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While we bitch and moan about regions where our right  personal self-defense is neutered, it’s always nice to have a reminder that most of the country’s politicos still respect the average citizen’s protection needs, and that many of those citizens exercise their right to bear arms. Last week, we talked about what not to do when you DGU. Today, let’s take a look at some recent incidents where the defender did the right thing. There’s no shortage of reports of defensive gun uses. This week I chronicled over thirty news articles; here are some of the highlights . . .

Getting more than you bargained for is usually a good thing. And it certainly was when an El Paso burglar came away with a lot more than he’d hoped after trying to break into a third floor apartment. The 25-year-old thief left empty-handed, but not empty-chested. Two rounds from the homeowner’s handgun handgun will be his keepsakes for picking the wrong house, assuming he survives.

Of course, there’s always the possibility that the bad guys read columns like this in order to learn from the idiocy of their compatriots. If that’s the case, here’s some advice: don’t mess with old people. They’ve been there, done that, seen it all and some pissant thug and his meth-head buddy usually don’t stand a chance against a grandma with a gat. The 87-year-old granny in this case chased off two local boys whose home invasion plans ended, “after she displayed a 9mm pistol.” According to the oh-so-eloquent Henderson County Sheriff, Charles S. McDonald:

“I can’t recommend to people what they should or should not do, but I will tell you that first-degree burglary — breaking into a house while it is occupied — is a serious crime,” McDonald said Saturday.

“Anybody that is going to do that is risking a lot, so you really have to ask yourself if you’re confronted in a situation like that what might be at stake,” he said. “My general advice is ‘aim small, miss small.’”

Another group of humans you don’t ever want to mess with are mothers with children. Think about it – even the most docile maternal mammals go berserk when you threaten their precious offspring. If you’re unlucky enough to face a grizzly, she’ll get between you and her cubs then proceed to bite and claw until you’re no longer at threat. But if you’re dumb enough to ignore the warnings of a rural Alabama mom home alone with her kids, then you’re going to have a bad time of it.

Martha Lewis, of Walker County, recently faced one of these poor decision-makers. Upon hearing the crash of an intruder entering her home late at night, Martha grabbed her gun, woke up her two daughters and told them to get weapons of their own (for those keeping score, one grabbed a hatchet, the other a butcher knife).

From the top of the stairs, Martha confronted the man at the bottom as he started up the stairs:

“I knew when he stepped on the landing that I would have to shoot him,” Lewis said. “He starts like coming up the stairs and he said, ‘would you shoot me?‘ And I said ’I don’t want to have to but I will.’”

Twenty-five year-old Michael Jacobs ignored her warnings, and Ms. Lewis took on the calm demeanor of a trained professional:

“It wasn’t like, oh can I pull the trigger? It was like when should I shoot? When will he be close enough that I know I won’t miss him? That’s one of the things that was going through my mind,” she said.

The guy’s now in the hospital under constant sedation. Every time he awakens, he becomes so combative they have to sedate him again (probably kicking himself for being so stupid). As for Martha Lewis, she sleeps peacefully knowing that she made the right decision when she bought her gun three years ago. In her words, “There’s no way that I could have fought him off.”

Not all attackers are two-legged, though. An unidentified man, legally carrying a concealed Ruger .38 revolver, was walking his terrier in Bradenton, Florida when a “pit-bull type dog” jumped the fence and attacked his Jack Russell. Manatee County Sheriff’s deputies said the shooting of the pit bull – current condition unknown – was justified and no charges would be filed.

One of the most popular DGUs of the past week involved an evil samurai being taken down by the guy who puts sprinkles on your cone at the local DQ. A masked man entered the Dairy Queen on S. Maryland Parkway in Las Vegas, wielding a sword and demanding cash. Instead he was shot at least twice and died at a local hospital. One employee thinks the shooter may face disciplinary action by DQ, mentioning that employees aren’t allowed to carry at work. Her employer stresses that if robbed, the best course is to comply with the bad guy’s demands to avoid injuries.

So, what can employers do to ensure their employees are safe from crazies while on the job? I don’t buy the “give them what they want and hope they won’t kill you” attitude anymore. There are too many stories of homeowners, shop owners and store clerks being killed after complying. The gun shop guys and liquor store owners know the answer: arm yourself and your staff.

