In a previous post, I labeled hunter Norman Clinton Hale our “Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day” for shooting a game warden and pilot with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. While this website hasn’t yet grown into itself (i.e. established its own commentariot), the two readers who posted after the article raised an interesting possibility: I screwed up. Kayhunter reminded us that, well, shit happens. “Please someone, tell me how at 11:00 at night, YOU can visually identify an animal at 100 – 200 yards – in the dark…. please – because I still haven’t mastered that.. and if one is supposed to completely identify their target – then why is it stressed that deer hunters wear orange to improve visibility to other hunters. – – – – – Sometimes guys – it’s a horrible accident – that everyone would have liked to prevent.” And then this, from Ben: “OK he was hunting coyote an u do this at night…..u hunt them by there eyes and the park ranger was wearing night vision goggles….i knew the hunter personally and he was a very responsible hunter and good man.” We’ll keep an eye on this story. Meanwhile, did I jump the gun?


  1. thank you for admitting, jumping the gun, I also know Clint Hale, and most comment their opinion without knowing the story, and that is just it……… Clint is a professional, college educated, person, not a a reckless GA redneck. Not a weed grower, looking to kill a ranger………….He is and was legal, story I know, Ranger was prone, and had night vision binoculars, and that is what caused what had to be eye glare, like animals.

  2. Please someone, tell me how at 11:00 at night, YOU can visually identify an animal at 100 – 200 yards – in the dark…. please – because I still haven’t mastered that

    If that's the case, then WTF are you shooting at anything?

    • many gun control activists would agree with you… then there is no hunting – – and the 2nd amendment would be next. Clint is a responsible hunter, a good man and a smart guy – this accident was tragic for both families.

  3. i am no hunter or even know a thing about hunting, but I do know Clint, his story makes sense to me…..

  4. the ranger was a high strung person i met him myself on several occasions where he was parked when this happened was in a low area and he was crawling up the hill towards the hunter with his night goggle on If he wanted to arrest them all he had to do was get in his truck and drive 50 yards to where they were sitting. This put him in the position of being a dumbass. He knew they were coyote hunting and yet he put himself on coyote level which was stupid. We were there the next morning with the investigators. He could have even locked them in as there is a gate there with one way in and one way out. This is a classic case of a young smartass cop that had been trying to make a name for himself eversince he transferred here. It was bound to happen he had a bad attitude. He could have been friendly with people and had some common sense but he always let his mouth overload his ass. He also made up some rules as he went along. There have been 2 wonderful wardens in our neck of the woods that were real people we have helped them catch people and they have always offered us a hand if we needed it. Common sense goes a long way

    • Ann you have a bad attitude and a warped sense of right and wrong, and have allowed your dislike of officer Upton to skew your view of the situation. I guess this makes you the dumbass! Now that the details have come out regarding this case Mr. Hale doesn’t seem so innocent, many lies were told and many things were left out of his account of the incident. Clint did something stupid and should pay, and will. He has caused his family pain and embarrassment as well as the Upton family who lost a father, husband, son and we all have lost an honorable officer and protector . You can’t blame the innocent for dying at the hands of a criminal performing an illegal act! I do know Clint personally and defended him before the truth came forward, he has betrayed everyone’s trust and deserves whatever sentence the judge passes down upon him.

  5. Many questions i had before more factual statements came to be known still remaine unanswered…

    1) What if any, would be a benefit of long-range guns for night-time shooting, when vision is already limited? A ___
    2) If Adults commit a grave ” “MISTAKE, an accident, putting life in jeopardy, a-n-d then what… WAIT _hours_ to call 911…
    meanwhile (accidentally?) render no assistance what-so-ever… ? A ___ A ___
    3) Did the party of bystanders chat while the victim passed? A ___
    4) How long did it take the bystanders to clear-out so-as the “shooter_s” could finally call 911? A ___

    5) ) What IF The Victim Called His Daughter, Every-night To Wish Her,
    “Sweet Dreams”…
    What Do You Supposed SHE Thought,
    As She _W_a_i_t_e_d_ in vain? _A ___
    Or Listened To The Muffled Calls, Conversations, As Her Mother,
    Searched-IN VAIN? _A ___
    Would you, anny of you, have an inkling of The Soulful Bond of the Loving Partner fading away as you sought information
    Information you could feel you ALREADY had? …? _A ___

    6) Any of those who judge the dead related to Dick(shoot’enInTheFace)Chaney?
    61/2) Any of these commentators ever heard of People,
    *never would have guessed people, who would be caught with the proverbial “pants down”? *ever heard of BREAKING BAD? or Jerry Sandusky and Penn State Scandal.? etc…etc
    One answer/thought comes to mind, karma. c.m.

  6. p.s. clarify
    _Concerning those who judge the dead;
    6)Any related to Dick(shoot’enInTheFace)Chaney?
    61/2) Any of these commentators ever heard of People,
    *I never would have guessed -People,
    who would be caught with the proverbial “pants down”?
    *ever heard of BREAKING BAD? Or Bernard L. Madoff
    or Jerry Sandusky and Penn State Scandal.? etc…etc
    ________ Concerning those who rationalized “hunting”
    in the, limited-visibility, guess-the-bullets-target, shot-in-the-dark,
    (Lets just go out in the nite and kill stuff) “hunter” . . .
    In Their Own MINDS- they too are innocent of any wrongs…

    1) One answer/thought comes to mind. karma. c.m.

  7. p.s. clarify
    Concerning those who judge the dead;
    6)Any related to Dick(shoot’enInTheFace)Chaney?
    61/2) Any of these commentators ever heard of People,
    *never would have guessed -People,
    who would be caught with the proverbial “pants down”?
    *ever heard of BREAKING BAD?
    or Jerry Sandusky and Penn State Scandal.? etc…etc
    In their own minds they too are innocent of any wrongs.
    When should adults ask themselves essential questions and answer
    w/o causing harm?
    ________ Concerning those who rationalized “hunting”
    in the limited-visibility, guess-the-bullets-target, shot-in-the-dark,
    (Lets just go out in the nite and kill stuff) “hunter” . . .

    1) One answer/thought comes to mind. karma. c.m.
    to R.F. the original Questioner- ONLY one person truly
    “Jumped The Gun” The Cost Far exceeds the Price to learn that meaning.

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