David Hogg
Please...give him a moment. He's extremely upset.

The struggle for the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress to enact any meaningful legislation to enhance gun safety reflects how the party’s ambitious agenda has been frustratingly stunted by internal squabbling, the persistence of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The almost complete Republican opposition to Democratic priorities, including gun rules, has hobbled a party with razor-thin majorities in the House and Senate.

But that’s little solace to gun safety advocates and tens of thousands of shooting victims who were told Democrats would reduce gun violence if given the chance to govern. In an already difficult election year, the inaction threatens to further undermine the coalition of young people, women, voters of color and independents who helped deliver Joe Biden the presidency in 2020 and will be needed again if Democrats are to hold control of Congress.

“I’m just angry,” said David Hogg, a gun safety activist who survived the 2018 shooting that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. “We took the House and then we took the Senate and now we have the White House, too, and still, nothing is changing.” …

On Tuesday, Hogg and other young activists with March For Our Lives dropped body bags outside Schumer’s New York office to protest his unwillingness to bring gun safety legislation to the Senate floor for a vote.

“Democrats suck at fulfilling these promises,” Hogg said.


  1. Good, sucks that a mildly pleasing message comes from another’s misery but they chose that life.

  2. The thing that angers and scares him more than ANYTHING, is irrelevance!! Just like almost any other mouthy liberal.

  3. Now imagine how we felt, when we were told we’d at least get the Hearing Protection Act if we gave the White House and both houses of Congress to the GOP.

    • Those filabusters cut both ways. If you don’t have 60 votes you can’t really do whatever you want. Though the Dems have tried with lots of budget reconciliations. I don’t recall the GOP getting to use that playbook much.

      Other than that it is rule by CDC, DOJ, EPA, and ATF.

      • True, but the POTUS gets to appoint, with Congressional approval, the pointed headed bureaucrats who make the nitty-gritty day to day rules.

        Without the 60 vote rule, Congressional actions will quickly descend into a vicious civil war before anyone can stop it, regardless of which party is in control.

      • Ah, the filibuster. Also known as: “we aren’t going to even bother TRYING to pass the things we promised. Vote for us next year ad we’ll do it again!”

        I say that because the filibuster is NEVER used. Not once has the GOP actually forced the democratic party to filibuster. Instead they all shake hands, agree to forget about those silly laws they said they would pass (hey, it’s not like they have anyone else to vote for!) and then move on to increase the debt by another trillion dollars in corporate giveaways stuffed into budget bills that no one ever reads.

        If senators cared about the platforms they were elected on they would call the bluff.

  4. Ooops. Angry little boy, that may become radicalized and get a gun to start shooting democrats with. Watch out.

  5. When they find a way to write a law that changes the heart and mind of Evil people There will be no need for gun control.

    • Bingo!!! The late Col Jeff Cooper commented in 1958, “Killing is a matter of will, not means. You cannot control the intent by passing laws about the means.”

    • Norman…When has there ever been a need for Gun Control when history has confirmed Gun Control is an agenda rooted in racism and genocide? History has clearly defined Gun Control and that makes the knee jerk choice made by d. hogg and his ilk water carriers for racists and nazis. The following “words” separates what has been allowed to become a tangled up mess of confusion…

      1) The Second Amendment is one thing.

      2) The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, etc. is another thing.

      3) History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.

  6. Democrats have always sucked at “reducing gun violence”, unless you’re talking about converting shooting suicides into hangings. As long as you pretend that violent crime happens because the good ol’ boys at the Rod & Gun Club out in the sticks have too much freedom, or not enough paperwork to fill out, you will continue to fail to address it in any meaningful way.

    • Yep, even the “gun control models” like the UK, Australia, China, and Canada still have shootings, black market gun sales and builds, and lots of mass knifings. Just trading in your “gun violence” for “knife violence” doesn’t really reduce criminal behavior or make things better. Bloody deaths are bloody deaths either way.

  7. Why did Harvard let him in again? Intellect? Reasoning ability? No, he is a master whiner. My parents never let me whine, and when I did it anyway it did not work. The key for the parent, or, in this case, society is to always ignore whining.

    • Was at Kroger yesterday, saw a Mom give in and buy a chocolate bar after their kid had a full blown meltdown (kicking and screaming on the floor).🤪
      As I walked out, I congratulated her for using POSITIVE reinforcement to quell the child’s NEGATIVE behavior.
      Told her to expect to see a lot more of that behavior in the future. 🤔

      • “Was at Kroger yesterday, saw a Mom give in and buy a chocolate bar after their kid had a full blown meltdown…”

        That stupid c*nt just trained that little bastard on how to get a chocolate bar next time.

