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All due props to adult store manager Amy for keeping her cool while staring down the barrel of a gun. As she says in the above interview, she smelled a rat as soon as the would-be stick-up man walked into Lotions and Lace. The gun “just didn’t look right” to her. And from the hooded hood’s reaction to her non-compliance, she was probably right.

Not that you can ever be 100% sure of that. Especially in a tense situation with adrenaline pumping. Faced with a similar situation, better to to present your own SR9c. Or maybe a Mossy 500 from behind the counter. Of course, this situation happened in San Bernardino, where thanks to the efforts of those in Sacramento, store clerks like Amy and her co-worker will increasingly be relegated to tossing dildos at derelict armed robbers. Because guns.

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  1. For a moment, I thought this was that college campus control gun group…”Cocks Not Glocks…!” My Bad….Title for article should have read ; “Armed Robber of Sex toy store beaten with a BIG Rubber Dick ! Only in California !!! “

  2. I have to wonder just what information the clerk used to think the gun just didn’t look right.
    There was no mention of any familiarity with guns at all.
    They were incredibly lucky that either the gun wasn’t real, or the perp’s guts weren’t real.

    • Still, I appreciate someone who even thinks to question if it is real before giving over the money. Kinda like the trailer park manager that wasn’t intimidated by Anton Chigurh.

    • Any person who deals in fake “guns” for a living should know very well when they are facing a real one.

  3. “…she smelled a rat as soon as the would-be stick-up man walked into Lotions and Lace.”

    You know you’ve been working in that place too long when you can determine the BG’s from the regular old creepsters when they walk in the door.

    My friend used to go to a sex shop to buy nitrous cartridges. Sorry, the purple and bright green three tited alien sex doll just freaked me out.

  4. Must have been Jessica Jin trying to get some more dildo’s for her “Cocks, not Glocks” movement.

    Makes sense she’d steal them instead of buying them as Millennials are poor idiots and can barely afford to feed themselves.

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