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Fake mass-shooting data has infected the medical community for awhile now, and the infection is spreading. As soon as one anti-gun doctor publishes flawed research, another like-minded physician will piggyback on the previous study. It’s almost like the children’s telephone game, because the final message is always pretty far from the truth.

Too many health care professionals see their role as anti-gun advocates rather than primary care providers. They want to gaslight the public into believing firearms constitute a public health crisis, so they can quiz their patents about gun ownership in the hopes they can guilt them into relinquishing their guns.

The latest fake news, which was published by Advances in Pediatrics, was titled: “A Review of Community-Based Gun Violence Prevention Programs and the Physician’s Role.”

Paige J. DeBlieux, MD, was the lead author. It should be noted that Dr. DeBlieux graduated from the University of South Florida’s medical school just last year.

DeBlieux and her three coauthors let readers know right away that their report is based on fake data from a debunked source, and therefore not worth the pixels used to post it on the website.

“According to the Gun Violence Archive, an independent research and data collection organization established in 2013, injury and death by nonsuicide-related GV has nearly doubled since 2014,” the report states.

The Gun Violence Archive has been debunked more than a dozen times just on this site alone. Even some in the gun-ban industry have moved on from the GVA and are using other, less-notorious data sources. The GVA uses an overly broad definition of a mass shooting, which creates inflated statistics designed to hoodwink the public. For example, according to the GVA’s all-inclusive definition, there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI says there were 30, because it uses a much narrower and more realistic definition. Pretty big difference.

The highlight of DeBlieux’s research is that physicians should intrude in their patients’ lives by questioning them about firearms. This was music to the ears of Cameron Nereim, MD, who works at the University of South Florida – Dr. DeBlieux’s alma mater – as an adolescent and young adult medicine specialist.

Dr. Nereim used DeBlieux’s research to further his own personal agenda – that firearms constitute a “public health problem.”

“It’s increased over the past decade to two decades in particular. What we’ve seen is, since 2014, there’s been this spike in the rates of non-suicide related firearm injuries, in particular, among children and adolescents,” Nereim is quoted as saying in a story published earlier this month by WUSF, the National Public Radio affiliate located on the USF campus.

Nereim told WUSF that DeBlieux’s report “encouraged physicians to incorporate discussions about firearm safety in routine patient visits, including talking about safe storage and usage.” However, Nereim didn’t stop there. He wants doctors to become anti-gun advocates.

“I think that there’s a lot of really innovative and effective solutions that are out there, and I think as clinicians we can be part of the advocacy, to bring these programs and these potential interventions, to break the cycle of violence within communities, and to also to effectively communicate that violence is not the answer,” he said.

Nereim’s CV mentions nothing about any firearm or firearm safety expertise. He did not return call or emails seeking his comments for this story.


“Gun safety” is the term public health activists use when they actually mean “gun control,” according to Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. The DRGO was founded in 1994 in response to “a coordinated public health campaign against gun rights.”

Today, the DRGO is a nationwide network of doctors, health professionals and others who support the right to keep and bear arms.

John Edeen, MD, is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who serves as DRGO’s membership director. He takes a dim view of physicians quizzing their patients about firearms.

“They have absolutely no qualification to do that,” Edeen said Tuesday. “They are trying to disarm their patients. All of this is coming from academia. It’s all politically motivated.”


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  1. New day, same old story. I will be surprised if this “advocacy” makes it into my community. Maybe the pediatricians, but most of the child deaths in this community, outside of disease, are child abuse by parents too young to have kids in the first place and unable to deal with the stress of a crying baby. Pretty sad actually.

    • “pediatrician” is a new age BS “specialty” not worth of note. As phony as “pshrink”. Any GP that can’t deliver a baby and treat it thru adult is not a real DR.

        • This guy might be a dumbass but it has nothing to do with his generation my little millenial or zombie. I’ve been young but you’ve never been old. I know more than you’ll learn in your life so shove that boomer crap up your ass.

  2. Oh yeah I’ve been asked about gats…and obtrusive questions about suicide,depression & drugs/booze. I’ve left that Medicare group. Looking for a new doctor who isn’t a shill(pretty uncommon). I NEVER divulge gat owning or “mental health” BS.

    • During the recent Chy-Nah “virus” and Monkeypox scares after the usual queries about foreignntravel etc. my GP got to the question on the Pridepox, he didn’t even ask but started chuckling and said “Never-mind” I said “you were going to ask the Monkeypox (risky sex practices) question weren’t you?”. We both had a good laugh. Here in SW VA the docs would be surprised someone DIDN’T own a firearm hell even my dentist carries.

  3. A doctor looking at a healthy patient who has no urge for sex change and/or face lift, no substance abuse issues…

    “Hmm, another dead end revenue-wise. Let’s try some gun questions, maybe we can get something going.”

    Nah, nobody would do that.

    • Correct response to Doc question about guns : “I’m a Quaker and abhor all violence”.