        She built that, and she gets to live with the consequences…

        • Yep.
          She’s well on her way to having a lil’dtard/whiner49er in her life.
          That little POS will haunt her to the grave.
          Or, he’ll feel entitled to someone else’s hard earned property and get cancelled.

      • James,

        My sister-in-law had a boyfriend, many years ago, who was a rugby player. He and I were in the store doing a shopping run one day, and were in line behind a “woke” couple with two kids. The boy (I am guessing he was around 7) demanded a candy bar, and when he was denied, he went into a full-on tantrum meltdown right there. We waited at least five minutes while junior threw his tantrum, and my rugby buddy finally reached out, tapped the father on the shoulder, and said, “Hey, would you like some help disciplining your child?” They gave us the stinkeye, but the mother immediately took junior out of the store (and left dad to finish checking out). Since Leftist/fascists are literally stupid about EVERYTHING, does it surprise you that they are stupid about discipline and child-rearing??? Would you EXPECT them to have a freakin’ clue????

    • Wheaton,

      FWIW, his parents are apparently as big of useless, Leftist/fascist p***ies as he is. So, their “failure” in parenting is, to them, a “feature, not a bug”.

      He didn’t get in to Harvard on his academic merits (he didn’t even come CLOSE to their normal admission standards . . . and he isn’t a woman or a “person of color”), he got in because he’s a hero of the Leftist/fascists. I have read most of his public utterances . . . that boy is dumb as Balaam’s off ass.

      • And Uncle Mike’s influence. I’m not sure how little Hogge boy is going to pass unless Uncle Mike has provided a team of assistants to do the boring stuff of attending classes, submitting assignments, and doing tests.

      • “He didn’t get in to Harvard on his academic merits (he didn’t even come CLOSE to their normal admission standards“

        Interesting, would you be kind enough to provide some sort of source or citation to substantiate your claim?

        • No, you f***ing Leftist/fascist t***, I wouldn’t. But if you’re not too lazy and stupid, you can Google it for yourself. He’d already been TURNED DOWN by colleges with lesser admission standards when he was admitted to Harvard. F*** off, you Leftist/fascist t***.

        • LampOfDiogenes so you have zero evidence except of your own personality disorder because you’re a boomer that believes everything you read on some fb meme. Got it.

        • Lamprey is long on insults and short on facts.

          “whiner49er in her life“

          Yes, you got me, I must admit. There was indeed a time in my life when I specialized in deflowering college freshmen cords whose daddies were conservative right wingers.

          Good times.

        • Hannibal & Minor MINER49er
          So you claim that Hogg was not “rejected” by Harvard? Would you care to submit your proof? Or don’t you have any?

          Davis Hogg is a Leftist just like the two of you. I am sure Harvard would have loved to have his “expertise (ROFLMAOBT)

          Have either of you two by the way ever read the Constitution? Or is that above your grade level?

        • Hey, nameless, brainless, d***less troll!! I see you are fully as ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, and stupid as you’ve always been. Your attempts at “insults” certainly haven’t improved in the slightest. Consider another hobby, useless loser. Perhaps make your afternoon circle jerk a full-time gig . . . not that dacian the stupid or MinorIQ could support you.

          Hmm, sounds like you’re s*** outta luck, aren’t you, illiterate loser.

        • So, give me your “facts” MajorStupidity – show me the news reports where David “Camera” Hogg got admitted to Harvard on “merit”. He didn’t. He’d already been rejected by multiple colleges, all with LOWER standards than Harvard, when Harvard gave him the college equivalent of a mercy f***. He’s a moron – not quite as stupid as you or dacian, but still a moron. Defend him if you want, it only makes you out to be the pathetic Leftist/fascist loser we all know you to be. HE’S. A. MORON. And so are you. Tell us again, MajorStupidity, how Article I, Section 8 authorizes universal gun control.

          You are too stupid to insult.

  8. “The World’s Most Punchable Face”. Now with fake beard, courtesy of his mother’s eyeliner.

  9. Oh no. Whatever shall we do??????? Attention Hogg is angry!!!!!
    Your 15 minutes were up years ago. No one cares

  10. I believe saying David Hogg was a survivor was incorrect. I don’t believe he was anywhere near what actually happened when it occurred. Correct me if I am wrong. I think he just jumped on the band wagon and simply became an advocate for anti-second amendment causes. He is an opportunistic twit.

