In an unusual Castle Doctrine case that publicly has more questions than answers and has the family of an unlikely attacker even scratching their heads and demanding answers, the Jackson County, Missouri, prosecutor has declined to file charges against a man who shot 46-year-old business owner John Bartrom, the founder of Jericho Home Improvements. Jericho Home Improvements touts itself as the Kansas City area’s and, in fact, nation’s largest independent kitchen and bath remodeling company, also specializing in building single-family homes. Bartrom, a recognizable figure in the community due to his frequent appearances in the company’s commercials, met a tragic end on Jan. 7.

Here’s what is known and what is “not” known about the incident:

What is Known

The Incident: John Bartrom was shot and killed shortly after midnight on January 7, 2024, near East 63rd Street and Prospect Avenue in a business parking lot. The Jackson County Prosecutor, Jean Peters Baker, announced that the shooting was in self-defense and that no charges would be filed against the shooter. The decision was made after evidence indicated that Bartrom struggled with the shooter and attempted to pull him from his vehicle. (Yahoo News, KMBC TV, KCTV 5, 41 KSHB)

Bartrom’s Background: Bartrom was the owner of Jericho Home Improvements, a well-known home remodeling company in Kansas City. He founded the company in 2009, emphasizing employee care and community charity involvement. Bartrom was not only recognized for his business achievements but also for his philanthropic efforts, including work with The Global Orphan Project, Living Water International, and Habitat for Humanity. (Yahoo News)

The Investigation: The Kansas City Police Department took one person of interest into custody shortly after the incident. The investigation remains ongoing, with the prosecutor’s office and police working together to understand the circumstances leading to the shooting. Despite the conclusion of self-defense, the case has left the community and Bartrom’s family seeking more answers. (Yahoo News, KMBC TV)

What is Not Known

The Circumstances Leading to the Confrontation: The specific details of what led to the fatal struggle between Bartrom and the shooter remain unclear. The relationship between Bartrom and the shooter, if any, has not been disclosed. Nor has there been any clarification on what prompted the violence that night. (41 KSHB)

Evidence and Witness Accounts: The family has expressed a desire to see video evidence and other material supporting the claim of self-defense. According to Nora Schwartz, Bartrom’s sister, the family has been given limited information and has not seen evidence that corroborates the shooter’s account of the events. (41 KSHB)

The Legal Justification: The use of the Castle Doctrine and the determination of self-defense as the reason for not filing charges have been cited, but the complete application of these legal principles to the specifics of the case has not been fully explained to the public or Bartrom’s family. The statement from the prosecutor’s office suggests reliance on the shooter’s account due to the absence of contradicting evidence, yet the family contends that the decision was made without a thorough examination of all available evidence. (41 KSHB)

The death of such an unlikely suspect in a violent attack and one with such a visible “every day Joe” lifestyle has left a community in mourning and a family in search of answers. Those close to Bartrom hope for more clarity and understanding of the tragic events that led to the loss of a prominent businessman and community figure.



  1. Sorry guys, but is this really a story? Basically, “Some guy got killed, the shooter claims self defense, and there is no evidence with which to charge the shooter, or to keep him locked up.” It’s not like this guy is a congress critter, or a mayor, or even a cop. The few facts and the single claim is, Bartrom assaulted some other guy, and was trying to pull that guy from his car.

    Oh wait – are we supposed to be upset because Bartrom was a “philanthropist”?

    • He shuted a philanthropist?I thought all the philanthropist were extinct.
      Heck , if they’ found one of those I bet australathropist might still around.
      Ahhh hah,,,,maybe it’s a big deal because he was that caveman insurance commercial guy, you know “So easy a caveman can do it.”
      Wonder if the Gecko paid someone off? Job security.
      This needs futher investigation.

    • “The death of such an unlikely suspect in a violent attack“

      Yeah, what’s the big deal? Missouri is a constitutional carry state, these things are going to happen.

      What would’ve been loud shouts and fisticuffs, is now a ‘justifiable homicide’.

      Just tell the family of the ‘unlikely suspect’ that killings like this are the price of freedom, I’m sure they’ll understand.

