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21 thoughts on “Die Broccoli! Die!”

  1. Gee Robert, you seem to feel awfully strong about it. Well, based on the fact that we’ve evolved to the top of the food chain, we have the right to mess with those lower on the food chain. Go ahead with your vegecide.

  2. That’s hilarious. Represents how I feel about veggies, actually. They deserve to die or at the very least be eaten by someone else. Just wish I could get my wife to lay off the broc!

  3. Next thing you know cauliflower will be imperiled alo and there’ll be a bagging limit too. Hahahaaaa

  4. Oh. I lost it at the electronic call. Geez, what a great way to start a morning. Great comedy!!!!

    • I also lost it at the electronic call. It took it from being stupid to being funny.

      Also, I’m with Brian. I don’t think there’s such a thing as “too much gun for broccoli.” I’m not going to eat it, so I might as well obliterate it.

      • I don’t think I’d be comfortable hunting broccoli with anything less than a .338 and 20 lbs of tannerite.

  5. As a vegetarian I resent all you meat eaters hunting broccoli for sport and trophies. It’s heart breaking to see entire patches wiped out and left to rot in the sun. Damn you meat eaters and your genocidal war on my people!

    • Do deer count as vegetarians? ‘Cause if they do, then I’m all in favor of hunting vegetarians. They’re very low in cholesterol.

      • “All we are saying……is give peace a chance.” Don’t you know that deer are “Differently Enabled Humans”?

        See, the first sign of a sick mind is to abuse broccoli. After that comes murder and canabilism.

    • Yep, it’s your standard embedded YouTube video. I’m sorry it didn’t show up for you, but you get what you deserve for using IE.

      • Got IE and Chrome. When I have to use more browsers than that I’ll be missing the days when AOL was carpet bombing the entire planet with discs.

  6. Interesting how the wild Brocs blend into the foliage. ‘Spect Cauliflower would be equally challenging in the winter.

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