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Dix: These Are The 6 Deadly Lies Told By The Gun Industry

The most pervasive lie is that guns are a good means of protection. But compared to people without firearm access, those with access to firearms are about twice as likely to die in homicides, and three times as likely to die by suicide. If guns really provided protection, our nation, which is home to more guns than people, would have lower homicide and suicide rates.

A second lie is the fundamentalist view of the Second Amendment that claims any type of gun regulation to be unconstitutional. The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller decision overturned 70 years of precedent to declare that there is an individual right to keep a handgun in the home for self-defense. But Justice Antonin Scalia’s majority opinion noted that the Second Amendment is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” …

It’s important to point out that no major gun violence prevention organization advocates preventing law-abiding citizens from being able to buy guns. The idea of jack-booted agents going from door to door to confiscate guns is a paranoid fantasy — and a third lie — spread by the gun lobby.

The fourth lie is hiding the extreme lethality of military-style assault weapons by marketing them as “modern sporting rifles.” But, as Ryan Busse, a gun industry executive who turned whistleblower, points out in his book, “Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized America,” military-style assault weapons were designed to kill many people quickly, not for hunting or, say, skeet shooting.

And, despite or because of their deadly power, assault rifles are marketed on gun company websites as bold, patriotic and masculine. This fifth lie — that buying an assault rifle is essential to being a full-blooded American man — is being aimed at a young male market through interactive games, social media and YouTube videos.

Meanwhile, according to The New York Times, “Six of the nine deadliest mass shootings in the United States since 2018 were by people who were 21 or younger, representing a shift for mass casualty shootings, which before 2000 were most often initiated by men in their mid-20s, 30s and 40s.” The two mass shooters in Buffalo and in Uvalde both legally bought assault weapons right after turning 18.

A sixth lie is that gun control laws that keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people would deprive Americans of freedom. But background checks that prevent convicted felons, domestic abusers and people struggling with potentially dangerous mental health complications from obtaining firearms do not deprive law-abiding Americans of their freedoms. Right now, an estimated 22 percent of gun sales are made with no background check, and that number may be increasing due to the availability of “ghost guns,” untraceable guns assembled from kits.

— Griffin Dix in The Gun Industry’s Six Deadly Lies

103 thoughts on “Dix: These Are The 6 Deadly Lies Told By The Gun Industry”

    • It appears 666 griffin pencil dix has constructed in his mind “lies/reasons” why Jews in nazi germany, Jim Crow Black Americans, American Indians, mothers, fathers, schools, 18 year old single men and women, the elderly, etc. should not trust those disgusting firearm manufacturers and purchase their products…

      Life without firearms? What could possibly go wrong? Racism, Genocide, Tyranny, Slavery, etc? Don’t even think about the what ifs…Just relax, leave your windows open, doors unlocked, find a baby sitter on the namba site and go on a 3 day vacation. All you have to do is lay your firearm rights down at the feet of 666 griffin pencil dix.

      • Mstb of the bloody WORLD or at least the CIVILISED part of it manages very well indeed without a descending into TYRRANY, GENOCIDE, RACISM or SLAVERY by not having a gun culture I can of course only speak personally of the UK in particular and Europe in general but whilst there undoubtedly IS RACISM in Europe and it would be foolish to deny it it has nothing at all to do with GUN OWNERSHIP.
        Tyrrany? I’d question that as well them only TYRRANY I can see is the TYRRANY at this moment of the RUSSIAN invasion of Ukraine and this once agi ainis in no way cconnected withn general gun ownership mand is the action of the State with it’s Official Armed Forces.
        Slavery? Once again I have no doubt that is exists everywhere if you look hard enough but the idea that this is down to the lack of guns in the hands of individuals is ludicrous’
        Genocide? The last genocidal actions in Europe took place in, above all places, the ‘former Yugoslavia’. The ‘former Yugoslavia’ was awash with firearms. GENOCIDE was NOT elfin prevented by general gun ownerswhip it a was exascerbated beyond reason. That’s A FACT and nit took all of NATO to get GENOCIDE back under control by NATO ARMED FORCES. Your grasp of history is typically an American one which thinks that if the JEWS of GERMANY had been armed they would not have ended up in CIOCENTRATION CAMPS. That’s idiotic because every other person in Germany would have been armed as well. Far from preventing the deaths of Jews it would have speeded those deaths up very considerably.
        As for other examples of GENOCIDE. Take a long hard look at YOUR OWN history and that of the NATIVE AMERICANS who’s land was stolen at the point of a gun.
        Whilst you are at it you might also take a look at the ACTIONS UNDER ORDERS Of US TROOPS and MARINES in the PHILIPPINES where in a single incident those Servicemen SHOT DOWN between 15 and 20,000 Philippinos in cold blood.
        On a final note. Are you seriously suggesting that RACISM is worse in the UK and Europe than it is in America?

