Hunter Biden

The trial for Hunter Biden on illegal gun possession charges is set to begin June 3 in Delaware.

Biden, the son of anti-gun President Joe Biden, faces felony charges for purchasing a firearm while on illegal drugs, lying on the federal NICS background check form about his drug use when he purchased the revolver back in 2018 and then illegally possessing the firearm afterward. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The indictment against the younger Biden concerning the purchasing and lying charges states: “On or about October 12, 2018, in the District of Delaware, the defendant, Robert Hunter Biden, in connection with the acquisition of a firearm, that is, a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver with serial number RA 551363 from Company 1, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 44, Title 18, United States Code knowingly made a false and fictitious written statement, intended and likely to deceive that dealer with respect to a fact material to the lawfulness of the sale of the firearm under the provisions of Chapter 14, Title 18, United States Code, in that defendant, Robert Hunter Biden, provided a written statement on Form 4473 certifying he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious.”

As for the third charge concerning possession of the illegally purchased firearm, the indictment states: “On or about October 12, 2018, through on or about October 23, 2018, in the District of Delaware, the defendant Robert Hunter Biden, knowing that he was an unlawful user of and addicted to any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance as defined in Title 21, United States Code, Section 802, did knowingly possess a firearm, that is, a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver with serial number RA 551363, said firearm having been shipped and transported in interstate commerce.”

As they did in an earlier court appearance, Hunter Biden’s lawyers are likely to argue that the statute making it illegal for drug users to purchase and possess a firearm is unconstitutional. In a motion to dismiss, the younger Biden’s attorneys actually argued that the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision actually made the charges moot.

“Because persons protected by the Second Amendment can no longer be denied gun ownership due simply to past drug use—a practice inconsistent with this nation’s historical tradition on firearm regulation—any false statement by Mr. Biden concerning his status as having used a controlled substance no longer concerns ‘any fact material to the lawfulness of the sale’ of a firearm,” his attorneys argued in the motion.

That’s a truly ironic claim for the son of  a president who wants to continue making background checks more and more stringent, even to the point of wanting to require them on a so-called “universal” basis.

Last year it looked like Biden would escape prosecution through a sweet plea deal in which he had agreed to plead guilty to two tax evasion charges and enter a Pretrial Diversion Agreement with respect to the firearm charges. However, on June 20, 2023, a district judge in Delaware tossed out the plea agreement, paving the way for the upcoming court battle.

Per Hunter Biden’s own account of his addiction—as chronicled in his 2021 book, Beautiful Things—it is almost certain that he was an addict at the time he purchased the gun. Under the terms of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993—a law that then-Sen. Joe Biden shepherded through the U.S. Senate—lying on Form 4473 is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison. And the other counts could carry similar penalties.

Aside from the firearms charges, the younger Biden also faces nine tax-related charges in California. Biden has pleaded not guilty to those charges, too, and the date has not yet been set for that trial.


    • “I heard Hunter Biden’s favorite song is Send Lawyers, Guns and Money. ….”

      … ,and drugs lots of drugs and human trafficked hookers lots of human trafficked hookers at tax payer expense via government transportation.

      • Naw, his favorite song is the same as his father’s – “The Sidestep”, as sung by Charles Durning in the movie version of Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

    • Warren hung out with a lot of mercs back in the day, many of his songs memorialize famous soldiers of Fortune.

      Both ‘Roland’ and ‘Werewolves’ were written from stories he’d heard about the international hired gun business.

        • “can you say hypocrites?“

          False equivalence, every ‘hired gun’ who is providing security for any government official or celebrity is required to receive rigorous training and instruction on the proper employment of firearms in public spaces.

          This is different from the no regulation whatsoever ‘2nd amendment advocates’ who, as jwm states here on this forum, believe the second amendment does not require regulation or training of any kind.

          The latter are the real hypocrites in this situation, claiming Form 4473 is unconstitutional, yet clamoring for Hunter Biden to be convicted based on his statements on Form 4473.

          That’s the very definition of hypocrisy, as you and most on this forum practice.

