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24 thoughts on “Detroit Rolls Out “Virtual 911””

  1. Nice! Free pass for crime.

    I love these newscasters. This is the second story I have seen with them, but I would watch that show if it were local. They have personality!

  2. To the anchor’s final question:
    Yes, every person should take responsibility for their own safety and quit relying upon police to protect them.

  3. With less crimes being responded too, maybe Detroit’s crime rate will go down like it did in NYC.

  4. Eric, I think Fox Detroit broadcasts online. As a Metro Detroiter, I can’t actually watch that channel. Their local news is very…ummm…trying to think of a polite way to say this. Trashy is perhaps the best and most politically correct way to say it.

    As for the actual content of the story. That DPD won’t have the doors open during night hours. And are cutting back on everything else. My brothers are both DPD. The thing is…there are no cops. Roughly 2000. That sounds like a lot, but it isn’t. Most police are in special duty positions. The actual number of on the street patrol officers isn’t that high. There are not enough to go around. Especially in a city that is more than half deserted. Too much ground to cover, and too few bodies. IN a city that hates them. Including the politicians.

    Also, DPD officers are mostly older. There are few young cops to do the heavy work. From what I can tell, the average cops is early 40s. In fact, I saw my brother today at work. IN his unmarked car, he was the youngest officer. He is 47. Nearing retirement. Which the city can’t afford.

  5. I wonder how long it is before Detroit becomes a ghost town. It’s just gotten completely ridiculous.

  6. “Are you saying that people should arm themselves?”
    “It’s your right. I stand on neither side of that argument on TV.”

    Even at full strength, law enforcement has zero obligation to function as a bodyguard service. They won’t be standing at your shoulder to intervene when a criminal attack begins. If you don’t take the time and expend the effort to learn to protect yourself, no one will.

  7. The city is out of money I imagine. I can’t see why anyone in Detroit is surprised by this.

  8. I wonder how easy it will be to fake an incident or 2 and totally screw someone’s life up?

  9. “Are you saying that people should arm themselves?” We have a winner: Rhetorical question of the year award.

  10. In Detroit, if you intend on using your carry weapon to defend yourself while you wait for the police to arrive, you might also want to bring a lawn chair to sit on, snacks to eat, and something to read while you wait for police to arrive.

    • Sam Riddle, a well-known Detroit political pawn broker and now convicted felon (for bribery along w/ US Rep. John Conyers’ wife Monica) used to say, the only difference between Detroit and Mogadishu was they have goats there. Ha!

  11. If only Detroit could roll out “virtual crime,” a lot of people there would be safer. Virtually speaking.

  12. Where is that (self inserted FLAME DELETED) Italian surrender monkey? This article is proof positive why self reliance is all a person ever really has.

  13. Good Lord this seems like the Detroit of the movie Robocop. What is it, don’t call us we will call you? I guess being armed in motor city is not only a suggestion, but required if you want to stay alive. Don’t call 911 call your closest friend with a firearm?

    • “Good Lord this seems like the Detroit of the movie Robocop.”
      That movie gets more prophetic with every passing year.

  14. Personally, I feel bad for the honest residents of Detroit. I am also concerned that we may be seeing the future for many of America’s budget-beleaguered cities and counties.

  15. Well as long as you have a concealed pistol license, you’ll be okay in the city of Detroit … unless you are at one of the long string of places where Michigan’s concealed pistol license law doesn’t allow you to carry concealed, e.g.:
    day care centers
    sports arena and sports stadiums
    college dorm rooms or class rooms
    entertainment facilities with seating for 2500 or more people
    court buildings
    virtually all college and university campuses (of their own prohibition although Michigan State University allows carry on campus streets and sidewalks)
    and of course U.S. government buildings such as post offices
    Other than those places, you are good to go … although I’m not sure where.

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