Joe Biden
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
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By Lee Williams

In terms of an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, Delaware has never been as bad as some of its neighbors, especially New Jersey. Delawareans can own Modern Sporting Rifles with standard-capacity magazines. They can apply for concealed-carry permits, and most are granted even though it’s a may-issue state.

Delaware is small – only three counties. Were it not for its most populous and liberal city, Wilmington, Delaware would likely be a red state. Southern Delaware, which is more conservative, has always had a vibrant gun culture and is a haven for hunters, collectors and target shooters. Unfortunately, all of this is may soon change.

The Delaware General Assembly, which like the Governor’s mansion is controlled by the Democrats, is fast-tracking a trio of strict anti-gun bills the likes of which have never been seen before in The First State. The legislation has the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association – the state’s NRA affiliate – scrambling. But it is the origin of the bills and how they’ll impact gun owners in all 50 states that’s causing the most concern.

The DSSA has learned of a teleconference that took place just days after the mass murder in Uvalde, Texas. On the call were the leaders of the Delaware House, Senate as well as Gov. John Carney. “That’s where the scheme was hatched. Almost immediately, we got word that we would see the bills filed at the same time. It was intended to be done as a blitzkrieg,” said John Sigler, a former president of both the DSSA and the National Rifle Association and a current NRA board member.

The DSSA, Sigler said, received leaked copies of the bills that coincided with Biden’s post-Uvalde speeches. They have also learned that Biden will be meeting with Gov. Carney next week. “We suspect it’s for a bill signing. We suspect the whole thing is being run out of the White House to give Biden a victory, when he can’t get a victory anywhere else.”

The bills

The three bills are flying through Delaware’s General Assembly. It’s become apparent the Democrats are under tremendous pressure to get them passed. The bills will likely clear the House this week and the Senate next week. In the House, public comment was limited to one minute per person. A Republican state representative tried to argue that since the bills raise serious constitutional issues, they should be given more time. He was ignored.

HB 450 is an “assault weapon” ban. According to the legislation . . .

The Delaware Lethal Firearms Safety Act of 2022 prohibits the manufacture, sale, offer to sell, transfer, purchase, receipt, possession, or transport of assault weapons in Delaware, subject to certain exceptions. One exception is that the Act does not prohibit the possession and transport of firearms that were lawfully possessed or purchased before the effective date of this Act; although for these firearms there are certain restrictions relating to their possession and transport after the effective date of this Act. There are also exceptions for law-enforcement and military personnel in the course of their official duties, and a limited exception for retired law-enforcement personnel. Finally, a person lawfully in possession of an assault weapon prior to the passage of this Act may lawfully transfer the weapon to a member of their family, through inheritance or otherwise. The Act directs the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to develop a procedure for issuance of a voluntary certificate of possession to show lawful possession of an assault weapon prior to the effective date of the Act. A gun owner is not required to apply for the certificate, but a certificate provides a conclusive means of proving lawful possession prior to the passage of this Act. The Department is not permitted to retain copies of issued certificates or identifying information of any applicant. The Act also adds a violation of this Act to the list of predicate crimes for possession of a weapon in a school zone.

According to Sigler, the bill lists 63 separate firearms by name, and includes rifles, pistols and shotguns. It contains a “voluntary” provision, which would allow anyone who currently owns a restricted firearm to obtain a certificate from the state, which attests that the firearm was owned pre-ban.

“This shifts the burden from the state to a potential defendant to prove they owned it before the ban,” Sigler said. “This shifting of the burden is unconstitutional and flies in the face of case law.”

The bill also criminalizes the sale of restricted firearms, which essentially makes them worthless.

“Let’s assume someone has been collecting firearms and the purpose of their collection is to increase in value as part of their estate planning. If this bill is signed into law, their collection is now worth nothing. One collector who contacted us has a collection valued at $1 million. Now, it will be worthless because the bill prohibits him from selling it.”

The legislation also prohibits anyone from transporting a prohibited firearm through the state.

“There’s a Commerce Clause problem here,” Sigler said. “You can’t get to New York City from Baltimore without going through Delaware. This will impact interstate commerce. This isn’t just Delaware.”

HB 451 prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing firearms or ammunition.