        • minor49iq…Some time ago I had an encounter with a similar well known builder. One weekend myself and the Moms drove down the property line on the neighbor’s side and turned on a pipeline easement and headed back to the highway through my property. Well low and behold behind us was the well known builder of the neighbor’s home who had followed us from the neighbor’s property through my property and up to my gate. He pulled beside us and said his well known name and wanted to know what we were doing on the neighbor’s property in a manner that was not polite. So to make a bigger azzhat out of an azzhole I asked mr. builder what was he doing on my property? After his stuttering ended he managed to say things were being stolen from the worksite which was probably BS as I spoke to the neighbor and if there was any theft it was new to him. Long story short, don’t let success go to your head which may be what happened to the deceased.

      • So the guy should’ve just taken his beating and, if he’s still alive, gone on to the hospital or called 911 for himself afterwards? We have no idea what the age or size differential was. This is exactly why people need to able to carry. It doesn’t matter if the family understands or not, and your emotional blackmail won’t work. The apparent aggressor died, as it should be. Enough of these and self-control becomes the unwritten law of the land.

        • I agree, but those details shouldn’t matter anyway. Without knowing enough from this fragment of an article to judge either party, I’ll simply state that rights in general don’t stop at the weight bench or rowing machine. The ONLY reason from which one could deduce an obligation to “just take a beating” would be concern for harm to innocent bystanders, not the forfeit “rights” of the perpetrator.

      • “What would’ve been loud shouts and fisticuffs, is now a ‘justifiable homicide’.”

        Hey everyone, with his comments Miner49er is claiming to have been there and knows exactly what happened. Well by golly, Miner49er, why don’t you call the police there and tell them about this should have been “loud shouts and fisticuffs”.

        Miner49er, stop being such an idiot and learn to apply context, for example, that you have absolutely zero knowledge of what actually happened and keep your ignorant self-satisfying judgements to your self.

        • Minor49’r is upset that 29 states are “Constitutional Carry” and thought he saw an opportunity to mock another civil right of the people.

          As with most everything he posts, he is both wrong and solidifies his marxist views.

        • “why don’t you call the police there and tell them“

          Seemingly, the police already knew what happened, the story says they claim there was video.

          How do we know there’s video?

          If there is video, why won’t the prosecutor provide it to the family?

          The investigation is over, prosecutor and police said the case is closed and no charges will be filed, so why are they withholding public records?

          I understand you folks all completely trust the police, “if the police say this is what happened, that’s the end of it”.

          A few folks on the list cause those who do so ‘bootlickers’.

          What does the video show that someone in power does not want the public to see?

          And why are you folks in favor of the government concealing the records from the public, it’s a strange position for you folks to be in…

        • Miner said “And why are you folks in favor of the government concealing the records from the public,”

          I’d like to hear a lot of leftists explain why gubbermint should keep so many sekrits. Like, how come Joe Robinette never released his tax returns? Sekrits, sekrits, sekrits, everyone has a sekrit they ain’t sharing. Wouldn’t you like to know how much money all the anti-gun mayors, governors, and assorted sheep dip “celebrities” spend on armed security, all while telling us that guns are too dangerous for us to have?

        • “Like, how come Joe Robinette never released his tax returns?”

          You are dishonest, what you have here is a lie framed in a question.

          Joseph Robinette Biden has released his tax returns, and it has made the headlines each time, here’s the most recent release:

          “The Bidens made $579K last year, and paid a 23.8 percent tax rate, their returns show
          Most of the the couple’s earnings came from the president’s salary
          04/18/2023 07:04 PM EDT
          President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden paid $137,658 in federal income taxes on $579,514 in earnings, according to their 2022 tax return provided Tuesday by the White House.“


          Like, how come Donald Trump never released his tax returns?

          Because he’s a liar and a fraud, has been found civilly liable for sexual assault and corporate fraud, is currently under 91 felony indictments and has started trial for false reporting business expenses in order to conceal a payoff to his porn star hooker.

          And I don’t care how much celebrities spend on their armed security, because their armed security is required to have proper training before they are permitted to carry firearms in public spaces.

        • Freedom hating, really?

          It seems your position is more of a ‘cop-lover’ position.

          I’m more interested in why y’all agree with the police and prosecutor withholding the body cam video from the family and the public.

          I guess it’s all part of your ‘Back the Blue!’ schtick.

          I just think there’s more to the story, and it’s troubling the police and prosecutors are withholding the information.

