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It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: “This Is What the RKBA is For”

TTAG reader JJ sent us the link [click here for the written report] with the above in the subject bar and this message: “So that government officials NEVER get the idea that they can get away with raping you blind. Sure, they still try to do it here, but as was shown with Manchin-Toomey and Colorado, Americans don’t suffer overreaching fools for very long.” To which I’ll add that Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms (RKBA) helps deter this kind of confrontation in the first place.

16 thoughts on “It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: “This Is What the RKBA is For””

    • From the site:

      “Local government was bribed by a developer to demolish some residential buildings where some of the poorest, low-income people are living in. Although the government has offered those who are living in there to relocate and money for the property, however the value they were offered were way below fair market value.

      Local protesters met police with home made blades tied to a long stick, a homemade spear if you will, among homemade firecrackers with extra gunpowder, even Molotov Cocktails.

      The confrontation escalated and the local government sent in armed “special enforcement” police. They located themselves up high at a motel next to the protesters and started shooting. From what I can tell they look like 12-gauge shotguns. What type of ammunition was used is still unknown at this time. However one woman suffered major injuries to her legs and they were amputated. While many others suffered gun shot wounds and was treated.

      The leader of the protester was captured and beaten. The fate of the man is unknown.”

  1. There are three things I thought of while watching that:
    1) Those people could use some 3D printers.

    2) I suspect the cops, upon seeing that video, would use the wide shots to figure out which apartment it’s coming from, and send those people to “reeducation camp”.

    And scariest of all…
    3) When the line of shield bearing cops, and later the cops with the handcuffs, were interacting with the protesters, those enforcers of communist dictatorship were less violent than American cops are with people who aren’t 100% deferential, and far less violent than American cops were with the WTO protesters and Occupiers.

    • The commie WTO and OWS protesters were treated far too nicely, for they wanted us to be more like China.

      • One of the nifty things about living in a free society is that we don’t commit violence against those we disagree with. Violence is only acceptable if they try to force their views on us.

        • We also live in a civilized society, which means violence is not an appropriate response to duly passed laws that you may not care for. America is not a third world thugacrocy…

  2. it saddens me to watch this video, read the description, and then look at the comments below to see an overabundance of “hurrr, stupid americans, your guns will not stop your government!!!”

    it’s like some of these people actually worship the idea of a government crushing its citizenry

    • For some of them I suspect it’s like a football game or other spectator sport. They don’t realize that it could be them or someone they care about one day. In the useful idiot’s mind it will always be someone else. People can rationalize away the most puzzling things; even some People of the Gun at times.

  3. Local government was bribed by a developer to demolish some residential buildings where some of the poorest, low-income people are living in. Although the government has offered those who are living in there to relocate and money for the property, however the value they were offered were way below fair market value.

    It’s OK, nothing like that would ever happen here.

  4. Um, what do you think would have happened if one of those protesters tried some “defensive gun use” against the cops? This is China, they’d just send for the army to level the entire block flat.

    And if you think that everybody having guns over there would result in the govt being overthrown, you’re very naive. The reason why Chinese government is so strong is because a broad majority of the population approve of their particular brand of authoritarian statism; the notion of “state before individual” and “peace and security over freedom” are very much ingrained in the culture there.

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