiance to that flag.

          My allegiance is to God alone. His kingdom is not this country. In fact His kingdom is not of this earth. So, kill me if you must, but like I’m instructed by my Lord, I’ll bow down to no other idol. Especially a despotic country that chooses to steal from me at every opportunity and send its’ young people off to murder others on foreign soil in the name of “peace” and “democracy”.

          No thanks.

          • Wrong, so very wrong.

            Your bible states that God puts kings and leaders in authority, that He raises them pu and casts them down, and they are to be prayed for. Your bible states that you are to “Render unto Cesar what is Cesar’s; and to God what is God’s”. Nothing in your bible encourages, commands or endorses disrespect for authority God has established. Nothing in your bible commands, endorses or encourages disrespect of nations, borders or anything else. Showing consideration and appreciation for what God provides you through governments and government leaders is not a sin, or even a bad idea. Standing in respect is not “bowing” to an idol. Reverence and worship are not synonymous. Abraham, Noah, Issac, Jacob, all leaders of Israel, were revered by their descendants. If such were idol worship, your bible would have condemned such reverence.

          • Hello Mr Punisher
            I can respect what you say, however I am a bit confused. Do you kneel when the anthem is played? or do you just stand there until its over? Do you espouse your beliefs every time the anthem is played? Or do you just let it go and stand disinterested until its time to sit ? Is it to much to ask these million dollar babies to sit down and have a discussion with America? Their star power can do that.

        • @Sam I Am

          It is true that God can and does put leaders and others into positions, but that does not mean that this was of God’s own design. He many times uses corrupt kings and leaders as tools of divine judgement against His people who were to be better than that.

          I suggest you go read the beginning of the book of 1 Samuel to see how God felt about the Israelites wanting a king “like all the other nations of the earth”. Suffice to say He was not pleased…but nevertheless he allowed it or granted it.

          So you may be confused about what God allows or grants vs. what God actually wants or thinks is best.

          In the Bible whenever the religious institutions stray from God’s truth they are frequently called whores or prostitutes. When governments stray too far way from that truth or are not sanctioned by God they are often called beasts.

          In God’s Kingdom we are all kings and priests. In ourselves we have direct access to the true sovereign. There is only a need for punishment of sin now because there is sin. But that doesn’t take a giant bureaucracy to accomplish.

          Remember, prior to Israel demanding a king there were no civil servants other than the priesthood of Levites. There were judges appointed to handle civil and criminal trials.

          You mis-apply the “Render unto Caesar” quote. I suggest further reading on the true subversiveness of Jesus’ reply. Did you know that the tax to paid in this historical milieu actually had Caesar’s image on it and was actually his property? It was not the common coinage used for legal tender…I won’t further elaborate here, but there is much more to the story. God was certainly not endorsing Caesar in any way.

          Concerning respect or disrespect of nations, borders or anything else, the Bible doesn’t have much to say really…God didn’t sanction any of those nations or borders. Agents of free will called humans created them. In reality God owns the whole Earth as He is the creator. He merely tolerates his creation fencing it off as they see fit. In the age to come none of those things will exist. So to command or endorse either respect or disrespect, if it does exist, is merely a fleeting thing.

          As far as showing consideration or appreciation for “government” I think you should recognize what Jesus pointed out to his disciples in Luke and elsewhere:

          “And there arose also a dispute among them as to which one of them was regarded to be greatest. And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called ‘Benefactors.’ But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.”

          Notice “benefactor” is in quotes…that’s Jesus being sarcastic. He’s pointing out that in His economy things need to be completely opposite. Rulers are not authoritative but servants. They do not act like they know all but they are like children.

          Israel didn’t worship the patriarchs of Israel, but even I would say that their devotion went to deep. In fact Jesus agreed:

          “So he began saying to the crowds who were going out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits in keeping with repentance, and do not begin to say [a]to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father,’ for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham. Indeed the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.’ ”

          Not all Americans worship the flag or the military or the anthem. But it’s close. I think you can see by the fact that people get apoplectic over people kneeling or whatever. It cuts to a core belief – that is evident.

          • “So you may be confused about what God allows or grants vs. what God actually wants or thinks is best.”

            Can’t work with such a serious internal conflict in a single sentence. If God is God, everything is “His design”. If humans make bad choices, then the cosmic repercussion must be in God’s design for how to deal with disobedience. Can’t be any other way.

            Disrespect for one’s nation is nowhere to be found in your bible. If your arrogance is approved by God, then we have nothing to discuss. Pride goeth before a fall (and al that). The idea that everything of the world is idol worship is just sophomoric. Reverence for nation, ancestors, heroes does not dishonor God, or put other gods before Him.

            The end. Over and out. Ten, two and even.