        • That’s not your concern miner and you know that. You want any excuse to stomp on rights. Your snarky remarks upstream about ‘freedom’ show this. How do you get that I back the blue from my comment?

          You’re a typical fascist.

      • Muh fisticuffs.

        The girl reportedly suffered a traumatic brain injury and is listed in critical condition in hospital, while the assailant was arrested on assault charges Saturday, taken to the St. Louis County Family Court and held in custody through to Sunday.

        Fights are not a jovial, playful thing. The type of people who would instigate a physical confrontation should be removed from society and the unwilling partner should absolutely use deadly force to end the attack as quickly as possible.

        • “Fights are not a jovial things”

          We have no idea what sort of a fight, if any, occurred on the parking lot with the gentleman we are actually talking about.
          The police and prosecutor have refused to release the video, even though the incident occurred over two months ago and the investigation is complete with no charges filed.

          “The type of people who would instigate a physical confrontation should be removed from society“


          “Donald Trump Tells Crowd to ‘Knock the Crap Out Of’ Hecklers
          FEBRUARY 1, 2016 3:51 PM EST
          Donald Trump told supporters Monday to “knock the crap out of” would-be hecklers at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
          “If you see somebody with a tomato, knock the crap out of them,” Trump said, referencing another incident with a protestor.“

          I’m glad to hear you agree Donald Trump should be removed from society, that may just happen over the next 6 to 12 months so we will both have a reason to celebrate.

      • ther ya go again Miner49er, deliberately cherry picking out of context to deceive.

        you made this false and deceptive claim..

        “What would’ve been loud shouts and fisticuffs, is now a ‘justifiable homicide’.”

        I replied with this…

        “Well by golly, Miner49er, why don’t you call the police there and tell them about this should have been ‘loud shouts and fisticuffs’ ”.

        but the only part you quoted was deliberately quoted cherry picked out of context with…

        ““why don’t you call the police there and tell them”

        then launch into more of your BS.

        I can understand your reluctance to discuss your false and deceptive claim though, its a typical left wing antigun tactic, get caught in your lie and deception then cherry pick out of context that pointing out the lie and deception to try to change the subject to something else you can deceive with.

        • 40 oz, every single comment on this thread is speculative, and you folks are the ones who have already convicted the dead businessman of some crime, without any evidence I might add.

          Obviously, there’s much more to this, or else the police and prosecutor would’ve released the video when the investigation was complete.

          But you don’t care, you just want to justify the use of a firearm in a ‘self-defense’ situation, without regard to the actual facts of the incident.

        • every single comment here is speculative except yours. You are making specific claims, claims of ignorance and stupid and bias trying to paint a picture that without any substance behind it is a false representation and you are doing this deliberately.

          You are literally doing the left wing anti-gun thing of metaphorically ‘dancing in the blood of tragedy’.

          We know there is not enough fact known yet. We understand that. We know that inquiring minds want to know. We understand that. But you, you simply make up false stuff to plug in as though its fact and this is a recurring thing with you for just about any subject.

          And in this void of information, here you are doing the left wing anti-gun thing of metaphorically ‘dancing in the blood of tragedy’ by making specific intentional claims as though fact, like for example, this…

          “What would’ve been loud shouts and fisticuffs, is now a ‘justifiable homicide’.”

          And you lie once again and state something as though its fact when it isn’t > this is 100% pure lie >

          “But you don’t care, you just want to justify the use of a firearm in a ‘self-defense’ situation, without regard to the actual facts of the incident.”

          1. You don’t know what I care about or not.

          2. I have not at any point in this comment section indicated or implied I “want to justify the use of a firearm in a ‘self-defense’ situation”

          So here you are again doing the typical left wing thing – with your very intentional and blatant lie trying to polarize to create a boogyman-bad guy that does not exist.

  2. It appears a lot is not known. Why was the “upstanding citizen” Bartrom out and about at midnight? Not that it’s illegal, but somewhat unwise.

    • Some folks have to work late…..not everyone has a 9 to 5 job. I had to work 14 hour days six days a week for months at a stretch because my boss would never say no to client’s requests and was so mean that very few people would work for him for very long. He did pay well, I retired when I was 46.

  3. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you put any “reasonable person” in imminent fear for their life or grevious bodily harm they have a good case for the use of deadly force against you.