    • He was in a closet with other students in a locked down room. He initially tried to leave the school but a janitor turned him and others around and sent them back into a possible ‘killing zone’ to go to a ‘lock down’ room. He got lucky and was able to get into a room before it got locked down. While in the closet he shoots video interviews with the other in there with him.

      Then later that night, about 6 PM, he rides his bike a few miles back to the school to make more video and have an interview later with Fox news.

      He never encountered the shooter and the shooter was never in close proximity to that area, was safe in the locked down area. So in that sense he is a ‘survivor’ but that’s the same sense as one survived a car ride on busy city streets to the grocery store considering the number of deaths and injuries annually from car accidents (~ 36,000 to ~40,000 ish killed and over 2,000,000 injured annually).

      • “Survived” the event, graduated high school, yet somehow still is unable to read and understand the Bill of Rights.

      • “same sense as one survived a car ride on busy city streets to the grocery store“

        So you consider having an unknown number of armed subjects, actively hunting, shooting and killing an unknown number of your fellow students, as school staff urge you into a lockdown room because of the danger, is somehow equivalent to a drive to the grocery store.

        Fascinating false equivalence.

        • Minor MINER49ER I think you missed the point. There Bill of Rights is part of the LAW of the LAND. Or don’t you agree?

        • No, MajorStupidity, statistically he was about at as much risk in that closet as he would be in his mommy’s car going to the store. But thanks for playing, you worthless f***tard.

      • What I completely fail to understand is, when did a janitor get the authority to tell anyone to do anything? 14 to 18 year old Me, being told by a janitor that I may not leave the school, under any circumstances at all, would have laughed at him, and kept on walking. Seriously, THE JANITOR?!?!?!

        • “14 to 18 year old Me, being told by a janitor that I may not leave the school, under any circumstances at all, would have laughed at him, and kept on walking“

          So you can hear the gunshots, the fire alarm is going off, students are screaming and an adult member of the school staff, janitor though it may be, instructs students to quickly move to a place of safety and yet you don’t think it would be reasonable for a 13 to 14-year-old to follow that direction?

          Of course, the reality is that if one failed to follow the direction of the school staff and left the grounds of the school without permission, they would be guilty of truancy and there would be legal consequences for them and their parents.

          But given your self-admission, I am beginning to understand your lack of intellectual acumen, smart people attend school.

        • Minor MINER49ER Tell you what. Sounds like your lack of intellectual acumen shows you must have played a lot of hokey.

    • Your right, he pedaled his way to the school “after” the shooting on his super hero bike. Hogg is a pos and always will be a pos.

      • No, ‘your’ wrong, Hogg was indeed in the school during the active shooter incident. Afterwards he left, and then returned with his camera to interview people at the school.

        But that’s OK, I understand you’re probably a Fox ‘News’ viewer…

        • yes, Minnie. it is okay to be a bigot like you if you think you have a good reason. smearing all Fox voters and by extension all conservatives is stereotyping and bigoted.

          but it’s okay for you, because…um…

        • Noting the fact that Fox viewers are uninformed about the real current events is not bigotry.

        • Minor MINER49er Noting that fact that Fox Viewers are not subjected to Leftist propaganda that goes unchallenged, is that what you really mean, Lefty?

        • So, then, MinorIQ, I guess that also means that pointing out that you are an uneducated halfwit, and know nothing about American history, the Constitution, inherent rights, or human liberty isn’t bigotry, either!!! Not that it matters, I intend to keep mocking you, relentlessly, because you’re an annoying fool.

          Tell us again how Article I, Section 8 authorized universal gun control, you babbling moron.

  11. If Hogg gets to say that he survived a mass shooting can I say that I survived the 9/11 attacks and the Oklahoma City bombing?

    • That little shit ain’t got nuthin to brag on … I’ve survived EVERY school shooting that has ever taken place. How you ask?, well, by not being present during the incidents – – – same as Hoggboy.

  12. Hogg is correct on putting pressure on the Dems to get their ass moving on sane gun control.

    Of course the political reality is that Biden now is side tracked with the Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and rising inflation and gas prices brought on by the greed monger Capitalvanians. Biden should launch a rain of terror on the Capitalvanians by arresting them for their many white collar crimes including gouging the public on gas prices.