      • Nah, they’re insulated by the 1st for their anti-America hatred. Still, they do share the same sentiment as those who have shot politicians and police lately. They just don’t have the balls to escalate their oh so fashionable alienation above the facile slacktivist level.

        • @ Dan Cancellieri

          >Do you kneel when the anthem is played?
          No. I typically just stay seated.

          >Do you espouse your beliefs every time the anthem is played?
          Not explicitly but implicitly I’d have to say yes. Actions and in-actions have meaning. By not joining in with the rest of the group I’m singling myself out for sure. I’ve had a few people comment or otherwise express their dissatisfaction with my nonconformity after the anthem or pledge or whatever patriotic nonsense we’re indulging in.

          But do I loudly proclaim right then and there how I feel about the situation? No. But if anyone wants to know I gladly have a conversation with them. That’s what civilized folks do.

          >Is it too much to ask these million dollar babies to sit down and have a discussion with America?
          Well, in a way, that’s exactly what they’re doing. Right? They’re drawing attention to several things. One is that, in their view, the police are acting brutally against people of color. Now that may be true or not but I don’t see anyone wanting to have a discussion about it. I just see belligerence on both sides or all around as it were.

          The second thing is that it’s drawing attention to the facts of why are the anthem and the military and jets and all of that even on display at professional games? It just seems out of place. We don’t do these things typically at the beginnings of concerts or other large events.

          If the owners want to fire their employees for some non-conformity or errant behavior than they can do so. If the players want to quit because they do not want to be forced to stand during an anthem or display of patriotism that they don’t agree with then they should be able to do so. Better yet would be to just respect them and not make a big deal out of it. Once again the media is complicit by making a spectacle out of something that shouldn’t even be a blip if it’s really such a non-issue.

          But I think the fact that it’s touching such a nerve means there’s more than meets the eye here…

          I personally don’t have a dog in the fight other than to reply that for all these people on here wailing and gnashing their teeth threatening to charge people with sedition and all these things that if that’s the route they want to go then they’re going to have to charge a lot of people because we all don’t feel the same way about this country.

          Many believe: “Land of the free, home of the brave.”

          I believe: “Land of the coward, home of the slave.”

          If we truly were a nation of free, brave men and women then we wouldn’t live under the tyranny we do. The fact that nobody is willing to do anything en masse to correct it only proves the fact. Voting doesn’t work. The system is not going to change itself. It’s completely corrupt. Getting a few supreme court justices to “sway the vote” isn’t going to do anything. Getting the Federal Government to force all the States to be uniform is only going to make things worse. In short, nothing other than peaceful secession has any hope in ending well.

          So I’m not going to sit there and praise something that in fact doesn’t exist and is a lie.

          • @ The Punisher
            Interesting thought process. We do live in a free country, free to stay free to leave. Even though there are consequences for staying as well as for leaving. If you feel the there are those people who are being brutalized because of race or politics feel free to leave. If you can’t respect the country that has given you the freedoms you enjoy feel free to leave. If you think we or you are a slave to this government the simple solution is to leave. If you want to bittcchh about how bad you have it TFS. America, love it or leave it. That’s all that needs be said…..

      • It’s kind of like flag-burning. Do whatever the F you want, but don’t b1t<h if somebody off's you and yours for it, because flag burning is absolutely an act of war.

        Freedom and Peace are tenuous at best. It's like an inflated balloon. You chuck this little bit and expect it (by our acquiescence) to somehow keep it inflated. Instead, we chuck the rest in a spectacular fashion. You want to not live on that edge, and I want you to know what that really means.

        If we're going to do anything goes, we're going to do my version, and I guarantee you won't fing like it.

        • Flag burning is an act of war? Really? The totally legal burning of a flag is an act of war? Really?! Come on, man. You guys on this site are hardcore dumb sometimes.

        • When exactly did it ever STOP being an act-of-war. When war got technical? advanced? civilized?

          It’s a trick question. War is when I say it is, and you try your hardest to keep me from saying it and vice-versa.

          I didn’t come up with that, it is codified in the human genome because we are finite animals stuck on a rock and the only thing that keeps us from killing each other for sport is that we are required to waste so much of our energies attempting to accumulate our own means of subsistence.

