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Clear? Actually, make that CLEAR! And it’s only taken Detroit Mayor Dave Bing a week to decide to ban reality TV crews from police raids. That’s after a SWAT team accidentally shot and killed seven-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones whilst executing a warrant, under the watchful gaze of a TV crew from “The First 48.” (Strangely, all the Detroit episodes have been removed from YouTube.) The Detroit Free Press reports that the Mayor’s spinmeister Karen Dumas is having a hard time distinguishing perception from reality (occupational hazard methinks): “It’s not necessarily proven to be negative, but it’s also not necessarily proven to be positive. We’re dealing with a lot of perception… whether that is something that is negative or perceived as negative.” Meanwhile, her boss is bucking blame for the ballistic bad . . .

“Bing wasn’t aware of the city’s relationship with the cable network’s TV show until after the May 16 raid, she said . . . The contract predates both Bing’s and Detroit Police Chief Warren Evans’ time in office, though Evans subsequently signed a contract extension, according to Dumas. She didn’t know how Evans was able to do that without checking with Bing or what the terms of the contract are.

One thing’s for sure: the chances of the recording of the tragic incident ever hitting the net are somewhere between slim and some.

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  1. "One thing’s for sure: the chances of the recording of the tragic incident ever hitting the net are somewhere between slim and some."

    Respectfully but firmly disagree, it's merely a question of time, with digital imaging it is so easy to copy/store/move the data that it will come out eventually, IMHO.

    Although it may be a LONG time i.e. several decades 🙂


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