    Hogg should not despair for Biden has not altogether forgotten the tremendous carnage of an out of control gun problem in the U.S. and Hogg should give Biden credit for outlawing ghost guns via the ATF new regulations. It was just the first Biden step in more gun control that was long, long overdue. More will come later. After all its just the first year and a half of Biden’s Presidency. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s were not defeated in a year and a half and the defeat of Hitler’s prodigy the Republican Party will come as well when it comes to gun control.

    Urah, Urah, we Socialists are on the march.

        • Sup guys! Hogg here. I’d just like to mention, that I now have pubes! It has long been a ongoing joke that “why would you take life advice from a person that doesn’t even have pubes.” Essentially, this came from Owen Benjamin, and his tweet about my pubes got him banned on Twitter. I love twitter censorship! It keeps our democracy happy when some voices are silenced. Anyways. I got pubes! And that means it’s time for you people to listen to me! I got opinions + pubes, and that means I have straight up wisdom.

          – Hoggin it

      • No Jethro we are marching next into the by area after Biden disarms you of all those cut rate cheap ass weapons you bought over the years. Strange that a so called “independently wealthy” man that you claim you are could never afford any quality weapons.

        • Tell me what weapons I have, herr dacian the nazi? I am debt free, including my house paid off. But I’ve never claimed wealth.

          I think you’re jealous becaUSE i’M WELCOME IN eUROPE AND YOU’RE NOT.

        • To Dacian, anyone with more than him is a bourgeois capitalist running dog lackey imperialist exploiter of the proletariat who deserves “soc!al justice” at the edge of the pit.

        • True, Southern Cross, but the really funny part is that IF the Leftist/fascist p***ies ever did manage a successful “revolution” (yeah, I know – when pigs fly, but “IF”), dacian the stupid would be one of the first “up against the wall”. He’s not a “useful idiot”, he’s just an idiot. He wishes he were useful.

        • It’s fine. We’ll just print more. Nothing you can do about that.

          And! The quality of our printing, the quality of our material, and the quality of printed guns is only going to increase. Your commie prez can pen whatever he wants to parchment, but he can’t stop the signal. None of you can.

    • “…pressure on the Dems to get their ass moving on sane gun control.”

      Define “sane” gun control. I doubt we’d agree, nor will the vast majority of Americans at this point if the number of non-gun people still seeking to purchase firearms is any indication.

      “Biden should launch a rain of terror on the Capitalvanians by arresting them for their many white collar crimes including gouging the public on gas prices.”

      You know, that might be agreeable, but you have to realize that the majority of those you describe are likely progressives, not conservatives. He’d also have to “clean out” the Silicon Valley techies who have hijacked a free flow of information and control of voting in many areas of the country. I doubt he’s willing to do that.

      “Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s were not defeated in a year and a half…”
      “Urah, Urah, we Socialists are on the march.”

      Interesting that you would mention the name of one of the most famous/infamous Socialists in history in your posting. Your man…

      • to Craig

        quote————–Interesting that you would mention the name of one of the most famous/infamous Socialists in history in your posting. Your man…——–quote

        Bismarck introduced Socialism while Hitler tried everything he could to destroy it i.e. public utilities , unions, social programs, retirement benefits, workman’s compensation etc etc just as the Republicans have always tried to do. Like most of the uneducated Far Right you flunked history classes.

        quote———-Define “sane” gun control.———-quote

        Sane gun control like all other civilized nations have vet “all gun purchases”. Criminals and Psychopaths get their weapons by buying them either second hand or by buying stolen guns which is exactly why all civilized nations have Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws. You believe they get their weapons beamed down to them from Klingon space ships.

        quote————–Silicon Valley techies who have hijacked a free flow of information and control of voting in many areas of the country.———quote

        You forgot to include the Commies who come out from under your bed at night to stuff ballot boxes. Get your head examined that post about silicone valley was so far over the top even most nut cases are laughing their asses off at you.

    • I’ve never agreed more. Dems should be more open about their gun control ambitions and attempt to follow through on their whispered promises.

      They should also make sure to arrest anyone selling a product at a price the government doesn’t approve of. Wealthy people will be chomping at the bit to invest their money into new equipment, hiring employees so long as they know they’ll be arrested if they get a return. Then, once all of the old people in the energy industry have been arrested and replaced by a new eager workforce, the prices will drop and life will be good.

      I’m with you comrade! THIS time for SURE Socialism will work!!!

    • SABOD lil’dtard.