          Don’t take my word for it though. Read Carl von Clausewitz:
          ” “If when Political objects are unimportant, motives weak, the excitement of forces small, a cautious commander tries in all kinds of ways, without great crises and bloody solutions, to twist himself skillfully into peace through the characteristic weakness of his enemy in the field and in the cabinet, we have no right to find fault with him, if the premise on which he acts are well founded and justified by success; still we must require him to remember that
          he only travels on forbidden tracks, where the God of War may surprise him; that he ought always to keep his eye on the enemy, in order that he may not have to defend himself with a dress rapier if the enemy takes u p a sharp sword”. (Clausewitz [Rappaport Translation], “On War” pg. 137)
          While Clausewitz was obviously addressing the idea of conflict between varying levels of participants, the author here wishes the reader to recognize the fact that when the overall idea of conflict is reduced to its absolute simplicity, YOU (the reader) are “the commander.” ” [J.M. Thomas R., TERMS, 2012, Pg. 26]

      • Whatever you say kiddo. The letter of the statute I cited disagrees. The reason they are in deep shit is that the entire procedure exists as a contract between the DoD and he NFL to act as a recruiting tool. This is no different than firebombing a recruiting office from a sedition standpoint.

        At the very least the DoD should pull their cash and repudiate the NFL for their breach of contract.

      • Yes, it is the “right” of millionaire athletes, who couldn’t make that kind of money in any other country, to act as they please.

        It is the “right” of everyone here to disrespect, criticize and heap scorn and sarcasm on them at every turn. GET OVER IT!

      • Swiff, you spoust your liberal crap on too many websites to have us bother with you. You are (D).The problem is part of you. And leave the Boy Scouts out of it.

    • No, they haven’t. They’re wrong in the facts of their protest, but in no way is what they’ve done illegal. Please stop being an internet tough guy for once in your life.

        • Disagree with what? In 1989 the supreme court ruled in Texas v. Johnson that BURNING the flag was covered by the 1st amendment.

          So not standing for one of the 3 national anthems of the US would be against what law?

          They could be fired if they’re in a right to work state, but they’ve broken no laws.

        • Burning a flag has no long-term consequences. Undermining the legitimacy of the federal government by falsely claiming that it is racist does. Apples and oranges kiddo. Like I said, betcha I could make it stick with the right judge, jurry, and federal circuit.

        • I’m not the one taking the position that a democratically elected government has no legal recourse against sedition and incitement of insurrection. That’s a rather interesting position counselor.

        • Sedition, as defined by the Smith Act, is the intentional advocating of overthrow of the Federal Government of the United States. Protesting is covered by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

          At what point has any football player advocated overthrowing the government? In point of fact, most of them don’t appear to even know what Kaepernick was protesting in the first place. Which is kind of sad, but as far away from sedition as you can get.

    • I believe sedition is too strong a charge. I don’t see what the kneelers are doing as advocating the violent overthrow of the government.
      Instead, what they are doing does seem to be protected by the first amendment: “…and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
      However, that doesn’t guarantee any venue for that redress; though everyone is free to pick a street corner and have at it, as long as they don’t “disturb the peace.”
      I have been told that this is a way to start a conversation. My response is this: If you want to have a conversation with me, don’t start by pissing on my shoes.

  1. let me know when nhl players start acting ungrateful for their millions.

    other countries have expressed their feelings towards a returning unvictorious home team rather brutally.

  2. The headline sounded so over the top, but in context, I have seen one video of a North Korean execution using a morter. I will not watch another.

    • Saddam “spider hole” Hussein killed his entire Olympic Swimming Team with a Beretta 92 because they did poorly (intel reports left out whether they knelt for their anthem).

    • For real.

      Can’t just walk away and have a peaceful divorce…always gotta come to bloodshed it seems.

      • “Can’t just walk away and have a peaceful divorce…always gotta come to bloodshed it seems.”

        Because in the mind of the small minded, might makes right. If I cannot persuade you, I will beat you into submission, and all your house.

      • True. In this context I would bet on sound of the TV being turned off. Less views means less money from commercials. Hit them where it hurts – their pockets!

        I can’t even do that as I have never been a sports fan and watching adult males play a child’s game is cruel and unusual punishment for me. Even hockey.

        Kneeling position infers much more devout or submissive feeling towards the subject (royalty, clergy etc.) I always stand up for National Anthem or an anthem of country I’m in, out of respect for locals. But I don’t voluntarily kneel in front of anyone and for anything.

        Someone should tell those overpaid clowns they don’t have to take their devotion to the Republic so far. Makes about as much sense as burning their own neighborhood in response to cop’s shootings….wait, what?

  3. It’s a sad fact that for many people patriotism means blindly supporting the government in everything they do… People who love this country fight to make it better.

  4. Ban,Boycott every game,sponsor,promoter,shirt seller who sells their crap!! Make them all poor the owners too….

    They all should be charged with treason a death penalty or find another country!

    People who have benefited from America ..and its people and are billionaires should have more respect for the country that made them stupid rich for doing nothing.

    What a bunch of cowards using their position to promote hate of America like Bollywood stars do….




    • You must not have been on this site very long if you think that good people aren’t victims of the police forces of the USA. Robert was getting a lot of anti-cop accusations just for highlighting events like the baby who got a flashbang tossed in his crib by negligent officers. Just last week in Phoenix an autistic 14 year old was beat up by an officer who thought he was high because he wasn’t speaking clearly.

