Washington ghost Gun Ban dick heller
(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

[A] new lawsuit argues that the city’s law [banning “ghost guns”] is overly broad and outlaws all polymer-based guns, including the top-selling handguns made by Glock — which are issued to most D.C. police officers. (The law makes an exception for military and law enforcement users.)

The city has a poor track record in its attempts to restrict guns in the city, with its prohibition on gun ownership overturned by the landmark Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. Now a plaintiff in that suit, Dick A. Heller of Southeast Washington, is back with a challenge to the new ghost-gun law, as well as the District’s long ban on manufacturing weapons.

D.C. elected officials have long “adhered to a cynical policy of ‘self-government for me, but no self-defense for thee,’ ” wrote George L. Lyon Jr., Heller’s lawyer.

— Tom Jackman in D.C.’s ghost-gun law faces legal challenge from Dick Heller, successful gun rights activist


      • The never ending political correctness in such cases keeps Gun Control and its diabolical baggage in the shadows while The Second Amendment sits on the hot seat having to explain itself, apologize and reason with kings in black robes…

        “D.C. elected officials have long “adhered to a cynical policy of ‘self-government for me, but no self-defense for thee,’ ” wrote George L. Lyon Jr., Heller’s lawyer.”

        The above lawyer talk is all well and fine but just cut the chase and give the courts a much needed Gun Control History Lesson…After all The United States Constitution and The Second Amendment did not begin yesterday. And neither did Gun Control begin yesterday…

        1) The Second Amendment is one thing.

        2) The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, etc. is another thing.

        3) History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.

  1. Looks like D.C. is following the California Gun Control handbook, and exempting LE from infringements. Because TPTB have to keep the enforcers happy.

    • Exempting law enforcement from gun control laws is also the New Jersey playbook, and the New York playbook, and the playbook of every anti-gun state. Come to think of it, exempting LE is also the Federal playbook, because LE can have machine guns, real (fully-automatic) assault rifles like the M16, silencers, SBRs, etc. without having to worry about that pesky NFA.

      I think ordinary citizens should be allowed to have every form of weapon that law enforcement can have. If machine guns are too dangerous for ordinary citizens, then they shouldn’t let cops have them either. If cops argue that they need machine guns to defend cop lives, then ordinary citizens should be able to have them too to defend our lives, too.

  2. The volume of dollars that passes through Washington D.C. is vast. It is an attraction for every evil on this planet. Anyone who believes that amount of wealth does not spawn conspiracies to get that money has simply chosen to disassociate from reality. D.C. is heavily dominated by people who have focused their souls on the attainment of wealth and power.

    Dick Heller has successfully challenged this mountain of evil and won. I pray he is successful again.

    • Oh Phautchee not only KNEW all along, he had been furthering and enabling the development of the very virus he how gets to manage and coopt to fuel his freaky control schemes. Dr. Mengele never had a micron on him. He not only was invloved wiht the development of the virus, but the faux vaccine that would “cure” it (but which does no such thing, nor can it, in fact the injection is worse than the actual disease) his name is on quite a number of patents involved in the injection, and the money trail is a wide and smooth four lane freeway right into his bank accounts. Add in the control and power and notoriety the clown has, and he occupies a rare status in history.

      • This is what you get when someone who couldn’t pass third grade science posts medical advice.

        Vaccines cure nothing, they prevent disease or severe cases.

        Actually I want stupid people to not take the vaccine, the world is better off without them. Thins the herd of dumbasses.

        Nice try though.

        • More stupidity from people who claim to understand science.

          Vaccines aren’t all the same – neither are the humans being injected with them.

          mRNA vaccines are a completely new technology for widespread use in humans. There is no long-term safety and efficacy data for these vaccines.

          Frankly our short-term data looks awful. 50k+ injuries in the US alone and 10k+ deaths – and it looks like any immunity conferred via the vaccines designed for the alpha strain is weak or ineffective at all against recent variants.

          Finally, any conferred immunity seems to wane after about 6 months.

          I suspect after COVID-19 mutates we will all get it regardless of immunization status and most of us will survive it and develop robust, long-lasting natural immunity.

          My son and I both got the delta variant about a month ago. We both recovered in less than a week and our antibody tests confirm that currently posses COVID antibodies.

          We are young and in good health. Why should we even consider a vaccine at this point? We would be taking risk for zero benefit.

      • Tionico,
        “….in fact the injection is worse than the actual disease…”

        Exactly so. The jabs kill and cripple. The evidence is piling up. Denmark, Norway, and Iceland just halted use of the Astra Zenica shots. Denmark and Sweden are also halting the use use of the Moderna shots for people under 18 years of age. Israel, with one of the world’s highest jab rates is seeing a spike in infections and death. People are not dying from the “Delta Varient”, they are dying from what the jabs did to them.

  3. I think this was done too early. I would have waited until after a SCOTUS decision on the new york issue first

  4. I’m glad Heller did this. I hope he wins and it doesn’t take him long to do so. I also hope he or somebody else files one against the ridiculous and totally unconstitutional Hughes Act and soon so we can get our full-autos back.