      Although, if that B is full of underage D’s, you would certainly enjoy it.


      Go suck a bag of something you find unpleasant to suck on.

    • dacian, the Dunderhead What you want is not “sane” in any sense of the word. You keep making hair brained idea that you can remove a trigger lock in less than a second. You keep touting a failed Background Check system.

      For your edification the United States is a “civilized nation.” Apparently you don’t like that we here in America have the absolute right to defend ourselves against your criminal buddies. You also claim (which is total B/S) that most of the good guys get killed or wounded by your criminal cohorts garbage.

      Tell the truth, what you really want is total control over the population and you want our guns. I seriously doubt you have ever owned let alone fired anything but a toy cap pistol. Your rants bout owning guns is as hollow as your hair brained ideas.

    • Dacian – you’ve lost the culture war.

      Mothers in Detroit are forming shooting clubs, and buying weapons. Gays in Cal are getting together, and learning to shoot. Hispanics in Texas are getting training. Blacks in Georgia are doing it. Check the demographics. Pick your ethnic or religious group, and search for a gun club. You can probably get very specific, something like ‘Chinese Catholic gay midget’s gun club’ and find a group somewhere, dedicated to you.

      You’ve lost the culture war. Democrats know full well that if they vote on gun control, they’ll be leaving Washington with the next election.

    • Keep marching (no one tell him about the cliff they are about to “march” off of!).

      Go micturate up a cable, dacian the stupid. Or go pound salt in your @$$, we don’t care which . . . just GO!! Far, far away. You will NOT be missed.

    • “Biden should launch a rain of terror . . . ”

      Wow. You are too stupid to breathe, aren’t you, dacian the stupid. And I should launch a reign of p*** on your stupid skull, too, you pathetic moron. I thought you claimed to be “educated”, dacian the stupid. “Rain” is what falls down from the sky, “rein” is what you use to control a horse, and “reign” is what a monarch does. You are an idiot, aspiring to be a moron. Go back to your circle jerk, dacian the stupid. You are of no value above the ground, you should be beneath it, inspiring the cabbages.

    • Faux Q.

      ‘sane’ gun control? like what?

      how about you democrats stop indoctrinating and damaging children’s minds with your fatherless welfare scheme and worthless democrat-run schools, instead of trying to disarm us with millions of your democrat created orcs pooling and spooling all around us?

      every social problem we have is thanks to the corrupt thieving traitorous racist democrat Party, and you couldn’t be prouder.

    • Of course the political reality is that Biden now is side tracked with the Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and rising inflation and gas prices brought on by the greed monger Capitalvanians.

      Uh… no. The market sets the gas price to a good degree. The cost of fuel being so high is a combination of Biden’s anti-oil policies, remnant COVID related supply issues, and Russian/Ukraine related supply issues.

      Inflation has been completely government induced. Hand people money, forgive their student loans, and lockdown cities not allowing people to go to work, and inflation is guaranteed. But democrats like inflation. Because democrats want everyone equally poor. They want to maximize the poor, so they can maximize their voting block. Democrats represent the downtrodden, the oppressed, the haters of capital and capitalvania. So the worst thing for democrats, is allowing people to climb out of poverty. For them to learn to be self sufficient, self reliant, and a strong independent populace, is for democrats to lose their voting block. So it’s imperative everyone perceive they are victims, of the system, and that they self perceive themselves as “have-nots” so they can continue to reliably vote democrat.

      Biden should launch a rain of terror on the Capitalvanians by arresting them for their many white collar crimes including gouging the public on gas prices.

      Not surprised you are an advocate of banning profiteering like a good little communist. Get the gulags ready, get the government enforcement arm ready, it’s time to force equality here!

      and Hogg should give Biden credit for outlawing ghost guns via the ATF new regulations.

      It wasn’t legislated. So President Desantis, or President Trump 2.0, can simply get out their pen, and undo it in 5 minutes.

      It was just the first Biden step in more gun control that was long, long overdue. More will come later. After all its just the first year and a half of Biden’s Presidency.

      LOL. A better prediction, and a more accurate prediction, is the democrats will lose the house, and the senate, and republicans will start their investigations in democrat affairs and 25th amendment Biden, followed by impeaching Harris 5 times just for the laughs of it.

      Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s were not defeated in a year and a half and the defeat of Hitler’s prodigy the Republican Party will come as well when it comes to gun control.

