courtesy and scribd

“I have filed suit against @NewJerseyOAG and @CityAttorneyLA. We will not be silenced.” – Cody Wilson in Jersey’s AG sued over move to block 3D-printed gun website in N.J. [via]


    • Update on the PA situation. DD agreed to temporarily (a few days) suspend PA downloads until a more formal hearing could be held. That is all. Makes sense as from what I understand, DD was somewhat blindsided by the emergency Sunday hearing and this is actually best for them in the long run.

      Although the PA AG does not mention this specifically (putting themselves in the best light), they do admit that this is only temporary, just not in so many words:

      “Attorney General Shapiro and his legal team, working in concert with the Governor and State Police, will continue seeking a preliminary and permanent injunction against Defense Distributed’s plans to make its 3D gun files available online as the litigation continues.”

    • That is disappointing. I hope that’s a temporary block until Wilson is through winning these last court cases. In any case, it is fairly easy to hide your actual location by means of a proxy server or VPN.

      • It is easy, but isn’t usually free and some, like NetfNetflix, can detect a proxy and refuse the connection.

          • Serious question about TOR. My understanding is TOR was created by U.S. intelligence agencies (or maybe only NSA, depending on the article). If, if, it is true TOR is a tool of government authorities, how “safe” can TOR actually be? Can one be assured the intelligence agencies cannot “see” and read everything going through TOR sites?


        • @Sam, some of the technology and research that made Tor possible was made by and/or for the government. However, the Tor project itself is an independent nonprofit consortium that uses the technology for good — to keep the government and assorted greasy spies from interfering in the free association of individuals.

          There are bound to be Tor Onion sites that already have the Defense Distributed files (and they’ll have them no matter what any gov/corporate cabal says). If you’re going to download them at all from anywhere and prefer not to be spied on, Tor is definitely the way to do it.

          • Thanks.

            Thinking that once the 3-D files are lodged anywhere other than DD, the files will be available to people in PA, MA and NY, regardless of court decisions about downloading directly from DD.

        • @Sam I Am
          This video has a very good explanation of Tor and breaks down the arguments for and against using Tor and for trusting Tor as a secure service.

          Basically, Tor is safe, and if you’re worried that it isn’t, the source code is freely available. You can, provided you have the expertise to understand, look at the source code and see exactly how Tor works. You can rest easy knowing that many, many, many people have this expertise and care about whatever Tor works and many of them would blow the whistle if there was something in the source code that allowed for a back door or other insecurity.

      • As I see it, DD’s temp block on Pa. IP addresses is a tactical move.

        NJ and LA screwed up by *threatening* action, rather than first filing for a TRO in a friendly jurisdiction and *then* announcing it. As a result, Cody’s agile legal team played the right card — the beat the other side to the courthouse by filing a declaratory judgment action (on a Sunday afternoon, no less!) in a good jurisdiction — where the CTA5 opinions probably cook the defendants’ goose. Ergo, NJ and LA now likely have to fight this on DD’s home turf.

        Pa. played it a lot smarter — rather than just threaten, it filed for a temporary restraining order in a friendly jurisdiction, and will now try to make DD fight on their turf. By agreeing to a temporary block of Pa. IP addresses, DD moots the need for a potentially-adverse TRO (and gives its legal team time to file a motion to transfer venue to WDTx).

        From my reading of the complaint and my knowledge of the relevant law, not only will the AG’s in question lose the cases against DD, they should probably lose any claim of qualified immunity (which will then open those individuals up to *personal* liability for DD’s damages). The legal arguments being made are so contrary to well-settled law that they could not be making them in good faith (as opposed to politically posturing).

        Pass the popcorn — this is going to be fun to watch.

        • “…not only will the AG’s in question lose the cases against DD, they should probably lose any claim of qualified immunity (which will then open those individuals up to *personal* liability for DD’s damages).”

          *GOOD*. It’s the only way to get their undivided attention.