        • Albert the Subject, Oh, yeah, you Brits are very civilized. You just have multiple stabbings. Genocide has been perpetrated by your Leftist buds, Stalin, Hilter, Mao, etc. No, guns did no good there as the people were overpowered by that ilk. For your edification NATO did not exist before 1949. IT was stopped (sic) but only in part by the allied nations. the USSR continued its purges of people due to race, religion etc,
          As to our history, I would worry more about your own history with India and Africa. You are but an effeminate snob.

        • news flash.
          every genocide performed on a people … first started with disarmament.
          perhaps instead of writing idiotic nonsense you studied history.

    • Note how the Left gloms on to the notion that they don’t want to take guns away from “law abiding people”. That’s a hoot…today we’re abiding by their current “laws”, but as soon as they move the goalposts, we’re no longer in line with the new law, and therefore no longer under the Left’s view of protection from confiscati

  1. Not a lie #1: defensive gun uses outnumber the deaths by at least 10 to 1, so the quoted statistics are irrelevant

    #2: right to arms shall not be infringed – self-explanatory

    #3: see latest from Michael Moore

    #4: so lethal that they are banned from hunting deer in my state due to the inability to kill a deer

    #5: ignores that the fastest growing demographics for gun ownership are not males

    #6: ignores that false rejections far outnumber true rejections

    • #3; ‘The idea of jack-booted agents going from door to door to confiscate guns is a paranoid fantasy — and a third lie — spread by the gun lobby.’ – see New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina.

      • Notice how they actively move the goalposts. “no major gun violence prevention organization advocates preventing law-abiding citizens from being able to buy guns”. But ask them specifically about “assault weapons” and that’s EXACTLY what they advocate, using jack booted thugs and any other measure of force to steal legally purchased guns from those who won’t promptly surrender their arms.

        • Also calling them ‘gun violence prevention organizations’ is a euphemism. A more accurate statement would be ‘no gun grabbing anti-2nd Amendment organization advocates…’, which is also an outright lie.

    • They are aiming at private sales, trying to impose universal bgc laws. Which will not, they neglect to mention, have any effect on illegal hun trafficking

      • Chicago had a time wiht a /certain Handgun recently. Ballistics had positively nidentifed it as having been used in some two hundred shootings of=ver two and a half years. It wou;d “go dark” for a while, then turn up in another part of the city in a new string of illegal gun usage incidents. Some had been seriously injured even killed with THAT GUN. They were not able to identify WHO had it, or even what it was. Why? Because they could never put their HANDS on it to check the S/N It was finally found at yet one more crime scene, and once traced, it had been stolen in a gun store cleanout about three years prior. No background check needed. For first “transfer” or any subsequent one. Todate they have never been able to associate any individual wiht THAT gun. In effect, it was a “ghost gun” because it was ‘untraceable”. No clue who used it when and where in any given crime. Two hundred or so criinal uses of it. Clueless.
        Then we have the litany of those who had criminal histories yet data never wasreported to NICS and at least85 folks died because the BGC system FAILED to tag them.
        Next is the Brit mozzie who jumped the puddle as a tourist, showed up in Texas, and within two days had acquired a handguna nd ammuniton, and staged a hostage taking in a synagogue. BGC worked real well.. gotta be a US Resident to bu a gun heree He was not. He got one. Add to this category the two mozzies, one of them VERY poorly vetted as she came to the US “to marry” some creep. She gave false info, non-existent address, to CBP on entry, they got guns and shot up a Christmas Party in San Bernardion. BGC worked real well. Didn’t it?
        Then there is the YUUUUGE category of criminals, come convicted some not yet, who just dont bother with the BGC at all. They get their guns when they want them. Some kill their Mother and take hers, some just steal them in housereakings, carjackings and prowls. Bars in states that prohibit all firearms inside have cars broken into alost nightly, the guns that are illegal to be inside under someone’s care are now in the hands of criminals. Go figure THAT one out.

        • I have made this point several times to our local anti-gun radicals and they never ever respond.
          Their position is they have to do “something” even if that “something is ineffective and useless.

