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Record NICS volume – again – in December, both nationally and all around the country. Must be keeping the gnomes at the FBI hopping. As Ron Parrish of Powers Firearms so eloquently put it, “I think the key here is that most people are finally beginning to realize that they themselves are responsible for their own safety.”


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  1. I notice the talking head newsie couldn’t resist adding the Brady Twits propaganda message, that “there’s no information about whether this is new gun owners or just existing gun owners adding to their collections.”

    I love it when the anti-freedom types live in a state of denial.

  2. “I think the key here is that most people are finally beginning to realize that they themselves are responsible for their own safety.”


    The power of that fact hit me when I acquired my CCW and saw a building emergency plan once with a box at the bottom for “Active Shooter”.

    In summary it said call the authorities and cower in fear. I chucked at that thinking “Thanks but no thanks, I have my own emergency plan.I may be behind my desk, but it will be because I am using it for cover from an armed felon and not because im waiting to be killed.”

  3. Personally, I love two things:

    1) A story about gun sales is being reported on by a person named Packer.

    2) The lede: “Well, what presents did you get for the holidays? According to figures from the FBI, a lot of you got… guns! (OMG!!!11!)”

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