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Disarm Hate! Incendiary Image of the Day

(courtesy Nebraskans Against Gun Violence)

The above contribution to the hashtag campaign to get the Senate to pass universal background checks and the “No Fly – No Buy” due process-be-damned bill hails from Nebraska, of all places. Nebraskans Against Gun Violence’s Facebook page has 104 followers and 38 likes — despite not being stifled by Facebook’s anti-gun algorithm maestros.

Somehow I don’t think NAGV’s going to tip the balance in the Democrat-led fight to disarm civilians. Still, the idea that you can disarm haters — who gotta hate, hate, hate — is so naive you wonder if the pro gun control side think that rainbows have magical powers.

Anyway, we’ll be watching the Senate action today, expecting sweet FA to pass, what with Republicans still in control. It will be a very different scene if the Dems take the White House and the Senate and maybe even the House. As they say, be afraid. Be very afraid. And vote your guns, m’kay?

20 thoughts on “Disarm Hate! Incendiary Image of the Day”

  1. You failed. Crawl back to your safe spaces, fascists. Maybe instead of trying to disarm others, you should arm yourselves, though I know that requires you to act like humans rather than dogs. Perish the thought.

    Though I agree on the image of Lady Liberty crying. She should be after seeing how many traitors occupy our governmental positions today.

    • Hey, come on… dogs have incredible loyalty and will fight to protect themselves and their masters. Don’t compare leftists to them.

  2. Interesting, Lady Liberty is crying on their poster, it is appropriate but they are the ones making her cry.

  3. Lady Liberty, crying, because there is not enough government control over our liberties.

  4. These bills were about not selling guns to people on the no fly list or the terrorist list. 90% of Republicans are in favor (only 85% of Democrats, for some strange reason/) so people like the Orlando killer can’t walk into a gun shop and LEGALLY buy a semi automatic weapon with a large magazine capacity, which is what he did. Trump is in favor of stopping that. The politicians bought by the NRA lobbyists don’t even want to stop terrorists. Now that to me is UnAmerican.

    On April 28th, 1996, a gunman opened fire on tourists in Port Arthur, Australia, killing 35 and injuring 23. Twelve days later, Australia’s government, led by CONSERVATIVE PM John Howard, announced a bipartisan deal enacting gun-control. The government bought back 600,000 semi-automatic shotguns/rifles (1/5 of all firearms in the country). Th new law prohibited private sales, required all weapons be individually registered to their owner, and required that gun-buyers present a “genuine” reason for purchase (and self-defense did NOT count). Homicides plunged 59% in the decade following the new law, with NO corresponding increase in non-firearm related homicides. The drop in suicides by gun was 65%. Robberies with a firearm increased significantly, and there was NO increase in him invasions. From 1985-1995, there were 11 mass shootings in Australia; since 1996 (when the new laws were enacted) there have been ZERO. When will the US learn?

    • Deprivation of natural rights by an arbitrary and secret list is not an idea that agrees with a free society. It results in an environment of first-class and second-class citizens… a concept which is quickly rejected by anyone with even limited ability to reason. Life by its very nature is dangerous and risky, and I gladly accept that. So fold your wings there, mama bird – because I’ll either fly or fall.

    • We live in a globalized world….

      So why don’t you “piss uhn back tah ‘straya mate?”

      Also, kangaroos.

    • I’m in a Fisking mood this morning…

      90% of Republicans are in favor (only 85% of Democrats, for some strange reason/)

      If that were the case the bills would have passed. Easily.

      LEGALLY buy a semi automatic weapon with a large magazine capacity, which is what he did.

      Why should a semi automatic firearm be illegal? They’re no more inherently dangerous than any other firearm, ESPECIALLY when you disarm the intended victims. And the magazines were, most likely, not “large magazine capacity.” The standard capacity for an AR pattern rifle, and by extension the Sig MCX, is 30 rounds.

      Besides, magazine capacity has nothing to do with rate of fire, as evidenced in this test:

      Trump is in favor of stopping that. The politicians bought by the NRA lobbyists don’t even want to stop terrorists.

      Trump, politicians, and the NRA all want a solution to violence. The disconnect you’re having trouble grasping is they’re not willing to do it while compromising a dozen other fundamental rights.

      Now that to me is UnAmerican.

      Your entire post gives me the sense that you’re not American in the first place. So excuse me, but I don’t really care whether you see something as unAmerican or not.

      On April 28th, 1996, a gunman opened fire on tourists in Port Arthur, Australia, killing 35 and injuring 23.

      On August 1st, 1966 Charles Whitman opened fire on students at the University of Texas at Austin. He killed 14 and wounded 32. The country, being slightly more sane at the time, blamed Charles Whitman, not every other gun owner that had nothing to do with the crime.

      His primary weapon, by the way, was a BOLT ACTION Remington 700;

      The government bought back 600,000 semi-automatic shotguns/rifles (1/5 of all firearms in the country).

      First, the government didn’t buy back anything. Not one thing. Because the government didn’t own them in the first place. The government confiscated the firearms and offered meager compensation to the people that turned them in.

      I’m not going to argue your actual numbers, but if the government confiscated 600,000 semi-automatic firearms and that’s 1/5th of the guns, guess what? They missed 80%. By those numbers there were still 2,400,000 privately held firearms when they got done. Good on ya, mate.

      Homicides plunged 59% in the decade following the new law, with NO corresponding increase in non-firearm related homicides.

      Homicides dropped 59% in a decade. But in the 18-24 months immediately following the passage of the new laws Victoria saw a 300% increase in homicide rate. What, piss on those people if it’s for the greater good?

      The drop in suicides by gun was 65%.

      In further news, automobile accidents on Mackinac Island are significantly less than in Detroit.

      From 1985-1995, there were 11 mass shootings in Australia; since 1996 (when the new laws were enacted) there have been ZERO.

      Outright lie. The accepted definition of “mass shooting” is 4 dead not including the shooter.

      Hunt family murders, 2014 – killed is wife and three children before shooting himself. Sure sounds like 4+1…

      Besides that:

      Monash University, 2002 – 2 dead and 5 wounded
      Hectorville Siege, 2011 – 3 dead and 3 wounded
      Logan shooting, 2014 – 3 dead

      But those don’t fit the definition of a mass shooting, so you’re probably right. Still….

      Childer’s Palace Backpackers fire, 2000 – 15 killed by arson
      Churchill fire, 2009 – 10 killed by arson
      Lin family murders, 2009 – 5 killed by blunt force trauma
      Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire, 2011 – 11 killed by arson
      Cairns child killings, 2014 – 8 children age 18 months to 15 years killed by stabbing

      But, you know, at least all those people weren’t killed by guns. And it’s a damn good thing the victims were defenseless, even more people might have been hurt….

      When will the US learn?

      July 4th, 1776

  5. Apparently I’m not the only one who thought it was ironic to use the Statue of Liberty to promote abrogating our rights to keep and bear arms as well as our rights to due process, a jury trial, and challenging our accuser(s) before sentencing.

  6. This is simply Darwinism in real-time.

    If the prey refuse to arm themselves or fight back, well then the only other purpose they will serve is to help identify the wolves in their passing.

    You can lead a horse to water…

  7. The idea of disarming “hate,” an incorporeal emotion is so telling of how far off in space the anti-gun crowd is. Astonishing.

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