      • Umm, didn’t BOTH of the latest mass shooters pass their background checks with flying colors?

    • dacian, the Dunderhead Yeah they just confiscate the guns and then again they still have murders committed with a firearm. Again, when will you anti-gun radicals want to do something about the violent people and mentally ill?

        • He’s bitter and angry about wasting his life waiting for a revolution that never happened.

        • Nah, Southern, he’s bitter and angry that he’s never known the touch of a woman. His only “validation” comes from his daily circle jerk with MinorIQ, jsled, and our nameless, brainless, d***less troll. They all tell each other how smart and successful they are . . . in their mommies’ basements.

    • @dacian

      The United Kingdom has had a gun ban in place for years. In the UK gun related crime has risen 27% in five years and the number of firearms seized has quadrupled. Firearms are easily available to criminals despite an almost total ban of firearm ownership among law-abiding citizens.

      The U.K. has had many mass shootings – just not all at once and by the definitions we use in the U.S. but collectively in terms of numbers shot by criminals over time, considering reported AND not reported to authorities. In this sense there are mass shootings in the U.K. almost daily across the country if its considered that four or more at shot by criminals across the country every day. And since the time of imposing more strict gun control, violent crime has become more brutal and today the U.K. is the violent rape capital of Europe and the most likely spot in the world to be knifed.

      Australia …. what a joke for their gun ban. Gun confiscation has had little impact on violent crime in Australia. In fact, considering all types of crime, reported and not reported, violent crime has increased in Australia more than 40% overall over the years since their gun ban and strict restrictions were imposed whereas prior to that there was a steady drop in crime in the years leading up to that as gun ownership increased.

      Canada, that’s another ‘gun-control’ joke.

      In fact, in every country that has imposed strict gun control and/or bans and/or confiscation – the amount of violent crime has gone up, both reported and not reported.

      Its a fact, the more defenseless a society is the more the people are preyed upon.

    • notice the “mass shooting” declined … but the mass killing remained the same.
      murderers simply use another “weapon.”
      so obvious even a infant can figure it out.

  2. Suicides are a null factor.
    The whole “homes with guns” nonsense includes trap houses in Chicongo and other various hovels of 25 year old “children” participating in various off-the-books capitalism.

    Women are buying more guns than ever before and gun advertising simply doesn’t exist outside of firearm specific venues.

    Video games? Really? Was this written by Joe Lieberman and Tipper Gore?

    Lefties seem to really love the whole “look, this guy said this so you should believe it” thing. Almost as if they hold no personal beliefs of their own and rely exclusively on the statements of others to form their worldview. Kinda like cult followers.

    As an aside anybody watch that Vice series “True Believers?” All lefties falling for cult voodoo. Most well off, most white, most coastal and privileged. All stupid. I’m sure the series began with boardroom talks about “Trumpers” and “eschatologists” but it’s all bored white people who hate themselves and think magic and whoring will save their empty lives.

    • “Lefties seem to really love the whole “look, this guy said this so you should believe it” thing. Almost as if they hold no personal beliefs of their own and rely exclusively on the statements of others to form their worldview. Kinda like cult followers.”

      By golly, I believe you have nailed the crux of the matter in only three sentences.

  3. The insanity of the left never ceases to amaze me!!! Guns are not the problem, the lack of morality is the problem. When they kicked prayer out of school in 1962 it has been downhill ever since!!! I blame the left wing liberals for all of this violence and killings! They teach kids that they many not know what sex they are or what bathroom to use. They teach them they are just animals a product of evolution with no moral standards. Liberals of today are destroying everything. Look at what Biden is doing now!!! God Help Us!!

    • As Bill Maher recently said, when schools kids from past generations were asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, the answer was a vocation (firefighter, doctor, mechanic, et al). Now the teachers ask in reference to sexual preference…

      (Haz flips a coin to see if this comment will be yet another that’s “held for moderation” and eventually ghosted…)

    • Yup!! I called it! My comment was held for moderation!

      TTAG is getting to be too predictable. Why waste my time writing my thoughts if they’ll just be ghosted so nobody can see them? I guess I’ll skip visiting the site until Monday now.

      • Y Haz to learn to spell. Kweer. Kunt. C0ck. Sh1t. Phaggot. You can get anything past the censors with a little effort. If you spelled seckshual correctly, you probably wouldn’t have been censored!

        • Geez, it’s kinda like if the left is too stoopid to figure something out and thus it fails to offend them in their tenders, it’s good to go! Buncha idiots.

