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David Codrea and Part Company

David Codrea is a pillar of freedom fighters and Second Amendment supporters. He and Mike Vanderbough broke the Obama administration’s Fast and Furious gun running scandal. He has numerous awards from the Second Amendment Foundation, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and even from Soldier of Fortune magazine. I consider David to be a role model, and I am proud to call him a colleague So it is with mixed feelings that I report that he is parting ways with . . .

I read many columns that David wrote as the Gun Rights Examiner. His column was a groundbreaking example at that inspired many local gun rights examiners such as Dave Workman, Liston Matthews, Steve D. Jones, Kurt Hofmann, John Longenecker, and others. He engendered an army of gun rights examiners that have done tremendous work in reporting what the old media refuse to report. But the Examiner vehicle had intrinsic problems.

It was always loaded down with pop-ups, ads, and took enormous bandwidth to view easily. I hear rumors that the owners were constantly reducing the rates that they pay writers. I found the format irritating and I suffered with it only because of David and the writers that he inspired.

Now I have learned that David was suffering with the Examiner management as well. Just a couple of weeks ago, David and parted ways and it wasn’t an amiable split. You can read of what happened here. I’m saddened that a tower of achievement such as David was treated so shabbily. I find myself disgusted that couldn’t see what a valuable asset they had. But I have faith that this will work to David’s ultimate advantage, even if exactly how is unclear.

David is such a fountain of talent and integrity that I cannot help but believe that there is a special niche awaiting him, where his value will be known and rewarded. In much of the old media, lies and manipulation are rewarded. The ability to mislead is valued and supported.

I don’t believe that’s true of all the new media. It tends to be much more transparent, much more responsive, and is undergoing tremendous change. Change involves difficulties and opportunities, and I’m certain that David is experiencing some difficulties at this time. You might want to visit his waronguns blog, simply to leave a word of encouragement.

The war on the Constitution ultimately is a war on truth itself. David is a mighty warrior who follows the truth, wherever it may lead. He will be an asset wherever he goes. Finding a way to pay the bills while following the truth is the challenge.

©2015 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.

Gun Watch

25 thoughts on “David Codrea and Part Company”

  1. And If Robert Farago and the rest of The Truth About Guns doesn’t hire him, or at least buy some articles from him, it’s a missed opportunity for them. A Big one. A chance to add more depth, more relevance and staffer with more sources and connections. More of everything.

    • +1. Right on. David is a tower of integrity, a tenacious journalist and an eloquent writer. TTAG would be foolish not to bring him on and figure out a way to pay him what he’s truly worth.

      I’m also proud to say that I’ve shaken the man’s hand.

    • Yep. David was about the only writer that I would read over at their site. I would come here to TTAG even more if David was writing for this site as well.

  2. “It was always loaded down with pop-ups, ads, and took enormous bandwidth to view easily”

    Unreadable from here. TTAG, give him a job

  3. Hmmm so he has some articles that didn’t get published…..

    Too bad there isn’t like a popular gun blog out there in internet land that could publish them….

  4. Good luck to him and understand. I ended up unemployed from doing the right thing, and it sucked(s).

    • LOL. I was laughing so hard it was a good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee at the moment I saw this post.

      But Farmer Bill is a good example of the, Umm, how can I say, educational achievements of the typical statist worshiper. There is a reason some people look to the state to take care of them as over grown children in adult bodies. Farmer Bill is one such example.

  5. Could it be that the problem with ‘new media’ is that when it becomes successful, it turns into ‘mainstream media’?

    Seriously, the BS that Examiner put David through sounds just like something the msm would do to a columnist who wouldn’t toe the party line.

  6. I realize that web sites have to make money to stay in business, but when news sites get cluttered up with irrelevant ads and annoying popups and polls, it really hurts their credibility with me. It’s just a gut reaction. If I am familiar with the reporter or writer, I’ll ignore it but otherwise their just hurting themselves being associated with these electronic rags. Hope he finds a new outlet that’s better.

  7. I went to once, and as soon as the pop-ups started I dropped the connection. That is my indicator of a worth while site. If they use pop-ups then they are scummy in my opinion, and are just your typical ad revenue whores.

  8. David Codrea is outstanding! Tons of exclusives over the years, including Fast and Furious. That alone put Obama and gun Sanderson the defensive for a couple years. It also prevented the operation itself from being used for gun control purposes – who knows what laws may have passed without it being exposed. Someone with ATF sources and a partner like Vanderboegh is invaluable on the pro gun side, and in creating viral articles that can bring in tons of traffic. We should all email the various sites and the GOA to hire him!

    “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”

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