      So, the democrats are the party of big government. They party of centralized government. The party of increasing government power, and of increasing government oversight into everyone’s lives. Thus, Democrats have more similarities with Hitler and Nazi’s than republicans do. Republicans want freedom. Democrats want control.

      Urah, Urah, we Socialists are on the march.

      Yep. On the march back to the line of the government teat.

  13. I am wondering why TTAG even ran this fluff piece, I guess just to get all you snowflake conservatives’ panties wadded up.

    I’ve never seen so many supposedly grown ass men all up in such a tizzy over what some slightly post-adolescent butter bar had to say.

    Carry on…

    • And yet, here YOU are… reading it and the comments, and then wasting your precious time and braincells on an equally superfluous comment. Hooray for the Miner of banality.

      • Not to worry, unicorn, MajorStupidity has no brain cells. He can babble idiocy on this forum until Hell freezes over, and still not reduce his IQ by a single point – IQ scores don’t go below zero.

    • TTAG generally runs anything that comes across the ‘net from Hogg because they understand that we need a little comic relief from time to time and just as they keep Dacian in the rotation Hogg is always good for a laugh.

      Nice way to start the day.

    • “I am wondering why TTAG even ran this fluff piece,”

      For once I agree with you, especially when any reasonable commentary gets placed into the “moderation” purgatory. I’m wondering why I even hang out around here.

    • Well whiner, it always good for the host to know what the cancer is up to.

      Oh, and count yourself among the latter.

      • Ha! If that’s whining, you must really be a snowflake…

        But I guess you oppose people around here disputing what Dacian and other socialists and gun ban posters put up.

        I also imagine you don’t think anyone should be able to post a positive presentation of NRA or NSSF. Talk abouit a cancer, that’s pretty malignant around here.

        • Jeez.
          I wonder why whiner49er didn’t thank me for clearing up his…… ‘I am wondering why TTAG even ran this fluff piece…….’ comment. 🤔


    • Minor MINER49ER seems you are the real snowflake. It’s you and your Leftist cohorts who claim that guns kill people. I still wonder how an inanimate object can do anything without a human being doing the deed.

      You see, we see David Hogg for what he is. A coward, like you.

    • Well, first of all, MajorStupidity, he’s one of yours – a pathetic, Leftist/fascist POS. Second, the mainstream media has elevated him to near godhood due to his Leftist/fascist pronouncements about “gun control”. Third, Harvard actually let him in, DESPITE his complete failure to come anywhere near Harvard’s normal admissions standards (and he wasn’t even a woman or a “person of color”!!!). Fourth, he CONTINUES to put himself out there as a “spokesperson” for “gun control”.

      When he says something stupid (which he does every time he opens his mouth or puts fingers to keyboard), and he gets held up as an example of the stupidity of “gun control” (and Leftist/fascists), you want to disavow him. Cool, we’ve been ignoring that ignorant little s***weasel for years. We’re happy to continue ignoring him, so . . . stop publicizing his idiocy. (And while you’re at it, stop publicizing your own.)

      • “DESPITE his complete failure to come anywhere near Harvard’s normal admissions standards”

        That’s the second time you’ve made that claim, and I for one would enjoy reading more about your assertion, would you be able to provide a source or citation to substantiate your claim?

        • Then do some f***ing research, you lazy POS. I won’t do it for you. But any THINKING person, with access to a computer, can confirm in seconds that “Camera” Hogg was admitted AFTER being rejected by colleges with lesser admission standards. Go f*** yourself, Leftist/fascist POS.

        • Lamprey why do you get so upset?

          I’m a TROLL.

          Have I not earned my reputation as a salacious belligerent regurgitator of the most heinous leftist lies.

          This is also why many consider me a sickly reprehensible trollop of indefensible agitprops, falsehoods, and propaganda.

          I am a filcher of the truth.

          Yup Miner49er…. a lascivious slut I am.

  14. “Democrats suck at fulfilling these promises,” Hogg said.


    Republicans are no better. In some ways, a non-functioning Congress is preferable, at least in a 2-party Constitutional Republic… Unfortunately, this leads to Executive Orders, which may be worse…

    • Uh, I might point out that it’s pretty difficult to deal with overreaching POTUS executive orders if your party does not have a 2/3 majority in the Congress. Just sayin’

  15. Not that I’m upset the dems can’t get their wet dream nonsense through but:
    Politicians suck at fulfilling their promises to their constituents.
    Promises to their corporate donors and blackmailing foreign nationals they’re pretty good at keeping.