    De-escalate, de-escalate, de-escalate.

    • Exactly.
      Be polite, de-escalate, disengage. Remove yourself and your friends/family from the threat.

    • More like ” deflate, deflate, deflate “.
      Probably another case of Big Head Syndrome, where the victim saw his face on TV enough that he adopts the persona… ” Hey, I’m talking to you, and I’m. a big deal around here and that was MY parking spot” he shouts from somewhere in a nearly empty parking lot.

      • “Hey, I’m talking to you, and I’m. a big deal around here and that was MY parking spot”

        That’s weird, BP gas stations have reserved parking in Missouri?

        “Bartrom was shot and killed at a BP Gas Station on 63rd and Prospect in Kansas City in January.”

        • “That’s weird, BP gas stations have reserved parking in Missouri?’

          stop being stupid. The context was obviously a made up representation of a hypothetical, it was not saying BP gas stations have reserved parking in Missouri.

        • “The context was obviously a made up”

          Yep, that’s all you got with your bullshit context comments, it’s all ‘made up’.

          None of us know shit about what really happened, because the government is withholding the police body cam, and you completely trust the police and readily accept their claim that the dead man was ‘pulling someone from a car’.

          I never figured you for a police bootlicker, like the old folks say, you never can tell…

        • Miner49er, if your comments were any more false and stupid than they already are your brain would melt.

          why don’t you drop your pronouns of they/them and stop living with your identity as left wing and be a real person with your own self esteem instead of what the left wing feeds you to be.

      • Although I agree with your premise here, I think that the “victim” was the guy that wasn’t carted away by ambulance. And an incident at oh-dark-thirty Sunday morning after bar closing would probably indicate they both may have also been affected by Instant A-Hole Syndrome, Alcohol Induced Division.

      • I’ve run into that personna many times. A really funny one was in California, some jerkwad got a case of road rage and followed me into a filling station. “Do you know who I am?” “Well, hell no, and I don’t really give a damn, I’m just passing through.” “The way you’re dressed, you probably don’t make half what I make you ignorant hillbilly.” “You’re probably right, but I’m not stupid enough to pay the prices you pay for all your feel good status symbols.” Fuel hose clicks, I tell him, “I’m out of here. Thanks for giving me another reason to avoid this shithole state.”

    • “It doesn’t matter who you are, if you put any “reasonable person” in imminent fear for their life or grevious bodily harm they have a good case for the use of deadly force against you.

      De-escalate, de-escalate, de-escalate.”

      “Be polite, de-escalate, disengage. Remove yourself and your friends/family from the threat.”

      Someone puts wife/family/friends/myself in imminent fear of serious/grevious bodily harm or death I’m going to “de-escalate” with each and every shot then when that threat has been “de-escalated” enough I’m going to “disengage”, and thus I will have removed the threat from wife/family/friends/myself. I’m not shy about doing it, been through it several times already in my life and although not my favorite thing in the world I am not shy about doing it if its needed.

  4. Did they know each other? Why were they interacting in the first place? It looks like they’re going to protect the shooter’s identity. That’s a good thing if it was justifiable. There’s obviously a lot more to this story.

    • They obviously knew each other well enough that Mr. Bigshot wanted to dance with the guy in the car. Thing is, Mr. Bigshot thought he would lead, and it didn’t work out that way.

  5. Sounds to me like Mr. Philanthropist might have had a serious character flaw causing him to be susceptible to road rage. This time he raged on the wrong guy.

  6. this is t a news story about firearms, this is a poorly written AI ad for Jericho Home Improvements. Get better AI, Doug.

    • Someone who can’t be bothered to capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence is criticizing someone else for being “poorly written”? 🤣

      • Run Forrest, the “AI” can at least use correct punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure most of the time. If you write like a 3rd-grader then perhaps you shouldn’t throw stones at the writing of others. “Me fail English? That’s unpossible!”

      • “criticizing someone else for being “poorly written”?”

        He did not “criticize someone else for being poorly written”.

        He criticize someone for writing an AI ad poorly.

        Don’t feel bad about your grammar mistake, English as a second language can be difficult.

        Do svidanya!

      • “criticizing someone else for being “poorly written”?”