        • Full of shit again, herr miner. If I would go to jail for violating an unconstitutional gun law then I expect the rich and famous to suffer the same.

          No. The 2a does not require training. No rights require training to use. They are not rights if they do so.

          Your way is fascism.

        • “A well regulated militia being necessary… “

          The Authors clearly stated the militia necessarily be ‘well regulated’, meaning regulations for the militia. You are a member of the ‘unorganized’ militia of the United of American, and subject to ‘discipline and governing by Congress‘:

          “Article I, Section 8, Clause 16:

          [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;“

          The actual facts of history and governance are just so fascinating.

        • It is an individual right. I know how that bothers you fascists. But individuals have the right to keep and bear arms.

          Your entire argument is based in a falsehood. And you know that.

        • minir49iq…”False equivalence, every ‘hired gun’ who is providing security for any government official or celebrity is required to receive rigorous training and instruction on the proper employment of firearms in public spaces.”

          Training you bozo has nada nothing to do with a Gun Control zealot who runs around demonizing firearms only to turn around and hire guns for protection…that makes them a fuking hypocrite. Wipe the spin to win snot off your face and face reality.

    • Federal charges, daddy will pardon his sorry ass… 🙁

  1. hunter will receive the same softballs as his dear old dad received with his handling of classified documents and the sleazy ho fani willis received in the concocted case against Trump. Obviously the courts are stacked in favor of democRats.

    TRUMP 2024.

  2. Court clerk will probably pack the Jury Pool with known loyal democrat stooges to ensure a Not Guilty Verdict. The whole thing is a waste of time & money.

  3. Nothing will happen to Hunter Biden.
    He might get a conviction, but daddy, who was a strong supporter of punishing this exact kind of criminal activity, will pardon him.

    • So Epstein and Geoff claim Joe Biden will pardon Hunter Biden, let us just wait and see what actually happens with regards to this outcome.

      After all, Donald Trump did pardon Steve Bannon for stealing millions of dollars from Trump supporters so anything is possible.

      “Steve Bannon charged with defrauding donors in private effort to raise money for Trump’s border wall
      By Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey, Rosalind S. Helderman and Shayna Jacobs
      August 20, 2020 at 6:36 p.m. EDT

      Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed criminal charges Thursday against Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, and three other men they alleged defrauded donors to a massive crowdfunding campaign that claimed to be raising money for construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

      In a 23-page indictment, prosecutors said Bannon and another organizer, Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, lied when they claimed they would not take any compensation as part of the campaign, called “We Build the Wall.” Bannon, prosecutors alleged, received more than $1 million through a nonprofit entity he controlled, sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to Kolfage while keeping a “substantial portion” for himself.“

      • minor49iq…You appear very distraught about a million dollars so why arn’t you even
        more distraught about the treasonous biden crime family syndicate getting millions from Russia, China, Ukraine, etc?

        • Little Debbie, there has been no evidence presented under oath the Bidens have committed any sort of financial crime as you allege, Congress has conducted their fishing expedition for months and have found squat.

          On the other hand, the Trump crime syndicate has been proven to commit multiple frauds, with sworn testimony in open court. Trump himself has been found civilly liable for $354million in financial fraud, and the Trump organization was found guilty of multiple financial felonies.

  4. Send Hunter to prison. The enemy of my enemy, is still my enemy.

    I will not stand up and support the enemies of Liberty. The enemy wants the power, to take away my civil rights. If they ever got into office.

    You just go ahead and keep supporting the K- K-K and the s0ci@list/pr0gres sives c0m mun!sts.

    I’m sure they will return the favor when they take over the government.

  5. You know, despite everything I bet Hunter would be a blast to hang out with.

    Man obviously knows how to party hard.

    • Yeah, you can tell Marjorie wants some of that action by the way she keeps flashing naked pictures of Hunter holding his… gun.

      She gets that gleam in her eyes, her little pink tongue darts out to lick her lips and she kind of goes in a trance right there on the House floor.

      • People like you enjoy public displays of porn. It’s called the 1st amendment. I’ve been told over and over again.

      • You realize, it is Republican representatives of the United States Congress who are exhibiting those ”public displays of porn”.

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