      But hey, if it hasn’t happened to you yet then it must just be an imaginary problem.

      • Cops are human mistakes happen. Turning those mistakes into an epidemic of “institutional racism” is retarded and arguably seditious.

      • You must not be in America long if you think a protest about Police and police-violence [which everyone’s back-peddling like a MF on now] can be equated with shitting on the American Anthem.

        This is a purposeful and long-building Alinsky POS (D) thing. Hillocrap was pushing for “Run-off-to-Canada” Bruce Springsteen to ‘write a new’ Anthem for about 20 + years. ANYONE PAYING ATTENTION directly ties it to the attempts to get GOD and prayer and THE FLAG out of our schools. So it’s very easy to throw a YUUUUGE FU at the aholes that want to try to shit on THE RULES FOR PEACEABLE ASSEMBLY, and our NATIONAL SYMBOL.

        If we’re going to sit-by while someone tears down the importance of the anthem, we can all stand by while someone tears down you and yours. If the National Anthem ain’t worth it to you, you and yours ain’t worth half a wet-tick-turd.


      • He wasn’t beaten up. Cop put him on the ground because he was not following instructions or acting normal. In fact he was acting pretty weird. A couple of scrapes but otherwise not injured.
        The Phoenix PD apologized to the kid and the family.

  5. The backlash against the NFL tantrum throwers has already begun. TV ratings are down, as are sales of NFL licensed products.

    The NFL and team owners will either wake up or pay the price. Money talks.

    • Yep, and team owners have every right to sack them for it, as the NFL is not a government entity and the players are on company time.

      • Yeah, and instead of firing them, most of the owners and coaches stood arm in arm with the teams as a show of support for the players and their right to take a knee in the land of the free.

        Seems like they know a lot more about freedom than a few people in this thread.

        • “Seems like they know a lot more about freedom than a few people in this thread.”

          Your are missing what is going on, here. Spoiled children of the sports world are free to do as they think they can get away with without consequence. POTG are free to criticize, disagree, and denigrate their actions as being disrespectful of the nation that made their ability to wear sports uniforms, and make fantastic sums for providing not much of anything of value. Just because a speech or action is loosed on the public does not make it morally superior or acceptable. Just because “you” can, doesn’t mean you should. Whatever you do, or say, others have a “right” to call you on it, scold and shun. Only children, spoiled children, and their playmates believe they should “be able to do whatever”, without disapproval.

        • “Seems like they know a lot more about freedom than a few people in this thread.” That’s just b.s. right there. There are a great many expressive things NFL players are fined for or told they can’t do if they ask permission. Some of those things are political, some are politically neutral activism, many are tangentially commercial (no use of products that compete with NFL sponsors).

          The NFL is an illegal monopoly. The Supreme Court disagrees based on the reasoning that the NFL creates a market that wouldn’t otherwise exist.

        • Where has anyone gotten the idea that Jeffress said anything approaching a recommendation for shooting athletes who do not stand up when hearing the anthem? Jeffress was pointing out that in a large number of nations, disrespect for the nation or national leaders will get you shot, and that athletes are only able to do what they do because in this nation, you are not executed by government for your political actions.

    • Why it doesn’t surprise me from someone claiming to be proud chicano?
      I’m first to admit that the US of A has many flaws and problems to deal with. (I still love it, warts and all.)
      Does that mean it’s okay to disrespect its people by not standing up for the anthem? That’s like spitting on commonly revered symbol. It may be your right to do it, but don’t be surprised if there are consequences. Accompanied, in your case, by a not too subtle suggestion of how nice Mexico is this time of year.

      • Your way off base with your Mexico comment but that’s just your ignorance showing through. I love this country with every fiber even with its flaws as you mentioned. My comment still holds water though it’s their right deal with it. What is the nfl going to do about it the players are the stars of the show. Unless we are going to try to force someone to agree with our opinions but we are not liberals are we???

      • If you think “chicano” is a thing, then you to seriously reassess your commitment to this nation. Are you Mexican or American? You only get one.

        • “There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all … The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic … There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.”
          –Theodore Roosevelt, 1915.

          • I don’t entirely agree with the “no hyphenated American” thing. There isn’t anything wrong with remembering where you came from, being proud of it, and keeping the good stuff from that culture (usually food is the biggest part of the good stuff). I do agree that anyone who views their nationality as not totally American is bad at being an American and America can’t prosper if most Americans are bad at being American.

            Also, anyone who views their nationality as “Hispanic” is a moron who either doesn’t know what nationality or Hispanic means. (That’s a reference to that stupid woman on the ancestry dot com commercial).

