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Nicole Arbor doesn’t think people should carry guns. Her hair-tossing, boob bouncing “arguments” are nothing new: the Constitution was written a long time ago. It’s no longer valid. (So there. Nuh.) Armed self-defense doesn’t work. “If someone wants to shoot you, you will be shot,” she pronounces. “If the Secret Service has a hard time protecting the President, you got no f*cking chance.” And “if people are trying to kill you, maybe you should stop being an a**hole.” And on and on. Bottom line: let’s hope no one sticks it in this particular example of crazy. Alas, I’m sure they will.

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    • This woman’s cultural literacy is so limited that I have serious doubts that she could successfully navigate her way out of a minor crisis, let alone one that might require her to actively defend herself. Despite all the sass, she has internalized the conviction that, since she’s helpless, everyone else should also be helpless. You would not want to be stranded in the desert with someone like her.

    • Actually I think this was the woman that almost got eaten alive by all the “fat shaming crowd” for some video that she put out. Looks like she decided that if you can’t beat em, join em.

    • Don’t lump us in with this dim-wit. I fully support gun ownership. I own handguns, rifles and shotguns. And there’s a lot of us up here that do.

  1. “Pass a hard core test to buy a gun”? OK how about this person pass a hard core test to be able to use free speech? Oh wait, that would be unconstitutional.

    • I have GOT to remember to not be drinking anything while reading comments.
      Almost choked on water.

  2. “…the Constitution was written a long time ago. It’s no longer valid. ”

    The ten commandments were written even longer ago, does that mean adultery is a good idea?

  3. I made it about :47 seconds. Then I turned off mute and watched the video…heyoooohhhh!!!!!! But, seriously, this was awful.

    • Loop starts at 2:42 or so.

      With the sound off you get the sense she’s complaining about a lack of spousal accomplishment. ; )

      She’s complaining about the use of guns to a nation that is the bulwark of her own individual freedom to bitch openly about it. Do the sex slave girls of Chibok? No – because the freedom of speech is only available to those who have the guns to defend it.

  4. The more I see liberal/progressive/statist so called thoughts about …anything, but especially about guns; the more they show a clear and present mental disorder.

    • Her Wiki page is rather … insightful, I suppose.

      Check this out:

      “In September 2015, Arbour became the subject of controversy when she posted a viral video on her YouTube channel entitled “Dear Fat People.”[9] Arbour furthers the notion that fat-shaming is “not a real thing” because it does not involve discrimination under what she considers to be legitimate grounds.”

      • Even better is the follow on controversy. No wonder she’s upset – with that domestic violence claim, she can’t have a gun. And if she can’t, nobody can.

        • I’m SHOCKED, shocked I tell you, that a liberal who made a “holier than thou, you disgusting fat people” commentary, who briefly made a living for being blessed with good looks, and is in all likelihood an abuser (frankly she seems like the type) would want to ban guns. Because if she couldn’t own a gun without murdering someone, no one can.

  5. She looks smart….I’d give her a shot at the title. I have a weakness for crazy, and trashy…..

      • And the experience of a friend of mine who is cop in one of the CT gold coast communities, it may be 50% or more. Those rich ladies are gonzo crazy

        • Yeah, Much more like 50%. Difference is, men are sexually discriminated against – I mean it could never happen to us, right? Although, anything we do to stop from being assaulted is viewed as abuse. Catch-22 indeed….

  6. Wow, and she tries to cash out on “guns” with t-shirts at the end of her vid. F her nonsense.

  7. Nicole Arbor…who…never hears of her until now….and she and her opinare still irrelevant to me.

  8. Why should I care what someone I’ve never heard of thinks about my exercise of natural rights?

  9. I don’t see what the problem is. I thought she had TWO really great points. And having the audio muted just made it easier to focus.

  10. She tries to drive traffic to her YouTube channel to sell her crap. Her plan is basically: the more she pisses off one group the more people that disagree with that group will buy her t-shirts or whatever other crap she is selling. I decline to participate.