  4. I always take my advice from emotionally overwrought twits who are desperately seeking their additional 15 minutes of fame

  5. Again, a lot of inflaming words by the ignorant intended to pluck heart strings and stir emotion of the ignorant.

    Aside from the whole thing being a mixture of lies, this in particular stands out to me …

    “It’s important to point out that no major gun violence prevention organization advocates preventing law-abiding citizens from being able to buy guns. The idea of jack-booted agents going from door to door to confiscate guns is a paranoid fantasy — and a third lie — spread by the gun lobby.”

    1. All “major” so-called “gun violence prevention organization advocates” support a ban of some type or all guns (e.g. so called ‘ghost guns’) or restrictions that amount to “preventing law-abiding citizens from being able to buy guns” either due to imposing draconian and unconstitutional restrictions or making the price so high most can not afford them or trying to sue gun manufacturers out of business or hold them accountable for misuse by mentally ill people.

    2. The idea of jack-booted agents going from door to door to confiscate guns is NOT a paranoid fantasy. Its happened many times in U.S. history in some form, everything from misapplied ‘red flag’ type laws to other events such as minorities having their guns confiscated. The British did it in revolutionary war era, the latest event was during Hurricane Katrina when New Orleans City police and military deployed to the area went door to door and confiscated guns and in some cases used force to do so. There has been and remains plans of desire by Bidens administration and some city and state governments to implement a “mandatory buyback” which is another term for “if you don’t sell it to us we will come and get it”

    then this…

    “The two mass shooters in Buffalo and in Uvalde both legally bought assault weapons right after turning 18.”

    No, they did not “legally bought assault weapons”. There were no “assault weapons” used in Buffalo or Uvalde. There were normal semi-auto firearms used, using the same technology and methods found in a lot of other semi-auto and non-semi auto firearms, using technology and methods that is over a century old.

    And then the use of the term “assault rifle”. As far as school shootings go;

    One story out of the several incidents each year that are thwarted or prevented by teachers or other school staff, one that comes to mind that was not thwarted before it started but was stopped by a school staff member with a gun is the incident at Pearl High School, near Jackson, Miss. On Oct. 1, 1997, a 16 year old student named Luke Woodham woke up, stabbed his mother to death, then came to the school campus carrying a .30-30 lever-action rifle. Joel Myrick was the assistant principal, when he heard the shots he ran to his truck (of course the police were also called) and retrieved his pistol then started to engage Woodham by taking aim but he did not fire out of fear of hitting someone in the background. Woodham saw Mr. Myrick aiming at him whihc caused him to run from the campus and get in his car and begin to drive away. Mr. Myrick ran after him on foot, the car spun out and came to a stop. Mr. Myrick had his gun trained on Woodham when the police arrived.

    With a .30-30 lever-action rifle, no 30 round magazine in an AR type rifle, Woodham killed two students, one of which was his former girlfriend, and wounded seven others before Mr. Myrick engaged him. There would have been more death and/or injury had Mr. Myrick not engaged Woodham.

    Despite this Mr. Myrick has a firm stance against arming school faculty members and says they don’t need to be in school in charge of protecting children. Yet, ignores that the law and society trust and moral obligation demands that children placed in care of school faculty members for the school day be protected by those school faculty members from harm while in the care of the school faculty members for a school day.

    There are more than 120 ‘school shooting’ related incidents each year across the U.S. that are stopped before they begin (where a student had planned to use a firearm to shoot students/staff) by a school faculty member (not school resource officers) with a gun or by physical means such as engaging the would be shooter hands on. They are not classed as school or mass shootings because the shooting did not actually start. They sometimes make the news in the guise of something like “a student was found with a gun in his backpack” or other wording. The schools, overall, don’t report it to the media …. and try to suppress the news getting out (at which they are surprisingly successful) by handing it as a “troubled kid” mental health incident in which details are not released due to various laws because its then medically related and involves a minor so school staff involved are ‘warned’ against talking about it so they don’t.

    If all the school shooting related incidents each year are aggregated, including the ones that were stopped before they began (where the student had planned to shoot students/staff), we find the MSR (an AR – what this author calls a “assault rifle’ which it isn’t) complained about was involved in less than 1% of all school shooting related incidents (actual and stopped before beginning) over the last 30 years but the incidents that make the news in such grand fashion are the ones in which an AR is used when the AR is overall the least likely subject firearm in school shooting related incidents.

