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Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Hold It Right There Edition

Yawn. Just another swaggering gun nut who’s out to show the world how big his penis is. Oh, wait. “Authorities said Tammy Takach was sleeping inside her Steubenville (Ohio) home when she heard what sounded like a door slamming. She said she grabbed her gun and went downstairs to find an intruder in her house.” Tammy’s no one to be taken lightly. When she confronted Ryan Geary, he suggested that he leave quietly and call it a night. Let bygones be bygones. Tammy had another idea. “I said, ‘The only place you’re going to go is jail. And if you move, you’re going to the morgue.’” Wisely, he chose not to move. Not until the local PD arrived and gave him a lift to the local holding facility. For which he was no doubt thankful.

27 thoughts on “Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Hold It Right There Edition”

  1. Could she get in trouble for threatening lethal force to prevent him from leaving?

    BTW, to all my fans at NSA, DHS, and others reading this comment, I personally would never dream of making such a threat. As soon as I was convinced I was not in danger of my life, I would gladly encourage the perp to leave, and maybe even take a piece of pie on his way out.

    • nowadays you can get in trouble for saying the word gun. so ya i think you can get in trouble for anything.

    • Now I lay me down to sleep beside my bed a glock gun keep, if I wake and find you inside, a coroners van will be your next ride!

      • +1000 but it should read “Now I lay me down to sleep beside my bed a gun I keep, if I wake and find you inside, a coroners van will be your next ride!” as I use M&Ps not Glocks.

    • She would have gotten in trouble if she carried out her threat. His choice to stay is what got him arrested.

      • “I told him to freeze, but then he came at me! I was in fear for my life, and I fired until he stopped coming at me.”

        • Ding ding ding! And we have a winner!
          This is exactly right. Followed by, I want an attorney present before I make any more statements or answer questions.

        • Well said, sir.

          Of course if there are multiple intruders, focusing on only one could be very bad.

        • “I told him to freeze, but then he came at me!

          Wrong… what she should say is “I’m in shock and I can’t talk”

          Anything she says the next day should be through her lawyer.

  2. Notice that since nothing “bad” happened, they don’t even mention what kind/type of gun was used?

    • They only list that information when you are the bad guy killing innocent people. Of coarse so they can blame the gun maker and not the person that committed the crime because we all now its not the person “its the gun that did it”

  3. Too bad he complied with her demand. She could’ve saved the taxpayers a lot of money.

  4. Y’know, all this defensive use, more killed in gun-free zones, and all the statistics and whatnot are smoke and mirrors. The bottom line is The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed.

    It’s not a who can shoot whom issue, it’s a constitutional issue. Any senator or representative who infringes on the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a traitor.

  5. The guy’s damned lucky he picked Tammy’s place. At our house he would have gotten six or seven 9mm Gold Dots before a word was spoken.

  6. DGU’s should be the only news that convicts get to see while in prison. That way they’ll think everyone on the outside has tooled up since they got locked up. They’ll think twice about robbing anyone again.

    • I’d be happier if there was not a single piece of weightlifting equipment in any jail or holding facility anywhere.

      • This, besides these guys do so much lifting sometimes it causes their muscles to loose protein and shut down kidneys causing hospitalization, using tax dollars to treat them.

  7. Atta girl, Tammy.

    “I said, ‘The only place you’re going to go is jail. And if you move, you’re going to the morgue.’” Wisely, he chose not to move. Not until the local PD arrived and gave him a lift to the local holding facility. What hopefully ensued: When they arrived at police HQ, first stop was the jail laundry. It seems Tammy’s warning caused Mr. Geary to soil his Underoos. Chalk up another win for heaters & All-Tempa Cheer!

  8. Stubenville is a shit-hole. You would have to be stupid to not have a gun for home defense there.

  9. This is so perfect.

    He stood up, put his hands up and said,
    – “I’m sorry. I’m just going to go,”

    And here we have Tammy Takach with the BEST possible answer:
    – “The only place you’re going to go is jail. And if you move, you’re going to the morgue.”

    Is there an award for best line delivered under stress? If so, it should be going to Ms. Takach.

  10. There’s then the problem of having a gun in your hand when the PD shows up. When the homeowner is female, it’s pretty cut and dried. But god forbid you’re male, and look even slightly intimidating, things could easily go south. No offense to the boys and girls in blue, but when they roll up on a break in call and guns are involved. everyone is a potential BG until proven otherwise.

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