21 thoughts on “Defensive Dog Use of the Day”

  1. Good dog! Good dog! Here is a biscuit for you! Good dog! I’d be buying that dog a nice thick juicy steak tonight if it was me. And I liked that the clerk gave the dog a boost over the counter.

  2. I’m thinking that there is a good chance this is staged. Note the rather large padded forearm on the ‘burglar’. Also note that this appears to be a gun shop or the firearms counter at a sporting goods store. If the gun shops, specifically the armed staff, in my neck of the woods are any indication, you would have to be monumentally stupid to try to rob one at gunpoint. Of course, armed robbery is not usually attempted by the greatest intellects of our age.

    • The sleeve is already ripped as well. Can you say take #2.
      Take my word for it, be good to your dog and your dog will be good to you. My girls earned a steak last year. No training just instinct. They were just protecting the people that feed and love them.

      • I have trained protection dogs for several years and it is a very, very rare dog that will protect its owner without training. Barking and growling aside. The depth and “quality” of the bite is not consistent with an untrained dog. That said, this does look more like a training session than a live bite. The person who is the subject of the robbery looks like an amateur though. He appears scared of the biting dog. Anyone experienced in handling protection dogs would not be scared, rather he would be close to the dog, petting the dog and encouraging the dog to give confidence to the dog and to strengthen the bite.

        • Rabbi, a good agitator (the guy who gets bit) will show “fear” when the dog does after him. That’s the way we pump up the dog’s confidence. I thought the agitator’s technique was pretty good.

          I used to train dogs and I have the scars to prove it, including one on my left hand where a Rottweiler bit clean through a gloved chrome leather sleeve.

          • I agree Ralph, the agitator did fairly well. I thought the presentation was a bit exaggerated, but that really depends on the level of the dog. My concern was with the handler.

            One thing I find missing too often in defense dog training though is screaming on the part of the agitator. Since the victim most often screams/yells with real bites, it should happen in training as well.

            I have my share of scars as wells. For 8 years, my wife would not let me wear shorts in her presence out in public in fear that others would think she beat me in the legs. (Most of our dogs were leg bitters) My worst scar in just below my underarm where a dog caught me as I was trying to evade an arm bite by lifting my arm up (Escive)

            • Leg biters? Sound like the Belgian breeds, like the Sheepdog, Malinois or Tervuren. They’re notorious leg biters, and damn good dogs.

              It seemed to me that the agitator was a professional but not the best, the handler was an owner and therefore an amateur, and the dog a mid-level schutzhund. He alerted a little late and his bite wasn’t full mouth, but more toward the canines. As you know, a hot dog will take a full bite right back to the molars. When they shake their head, it’s like two reciprocating saws.

              • We trained GSD, Malenois, a few American Pitbulls and a small amount of other breeds. All were taught to bite the legs. Those with previous bite work on the arms, would bite either.

                We trained a combination of civil and Ring Sport. In Ring, it is easy to escape a arm bite (escive) by moving the target arm at the last second–something not allowed in schutzhund. Leg bites are much harder to escape. Leg bites tend to limit mobility.

                Can’t teach a dog to go after guns and gun arms–FBI tried it and got a whole lotta bites on FBI agents. LOL

                The handler, the owner, if he has been training dogs, should not be scared of the bite by the time the dog is doing off-leash work. Time to get over it.

                The alert by the dog was late, but we don’t know what the trigger was. Might have been verbal by the handler??

                The video was so bad, I had a hard time seeing the bite, looked full to me, but you might be right.

  3. This looks more like a recorded dog training session than an actual DDU. The “robber” does seem to be wearing a bite sleeve under his shirt sleeve.

    Dipsticks who try to rob gun stores usually end up getting drilled more than the coast of California.

    • The ‘bad guy’ also immediately extends his arm so far over the counter it would be vulnerable to a simple grab by the store employee…and yet that was the perfect move to make sure Rex took a good bite on the arm. [They’re allowing drilling now on the Cali coast?]

  4. These guys just wanted to make a video to post on youtube, and there’s not a chance in hell that this is real. If this guy came into my store and my dog grabbed him, I’d be beating the fool silly while the dog had him by the arm. I’ve had several trained and untrained doberman’s and shepards. The untrained dogs are just pets who would most likely try to protect me(I had one shepard who was a big baby who would have run away and let me die), but they really didn’t have a clue as how to stop someone. Now my trained doberman’s were no joke, and they’d take you out or they’d die trying.

  5. Also note the quality of the video. Cameras & monitors these days don’t have scan lines like you see in this video — and true scan lines wouldn’t look like this. That means this is regular-ol’ video post-processed to look like stereotypical surveillance video. Fake timecode, too.

    Because it’s such an obvious fake, I’m guessing someone produced this as a training aid. Then some wise guy decided to post it on YouTube and pass it off as the real thing. Whatev.

    • The “robbery” is fake, but not the bite. It is staged: staged in the sense that it is a training exercise for the dog. I bet the person who posted it on youtube didn’t know that it was just a training exercise.

    • I used to work dogs with the Plymouth MA Sheriffs Dept. years ago. Their dogs were not allowed to “bite”, instead they were required to apprehend.

      So with that in mind, I say: Nice apprehension Kwal!

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