    And, regarding school related violence incidents, over 33,000 students and school staff nationwide annually are violently attacked with knives, blunt objects, or hands and feet and ~9,000 of those die or are permanently disabled annually as a result but you rarely hear about it on the news and then its usually local news and not national, and they are swept under the table by use of quiet ‘settlements’ with the victims and families who must agree not to reveal the incident to get the settlements so they don’t reveal it. In other words over the last 30 years, annually, ~99.3% more students and school staff are injured or killed by use of knives, blunt objects, or hands and feet than were shot in all actual school shootings over the last 30 years. In 2021, there were over 3000 teachers/staff subjected to outright rape or other sexual assault or other violence in the nations classrooms during school hours – quiet ‘settlements’ happened and no one talks about it and only ~120 made the local news.

    If all the incidents each year are aggregated, including the ones that were stopped before they began (where the student had planned to shoot students/staff), we find that school faculty has stopped more than 90% of school shootings by use of some means in an immediate imminent sense other than waiting for a ‘school resource officer’ or police to arrive (even though they were contacted and did get involved after the incident was detected by a teacher or other staff member). Teachers are not only in the most advantageous position to detect a potential school shooting, or behaviors of a troubled kid which may lead to such violence, they are also more likely to be ‘on scene’ in an immediate/imminent sense to intervene to stop it before it begins.

    Yet with all the school related violence, overall nationwide, the media and politicians focus on the least used, and less likely to be used, implement they call the AR-15 and ‘assault rifle’.

    • Correction:

      “…~9,000 of those die or are permanently disabled annually…”

      Should have been …

      “… ~9,000 of those die or are permanently disabled or are seriously injured annually.. ”

      “In 2021, there were over 3000 teachers/staff subjected to outright rape or other sexual assault or other violence in the nations classrooms during school hours…”

      Should have been..

      “In 2021, there were over 3000 teachers/staff subjected to outright rape or other sexual assault in the nations classrooms during school hours…”

    • to booger brain our man in a straight jacket

      quote—————No, they did not “legally bought assault weapons”. There were no “assault weapons” used in Buffalo or Uvalde. There were normal semi-auto firearms used, using the same technology and methods found in a lot of other semi-auto and non-semi auto firearms, using technology and methods that is over a century old.———–quote

      The rantings of a deraigned paranoid lunatic. It takes about 1 second longer to empty an AR15 and about 2 seconds if you are slow. Great Britain last had a mass murder with firearms in 1996. Other countries like Canada, New Zealand and Australia passed legislation to address the problem of lunatics with assault rifles and they were largely successful.

      quote————-Despite this Mr. Myrick has a firm stance against arming school faculty members and says they don’t need to be in school in charge of protecting children.——-quote

      Only a Far Right nut case living in his own deraigned world would believe that teachers who by and large are civilized people and not part of the paranoid, vicious and sadistic gun culture would be skilled in the use of firearms. The chance of an accident or a teacher hitting a student in a firefight is what most likely would happen by arming teachers. Its pure stupidity, a hallmark of the Far Right and their nut case solutions.

      quote————–The schools, overall, don’t report it to the media ——-quote

      Out right Far Right fantasy and bold face lies. This type of incident goes right to the police and the report is made public. You see such incidents on the news all the time. Of course Booger Brain spends most of his time looking under beds for the Commies so he obviously does not watch accredited news programs.

        • Trooper,

          Not only would that be an environmentl disaster, to release that volume of stale s*** all at once, but dacian would cease to exist. One good evacuation of his bowels would end that poor boy, ’cause if dacian isn’t full of s***, he’s nothing.

      • dacian, the Dunderhead. As usual, you don’t know squat about the AR-15. You can’t possible empty an even 10 round magazine in one or two seconds. Even Houdini could have done it. I don’t give a rat’s behind bout Britain. They have mass stabbings there.
        You FAR Leftists seem to think that “gun free zones” work? LOL. Actually a “gun free zone” is a mass casualty zone. Now that is truly vicious and not to mention deranged.
        You don’t see the incidents where the school security worked and a school resource officer prevents entry of a “mass shooter”.
        Suggestion? Get your head out of your posterior.

      • “The rantings of a deraigned paranoid lunatic. It takes about 1 second longer to empty an AR15 and about 2 seconds if you are slow.”

        I would like to see you do this.

        “Only a Far Right nut case living in his own deraigned world would believe that teachers who by and large are civilized people and not part of the paranoid, vicious and sadistic gun culture would be skilled in the use of firearms. The chance of an accident or a teacher hitting a student in a firefight is what most likely would happen by arming teachers. Its pure stupidity, a hallmark of the Far Right and their nut case solutions.”