This bill makes a person under the age of 21 prohibited from purchasing, owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm or ammunition of a firearm except under limited circumstances. Those circumstances are if the person is 18 years of age or older and an active member of the Armed Forces, a qualified law-enforcement officer, or has a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon. The Act does not apply to shotguns and shotgun ammunition, muzzle-loading rifles, and deadly weapons other than firearms, thus allowing those persons who are 18 to 21 years of age to purchase, own, control or possess such deadly weapons. Persons under the age of 21 may possess or control a firearm for the purpose of engaging in lawful hunting, instruction, sporting, or recreational activity while under the direct supervision of a person 21 year of age or older. This bill also makes changes to § 1445 of Title 11—Unlawfully dealing with a dangerous weapon to be consistent with the changes made to § 1448 of Title 11. In addition, the bill only criminalizes the control of a weapon which by compressed air or by spring discharges or projects a pellet, slug, or bullet by a person who is not a qualified law enforcement officer if such pellet, slug, or bullet is larger than .177 caliber shot.

“More than 58,220 Americans were killed in Vietnam. Of that number, more than 61% killed were under 21 years of age,” Sigler pointed out.

SS 1 for SB 6 bans magazines capable of holding more than 17 rounds.

This Act creates the Delaware Large Capacity Magazine Prohibition Act of 2021. The Act includes clear definitions for the term “large-capacity magazine,” as an ammunition feeding device with a capacity to accept more than 17 rounds of ammunition. After enactment, possession of large-capacity magazine will be a class B misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense. Those who possess a prohibited large-capacity magazine when this Act takes effect must, by June 30, 2022, relinquish the large-capacity magazine to a law-enforcement agency in this State. This Act establishes a buyback program for large-capacity magazines, to be overseen by the Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

There is no grandfather clause in this bill. Anyone who owns a magazine capable of holding more than 17 rounds must surrender it to police for a “buy back” or risk misdemeanor charges for the first offense and felony charges the second time they’re caught with a 17+ magazine.

The DSSA has learned the state will pay the owner $10 per magazine, but they have only allocated $45,000 for the “buy back,” which will only pay for 4,500 magazines.

“This would cover about a quarter of the magazines in one county, and it covers retail, wholesale and private ownership,” Sigler said. “This is an unconstitutional taking as defined by the Fifth Amendment.

National impact

Magpul, one of the most popular manufacturers of AR-15 magazines and accessories, has a production facility in Georgetown, Delaware. It employs more than 90 workers. A Republican state senator added an amendment to the magazine ban bill that would have allowed Magpul to continue manufacturing standard-capacity magazines at their Delaware facility, even though the magazines would be prohibited in the state.

The Democrats rejected the amendment. Another Senator, a Democrat, said he did not want Magpul shipping their magazines to states where people can purchase magazines that are prohibited in Delaware.

“In other words, the Democrats are telling businesses what they are allowed to produce here in Delaware,” Sigler said. “If they don’t like the product, if it doesn’t fit their political agenda, they don’t want them here.”

Magpul magazine 30 rounds PMAG
Dan Z. for TTAG

The DSSA has learned that Magpul will likely move its production facility if the bill is signed into law, which will reduce the number of standard-capacity magazines available nationwide, and impact millions of gun owners.

Officials at Magpul did not immediately return calls or emails seeking comment for this story.

The front lines

In a press release, Gov. Carney promised to sign the three bills.

“We have an obligation to do everything we can to prevent tragedies like we’ve seen across the country from happening here in Delaware,” Carney said. “This is a historic, meaningful package of legislation and I look forward to seeing these bills on my desk this session.”

John Carney
Delaware Gov. John Carney (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

The legislation is strongly supported by the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence, an affiliate of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun groups.

“Delaware must question what kinds of deadly weapons we allow to be sold, and to whom, in our state. To that end, we applaud the General Assembly for filing both a ban on the sale of assault-style weapons and a bill raising the minimum age for purchase,” said Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence Executive Director Traci Murphy.

For Sigler and the DSSA, the content of the bills and the speed that they’re being fast-tracked through the General Assembly is unprecedented.

“This is the most egregious attack on the rights of law-abiding individuals I have ever seen, and I’ve been a Second Amendment Advocate most of my life,” Sigler said. “It is an organized multi-faceted, multi-front attack. It’s an attack by the Democratic party not just on the Second Amendment but on the entire Bill of Rights. This is an organized conspiracy.”

