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A Lavergne, Tennessee store owner is lucky to be alive after having a near-death encounter with a man armed with a box cutter. The owner of Discount Tobacco and Beer was outside behind his store talking with a friend when a man identified as Jamie Sellars approached them. Sellars then asked if they were still open . . .

The store owner told Sellars they were closed before he was attacked a box cutter, slicing his neck.

The owner of the store, who has a carry permit, shot Sellars.

Sellars fled the scene, but was later found dead a short distance away. The owner was treated at the scene for his injuries, but say that one of his main arteries was just missed by the box cutter.

Sellars is said to have had a criminal history. The store owner is not expected to face any charges.

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  1. And just to think another victim of gun violence dies due to a small penis, gun wielding psycho who didn’t know how to de-escalate a disappointed customer. If only he had given the man some booze and cigs everyone would be okay with a few small cuts and america would be SO much better…for the children….becuz..

  2. Box cutter? That’s so ten years sgo.

    These days, bad guys are expected to use nail clippers and toothpaste.

    • Fine print on toothpaste tubes says not to ingest that stuff. Weaponized toothpaste ain’t no joke.

  3. “Now authorities have confirmed the store owner has a permit to carry a gun” Ok that’s great. However NO permit is required to defend yourself.

  4. This is the second time in 6 months that place has been hit. Was watching this on the local Nashville news the other day, the news anchor kept stating that no charges would be filed on the store owner like she somehow couldn’t believe it.

  5. Glad to see the store owner is going to be ok. The bad guy finely got what he had coming prob for a long time.

  6. as the ‘economic recovery’ intensifies…more of these type of ‘wealth redistribution tactics will increase……imho

  7. Hopefully the report that the store owner is packing will decrease the number of thugs trying to rob the place.

  8. He died from an “alleged” gunshot wound? How can there be an “alleged” gunshot wound? Chunks of lead and copper dont normally attain 1000 Fps and lodge themselves into thieves on their own.

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