          Plain, butter, or kettle corn, LKB? 😉

  1. Yeah. Something doesn’t seem quite right about the claim, in the face of law suits against other states. But the referenced article, if correct, does show the PA authorities to be clueless about the internet. Which, I guess, is to be expected of politicians who do not realize the world is changing around them. Their knee-jerk reaction to the digital world is like so many despots around the world: total government control of the internet.

  2. IF true, It could also be a tactical decision – by agreeing with PA, that prevents PA from joining forces with LA and NJ, allowing Defense Distributed an easier time in court. Once those cases get settled in court, Defense Distributed and make their plans available in PA with no negative recourse.

    • The states claim that the files are “available” in those states, and they take the further, highly suspect, position that blue prints allowing someone in New Jersey to print a gun is the equivalent of DD transporting the gun into the state.

      • Ok, but they are powerless to stop it other than issuing China-esque internet censorship for specific content – which would easily be tossed by the courts. NJ has no authority to regulate what is put on a server in any other state.

      • “Let’s stop associating liberals with Progressive/Communists.”

        I don’t see any daylight between them. Can you illuminate the differences? (presuming you are using the term “liberal” in its current form, not classic)

        • A classic liberal would say that the ‘current usage’ is just plain wrong and we need to quit using the word liberal to describe progressives, socialists, and marxists.

          • Agree that the current usage (in use at least since 1960) of “liberal” is not historically aligned with the original meaning.And today’s “liberal” does not deserve, not has earned the title “liberal”. However, the leftists, communists, socialists, Dimowits have been quite happy to wear the “liberal” cloak for over fifty five years.

            Would there be much point (in the current political environment) it trying to re-define the term “liberal” back to its original meaning? Would that not also require re-defining “conservative” back to its roots of conserving/preserving the power of government/monarch? Would such corrections have any measurable impact on voters?

    • Maybe the bed-wetters would be more successful if they sued for prevention based in a claim of “hate speech”. Plans for 3-D printing of guns is merely a smoke screen to allow alt-right and bigots and whatever favorite word, to print guns to be used to suppress minorities at voter registration and ballot submission sites. Yeah, that’s what it is, racism.

      • The point of theses suits is not to win but to make it too expensive for DD to stay in business with the plans on the interwebs. Instead of death by a thousand cuts, we have death by a thousand suits. In other words, this is another version of the same stunt the various states and numerous plaintiffs attorneys tried to pull to put gun manufacturers out of business by filing lawsuits over gun deaths, before Congress put a stop to it.

        • Agree. The anti-people forces always see the law not as a tool for seeking justice and equity, but as a weapon to imprison opposition.

        • But DD doesn’t need to stay in business to keep the plans out on the internet. They’ve been out on the internet the whole time; the fight is to avoid bs bans/injunctions in the future. so yes, the point is to win.

        • I think you’re right. Since we’re dealing with politicians one way to put an end to such potentially ruinous and certainly punitive litigation is for local Open Carry / 2A activists to (a) get the word out about their AG’s shenanigans, (b) flood their state reps’ and governors’ offices with emails and letters and calls demanding these state officials desist, and (c) circulate within their state (if they have such provision in their jurisdiction) recall petitions against offending officials. Aside from that, patronizing and donating to Cody’s business and legal fund would be a help I’m sure.

  3. All anyone needs to do is signup for a VPN. If you can afford the Ghost gunner you can afford to pay for the shortest subscription then download what you want. I all I had to do with my VPN is change my “location” to one that isn’t “blocked” and I downloaded what I wanted.
    I don’t even have a ghost gunner….”yet”

  4. I’d bet the files are already being sold for a few bucks on eBay under some innocuous sounding name like “The Gurbir Files” Or will soon be.

  5. I think Cody can just ignore the suit. It’s already been decided that he can release the blueprints, there’s really nothing anybody can do to stop him.

  6. If you agree to use TOR they use everyones pc to run communications through the site so its not traceable. I dont want that. I use a vpn.
    Not sure about printable guns. Dangerous not safe.

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