The DSSA has retained counsel, who have already started preparing lawsuits. However, it will be hard-pressed to find the financial means to pay its lawyers. The group is seeking help from all quarters. Click here for the DSSA’s donation page.

“We are going to fight this even if everyone I know has to sell their houses to pay for it,” Sigler said. “If we lose this fight, Delaware will become just another New Jersey, California or New York. In terms of our gun rights, we are not behind enemy lines, not yet, but we are definitely on the front lines.”


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.

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  1. The economy sucks. Gas is 6.50 a gallon near my house. Parents can’t get baby formula. bidenflation is destroying the poor. The very poor that the dems claim they bleed for.

    joe burdens answer? Make children out of grown ass people. Next stop, age 25 for full adulthood. And I point this out to the young set around here in CA.

        • Come on fake Miner you could use the Weimar Republic precedent for historical relevancy.

      • 61% of US Soldiers who died in Vietnam were under 21.

        Once again Gun Control democRats were waiting to pounce…What’s there to stop the democRat pounce when 90% of America could not define Gun Control by its racist history while 100% of America can damned sure define a noose by its racist history. And we know the outrage over a noose whether harm is intended or not.

        Sorry to say but America’s inability to define Gun Control by its racist history is 100% the fault of horn tooting Gun Owners.

    • Agreed. The lack of logic here is stunning. Cannot drink or buy guns when you are 18 but you can go to war and get a gun to kill someone. More kids die on the roads in cars than with guns. Where are the cries to increase the driving age?

      If Delaware wants to do away with 2A, then call a Constitutional convention and get the 2A repealed. Otherwise anything laws they pass are illegal at the face of it. They cannot take back a right they never gave…

      2A folks in Delaware better be ready to battle…and that means civil disobedience. Writing polite emails and sending money into the NRA will not do it. They need to literally tell Delaware government the two words they need to hear…Molon Labe.

      • The Democrats need more wars, more abortions, and more mutilations of “trans” children. Everything they do is either to please Moloch, or Mammon.

    • bidenflation,,,, Build Back Better.
      Thank goodness America
      imports most everything it needs from china.

  2. If this passes and is signed people in Delaware need to not obey it.

    We have a bunch of bills in the judiciary committee here in PA. GOA says the vote on reporting them to the full house is Monday. If they were to pass and be signed I have no intention of obeying any of them.

    • Exactly. By obeying an unjust law, we are giving consent to the lying a-holes. They have no legal basis to restrict the 2A…as they never granted it in the first place!!!

    • That is what the fine folks did in Connecticut a few years ago, when that state passed gun control. Some 30,000 (the number I read) people were instant felons as a result. Registration of their weapons did not happen as “demanded” by the law, and there was not a damned thing the state could do about it.

  3. Biden’s Approval rating in his home State is only 43% and Disapproval of 53%. Delaware State Democrats are reading the Tea Leaves that at least one of the State Legislature Chambers is going to flip to the Republicans, and the Dems only have a 12 to 9 State Senate Majority. That said…….

    Like the Maryland AWB, the AR15 HBAR Variant is exempt from the proposed Delaware AWB law. Maryland Democrats did that with theirs for the sole purpose of being able to defend the law in Court, and it was upheld because of that.

    The 4th Circuit Court upheld the Maryland AWB because they cited that a “Demilitarized” version of the AR15 remains legal. They also stated that so long as AK and AR Variants are of different Calibers than their “Militarized Chamberings”, they can be sold in the State. The “2-Feature Test” is also the 3rd Reason that Maryland’s AWB was upheld.

    A friend of mine in Maryland, soon moving to Ohio, bought a Zastava AK in 5.56 x 45mm…….those are still “Maryland Compliant”.

    • Missed that one re HBAR ………….how common is that pattern at the moment outside of Maryland? Also seeing elements of NY MD and NJ scattered throughout this bill.

      • HBAR Variants are still popular. There’s a “retro” feel to them…….Mine is a TACK DRIVER.

        Mini 14s and M1 Carbines are MD Legal, and the markets for them in MD are pretty big. States with AWBs put so much demand on them, and it’s why .30 Carbine is hard to come by. Plenty of it in California. Lol.