It appears one convenience store owner is paying heed, and offering firearm training to his staff after several armed robberies. Elias Haddad, owner of the Cary Street Mini Mart in Richmond, Virginia is sending his two workers to firearms training. And, he’s taking this seriously: “I’m personally going to take them to the range, and I’m personally going to watch them for a while before they can handle a gun,” said Haddad. “I have the liability after all,” he said. Good for you, Mr. Haddad. I hope every crook in your area hears about this. You did the right thing, and you are no longer an easy target.

Home (or work) defense really requires awareness of the four rules, especially #4: be aware of your target and what’s behind it. The defensive gun users in these articles aren’t heroes, just everyday folks like you and me. They did the right things – determining the target is hostile, shooting until the threat is neutralized and waiting until the situation’s clearly a serious one before pulling the trigger. These are lessons we can all learn from.

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  1. “So, what can employers do to ensure their employees are safe from crazies while on the job? I don’t buy the “give them what they want and hope they won’t kill you” attitude anymore.”

    Locally a pizza delivery driver was shot without warning or provocation during a robbery. Luckily it was just a minor injury, he was able to put his car in reverse and bug out.

  2. I carry while at work. My employer knows and is glad that I do. Unfortunately most guys at work aren’t allowed to by law, because they are CDL holders who are frequently in trucks.

      • Nothing, other than state/local laws regarding firearms in vehicles that apply to everyone else. It is an old wive’s tale that CDL drivers are prevented from carrying by fed regs. Simply NOT TRUE. (there is a USDOT regulatory guidance letter stating as much and as a state DOT officer for 32 years, now retired, I had to answer this question a bazillion times)

        • Actually, there is a problem if the driver goes interstate into a locale that does not honor his CCW permit. That is the main reason I know of why truck drivers do not carry.

        • Well, of course the driver must obey the laws of the states he crosses and/or ends up in.

          But his CDL has nothing to do with that (which was, I think, the gist of the first post in this little sub-thread).

        • my dad retired as a trucker. when he was an owner operator he kept a shotgun in the truck. when he became a company driver things changed. most of the companies at that time told their drivers no weapons.

  3. complience with the bad guys demands was shown for the weak shit it is on sept. 11th. fighting back is the only real choice. unless you’re happy leaving your fate in the hands of the goblin.

  4. Shocking that someone in possession of marijuana would break into an armed woman’s house, display even worse judgement by not fleeing the armed woman, and subsequently get shot. Just…shocking.

    Where’s MikeB to call this a fake DGU?

  5. 30, huh? Let’s see, 30 times 52 is 1,560. Let’s remove the ones that were unnecessary as well as the ones that were actually criminal misuse of the gun. That gives us about 500.

    You see, we keep getting back to that number.

    • Last week it was 21. Before that it was 60. Next week it might be 20, it might be a hundred. What’s your point? That random events don’t meet a minimum quota model?

      When I have enough data to run an analysis, I’ll let you know. Until then, you can continue to impress me with your extrapolations from an incomplete dataset.

      Oh, and you have yet to provide a single shred of empirical evidence to support your position. You just keep spouting numbers like 500. Let me try:

      270 million guns/6 billion rounds of ammo per year/9,000 murders. I haven’t done the math, but it sounds like being around guns is a lot safer than walking, which claims 10,000 deaths and 300,000 injuries each year from slipping and falling.

      Deaths from guns add up to a whopping .008% (eight one-thousandths of a percent!) of all annual US deaths. If you really want to make a difference in the lives of people, Mike, then I’d suggest you tackle the 35,000+ suicides each year (btw, only 1/3 of those are with a gun).

  6. David, I just want to thank you. You just helped me shut a guy down over on HuffPo.

    I wrote a comment for Sanjay’s column about the NYPD shooting, and in my comment, I wrote:

    Your “wild west shoot-em-up OK Corral” argument holds no water. Find me one example, one, where an armed citizen made a criminal situation worse. Go ahead, I’ll wait, I brought a book to read. Are you back yet? Yeah, thought so. You can’t do it. Armed citizens prevent crime, to themselves and others, every day, and they do it without provoking the crazy OK Corral scenarios that the anti-gunners like to claim will happen.

    I just got a reply: “Please provide one example where armed citizens prevented crime.”

    My response (which is “awaiting moderation”):

    Why stop at just one? I’ll give you a whole list:

    You’ll find most of them are people repelling home invasions or burglaries, but the list is well-salted with citizens preventing crime in public…

    Man wielding sword in Dairy Queen shot by employee

    Convenience store robber stopped by customer

    Shotgun robber no match for victim with handgun

    Let’s see how that goes over.

    Thanks again.

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