    • +1

      Her click count has probably fallen off since the clickcessful “fat people” video and now she’s throwing more shit at the wall to see what sticks. I’ll pass.

      • More like ‘click cunt’, pun intended. PS, reading comments on the actual youtube video can be instructive but most likely, fun.

  11. Can some check my math here? 200 people a day so 200 X 365 = 73,000. 73,000÷300,000,000=0.0002433333333333333. 0.0002433333333333333 x 100 = 0.0243333333333333333. Or 0.024% of the population are injured by firearms a year.

    • You forgot to deduct for gang violence which is a net benefit to society and should be ignored in such statistics just as a suicide bomber is not counted among the victims of such an attack.

    • That sounds about right, actually a little low from CDC numbers. I’ve seen numbers closer to 83,000 injuries per year… if one gun (out of 300 million) was used in EACH of those (not one used twice?), then only .03% of guns in the US are used in injury or fatality incidents each year. For fatalities only, it would be .004% of the guns in the US. Pretty good safety record, when you consider THE VAST majority of those are gang related and intentional. Better than automobiles, where the vast majority actually are accidental (if not negligent).

    • I’m confused because earlier in the video she said there weren’t people being shot all the time, so why do I need to carry? Then she throws out the 200 people/day stat. Please decide which argument you like and stick to it.

  12. There are enough pretty women out there that I don’t have any reason at all to have to put up with infantile nonsense to see one on youtube. So I think I’ll just pass on this one. I will say it’s pretty amusing that an obvious dimwit like this sounds pretty much the same as the most articulate and sophisticated “gun safety advocate” as to as the substance of their arguments.

  13. nicole arbor let us put gun free zone signs in your front yard or apt door,and gun free zone stickers for your home windows,and car windows and let us take pictures of your gun free zone signs and stickers.and show the world you really our against guns.cmon and lead the way we will await your answer

  14. It’s fine, most of the Internet already hates her already. She is a literal attention whore.

  15. Best possible response, from Raylan Givens – Justified:

    If you meet an asshole in the morning, you’ve met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, maybe you’re the asshole.

    Just sayin’.

  16. “Canadian actress, choreographer, comedian, dancer, musician, singer and writer” and also useful idiot.

  17. “If people are trying to rape you, maybe you should stop being an a**hole.”

    Because that’s not what they want?

  18. It’s sarcastic comedy designed to get a rise out of people. She does a ton of videos like this. I found it funny and there was some intentional misleading of facts.

  19. Sorry, I do not have the time or the stomach to watch or listen to another shallow high society pretty girl whose greatest achievement in life will sag down to her crotch by the time she turns 50. I prefer women who can have a well informed and intelligent conversation…not an adolescent girl who cannot utter more than a few political talking points of the most tyrannical political party in the history of the United States.

    • “I prefer women who can have a well informed and intelligent conversation…”

      Me too, when it comes to talking…

  20. You should have to pass a [f@!king] hardcore standardized mental test, before you get a gun.

    Well. Be sure to let the criminals know that too. Pull their arm with lighter in hand away from the spoon and tell them they need to pass this test.

  21. As we were discussing, some of this stuff is just downright embarrassing. Advantage gun owners.

  22. With each passing day, I’m more and more certain that the turning point for western secular democracy was when we gave women the franchise.

    • I’m with you on that.

      What really sealed it was when baby changing stations started appearing in men’s rest rooms.

        • What does being a single father have anything to do with it? Are married fathers somehow prevented (or exempt) from changing diapers?

      • From changing stations in mens’ rooms (necessary) to GBLTs invading womens’ rooms (privileged pervs). Geez…..

        Anyway, who cares what this pop tart thinks? Got looks & that’s pretty much it, so somebody ought to email her own publicity shots that have been artificially aged like they do for missing persons.

        How old? Show her what she’ll look like at 65. I’m even older, so I can say that.


    • I’m not worried about giving women the franchise. Just that it was given without all the same responsibility, expectations, and moral agency.

  23. Nobody needs 34C assault boobs. She should have to register those and pass a backgro0und check to keep and bare them.