        That said, AR10s (7.62×51 and 6.5×51) also fill the HBAR Label, and once again…….5.56/.223 AK Variants like those from PSA and Zastava are Maryland Compliant because they’re “Demilitarized” by being in a different Caliber from 7.62×39.

        The Springfield M1A in 7.62×51 is banned in MD, but the 6.5×51 Creedmoor is legal!! Go figure. Lol.

        • I would pretend any of that makes sense but DelMarVa was always a weird region legally speaking. Glad to see a few guys I know “should” have some future options but sucks to get something that limited shoot up in price.

        • They’re trying to turn Delaware into the People’s Republic of New Jersey.

          Unfortunately, the M1 Carbine (caliber .30 Carbine) is specifically banned by name in New Jersey. Check the list of guns banned by name to see if they’re doing the same in Delaware. Oddly enough, in New Jersey, the M1 Garand (caliber .30-06) and M1A (caliber .308 / 7.62 x 51) are still perfectly legal (as long as you don’t put a scary-looking ergonomic grip or adjustable stock on it), even though they’re about three times as powerful as the M1 Carbine that’s banned!

          Why is the M1 Carbine banned by name in NJ? Apparently it’s because gun controllers are racist — black people liked the M1 Carbine, therefore gun control racists banned it for everyone.

  4. This is OT, but has anyone else been receiving notices from gun & parts companies of data breaches? I just got yet another notice within the past week (Numrich) that they experienced an unauthorized breach into their customer database. Got a similar notice from MidwayUSA before that, and JSD Supply has reportedly been dealing with their own database issues.

    I think an AFT acolyte somewhere is poking around places…

    • “This is OT, but has anyone else been receiving notices from gun & parts companies of data breaches?”

      First off, it’s about guns, so it’s on-topic in TTAG. (Unlike childhood vax conspiracy nut-jobs. 🙂 )

      It sounds like someone is planning to publicly ‘dox’ gun owners. You might want to act proactively by upping home security, like additional cameras outside… 🙁

    • @Haz

      I’ve done business with two of the companies you mention. No e-mail or other notification of a data breech within the past few weeks.

    • Rainier sent me a letter last week about a breach last year. I used a cc that I had never used before and within a week I had fraudulent charges on it.

  5. I stopped reading when the HB450 said “…prohibits …assault weapons”. Well…they just opened the door to any weapon. Since assault weapon isn’t a company/product/brand they can label anything an assault weapon. Just like they’ve changed the meaning to lots of other words in the last 10 years. (everyone that you don’t like is a racist/homophobe/misogynist/alt-right/kkk sympathizer/anti-earth/anti-planet/ etc)
    My frying pan is now an assault weapon. Since I have cast iron pans in 4 different sizes, I guess I now have an “arsenal of weapons”.

    • Victoria, my mag flashlight has served me well in the past. Could that, too, be labeled an “assault weapon”? I guess I could add that to my own, cast iron list of “assault weapons”.

      • “I guess I could add that to my own, cast iron list of “assault weapons”.”

        Mess with my dead mom’s perfectly ‘seasoned’ antique cast iron fry pan, someone’s gonna get it applied upside their head with considerable ‘vigor’… 🙂

  6. Anyone who believes the below is an idiot. When in the future they decide to ban those rifles that people have a certificate for, a list will mysteriously appear and know one will care that was not supposed to happen. It is just another scheme of backdoor registration.

    Sad to read this about Deleware.

    “A gun owner is not required to apply for the certificate, but a certificate provides a conclusive means of proving lawful possession prior to the passage of this Act. The Department is not permitted to retain copies of issued certificates or identifying information of any applicant.”

    • LOL basically the same stuff as the NY permit for semi autos in 80 odd days. They want a registry and without individual records and limited ability to transact without their knowledge and approval it is basically impossible unless they really wan to sink resources into it (see lack of prosecution of straw purchasers suppling gangs).

    • You don’t need their ‘certificate’ if you have the original dated sales receipt, as that’s proof of legal ownership.

      Getting gun registration declared unconstitutional had better be next in the SCotUS pipeline…

  7. Someone should have a chat with Biden and inform him of the benefits of early retirement.

    • DelaWHERE? They may be too ashamed to claim slow Joe now. Ain’t they generally lefties anyway?!?