        He did not “criticize someone else for being poorly written”, he criticized someone else for a poorly written article.

        It’s always entertaining when someone criticizes another person’s grammar, and fails miserably.

    • “Dont be out late at night in empty parking lots. Words to live by“

      Right, don’t purchase gas for your automobile late at night, just a minor concession folks need to make to live in freedom-loving Missouri, sounds reasonable to me.

      • No matter how you slice this pie. Whether the shooters actions were justified or not. If the dead one didn’t try to snatch him out of a car, this would not have happened. Guns or no guns, I don’t argue with people, AND ESPECIALLY DON’T TRY TO SNATCH THEM OUT OF CARS! We obviously don’t have the full story here, but if the dead guy would have had the good sense to leave the shooter alone, he would still be breathing.

      • .. first place to pull into after some drunk asshole chases your vehicle off of US 71 for some minor imaginary dis, you know, like is RECOMMENDED.
        Too bad big-head decided to follow him into a lit gas station where he ultimately met his just reward. Oh, and we know why you’re defending the jackass, it’s called ” projection “

        • “you’re defending the jackass“

          Not defending anyone, just asking questions about the situation.

          It happened over two months ago, the prosecutor says no charges will be filed, where is the body cam after two months?

          If it’s a slam dunk self-defense case, why after too months do we not have a description of the encounter?

        • “he ultimately met his just reward“

          Please share with me the information you have that leads you to conclude death was his ‘just reward’.

          If you are relying on video evidence, please advise where one could view this video you are using to support your statement, thanks!

        • “It happened over two months ago, the prosecutor says no charges will be filed, where is the body cam after two months?”

          It’s probably in with the Nashville trans shooter’s manifesto, which still hasn’t been released after 12 MONTHS.

      • I wouldn’t talk shit on Missouri if your a tourist.
        You might find out Your Rights don’t mean much.

  7. Seriously? This is not an article suitable for presentation at this time. Its a regurgitation of what the media says and doesn’t tell us anything useful.

  8. All you need to do is claim self defense with no witnesses around and you are free to kill whoever you please without prosecution.

    “But I was scared”

    Ok then

    • that’s a very gross and ignorant bias deception ‘over simplification’.

      its reasonably feared serious bodily harm or death. not ‘i was scared’

      • “All you need to do is claim self defense with no witnesses around and you are free to kill whoever you please without prosecution.”

        100% false.

    • For the most part, is, was, and always has been that way. Regardless of weapon so what’s your point? In this case, they have video of the business guy trying to pull the victim out of his car. What more proof of self-defense do you require?

    • Perhaps you missed the fact that there is video of the shooting. The prosecutor has declined to release the video, so far. The dead guy’s family wants to see the video, and prosecutor hasn’t budged yet. I have an idea that the video may very well support the shooter’s story, or the prosecutor would be leaping for joy over a slam dunk prosecution.

      All shootings are investigated. In every state. In all jurisdictions. I’m not going to tell you that the right decision is made in every case whether to prosecute, but every homicide is investigated.

      Thanks for sharing your ignorance with all of us.

      • “The prosecutor has declined to release the video, so far. The dead guy’s family wants to see the video, and prosecutor hasn’t budged yet.“

        How do we know there’s video?

        If there is video, why won’t the prosecutor provide it to the family?

        The investigation is over, prosecutor and police said the case is closed and no charges will be filed, so why are they withholding the public records?

        • Where does the victim’s right to privacy end and the perpetrator’s family (or the public for that matter) rights begin? You’re just ignorant. In case you’re too ignorant to figure it out, the victim here is the shooter.

  9. even business owners can lose their mind and act in such a way that gets them either in trouble or dead.. stop making excuses for him, obviously the evidence and the individuals story match up.. If you have money and an ego you can still be a class A douchebag

    • What evidence?

      Prosecutor claims there’s a video, but won’t release it.

      How do we know there’s video?

      If there is video, why won’t the prosecutor provide it to the family?

      The investigation is over, prosecutor and police said the case is closed and no charges will be filed, so why are they withholding the public records?

  10. that’s a whole lotta words for not including any real story. One guy shot another guy. No charges filed.
    WHAT HAPPENED? This is click bait until there are enough details to tell what happened so we can learn from it.

