Scot from California’s state capital city shares his Saturday Morning carry via Everyday Carry.

Frankly, I admire Californians who can navigate that state’s concealed carry application process and actually obtain a carry license.  Which is probably not valid in the places where you really should carry the gun.  But enough about Cali’s confusing carry laws.

Scot carries a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm – hopefully not Mexican style as no holster is shown.  The ham radio, a Kenwood Tri-band TH-D74A is something I’ve never seen before in an everyday carry ensemble.  Now that probably clips to the belt if it’s like my old Alinco HTs.  Alas, my license has expired and needs renewing, even though I don’t think I transmitted a single time with my last 10-year ticket.

He also carries two flash/thumb drives.  I used to carry one and need to get back into the habit.  With some encryption, a thumb drive serves as a great place to carry an inventory of your home’s possessions, along with scanned copies of documents and photos and descriptions of those guns you lost in your boating accidents.

Does anyone else carry an amateur radio?  Or is anyone even licensed anymore?  The last time I went to a license test I think I was the only person without gray hair.

Anyway, check out all the details of Scot’s stuff at Everyday Carry.



  1. Countycomm, ssb-GP 5 in factory sealed anti-Emp packaging in my GHB, only a receiver, but if it’s good enough to issue it’s good enough for me. The 2nd one is on my desk, I listen and log every night. Same thing with my personal water filter, it, along with a replacement filter core, cost as much as a good, small revolver, but if it’s good enough for the Red Cross and the UN, I think I can muddle through. I carry lots of strange stuff, but, I’ve been in and out of some strange places and most of this kinda stuff got included after I found out how necessary it could be to the getting out process. Never praise a survivor until you’ve found out what exactly was necessary for them to do to enable them to survive. If they didn’t have to do some stuff that was way outside their comfort zone, chances are it really wasn’t much of a survival situation at all. Sometimes “survival situations” are nothing but a combination of poor to nonexistent plans and an overestimation of skills. Luck makes for a lousy contingency plan. Your mileage may vary. F-K-A

  2. I sympathize. In place of the radio I have a Garmin InReach Explorer. If you are often where a cell phone doesn’t work, either could be a life saver. The Garmin being a GPS navigator (even if a very clunky one) also has more utility to my thinking. I was actually very nervous on some of my hikes until I started carrying it.

      • Even the X is not as much a GPS navigator though, no? It also has only a .4w transmitter as opposed to the InReach’s 1.6w and the InReach has transmission confirmation which the Spot doesn’t. I don’t think the Spot has the weather reports either. Since I also have a phone I don’t need the key pad, don’t really need it anyway since I only use the canned messages and someday perhaps the SOS button. What would I gain?

        • Agreed. I’ve had an InReach for 4 1/2 years, a Delorme model from before Garmin bought them out. When I’m hunting, rafting, hiking, etc in the hinterlands it is my go-to for comms. The ability to pull down localized wx reports is invaluable. Pairing it with a smartphone really simplifies typing longer messages (the hunt-and-peck letter-by-letter typing of the original InReach only works well for SHORT messages).

          Regarding the SPOT, my son sent me an article about how they have had a couple of failures when people tried to activate the SOS function. The fact that they do not provide a “received” confirmation can be very dangerous when someone really, really needs those emergency services ASAP and the SOS message was never sent.

          Still running an old Yaesu FT-2600M mobile in the truck, a C.B. and a 15W GMRS / FRS mobile. CB is real handy for knowing when, where and which Forest Service roads the big logging trucks are running..scary as Heck to meet one of them on a FS road when he is taking his share out of the middle.

  3. I don’t carry an amateur radio except in my car. It’s a Yaesu FT-60. Yes, people still get licensed but increasingly people don’t bother because they don’t have to if they’re not being stupid and I’ve never run across a retailer that checks to see if you have a Technician license (or higher). If you’ve got cash or a credit card your HAM shack is good to go.

    The only way I could see a certification even coming up as an issue (outside you being stupid) is if you wanted to put a big antenna on your house in which case it’s the local government, rather than the FCC, that might ask for your license.

    I don’t even know if I’d bother to renew my license at all at this point. I never use the damn radio other than to listen to the NOAA stations while traveling by car. CB seems to be more widely used and truckers are more interesting to talk to anyway.

    Also, nice knife and I always wonder what meds people keep in their pill bottles.

    • Back in the day, the pill bottle contained white powdery meds; a very high grade numbing agent if you will. Great for pain when applied topically; great for depression when taken internally. /sarc/


    • “I don’t even know if I’d bother to renew my license at all at this point. I never use the damn radio other than to listen to the NOAA stations while traveling by car.”

      I’ve never lost the love I had as a kid of HF radio bouncing off a dynamic, ‘breathing’ living ionosphere…

  4. I have maintained my license, but am not very active. I do keep a cheap Baofang set to local repeaters in the areas I tend to frequent.

  5. The truth is I let mine expire too, but after I started working with Team Rubicon I got it back. A lot of the time it is our only communication. My every day carry changed after that.

  6. When civilization collapses, nobody is going to care whether you have a tech license or not when you transmit…Do you have any guns “off the books”…??? Same concept…

  7. Used to carry a Ham radio constantly, but it’s years past now. Back then it was constantly used on an extremely busy EMS/Rescue team, including wilderness SAR. Retired from that work due to injuries (stress fractures).

    Yes on the S&W, nice to see some American hardware after all that Gaston Glop.

    Still wondering why so few people show the holster they use?

  8. I got my amateur radio license back in ‘84 I recollect. Still renew it and have a single side band Yaesu FT-270 and last year picked up a Yaesu FT-60 and have a smattering if gmrs radios in a drawer somewhere. Wouldn’t mind a mobile for the auto though. Too bad most LEO departments have switched over to using encrypted dispatching now as I like to listen to the scanner chatter and that is getting rather scare.

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