      • They do get rather miffed when you use that first word…..or ask if they are a suburb of Philadelphia

  8. It’s now a 1-Feature Test for the Delaware AWB that just passed the State House less than an hour ago.

    7 State House Democrats objected, but 4 of them caved to support it in the end. Saw it on Reddit Gun Blogs.

    The Delaware State Legislature is expected to see at least 1 Chamber flip to the GOP in 2022, so the Biden Bootlicker Democrats are ramroding a California style AWB down upon the State at the last minute like Spiteful Despots. Here it is.

  9. It’s now a 1-Feature Test for the Delaware AWB that just passed the State House less than an hour ago.

    7 State House Democrats objected, but 4 of them caved to support it in the end. Saw it on Reddit Gun Blogs.

    The Delaware State Legislature is expected to see at least 1 Chamber flip to the GOP in 2022, so the Democrats are ramroding a California style AWB down upon the State at the last minute. Here it is.

  10. Coast to coast the Dems are engaged in a full-court press to get as much [damage] done as possible.

    Yeah, they probably lose the next election (if we make it that far still “functioning”) but they’re pretty sure, and for good reason, that the GOP won’t undo any of this.

    Conservatives, by their nature, conserve what the Liberals do. They’re two sides to the same coin a few years apart.

    The list of currently elected reps, senators and state level GOPers who would actually undo currently implemented horrendous Lefty policy is slim. Maybe 5-10%.

    In many cases they barely know what most of it is.

    But look at Lily Tang Williams, born in China and escaped the CCP, running for Congress in New Hampshire. Asked about “gun rights” in a general way and her first response is to repeal the NFA.

    Now. go ask someone like Crenshaw about NFA repeal and see what he says.

    Ms. Williams says things similar to those you often hear from a lot of people who’ve fled oppressive regimes world-wide; “I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left.”.

    She’s also not wrong. The GOP won’t save you. They’ll keep Lefty policies and pass more while blathering about “common ground”. There is no fucking common ground with the Left. You’re watching them surround your city and the leadership blathers about “common ground” as you watch the enemy build siege engines.

    Even after the ram literally touches the gate people like McConnell, Cornyn and Crenshaw will be trying to work with the attackers because that’s how “decorum” works for the GOP, who mostly care more about the NYT opinion page than they do about their own voters.

      • Haven’t checked, don’t live in the State. Let’s find out, shall we?'s_2nd_Congressional_District_election,_2022

        She’s second in fundraising on the GOP side, there doesn’t appear to be much polling within NH-02 for the GOP primary yet.

        My overarching point is that I note that there are some up-and-comers in primaries who are looking to turn the GOP on its head, which this country needs if we’re going to have a prayer of surviving. Sorry, facts. Outside maybe a dozen pols total, fuck your incumbent.

        Establishment politicians will be the literal death of this nation and a great many of us. They all have to go.

        And, in future, anyone who reverts to *establishment* behaviors needs to be removed that cycle by an engaged public.

        That’s if we avoid spicier options and, if I’m honest, I think the chances of avoiding those things are slim and getting slimmer.

        • “Establishment politicians will be the literal death of this nation and a great many of us. They all have to go.”


          The thing is, their idea of anti-incumbent is to go even harder Leftist Scum ™, as in AOC-level batshit-crazy.

          Conservative women like Lilly Tang Williams give me hope we just *might* be able to save this thing.

    • “But look at Lily Tang Williams, born in China and escaped the CCP, running for Congress in New Hampshire. Asked about “gun rights” in a general way and her first response is to repeal the NFA.”

      (Does she have a single sister? Because I think I’m in love. (With a large side of *lust*… 🙂 )

    • One might ask why someone like her doesn’t get more play from the gun media. Why the biggest interviews and shows she gets are people like Tim Pool? You know, a show where Dan Crenshaw shit his panties and canceled because he can’t take questions about the 2A?

      Weird how disaffected 30-something liberals are more against the Left than “right wing” Boomers, huh?

      Yeah, well The Mars Volta had a point when they said “The iconoclastic have had it coming for years, they know the prisons you have yet to fear”.

      And you want the hard truth? The kinda truth that will get you banned from a place like Breitbart? At this most Boomers will be bought off with a Social Security COLA paid for by their kids.

      Because the educational system has been total shit for a lot longer than most people want to realize.

