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Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Wichita Whoop-Ass Edition


Another suburban daytime break-in, another would-be burglar stopping lead. The criminal class expect members of the middle class to be away from their homes and at work during the day. Sometimes they get a surprise. Today’s tale of pistol-powered preemption comes from the south central Kansas burgh of Wichita. When officers rolled up after a report of shots fired, “The resident of the home, a 30 year old son of the (un-named) homeowner, told officers he shot at someone trying to break in, but was unsure if he hit him.” When 5-0 later stopped a vehicle matching the resident’s description, “There were three people inside the car, including someone suffering from a gunshot wound.” It probably didn’t take Holmes and Watson to make the connection . . .

And despite the flying bullets, reports that the neighbors are thrilled . . .

Margie Parker says, “They should think twice before they break into someone’s house in this neighborhood.”

Another neighbor says there’s been five recent burglaries in the area and hopes this will deter other burglars.

We’d lay odds this little trio was working the neighborhood and those other burglaries have just been solved, too. And it probably doesn’t take too many hemoglobin-leaking home invaders in a town the size of Wichita for word to circulate within the local property appropriating community that this isn’t the neighborhood they’ve been looking for.

13 thoughts on “Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Wichita Whoop-Ass Edition”

  1. And yet not a peep of this will make national news unless the burglars were black and the homeowners white and only then will it make news after the trio file hate crime complaints

  2. Sure I’m 25 and live with my mom… But I pay the mortgage and utilities. The birth of a new stereotype for gun owners.

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