  24. I turned the sound off and played the video to see if this paragon of totalitarianism was as tittilating as advertised. I did not see the boob bouncing mentioned, but I did notice that she has a bad case of “Bitchy Face”, a horrible attitude, and an extremely agressive manner. I could only get 26 seconds into the video before I hit “Stop”, because there’s someone much more intelligent, attractive, and agreeable listening to country music in the den. I think I’ll go see what’s playing. 😀


  25. Fake teeth, fake hair, fake t*s, fake tan, colored contacts, nose job…

    Why do I think she doesn’t even hold her own opinions?

  26. Wow, just wow. Either she’s on drugs and needs off or she’s off drugs and needs to be on them. Not sure of which.

  27. This coming from a woman who was arrested for domestic violence, when she punched her boyfriend in the face because he wanted to break up with her. Gee I wonder why?

    • We used to have a saying in engineering school:

      “Beauty multiplied by brains is a constant, with very rare exceptions.”

      Decades of time after those years have done little to dissuade me from thinking otherwise. In fact, I think that women of great physical beauty become mentally lazy, because they’re given so much attention and assistance by men seeking to curry their favor.

  28. This woman embodies the saying, “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and have people wonder if you’re stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

    Not bad to look at, but I couldn’t be around her for more than a couple minutes. She is so stupid, that it is painful to listen to her. Literally!


    1- “Stop being asshole”? I am sorry to local police operatives who have made attempts on my life and a couple of attempted sexual assaults. It is not because I tried to turn in a connected pedo, not because I tried to expose violent corruption and subversion of the government, it is because I am an asshole.

    2- “Stop being asshole” rapist behavior dictates blaming the victim in a smug, nonchalant manner after an innocent person is hurt.

    3- Evil females like this always try to hurt kids, poison people and do weird things with their tampons and period blood. It is a constant pattern of behavior like when serial killers get caught first by hurting animals.

  30. She’s a comedian, it’s a skit , not a research piece, or op-Ed . I laughed a bit as she made fun of the antis worn out arguments .

  31. 1. Never heard of her.
    2. Her use of derivatives of the 4 letter word nullify any argument she presents
    3. Her comments about the Constitution indicate she never studied U.S. Civics or if she did she got a big fat F
    4. Someone indicated she was Canadian, if true making her comments even more irrelevant
    5. Moron

  32. Mercedes Carrera is hotter, smarter, better educated, more eloquent, and probably has done far less anal.

  33. Canadian actors with opinions about American gun rights equals the reason why dad should have used a condom that one time.
    Can’t turn back the clock dad, this level of irresponsibility is completely on your shoulders.
    You should apologize to the world for her use of good air.
    Somehow i believe she could even fail at porn.
    I think boko harem is looking for replacement brides, she would be perfect.

  34. I’ll probably get shit for saying this, but there are several places in there that I laughed. It took me about 30 seconds to realize that she was making loud noises to get page views, and I stopped caring, and just had fun with it.

  35. I’m sorry. I always try to hear the other person out, no matter how crazy they are but this time I couldn’t. 15 seconds was about all I could take. I scanned forwarded and could not take the fake southern accent or the bang-bang-bang with the hand flips. Anybody that made it more than 30 seconds is better than me.

  36. Shes a failed comedian who uses her slightly above average looks to make up for her lack of talent.

    She doesn’t care about guns and is just running through topics for her “Dear ____” series as it’s the only one that generates high views.

  37. Why do entertainers feel that I care about their political opinions? And why would a foreigner think we care about their opinions on our country?

  38. Downvote the video and move on. This chick just creates controversial videos to get views. Just went through and downvoted like 20 of her videos and the fun thing is, I didn’t even have to. She has about a 1:3 ratio of upvotes to downvotes on the videos where she hasn’t disabled comments/voting yet.

  39. I enjoyed the first few minutes of watching her tits, but once I realised she was actually talking I had an overwhelming urge to shoot her in the face. What a nasty bitch! She obviously proposes that insulting good people is a valid career move. No it isn’t.

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