        No one is saying to arm all teachers. There are many who are disqualified from firearm possession. Oddly enough, they can still still teach children.

        However, there are teachers, some who are former military who would carry a firearm if given the opportunity. Those are the ones we should allow to carry.

        I find it odd you are concerned with a crossfire incident, but seem fine that the shooter is the only one armed and killing. Are you afraid your friends might be shot if a teacher is armed and stops them before they kill children?

  6. My guns will not protect me? I want Mr. Dix to break into my home and see how that works for him.

  7. “Lie” #1 confuses causation with association. People who live in very dangerous urban areas are more likely to die of homicide. They also are more likely to want a gun for self protection. Therefore it’s not a stretch to associate higher homicide chances with gun ownership. This statistic doesn’t address the type of gun owned or how accessible it really is. If someone owns a gun which generally isn’t immediately available because the local laws force them to keep it at home, and perhaps locked, it does them no good in a scenario where their life was threatened anywhere outside the home. But the fact that they “have access” by owning one and live in a dangerous area with high homicide rates still skew the statistics.

    So what about people who have actually immediate access to guns on their person and USE guns in self-defense, as opposed to other self-defense approaches?

    “Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).”

    “In the most recent of those studies, Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck and University of New Haven professor of criminal justice Jongyeon Tark, examined whether the defensive use of guns resulted in property loss, minor injury to a victim, or serious injury. Kleck and Tark found that using a gun reduced the risk of all three, and that injury resulted from self-protection with a gun in only 10 percent of cases.”

    “Lie” #2 ignores the fact that jack booted thugs sent by New Orleans police superintendent Edwin P. Compass III did go door-to-door illegally confiscating citizen firearms in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, when citizens needed them the most for protection from looters and criminals. Confiscation was a goal openly stated by anti-gun politicians for a long-time. Nowadays they are mostly careful not to mention it and will label anyone who has concerns about it as paranoid. Make no mistake, it is still very much the end goal.

    Never forget Senator Dianne Feinstein and “Mr & Mrs America, turn them all in”:

  8. Last weekend, I was at a high school graduation party and was taking with a nephew whom I had not seen since he was twelve years old. He is, now, 22. Also, at the table was a gregarious, talkative, but elderly aunt.

    We were talking about some current news stories when the aunt stated “We need to do something about all those assault weapons…it is terrible”. My nephew leaned in from across the table and began explaining that those rifles are not assault weapons. He went into great detail. When he finished, the aunt excused herself and went up to the buffet table.

    I turned to my nephew and said “You seem to be well educated in firearms”, to which he replied in a whisper “I am studying mechanical engineering. My goal is to be a weapons designer”. So we got to talking about guns. We had to do so in hushed tones since his parents are ‘anti-gun’ and would be horrified if the knew his true career intention and that he had already built two rifles and three hand guns (cleverly hidden at home).

    Since he lives in New Jersey, he does not get to shoot his homemade weapons, between the state restrictions and home-secrecy, so, I told him that the next time he comes out to PA, to let me know in advance and we will schedule some range time.

    This was a pleasant afternoon with an impressive nephew.

    • Sorry to hear that LifeSavor, imagine the enlightening discourse you two could have enjoyed if instead he was a young, woke leftist. Good for him.

  9. Meanwhile, according to The New York Times, “Six of the nine deadliest mass shootings in the United States since 2018 were by people who were 21 or younger, representing a shift for mass casualty shootings, which before 2000 were most often initiated by men in their mid-20s, 30s and 40s.”

    What’s with the “arbitrary” dates? Will no one notice they left out 17 years of data in order to come to their conclusion? These people should be laughed out of town.

    • As difficult as that is to miss, for us, they seem quite confident that their target audience will, indeed, miss it entirely. Again. Still.

  10. She missed the 7th and most important lie.

    This entire article.

    She made a lot of claims here but provided not one citation to back up her claim, not a single study that I could see.

    onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat

    • Mr. T……

      Always enjoy the Latin references. I studied Latin in high school and college. While all the other language students were learning how to say “Let’s go to the beach” and “Did you watch the game last night” we were reading Caesar’s Commentaries. “Omnia Gallia…..”

      • Yuor rememberer is off a bit. “Galia est omnia divisa in pertes tres, quorun unam est……..”

        and we had to be ready at all times to be called upon, stand, turn to page whatever (aleays at random, called out for us) and begin reading till “stop”, then translate what we just read. I was easily able to translate the cite above…..

