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Deer Licks Gun [NSFW]

The video is labeled “Hunting fail” but I don’t think its creators were hunting. Them’s targets in the background. Let’s hope not, ’cause the anti-hunting PETA people are going to put a “callous, foul-mouthed hunters terrorize Bambi” spin on this one. Not that anyone’s going to buy it who hasn’t already drunk the anti-hunting Kool-Aid. Anyway, it’s funny, in its own special way. And in my business, you don’t cut funny.

40 thoughts on “Deer Licks Gun [NSFW]”

  1. These guys are total dipshits. It occurred to me that this fawn may be deaf; does that happen?

    Did he lick the barrel because it tasted salty? Not sure what’s going on, aside from the dipshits.

      • If he isn’t deaf or hard of hearing it’s not for their lack of trying. I wouldn’t be firing unsuppressed .308 Winchester right next to a puppy or a child, nor a fawn. It’s unethical to injure a deer, pet or wild. Even if Dinner the deer was going to be released, having damaged hearing would have a negative impact on that deer’s life. I’m not saying these guys are assholes, but they’re putting that deer’s health at risk. That deer probably was temporarily deaf at that point, any human’s ears would have been ringing. I might get flamed for saying this but I won’t apologize for saying that people should avoid injuring animals. Deafness is an injury, like a damaged leg or a partially shot-off jaw.

        • You certainly won’t get flamed by me. I have no problem with humane hunting, but people who hurt animals just for shits and giggles are low.

    • Did I watch the same video as everyone else??

      I don’t get what anyone could be upset about here.

      The deer’s hearing? Who the fuck cares? If it doesn’t like it, it’ll run away.

      • If it doesn’t like not hearing the sound of the gunshots, it will go away? How much have you had to drink?

  2. You know how it’s always said that profanity is the lazy tool of the weak mind?

    That’s all I could think of when the cameraman said at 1:23, “You don’t even need no damn frickin’ uh….” and never finished the thought. So busy putting profane modifiers into the sentence that he forgot where he was even going with it.

    Although the deer’s behavior is sort of amusing, that part is drowned out by the fact that I feel dumber after having watched the video.

    • It is, however, quite possible to swear like a sailor and make a better point doing so. These f*cking numbnuts, however, are clearly not up to the task.

  3. I’ve been to shooting ranges with deer before, I had three of them wander between me and my target once. I was shooting a handgun at about ten yards. They just get acclimated to the sound and stop caring after a while. Deer that get hunted is another matter, they come to associate the sound of gunfire with people chasing them.

    • The deer that wander around my place don’t seem to be bothered by me coming up the driveway in the [somewhat loud] Cummins Dodge, the GSD barking at them from 10′ away (separated only by a 4′ split rail fence), or me shooting in the “back yard”. They watch me, but usually don’t run, when I’m walking within 10 yards. Of course, I haven’t shot any of them …………………….. yet.

    • Yep, I’ve had a deer and black bear mosey across my hot lane at the local range. Never had one lick my gun barrel though.

    • Yeah, we’ve had to call cease fire at my local range for deer and turkeys wandering into the target area. 40-50 rifles going off and they seemed to be unconcerned.

      I was just up there today to register for my hunter safety course(couldn’t stay and shoot) and had to slow down several times in my car for the turkeys.

  4. At one of the rifle ranges at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM, this past June, we stopped shooting for a while because an antelope was wandering around foraging at the far end of the range.

    • Yeah, at the Whittington “Cheney shot me” Center, it would be amazing if the local wildlife wasn’t acclimated to the sound of gunfire.

  5. I was out in the woods busting up some cans with my .357 magnum one afternoon and a rabbit came up within about 10 feet of me. I didn’t even notice him until I went to set up some more cans. He scared me to death when he tore out of there.

  6. Deer do not fear people when the hunting pressure is low.

    I’ve hunted in places were clearing your throat is enough to scare off all the deer in the area because there is intense hunting pressure.

    But, the deer at my cousins home just outside the city limits of Austin will damn near ear out of your hand. No one hunts them and everyone feeds them- fearing people and gun shoots is a learned behavior, not an inherent one.

      • I dropped a doe, standing in group of deer, last month at around 50 yard. All of them just stood there, didn’t even run around until I started walking towards them.

        I don’t know if it hurts there ears, but I do know I’ve seen them, more than once, just stand there when one of their buddies gets downed from a high powered rifle at close range

  7. Even if the deer were deaf and not afraid of guns, it should be afraid of humans, particularly OFWGs. Particularly, THOSE OFWGs.

  8. A fawn so young that it still has spots may not have learned the natural fear of man. That fear is typically learned within the first year.

    • If you follow the link to the subsequent video, you’ll see that it may be too late for him to ever learn that fear, at least in his short-@$$ life. The state parks here on Long Island strictly prohibit feeding deer, especially from cars. It used to be cute and fun to stop and have deer walk up you your car and eat right out of your hand. But the deer started correlating cars to food. This resulted in a lot of roadkill and vehicle damage.

    • I can tell you from the fact that at my home with a good herd of 30 deer in a suburban neighborhood, the deer do not learn fear of humans until at least one winter (and hunting season) has passed.

      There is a small fawn/spike buck that sits in my yard about 10′ from my grill regularly while i BBQ venison steaks! I talk to him and he just looks sadly up at me!

      On the other hand the two 6-point bucks and the 10-pointer in my backyard will get wary and move out as soon as I get on my deck.

      I hunt with a bow in my yard and the older deer get nervous when I show up with my bow, but they are smart enough to not worry when I am just out doing lawn work. They are both very smart to certain stimuli and very stupid at the same time.

  9. In a way this video reminds me of my first trip to a range. It was in Calverton on Long Island. Many people were shooting that day. Then along comes a rabbit hopping across the width of the range. Next thing you know everyone there is slinging lead at it. It must have been hundreds of rounds fired, but it just kept happily hopping along. Amazingly, no one managed to hit it. Maybe you had to be there to appreciate it, but I assure you it was hilarious. That rabit must have had nine lives. From that day on I was hooked on shooting.

  10. Its a sika deer, they are only wild in Maryland and Virginia, mostly Maryland.

    It’s a pet and its named as you can see from the annotation at the top of the video.

    My suggestion for anyone in Virginia and Maryland, their beautiful, let them reproduce so we can eat them and appreciate them in the future, leave them alone for now.

  11. Okay… I looked up “sika deer”, and they are only native to Japan and East Asia (i.e., China and Russia”. So you would seem to be incorrect. The only deer native to North America are Whitetail and Mule Deer, the latter occurring in the West, where even they are outnumbered by Whitetails, to the best of my knowledge. These guys are NOT in Asia!

  12. I killed a deer out of a group of four last Thursday. The one I shot ran off several yards into the woods before it dropped. The others just stood there in the clearing like “What’s going on?”

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