    Which is why ALL politicians belong at the end of a rope. I’m willing to lose the three or four good ones if it means they all go and never come back.

  16. Angry at democrats?

    That’s OK, just about everyone who has to work for a living is mad at the democrats right now…

    The struggle for the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress to enact any meaningful legislation to enhance gun safety…

    Gun safety isn’t the issue- wanton, willing violence is. That won’t change until cities, not the Federal government, decide to get serious with criminals and not normal American.

  17. David Hogg is disappointed with the Dems? I’m reasonably certain that Joe Biden doesn’t know who Hogg is. Then again, I’m not sure if Joe knows who Jill Biden is. Well, maybe he knows her as the nice lady who helps him get dressed every morning.

    • For Biden, Hogg would be in that awkward transitional age. Too old to grope or smell his hair, and too young to take seriously.

    • Awwww…hoggboy is throwing a tantrum. “The world’s most smackable face” needs to crawl to it’s safe space. Hear that Will Smith?😎🤓🙄

    • Ralph,

      Senile Joe doesn’t know who HE is. To be fair, Joe Biden was stupid before he became senile, but senility certainly hasn’t improved things.

  18. Hogg is a living example of why the Far Right Fanatics are always their own worst enemies. The failure to pass workable gun laws that would have kept such deadly weapons of war out of the hands of mentally deranged individuals only produced a sea of young people, who because of their day of living terror, have now all become life long anti-gun people who do indeed want excessive gun bans. Again thank the Morons and Paranoids of the Far Right for sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

    The majority of Americans these days do not even own guns anymore and this is very evident amount the younger generation. When you lose the support of the younger generation they force change on the old farts of society who still wish for the good old days of shitting in the out house and beating their wives on Saturday night and hanging black people for fun and sport.

    I might also note that at one time in my area Gun Shows were often packed to capacity but as the older generation died off the shows now are not near as crowded as they used to be and those that do come in are hobbling in with canes and portable oxygen tanks. I am not exaggerating one bit. Young people are now almost as rare as 4 leaf clovers in the middle of the Mojave Desert.

    • Delusional. The majority of Americans own guns and that majority gains numbers every time you or joe burden speak.

      herr dacian. Thank you for being you.

      • Lil’ds just whistling while walking past the graveyard.
        Posting retarded BS on TTAG keeps his mind off the curb stomping coming in November.

        Keep posting that BS Lil’pedo-tard, mommy says everything will be OK. 😄

      • Or caused by hypoxia? From having his face buried in a lil’boys buttcrack on a Ohio NAMBLA weekend getaway?🤪

        When he brings all the little boys, his room is free.

    • Seems to me that that mass event was the result of a school district and a police department that refused to take steps to compel the treatment or incarceration of a known deranged and dangerous individual, without which he was still able to legally purchase firearms. Rights do not just disappear, they can only be taken away through due process of law, another one of those niggling constitutional rights.

    • “The majority of Americans these days do not even own guns anymore…”

      Yeah, there’s been a surge in boating accidents in my area. Why waste your time pushing gun control, if the numbers are diminishing? You’re already in your own little world, so just make another rule for it that says no guns, and make that your happy place. Leave the running of the real world to the adults.

    • The majority of Americans these days do not even own guns anymore

      That is rapidly changing. Have you been keeping up with the news? At all? How many millions of background checks have been done, just since Jan 2020? And, most indications seem to say that roughly 1/3 of them are first time gun buyers.

      Democrats do not provide safe cities to live in, and honest folk have decided they must defend themselves. That includes Democrats, women, old folk, black folk, Latinos, gays, Asians, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Native Americans.

      Be warned, Dacian. That nubile piece of fluff you’ve been leering at has a gun!

    • dacian the stupid,

      And that TOTES explains why the last three years have recorded the highest number of gun sales (AND the highest number of first-time gun buyers) on record, amirite????

      dacian the stupid, you are too stupid to be stealing oxygen. Go micturate up a cable, then go pound salt in your @$$. Even if (which will NOT happen) Senile Joe gets re-elected?? There is exactly ZERO chance he will pass any “gun control” bills. Go f*** yourself, you Leftist/fascist @$$hole.

  19. Well, this is a first. Hogg actually said something I can agree with. Democrat politicians, and I’ll add politicians in general, are poor at keeping promises.
    That has been how Democrats convince voters to support them for decades. Promise the moon, the stars, and the world on a gold platter. But they deliver a stale dog turd on a soggy paper plate.