      Otherwise, you will end up in a “Special” category and live to regret it.

  4. Uh…Venture over to your state board of medical examiners and see the number of quacks in the medical field…These people have no podium, and with doctors it’s strictly business and just in case do know where to find a reputable malpractice attorney, chances are you’ll need one from another state licensed to practice in your state…too many of the local ratbassturds are in bed together.

  5. I’ve posted this before… my Dr. once asked me if I had any firearms in the house. I replied in a hushed voice, “What kind of firearm do you need?”

    He moved along.

  6. If I ever have that conversation I’m going to ask what the dr. is doing to reduce the CDC estimated 250-400,000 deaths yearly from malpractice.

    • AMA Admits 250,000 deaths. Trial Lawyers Claim 480,000. Average = 365,000.
      One Thousand Malpractice Deaths Every Day, Day In, Day Out.

  7. I am here to let you know, we are not all that way. I graduated from USF’s internal medicine program. That are lots of dumb shit-heels like this physician in medicine. But not all of us. Not all of us are brainwashed by the corporations that have taken over medicine and drive all of the other crap in this world.

    • My son graduated USF Med School late 20 teens. They are worse than you admit. Not only doI know firsthand with my son, but also have to deal with a few fucktards at the VA.

      • Only those that graduated a US medical school in the last 10 years or so. The older docsand the ones that went to school in Asia, India, the Philippines specially, still have good bedside manner and know how to take a proper patient history.

  8. GVA uses a purely statistical threshold to define mass shooting based ONLY on the numeric value of 4 or more shot or killed, not including the shooter. GVA does not parse the definition to remove any subcategory of shooting. To that end we don’t exclude, set apart, caveat, or differentiate victims based upon the circumstances in which they were shot.
    GVA believes that equal importance is given to the counting of those injured as well as killed in a mass shooting incident.

    The FBI does not define Mass Shooting in any form. They do define Mass Murder but that includes all forms of weapon, not just guns.

    In that, the criteria are simple…if four or more people are shot or killed in a single incident, not including the shooter, that incident is categorized as a mass shooting based purely on that numerical threshold.

  9. “Paige J. DeBlieux, MD, was the lead author. It should be noted that Dr. DeBlieux graduated from the University of South Florida’s medical school just last year.”

    Sounds like DeSantis needs to include medical schools in his “where woke goes to die.”

    While he’s at it, medical licensing needs reform.

    • I wonder who did Paige DeBlieux blow to get ziz/zers degree or did ze/zim “munch”?

  10. Gee, my doctor tells me about the bear he shot in Alaska with a suppressed 7 PRC.
    When I went to get a second opinion the other doctor told me their tooling up for the Zombie Apocalypse.
    Neither one could fix my affliction called
    Terminal Bidenomics.
    For those whom cannot find good doctors you can lie you know.
    Like both of you jumping up and down chanting ” I hate gunms.”

    • The fiancee’s cardiologist here in SW VA was upset he forgot to apply for either his moose or elk tag, it was the first season he missed in over twenty years. He commutes back to Oregon to live & hunt on his days off.

  11. I’ve never been asked about guns by my doc. I guess I’d ask if he wanted to go to the range with me.

  12. My DR kinda shocked me when he said he was “conservative” I almost brought up fyrearms but held back thinking that don’t necessarily mean he’s into that. He also could have been baiting me into admitting my interests. He’s kinda woowoo new age type. I certainly didn’t tell him I was carrying during the exam!

    • Never tell anyone about your guns, except for a trusted sibling or good friend.
      That Doc probably thought he was outwitting you.

    • Only those that graduated a US medical school in the last 10 years or so. The older docsand the ones that went to school in Asia, India, the Philippines specially, still have good bedside manner and know how to take a proper patient history.

  13. If any doctor asks me if I own any guns, I will tell him: IT’S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS.

  14. My old doctor has since retired, he was great, he always liked seeing me, all we talked about was hunting. He would show me pictures on his phone of his trophy room. Very impressive. It’s because of him, I picked up a used Ruger 300 RUM. A rifle that can take about everything on the planet.

    I now have a new doctor that went full retard on the EV spectrum. he has two EV’s, a tesla and a new Ford Lightning. But he’s not a total idiot, he kept an old suburban so he can actually go places.

    If I saw a question if I own a gun on a medical check in sheet, my reply would be “What do you recommend”?

  15. What’s the point of the long march through the institutions if they don’t then use those institutions for their political objectives?

  16. If they’re so concerned about harm inflicted on the public, perhaps they need to harkin back to a time where they pledged “. First do no harm”…. Hey boys and girls, turns out the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE is by far and away the leading cause of preventable death in the US since the 1950s. Anyone else aware of that? In 1986, Dr. Lucien Leape, a Harvard M.D., actually confirmed it in a landmark study. Nothing has changed since then, except the number of deaths have astronomically INCREASED. I guess if the COVID scamdemic didn’t wake people up, they’ll remain asleep.

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