      • Pardon me, but America is Not North Korea. We do not march hailing Dear Leader or shoot people over flag displays.

  6. Let em kneel. Kneeling is the act of a slave or servant. The slave kneels, the freeman stands, the king sits.

  7. I don’t want to see anyone shot for expressing a belief even if its wrong on their part.
    Fired or suspended yes though.
    Sports is no place for political activism.
    But again these owners and the NFL commissioner have no ballz except on the fields.
    Spoiled f@#$%^ng brats.

    • He didn’t say they ‘should be shot’ he’s just saying ‘wake the F up’ you’re protesting America purportedly for something else (that America is not, or else you wouldn’t have the time and opportunity to protest) and America is the only thing ON THE WHOLE FU<KING PLANET, that's going to protect your stupid a _ _ WHILE YOU PROTEST.

      He's saying "don't bite the hand that's feeding you, and holding you up while you dangle over a cliff, and pulling you into the lifeboat, and pulling you back out of traffic . . ."

      • No one is “protesting America”, whatever the fuck that means. This is a form of protestin regards to a perception that the police are killing too many black people. You can agree with that or not, but dragging America as a whole in to this is deeply stupid and a deflection from the real issue in order to get folks like you riled up about the wrong damn thing.

        • “This is a form of protestin regards to a perception that the police are killing too many black people.”


          It is a full-on resistance to the current president of the national government; nothing more.

          Children throwing a fit.

        • So it’s slander against the federal government with the intent to undermine its authority. Yah… that’s much better. /sarc

        • Fluffernick didn’t deny that he was converting to Islam to please his muslim girlfriend. Part of that question was if he was doing it for any religious reason(s).
          Either way, he’s got a lot of reasons for having started all this. So far, none of them good, and he supposedly dropped it sight unseen on his teammates before dragging them thru a pathetic season. The usual suspects are on his (wrong) side, and I’m psyched to find that I ain’t there, and of all of the other people that ain’t too.

  8. Hallelujah! Sounds quite a bit like MY pastor. Gotta’ love the Baptists. BTW if I hear one more tard state “it’s their right” IT’S NOT…completely against NFL rules. The 70% black player monopoly thinks they control their organised violence. Wait till the $ dries up homie…

  9. They probably are lucky they’re not being hauled off and shot, because that’s exactly what would happen in half the world.

    I hope Mr. Jeffress isn’t implying they should be shot. I think what they’re doing is stupid and wrong, but I’ll shoot to protect their right to express their stupid and wrong opinions if I have to.

    This doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be consequences. The kneelers could and probably should be fired, or at the least fined and suspended. And they deserve to be abandoned by the sports-watching public; personally, I hope the NFL goes bankrupt. But if those players don’t have the right to protest, then none of us do.

    • I’ve been hoping the NFL goes bankrupt for 20 years. I’ve been sick of those whiny bitches for far too long. Football is a very entertaining sport to watch but those assclowns just ruin it. Every time I hear people talking about it at work I want to puke on their shoes.

    • The Christian bakers don’t have free speech. So no none of us have free speech.

      You don’t have to buy at their bakery. And you dont have to give money to the NFL either.

      And any business the players have invested in, you can boycott them as well.

  10. Way to stir up the rubes again Robert.

    Your ginned up animosity is going to return to you someday when one of these uneducated hardliners full of vitriolic rhetoric comes after you for something they are too stupid to comprehend.

  11. Frankly I don’t really care about football.

    Shot in the head seems a little extreme. Fired or at least fined for breach of contract and league rules, well … The fact that hasn’t happened says a lot about the NFL and team owners, none of which is good.

    I know what would happen if I decided to protest politically at my place of employment, on my employer’s time, in a high profile way.

    • We should have waited until you said (their) the first stupidity was ‘over-the-top’?

      It’s stupidity to think the push back shouldn’t fall somewhere between 300% and infinity.

  12. Y’know, I don’t think very highly of cops either. And yet, I don’t see my animosity toward the police as a reason to disrespect my flag or my country. There’s no linkage as far as I can see.

    It’s just a poor excuse for the churlish Crips and Bloods who dominate the National Felony League to do the type of churlish things that they did on the streets.

    Shoot the players in the head? No. Kick them in the wallet instead. And don’t leave out their billionaire bosses.

  13. They have the right to protest in any non violent way they wish. I have the right to no longer support them or their team with my viewer ship or through the purchase of merchandise. I have been a supporter of my favorite team since their inception in the 60’s. I sent the ownership an E mail last night informing them that I could not would not offer my support of their franchise until they demanded their employees again stand and respect the flag of our nation during the National Anthem. There are many who will say they don’t have the authority to do this. That is where you are wrong. You do not have the right to speak or act as you please while in the workplace and your employer can discipline you up to and including termination. Don’t believe me. Look at your employee rule book. There are many things you are not allowed to say,wear,do all of which are guaranteed under the First Amendment. Yet if you do them your employer does have the right to discipline you. Still don’t believe me contact the EEOC they will set you straight.