        That and about two dollars ninety eight MIGHT get you a drinkable cup of coffee in SOME towns.

  11. The 6 lies told by the gun industry turned out to be just 6 more lies told by the advocates of tyranny.

    And now they’re announcing their future agenda. Video games and the entertainment industry are being targeted for their influence, They’re going to expand censorship. In addition they’re working up to increasing the age of adulthood to at least 25.

    If I was a young man I’d be furious at the fascist left for their obvious plotting. Hell. I’m an old man and I’m mad as hell for what they’ve done to my country.

    • jwm,

      “. . . they’re working up to increase the age of adulthood to at least 25.”

      Nah, it’s MUCH more insidious than that. They have no intention (as of today; if their numbers in the polls among young people keep slipping, that will change) of increasing the voting age, the age at which minors can get abortions without parental consent, or even, God forbid, puberty blockers and surgical mutliation to address mental issues like “transgenderism”. THOSE will be pushed lower, if possible.

      Now, what they (and let me be specific, by “they” I very specifically mean Leftist/fascists like dacian the stupid, MinorIQ, Malig-Nancy Pelosi, Joe “Pudding Brain” Biden, Schmucky Chucky Schumer, Jerry “I just s*** my pants” Nadler, Eric “Fangbanger” Swallowswell, Chris “I couldn’t tell the truth if you paid me to” Murphy, Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom, or any of the other Leftist/fascists doing their utmost to destroy what is left of a once-great country) REALLY intend to do is continue imposing “reasonable restrictions” on everything they disapprove of, are afraid of (like the 2A), or just find doesn’t benefit them. Wait ’til they increase the minimum age to purchase firearms to 30. Outlaw booze (but marijuana will be legalized). No, their agenda is very clear; they want to control every aspect of your life, INCLUDING how you are allowed to raise your own children. To paraphrase an old meme: “All your children are belong to us!”

  12. Just another self-proclaimed “expert” who really doesn’t know what he is talking about and serves his lies on a plate laced with emotional diatribe designed to evoke sympathy for his claims. And not once did this guy bring up anything about how the person perpetrating the crime is actually responsible for their own actions. In the UK, someone just tried to run into a group of people with a car with intent to kill. Not long ago there was a mass killing in Chine where a wacko went beserk and killed 12 people with a machete before they brought him down. I’m a systems engineer. and every day I deal with problem issues and we have a stringent process for determining ROOT CAUSE. In all the emotional tears and yelling against guns, it is few and far between you hear a professional opinion say anything about root cause. Not to mention the dangers to our liberties these politicians jump to violate where their solutions have shown to have no statistical effect on the murder rates.

    I still advocate for state laws that allow for the prosecution and removal and barring from office any federal, state, or local government person found guilty of trying to pass unconstitutional policy as well as obligating them to reimburse the injured parties for any expenses resulting from such activity in violation of their oath of office.

    • Do not discount such “experts”!

      What they are becoming increasingly expert at is the ability to present their anti-gun arguments in a fashion that seems reasonable and palatable to people who agree with them or are on the fence but do not have a lot of personal knowledge regarding the issue.

      Presenting plausible lies to a relatively ignorant and emotional audience, especially in the aftermath of horrific mass murder events, is what propaganda is all about.

      We were not the target demographic so of course there are people here who immediately and convincingly counter every one of his carefully worded claims, but the people the article was written for do not have the background information necessary to discern the careful distortion of facts, statistics and emotional appeals used to disguise the writer’s true agenda.

  13. Gun control bot talking points patch 6.9.2022-1 just completed instillation please reboot and allow changes to complete.

  14. Six deadly misrepresentation of facts bu gun control advocates

    There, I fixed the title for you.

  15. My guns will not protect me? OMG too late! That ship sailed decades ago, though I did have to take that one to market and sell it off to someone who could train it to behave better since it didn’t leap out of the holster and shoot those bad guys dead! Neither it nor any of its replacements have ever shot me, not even the famously mean and ill-tempered AR next to my bed!

    • Yeah, Rusty, but keep your eyes on that DEADLY AR . . . those tricky b***ards will jump up and shoot you when you least expect it!!! I know this for a fact, ’cause Shannon “Low” Watts told me so!

  16. Why is this bull on this site? I thought it was called the Truth About Guns. I don’t want to see this crap! If I did I’d have MSNBC and CNN on my browser

  17. Each one of this anti-gun radical’s “points” are stupid renditions of the anti-gun radicals positions.
    Tell ’em to stuff it!