      • “Because the educational system has been total shit for a lot longer than most people want to realize.”

        At least as long as I’ve been in the public school system as a kid from the late 60s, early 1970s, that’s for sure.

        I remember all too well at grade 5 being introduced to ‘New Math’ and saying to myself “WTAF is this watered-down bullshit?”, and my parents saying back to me (to the effect of) “just play along with it”.

        I became so bored with it I just started tuning it all out, to the annoyance of the teachers who took it as a personal affront when I just opened a paperback in class…

        • As I’ve said here a bunch of times before;

          You can go back and look at the SAT and ACT stats. They fall off a cliff in 1965 and continue to nose-dive until 1975. After that they slowly start to move back up until 2012 when they crash again. The 2012 peak is about a 70% reclamation of the average pre-1965.

          Which basically means that anyone born ~1947 or after got hosed and the people who got dicked the most graduated high school between 1965 and ~1985.

          But try pointing that out on other websites and watch people flip shit and start screaming about Millennials being the problem (often blaming Zoomers due to an inability to tell the difference).

          Which is exactly why I constantly harp on Generational Warfare being a tool of those we should all be opposing. If we’re brutally honest the worst educated Americans, statistically speaking, graduated high school before the first Millennial was even conceived. The evidence for this is legion and incontrovertible. But say that on a site like BB and you’ll be creating a new account pretty quick.

          Brainwashing is a hell of a thing and it’s hard to counter with facts because proper brainwashing is a mix of grains of true with emotional manipulation. Virtually everyone alive has been subjected to a huge amount of this and the majority have zero recognition of this fact, something which can be seen in their statements that run completely counter to reality but are mainstream within their group. This isn’t something the Right is immune to, in fact, they’re more susceptible to it in many ways because their knee-jerk reaction is to just eschew certain things they see as “Left” which creates intellectual blind-spots that are riddled throughout the political Right. This is a facet of their thinking that has been used against them, see my rants on Nietzsche.

          You can see the social degradation in a series of arguments that I provoked back in 2018 on why people carry a gun. Is it a general thing or “just for me and mine”?

          A huge number of people, right here on TTAG, argued that it was “just for me and mine” even when presented with a perfect moral theoretical to shoot a bad guy.

          Excuses were… inventive, but they all came back to the same thing, the person in question doesn’t value the life of an innocent person enough to act even if they can be assured of a perfect outcome for themselves. Sorry to say it, but that’s a perfect sign of societal breakdown and the people saying it were not young either, which means the problem goes back a lot farther than most want to admit.

          Simply put, if you are 100% unwilling to act on behalf of others then we don’t really have a society, and quite frankly, you’re a parasite on what’s left of the society we do have.

          You want to fix this the first thing to do is look in the mirror and realize that you’re looking at part of the problem. Then start working to fix it. Which means REAL work. School board meetings and shit. Tutoring and mentoring kids, not your own, other people’s.

          But that’s hard and if there’s one thing I’ve learned about all the generations currently living in the US, it’s that the majority of the people don’t do hard work. Ever. They’ll claim this or that but they’ve never actually done hard work in their life. In fact, they mostly can’t even define it.

        • The “climate crisis” is a fine example of brainwashing. People just accept that natural disasters are caused by too many fossil fuels being used. They blame everything on that when it’s convenient for them despite being counter to the actual data. They even tried to blame the civil war and mass migration from Syria on climate change.

        • “They even tried to blame the civil war and mass migration from Syria on climate change.”

          I missed that one but, you’re right, it’s a doozy.

        • In addition to helping them become wealthier, with more power, while everyone else becomes poorer, it’s a built in excuse for all of their fk ups when they can’t blame Russia. Looks like Obama was right. “Climate change” is our greatest threat. We’re already suffering from their “climate” policies. This is only the beginning.

  11. The bill allows someone who already owns a scary looking gun to pass it to an heir. The heir won’t haved owned the gun before the law, so they won’t be able to pass it to their heir. It’s an effective ban after 2 generations. It’s an uncompensated taking, just delayed.

    I’m surprised the magazine limit is set to high. I’d expect them to go for 7 or 10. 17 allows standard capacity magazines for most pistols.

  12. A disarmed society is a compliant society.This is the second step to a totaltiarian take over of our country.

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