  14. “If I were king, I would not allow people to go around burning the American flag,” Scalia told CNN in 2012. “However, we have a First Amendment, which says that the right of free speech shall not be abridged ― and it is addressed in particular to speech critical of the government. That was the main kind of speech that tyrants would seek to suppress.”

    • So the federal government has no recourse against slander inciting insurrection? Really? That’s a rather unique position to take.

      • Dude, stop. I’m going to strain an eyeball from rolling them so hard.

        Your flailing about is embarrassing and you should be embarrassed about it.

        • So making public statements you know to be false in support of a known insurgent group is somehow not prosecutable? Last time I checked, that constitutes material support of terrorism, oh, and sedition.

          They can roll their eyes all they want, straight to a firing squad.

  15. Stop. I just don’t care anymore! Tired of hearing this crap and seeing it. Stop giving them attention and stop watching the games and they’ll all move on. Fact is this is just the easiest (cheapest) way to protest the injustices they see. Notice not a single one is donating cash or actually out trying to fix these injustices nor are they forming their own non profits to do so. Sooo until that point I look at it as I do those flag burning/stomping tards. It’s their right and the 1st Amendment protects them from being arrested for it, however, it does not protect them from my use of the 1st Amendment to call them a__holes at every opportunity.

  16. Bang Bang. No the Supreme court said “first amendment”, we saw that with the flag burners of the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s. The “people” couldn’t harm the little darlings so they had no recourse but to ignore them. Now we have the NFL supporting these communist radicals and because of that we do have a point of pressure we can apply. Money, NFL money. Boycott, Boycott, Boycott… Money talks everything else walks……

  17. Watch historical fencing instead. It is not just stupid game and actually has a point. This kinda shit never happens in fencing:-)

  18. “highlight racism” is that what the jackwads are “protesting”? I had not see that as their actual bitch.

    I assume what they object too is Obumer’s resurrection of “racism” in America?

  19. These protestors are a joke and so is NFL. Lets find out how much the NFL owners and League gets tax free. We are the poor slobs (deplorables) that pay those pricks.

  20. Pastor Jeffress and Mr. Farago are lucky I give a damn about this spat, which has almost nothing to do with protecting gun rights.

    Oh wait. I don’t.

  21. Just so I’m clear: guys silently protesting by taking a knee during the national anthem is seditious behavior worthy of being shot for, bu Nazis shouting “Jews will not replace us” while demanding that monuments to people who actually formented war against the United States and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths of American citizens is completly acceptable.

    Am I getting this right?

  22. This is not about tge flag it is about racism the national anthem says justice for all but where is the justice when cops are killing black people unjustly and not getting a slap on the hans this is why kapernick and the rest of the nfl takes a knee for the innocent people lives taken by cops it has nothing to do with the flag but isnt this why the European people got on ships and came to America because they wanted justice but you all forget that part i support kap and the nfl players peaceful protest but you all donr sat anything about klan rallies and their hatered againts blacks but yet they are christians

      • OK coherent yes. Why don’t the kneelers say as much. What most Americans see and hear is total disrespect for America and those who die defending it with no rational for their actions. If the kneelers can’t articulate their rational for their actions then maybe their just being used by left wing radicals to in effect destroy their country……

        • Not only was the statement not coherent, it also lacked any punctuation or any argument based in reality.

          I was able to decipher John’s argument that “tge” protest of the flag and anthem that represent our country is not a protest of our country. I also get that such an argument is stupid.

          I get that morons think the cops are a bunch of racists who go around killing black people because the cops hate black people (and that they get away with it). I don’t understand how that applies to all the black cops, who are more likely to shoot a black guy than the white cops.

          I do get that anyone attacking the foundations and symbols that bind Americans into one nation are an enemy of that nation. I’m not saying what they are doing is illegal or meets the technical definition of treason, but these people are betraying our country; they are traitors.

        • I also understand children who have a vocabulary of perhaps a dozen words. Most of them people’s names.

              • I’ve long ago accepted the existence of stupid people. It seldom angers me when I encounter stupid people. Almost never on the internet. You’re not stupid enough to get to me. Your illiteracy might have angered me if you posted frequently with otherwise valuable insights.