    • Yes.
      The useful idiots always see the error of their ways after they’re deemed useless. 🤔

  20. And Republicans couldn’t pass national concealed carry reciprocity or the hearing protection act when they owned the house, senate, and white house either.

    Almost like politicians from both parties are inept.

    • “And Republicans couldn’t pass national concealed carry reciprocity or the hearing protection act when they owned the house, senate, and white house either.“

      The closest we’ve come to National Reciprocity so far was when the Obama/Biden administration opened up millions of acres of taxpayer land to the lawful carry of firearms in 2009.

      And that was with a democratic house, Senate and White House.

      • Wow, did you dislocate your arm attempting that reach???? You must be a contortionist. That qualifies for the Billy Madison insult – it was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard, and at no point did you even approach a rational thought. Do you have any other “insights” you’d like to share???? If so, keep them to yourself. We need your “insights” like we need more of dacian the stupid.

  21. You mean they little boy that completely lied about the school shooting…due to the fact that he don’t like guns, he better start eating more meat, red beans and rice and hitting the gym…times are gonna get rough soon…and his FBI scum dad wont be able to help him..

  22. David Hogg didn’t survive the shooting at school that day; he was home. Saw the news coverage (from home), hopped on his bike with a camera, and became a Victim that day. It’s all in the ABC news interview with
    him after the shooting. Cmon guys, tighten up with the Research. He was an Opportunist, not a Victim.

  23. Has anyone ever seen Greta Thunberg and David Hogg together in the same place? Are they really the same person in drag?

    I love the way these gun prohibitionist groups are always labeled as “gun safety” groups.

    • That’s a silly question. David Hogg is actually kinda pretty. Dumber than a box of rocks, but pretty. No self respecting girl would ever play with a Greta Thunberg doll!

    • Ticked Off,

      If David “Camera” Hogg and Greta “Tantrum” Thunberg had a kid??? It would be dacian the stupid, or MinorIQ. And no one pays attention to ANY of them, thank God.

  24. Lol
    “…a gun safety activist…”
    He is no such thing!

    If he were interested in that then he would become an NRA certified instructor.

  25. David,

    You will find out that you don’t always get what you want in life and in your case when it comes to infringement upon We the Peoples rights you will never get what you want.

  26. Little Davy hogwash is finally learning that the liberal democrats do not care about the public, only about the votes so they can stay in office.

  27. Little Davy is still a kid. He will learn, eventually, that he doesn’t get his way, just because he wants his way.

  28. I was getting really sick and tired of seeing Ms. Ugly Shoes Shannon Watts’ face, now I’m getting to that point with No Smile Hogg boy. I’ve only seen one image of that squid smiling and that was when his boy friend was hanging on his arm.

  29. Hogg was not at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for the shooting. He admitted when he read about it, he rode his bike there as fast as he could. The shooting stopped before he arrived. He is the son of a criminal FBI gangster.

  30. Hogg had his 15 seconds. Time for him to crawl back under his toady stone and to embrace being nothing to anybody.

  31. Hogg can come back and preach the Constitution to me when he hits puberty. Seriously, he’s like AOC. She was traumatized by the so-called insurrection when she wasn’t even present on the 6th. Hogg was traumatized and wasn’t at school when the “shooting” occurred.

  32. “…who were told Democrats would reduce gun violence if given the chance to govern.”

    Well, how did that work out?

    The number of 2021 homicides in the cities studied was 5% greater than in 2020 – representing 218 additional murders in those cities – and 44% greater than in 2019, representing 1,298 additional lives lost.

    Aggravated and gun assault rates were also higher in 2021 than in 2020. Aggravated assaults increased by 4%, while gun assaults went up by 8%. Robbery rates increased slightly after dropping in 2020.

    Did anything else happen?

    “According to statistics reported to the FBI, 59 police officers were killed in the line of duty from January 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021. This marks a 51 percent increase in the number of police officers killed when compared to the same period last year.”

    What’s the goal here exactly? Do they really want to save lives, or do they just want to stick it to the gun nuts? Are Hogg, et al. really that dumb, or are they just shallow partisans that don’t care about saving lives?

  33. The dems know that gun control is a losing issue. They’ll push it when they have the wind at their backs and run away from it when they need every seat.

    It’s fun watching new generations learn that lesson.

  34. someone needs to red flag him, he’s pretty unstable at the moment. he should loose his rights for life then..

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