  5. The Heller lawsuit is a joke. Biden has ordered the ATF to ban receivers that do not have a serial number stamped on them by the manufacturer. No court in the U.S. in its right mind would overturn this.

    • You are so full of it.

      It is false that Biden “ordered the ATF to ban receivers that do not have a serial number stamped on them by the manufacturer.”

      Aside from the obvious that Biden can’t order such a thing because it takes an act of congress to create/change law and the president can not create/change law in which these definitions exist, and ATF definitions are codified in law;

      It was not an “order”. It was an (touted as an) “official” proposal to find a way to broaden the definition of firearm so the so called “ghost gun” could be banned. This prompted the ATF to propose new rules for which the comment period has closed recently. For those to be part of law requires congress to enact them.

      It is false that “No court in the U.S. in its right mind would overturn this.”

      In fact every court has the constitutional and legal and moral obligation and requirement to “overturn” a president that tried to implement as law something that he created and tried to implement as law without congress creating that law. The president can not create law.

  6. Seeing how these aren’t guns until they’re proven to be operationally functional then no court in the USA should waste time nor funds on trying to uphold an unconstitutional POTUS order to begin with so your statement is pointless.

    You should return your ignorant self to deciding which method you’re going to wind up using to put your leftist self out of our misery.

    • you can send it to me, I’ll make sure he gets it.


      seriously though, if you contact his legal counsel office they will be able to tell you how to do so if they are accepting such.

  7. Lets see here, cost of the frame, tools, jig, and other parts to build your own ghost gun, $500. and up. Cost of a stolen gun on the street. $ 200. and sometimes even less. Add in most who would commit violent crimes are usually none too intelligent, and none too ambitious, as well as likely not willing to wait a week or more for the parts to show up, and then have to do the work, read the instructions, and be somewhat precise in their work. So, just how many of these scary unmarked, unserialized and unregistered for future confiscation firearms are there actually being used to commit crimes? Likely about the same numbers as are the scary black “Assault Rifles” that are used in violent crimes. Last time I checked the FBI statistics, and numbers, there were fewer than 1% of crimes committed with a gun that used either weapon class.

    • 10% of the guns recovered in crimes in DC are polymer 80s and they was 2 years ago before they passed the law. I bet it is even higher now.

  8. Wow. I’m going to have to stop telling people to not be a dick. Dick (Heller) is awesome. Godspeed, good sir! o7

  9. Buy all the guns and ammo you can find. Barter fodder for the tough times, shooting fun and good insurance for leaner times!

  10. Lazy TAG. Here is the link to the actual law.

    Looks like it was written by someone who watched Die Hard to many times. It will be an easy change to fix it and kill the lawsuit.
    The homemade gun provision will stand. DC can easily show a compelling interest as polymer80s accounted for 0% of confiscated firearms 4 years ago, was at 10% 2019 and is on track to hit 25%. The are not pulling the BS line about filled off SNs, they are tracking the manufactured of the gun frames and kits.

    • Its a good thing that “compelling interest” is not a legal defense in this case then.

      “compelling interest” is not a legal defense against infringement or a constitutional right just as its not a legal defense against a whole bunch of things. Its a good thing too. Its a distraction logic argument that goes “We have a compelling interest. We also have a compelling interest. But our compelling interest is more important than your compelling interest. No, our compelling interest trumps yours.” and it goes on and on and the case becomes about “compelling interest” instead of infringement.

      The DC laws, and all gun control laws, are supposed to be based upon that constitutionally permitted for regulation, not “compelling interest”. A “compelling interest” based law is arbitrary as is its enforcement.

      Although they may have a “compelling interest” the last thing the DC defense needs is a “compelling interest” based argument defense against the infringement issue here.

      It does not matter how many “polymer80s” they have confiscated or may confiscate. The number of violations of a law does not determine if people can or can not exercise a right. Constitutional rights do not depend on “compelling interest” nor does the exercise of rights.

      • Thank God we don’t have your part of any 2nd amendment cases.

        Heller knows better. That’s why he is basing his suit on the undetectability of the fame. The fact is Heller knows D.C. will change the law. But he is after the press time people like you all riled up. I’m just outlining how it is going to go. But if you want to see case law limiting gun rights, this is a fantastic way to go about doing it.

        • compelling interest” is not a legal defense against infringement or a constitutional right just as its not a legal defense against a whole bunch of things.

          No, you are outlining a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with it.

          “That’s why he is basing his suit on the undetectability of the fame.”

          What??? that is not upon which his case is based. The artcile tells you what his case is based on, its based on

          “that the city’s law [banning “ghost guns”] is overly broad and outlaws all polymer-based guns, including the top-selling handguns made by Glock — which are issued to most D.C. police officers. (The law makes an exception for military and law enforcement users.)”

          In other words the law is arbitrary because of “compelling interest”, and like I already said, a “compelling interest” based law is arbitrary as is its enforcement.

          is your other name “Dacian” ?

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