              • Lol it might have been i was typing while driving or didn’t proofread some people do more than grammer check others but since you did not comprehend the first time probably because you are a trump supporter i will dumb it down some for you . The kneeling in the nfl is not about the flag it’s about the unjust killing that police are doing the national anthem says justice for all but where is the justice when cops are killing black people unjustly and not getting a slap on the wrist. You people want to make it about the flag but it is not about the flag. Your president doesn’t even salute the flag how disrespectful is that but as president he is worried about nfl players is that his biggest priority lol

              • The racist are the ones who think its about a flag than a man for standing for justice of the people being slaughtered and nobody says amything to the killers

              • @John Zeigler & @TX_Lawyer
                The problem is that John Zeigler and company seem to be totally unaware that there actions are incredibly offensive to the people and country that is allowing the kneelers the right to protest. The 1A allows persons the right to protest, whether it is wise to protest in the way they are doing it is another question. Thousands died to defend “John Zeigler’s” friends right to protest, only “John Zeigler’s” friends had the poor taste to insult all Americans with their protest. No one is saying “Don’t protest.” just use a little discretion. By the way, its my right to boycott the NFL for doing what they are doing……

              • “All Americns” are not being treated fairly thats the reason they are kneeling nobody says anything when the klan has rallies but let a black man take a knee and its offensive but you racist people dont see that

  23. Sigh……… President Carly Fiorina. Business mind, pro gun, & no drama. But, no….. Folks backed the Trump Train instead. Enjoy the results. A short term deal with the Devil to win the White House. Long term? The GOP is destroyed.

  24. The three L’s, Libertarians, Liberals and the Left, have never supported the 1st amendment. In fact they have a warped view of just what the 1st amendment means. The justice department under president Obama never supported the Christian bakers nor did they fight against the lesbian ,democrat, mayor of Houston Texas when she used government force, issuing subpoenas, to get copies of the sermons from local pastors.


    “the subpoenas seek any speeches, sermons, or communications with church members relating to homosexuality, gender identity, or Houston Mayor Annise Parker, the city’s first open lesbian to hold that office.”

    When president Trump uses government force to stop the speech of an American citizen, let me know. Every President has free speech rights, just like everyone else. If a democrat violates a person’s free speech, its ok????

  25. Love it that Trump is playing these leftist nitwits like a fiddle. He has every lib in America from ABC’s in-house runt George Clintonopoulos to CNN’s pet pervert Don “Nipples” Lemon running off at the mouth over this nonsense. Meanwhile, he gets a breather to do right where most others only do wrong. MAGA

  26. I’ve heard the anti-aircraft execution story a few times, and it always leaves me wondering: Why is this considered such a brutal and barbaric form of execution, compared to just about anything else? Seems to me that being immediately blown to bits by a gun designed to take down a fighter plane would be a pretty quick way to go. Messy as hell, of course, but that’s the executioner’s problem.

  27. The three L’s, Libertarians, Liberals and the Left, have never supported the 1st amendment. In fact they have a warped view of just what the 1st amendment means. The justice department under president Obama never supported the Christian bakers nor did they fight against the lesbian, democrat, mayor of Houston Texas when she used government force, issuing subpoenas, to get copies of the sermons from local pastors.


    “the subpoenas seek any speeches, sermons, or communications with church members relating to homosexuality, gender identity, or Houston Mayor Annise Parker, the city’s first open lesbian to hold that office.”

    When president Trump uses government force to stop the speech of an American citizen, you let me know. Every President has free speech rights, just like everyone else. If a democrat elected leader violates a person’s free speech, its ok????
    This whole NFL, BS, has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Anyone can legally be fired from their job if, they are caught on camera doing or saying something that your boss does not like, while they are on duty or not. School teachers get fired this way all the time.

    This is not about racism. Unless you hate all white cops. But the assassination of a black police woman in NYC, by a black criminal does not count???

    The democrats call for violence as well. From 2011. President Obama had no problem with it.

    “Labor Day speech by Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa in which he spoke of a war with the tea parties and said “lets take these sons-of-bitches out” — moments before Obama assumed the same podium.”


    • How are you lumping libertarians in with leftists? They are on opposite sides of the spectrum of authoritarianism/collectivism vs. individual liberty.

      Though you do capitalize the word, so if you are referring to the US Libertarian Party specifically, then you have a point. But the US Libertarian Party is in no sense libertarian, any more than leftists are liberal (except in the Orwellian sense: ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery, etc.)

      • You aren’t convincing Chris that libertarians aren’t out to destroy all that is good and holy or that the actual meaning of the word libertarian is a lot closer to any other word, except liberal, that properly describes “conservative” views of government.

        As the quote goes “[h]ow many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”

    • Well, that’s just wonderful! Maybe you could show your support more fully by spelling his name properly and learning how to use capitalization and punctuation!
      You know, you can either post here in whatever bizarre, obscure postage-stamp-cuckoo-clock-and-chocolate-bar country’s language that is native to you, or run your Engritch through Google Translate. Either way, your message will be just as clear:
      “I’m an idiot.” “Ich bin ein Idiot.” “Je suis un idiot.” “Mi estas idioto.” “Я идиот.” “Ja sam idiot.” “Ik ben een idioot.” “Eu sou um idiota.” “我是個白痴” “Ben bir aptalım.”