    • Yep, this incident happened over two months ago and the prosecutor and police still haven’t released the body cam video, even to the family.

      Everyone on here is cheering because someone was killed with a gun in self-defense, but they are all ignoring the fact the government is withholding the video evidence from the public.

      And of course, they won’t let the family see the video either.

      So what’s up, it’s been two months, the investigation is closed and no charges are filed, why the blackout/cover-up on the body cam video?

      • “Everyone on here is cheering because someone was killed with a gun in self-defense, but they are all ignoring the fact the government is withholding the video evidence from the public.”

        that’s false.

        • That’s miner. He’s never been upset because info wasn’t released from the Tennessee Tranny shooting.

          He’s just trying to push the false narrative that nobody can be trusted with rights because at some point some individual will abuse that right.

          Typical fascist, is miner.

        • “to subject kids to what the 11 year old“

          Well, this is really out of context but we’ll go with it…

          So you want the government to enforce a book ban on what books our children may encounter in the library?

          Why do you want the government to have control over the books our children read?

          It should be up to the parents whether or not the child has access to the books and can check them out, if you don’t want to let them check out that book then enforce that with your child, don’t rely on the government just because you don’t know how to explain sex to your 11-year-old.

          In fact, you want to be able to ban those books and prevent other people’s kids form reading them, by enforcing a fascist government ban on Books that make you uncomfortable.

          Freedom! Right?

        • Miner49er, thanks for making my case for me and even providing the evidence in your own words.

          you are a sick child predator.

  11. If the facts are correct, and someone was trying to drag me out of my car, I would shoot without hesitation.
    Sorry, but i don’t trust someone like that to just kick my ass and let it go at that.
    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    • Yep.

      “Missouri teenager was left in critical condition after her head repeatedly was bashed into the concrete road during a massive, off-campus high school brawl that was caught on camera.”

    • This is the real Miner49er, accept no substitutes!

      But I must admit, Miner49er is a bit worried, it seems Mike Pillow and Kari Lake are closing in on us liberals:

      “Mike Lindell Teases Supreme Court Evidence
      Published Mar 11, 2024 at 9:04 AM EDT
      Updated Mar 11, 2024 at 2:25 PM EDT
      By Kate Plummer
      Mike Lindell has said that he will bring explosive new evidence to the Supreme Court regarding Kari Lake’s bid to overturn the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election.
      Speaking to Steve Bannon on the podcast War Room, the MyPillow CEO said he had strong evidence in the case that would help him save this country.

      With support from Lindell, a Trump ally, Lake filed a lawsuit on December 9, asking a court to throw out certified election results in Arizona and declare her the winner of the midterms election over Katie Hobbs, who won by just over 17,000 votes.

      The lawyers Lindell hired to bring the lawsuit were all sanctioned by U.S. District Judge John Tuchi for filing a frivolous lawsuit. The federal 9th Circuit then affirmed the district judge’s ruling following an appeal.“

  12. I live about six blocks from where this happened and feel the need to weigh in with a few things.

    First, Missouri has permitless (not constitutional) carry. I’m not a lawyer and don’t play one online, but I’ve read that the only constitutional carry state (no laws at all concerning concealed or open carry) is Vermont. Nitpicking, perhaps, but…

    Second, this may be apropos of nothing, but for any of you not familiar with KC, the corner of 63rd and Prospect is smack dab in the middle of what we shall euphemistically call the inner city, and I’m just as curious as the next person as to just what a well-to-do suburban denizen like Mr. Bartrom was doing at that time of night so far away from home. The family has intimated he was on his way to one of the “riverboat” casinos (I put that in quotes because they’re RINOs-riverboats in name only) but coming from Johnson County to the west he wouldn’t have traveled as he apparently did to get there (east on Interstate 435 to U. S. 71 and then north to the river; he’d have more likely taken a straight shot up Interstate 35 or U. S. 69 north to I-35 depending on how far west of the state line he started from).

    Third, if you throw his name into a search engine you’ll find he had some (ahem, ahem) domestic difficulties back around 2019 or so that along with his supposedly being on a gambling run when he met his end doesn’t square with the goody-two-shoes image being posthumously constructed for him.

    All that said, I’d like to take a gander at that video, too.

  13. Miner reminds me of a blue dog turd that used to troll another gun forum. So tiresome.

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