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Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Daisy Edition

We never said a defensive gun use had to involve an actual firearm, did we? No, no we didn’t. Around these parts, a gun is a gun. “Bellingham [Washington] police say a 10-year-old boy defended his mother from an attacker by shooting him in the face with a BB rifle as many as four times.” He grabbed his Daisy after first hitting the boarder choking his mother with a board. “The woman and boy were able to flee to a neighbor’s home Tuesday morning and call for help.” Guess it’s never too early to learn that the best gun is always the one you have with you, no?       [h/t]

46 thoughts on “Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Daisy Edition”

  1. If he had a real gun he could have done society a favor probably.

    Good on him tho, it takes some real stones to face a full grown man as a 10 yr old and then succeed despite the size disparity.

  2. “Don’t worry Ma, I got my Daisy range model 200 shot carbine with the thing in the stock that tells time.”

  3. and how long did it take for this event to play out? 911 wasn’t called until it was essentially over. If that boy hadn’t had the guts and the daisey the police might have been taking pictures of his and mom’s bodies.

    We adults can learn from this boy. Have the gear and the mindset to use it. Don’t count on 911. It’s great when it works, but it’s been known to fail.

    • I would say all parents can take a lesson. Especially those who try to shield their kids from those eeeevil wicked guns.

      In this case, a mother’s gift and proper parenting saved her life.

  4. How exactly would an anonymous group of internet gun blog enthusiasts go about donating money to help him either buy a new air rifle, a 10/22, or even start a college fund for the kid?

  5. We had a case in Houston years ago where a guy trying to steal a car out of a driveway was shot in the chest by the car’s owner with one of those 1000 fps sidelever Chinese pellet rifles. Didn’t drop him on the spot but they found his body a couple of blocks away.

  6. Well that settles the .45 acp vs 9mm debate. As it turns out a BB gun is the best weapon for protecting mothers. Come to think of it, in a situation where there is a struggle, a small bullet might be better. Better to wound an attacker than to kill a family member on accident?

  7. “Police know him [the criminal] very well, have had contact with him more than 50 times, and he has been arrested a dozen times …”

    Too bad the kid didn’t have a Ruger 10/22. If he had shot the scumbag 4 times in the face with that, the police could stop “having contact” with the perp.

  8. For the sake of the 10 year old (and not that of the attacker) it might be for the best that he did not kill the attacker. I mean he’s ten; being that young might emotionally mess him if he killed someone.

    BTW, since BB Guns are not technically a firearm they can be legislated locally. San Francisco has made it illegal for merchants to sell them though I am not sure if they are illegal to own in that Left-valued City.

    • I have to agree with Aharon on this. He is only ten. Having to deal with taking the life of another regardless of circumstance is never easy. I don’t know how many times I had to sit with or be sat with after an incident, just to reassure myself it is ok.
      It is an emotional roller-coaster ride that I would not wish on anyone. He did the right thing by all means. It allowed him and his mom to get away, and everyone lived.
      As a child he will be able to process the fact he protected his mother, and besides a few scars the bad guy is now being punished. This will enforce the proper ideal that using force in self defense is ok. When he is older if he is ever in this situation again he won’t hesitate.
      He did do the right things. He grabbed what he had which was a board, that didn’t work so he went to get his gun. He hit his target and it worked. He should be proud and not have any regrets.

      • Aharon and SAn, a big +100. For a 10 yo to face that weight would indeed be too much. Those who think it’s easy to kill are lying to themselves or truly should be supervised.

  9. Can you imagine what that criminal’s life is going to be like in prison?!?!?!?

    There is no way he will be able to live down the fact that a 10 year old with nothing more than a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun owned that dude.

    Maybe his relatives could find a way to smuggle lots of petroleum jelly to his cell.

  10. That kid is a Ninja in training. Good for him, not allowing himself to be brainwashed into compliance with the whole “don’t fight back” mentality that is all too common nowadays.

    • Wow, you’re way late to the party; several members of the AI already pointed that out. Don’t feel bad, though. At least you’re not wrong this time.

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