  28. The Far Right Racists have said sung the same disgusting song as far back as Martin Luther King and his marches. To them it was Un-American and they were in no way going to give up White Privilege and White Power.

    Protesting on a street corner to a few of the choir is far less sensational then doing it in front of thousands of people on National TV to get their message across and that is that its high time we provided more money for more police training and vetting out of psycho Cops and we reform our corrupt court system that makes it almost impossible to convict mad dog killer cops even when the entire Nation sees the horrific videos plastered all over the National News.

    And yes we still do have the 1st Amendment and if someone does not want to salute the flag or sing patriotic songs that is their right. The tradition of playing the Anthem before Football games when its not played in many other sports is ridiculous anyway and pure blasphemy of freedom of Speech.

    In the end the “the untrained or the Psycho Cop Problem” will eventually get so out of hand that more and more White People will start to be gunned down and then you had better bet your sweet ass that then something will finally be done about it but until that comes to pass the killing of black people and other minorities will be viewed as just “collateral damage” and nothing to get upset about by a largely rabid racist White Population who views anyone not of Anglo Saxon, Protestant back ground as not “real Americans” who do not and should not have equal Constitutional Rights. Its nothing new as its been going on since way before the Civil War. The only lives that matter are White and the only people who should have Constitutional Rights and to deny that attitude is to live in a world of fantasy in the U.S. Second Class Citizens are a reality and the current situation in Puerto Rico is just another example of many that prove it beyond all doubt with Herr Drumpf screaming and affirming it from the roof tops.

  29. Standing on a street corner preaching to the choir is far different than protesting in front of millions of people on National TV.

    In the past the Far Right Racists even called Martin Luther King Un-American and that his peaceful marches an outrage. To them no time is a good time or proper time to speak out for social injustices if it involves losing any White Supremacy or White Privilege.

    And of course their is the embarrassing 1st Amendment that only pertains to Right Wing White People who believe that all minorities have no Constitutional Rights.

    I dare say that when the problem of untrained Cops and Cops that are not prosecuted for outright murder starts to extend to the killing of White people you can bet that social change will come swiftly. And ditto for a reform of our corrupt court systems that make it currently impossible for prosecuting cops even when we have horrific videos.

    And of course claiming that Colin has not been hired because he is a mediocre quarterback flies in the face of reality as he is far better than some of the current quarterbacks that were hired just this year. But what else would you expect from a racist and their point of view.

  30. Standing on a street corner preaching to the choir is far different than protesting in front of millions of people on National TV.

    In the past the Far Right Racists even called Martin Luther King Un-American and that his peaceful marches an outrage. To them no time is a good time or proper time to speak out for social injustices if it involves losing any White Supremacy or White Privilege.

    And of course their is the embarrassing 1st Amendment that only pertains to Right Wing White People who believe that all minorities have no Constitutional Rights.

    I dare say that when the problem of untrained Cops and Cops that are not prosecuted for outright murder starts to extend to the killing of White people you can bet that social change will come swiftly. And ditto for a reform of our corrupt court systems that make it currently impossible for prosecuting cops even when we have horrific videos.

    And of course claiming that Colin has not been hired because he is a mediocre quarterback flies in the face of reality as he is far better than some of the current quarterbacks that were hired just this year. But what else would you expect from a racist and their point of view.

  31. Standing on a street corner preaching to the choir is far different than protesting in front of millions of people on National TV.

    In the past the Far Right Racists even called Martin Luther King Un-American and that his peaceful marches an outrage. To them no time is a good time or proper time to speak out for social injustices if it involves losing any White Supremacy or White Privilege.

    And of course their is the embarrassing 1st Amendment that only pertains to Right Wing White People who believe that all minorities have no Constitutional Rights.

    I dare say that when the problem of untrained Cops and Cops that are not prosecuted for outright murder starts to extend to the killing of White people you can bet that social change will come swiftly. And ditto for a reform of our corrupt court systems that make it currently impossible for prosecuting cops even when we have horrific videos.

    And of course claiming that Colin has not been hired because he is a mediocre quarterback flies in the face of reality as he is far better than some of the current quarterbacks that were hired just this year. But what else would you expect from a racist and their point of view.

  32. Standing on a street corner preaching to the choir is far different than protesting in front of millions of people on National TV.
    In the past the Far Right Racists even called Martin Luther King Un-American and that his peaceful marches an outrage. To them no time is a good time or proper time to speak out for social injustices if it involves losing any White Supremacy or White Privilege.


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