  18. In the average time it took for this fool to “publish” the insanity presented…. over 7,000 people daily nationwide disproved the false assertions made by staying alive due to defensive gun use.

    This author would rather they had died.

    • My youngest son would most likely be deceased had it NOT been for his ability to purchase and own an AR.

      He purchased at 19, used to stop and hold a pair of armed home intruders at 20.

      People like Dix are scum. Don’t be like ‘d!cks’.

  19. Ok,
    45 thousand people were kill by guns in 2020. Well that’s ALL the CDC has to say or was that all the original writer had to say?

    How many of them were gang members, BLM/Antifa idiots, murderous felons let out early, or drug addicted junkies not thinking clearly?

    I think that shutting down the entire country made it possible to see aspects of our society that were always there but hidden. I also think that a very big part of all this is a direct result of left wing lunacy and the linguini spines in the Republican Party to do anything about it.

  20. The article should be called the 6 Lies Gungrabber Keep Using. I could refute them, but it would take longer than the article. It would include correlation not being causation, cherry-picking data/time frames, ignoring the personal right to own guns in the 1857 Dred Scott decision, their ignorant hysteria about “assault weapons,” erc.

  21. Dix and the left do not think for themselves and that is one of the root causes of their lies. Couple a lack of genuine concern with their lies and you have a group of people who really don’t care about anyone else’s safety. Talk is cheap and Dix and the left have far too much.

  22. I change out my magazines every month. I’ve heard you dont have to but I’m always trying to make things last as long as possible. You never know when you wont be able to find a replacement.
    Kinda why I like them wind up drums, man they are bulky though.

    • Possum, this datum point says to me that you might possibly not have enough magazines in yer collection…



        • Pro2A, yeah, while it sounds like I lifted it from Joe ‘Depends’ Biden’s teleprompter, it was in reference to ntexass’s previous assertion that only those over 21 need bother to apply in this brave new world. Not a sentiment I think either you or I would agree with. (You prob know this, I was just unsure of your meaning)

  24. This writer needs to cite the source of her stats. From my college class in statistics, you can make statistics say anything you want them to say, depending on the statistics you take and include in your list.

  25. “But compared to people without firearm access, those with access to firearms are about twice as likely to die in homicides, and three times as likely to die by suicide. If guns really provided protection, our nation, which is home to more guns than people, would have lower homicide and suicide rates.”

    1. We do have lower homicide rates. Its just not in the context of gun control you would prefer. Everyday across the U.S. we have ~7,000 less homicides because people were able to employ defensive gun use (DGU) to stop the threat, that’s millions of less homicides every year. Firearms are the reason the homicide rate is not higher.

    2. We do have lower suicide rates in relation to guns, because suicide is not due to guns in the first place and is caused by adverse mental health ‘conditions’. The method to carry out that metal health issue driving force to end ones own life can be many things. But in the context of methods, for example, over 100,000 people 1 June 2021 to 1 June 2022 used drug overdose when they finally enacted that adverse mental health driven drive to end their lives. The suicide rate is due to mental health issues, not guns, and overall guns are the least likely method employed for suicide. Suicide has nothing to do with protection by firearm, its got everything to do with adverse mental health issues.

    3. As for guns providing protection…. millions of people live annually because they used a firearm for protection.

    According to Kleck’s “Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America” – the leading authority on the subject and referenced and used by the DOJ:

    1. Any form of resistance, except with firearm, carries with it an injury rate of 52%.

    2. Resistance with a firearm carried with it the risk of injury of 17%, but use of a firearm early in an encounter carries with it a risk of injury of 6%.

    Overall, in Kleck, you have a minimum of a 25% chance of being injured if you comply, but you are 4 time less likely to be injured if you have your firearm and are prepared to use it.

    Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%

    If you are armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 25%?
    if you are not armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 52%?

    Compliance or not, resistance or not – is not a decision one needs to make. The answer is already provided, non-compliance via firearms resistance offers the best chance of less injury. But if you want, you can roll the dice and take the chance of being a good-n-dead witness.

    • and… from my own personal experience… several times in my life I’ve had to employ DGU, and it provided the protection needed and was for a fact protective.

  26. Anyone who uses the term “convicted felon” immediately goes into the too-stupid-to-pay-attention-to pile.

    • I’ve been saying that for years. If we, the legal gun owners were really the problem there wouldn’t be any leftists causing all this crap.
      Mmmmm……..I got an idea…….

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