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By Dr. John Edeen

What do you do when your doctor asks if you own a gun?

You are at the pediatrician’s office for a routine well child visit. Maybe you just moved to a new town. The nurse hands you the standard paperwork with the questionnaire pertaining to your child’s health. You start filling out the form and right there . . . question number 14 . . . “Do you have a gun in the home?” It’s right after the question about swimming pools and right before the one about household cleaner storage.  What do you answer?

First, the presence of this question is no accident. In the 1980s and 1990s professional medical organizations declared a culture war on gun ownership. This includes the American Medical Association, American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Pediatricians.

The incoming AMA president in 2001 stated, “What we don’t know about violence and guns is killing us…researchers do not have the data to tell how kids get guns, if trigger locks work, what the warning signs of violence in schools and at the workplace are and other critical questions due to the lack of research funding”.

The AAP’s 2012 position statement is typical. It advocates removing guns from homes and communities. It advocates for the strictest possible legislative and regulatory approach to prevent firearms injuries and deaths. It recommends counseling patients about the dangers of allowing children and adolescents access to guns in and out of the home. It advocates for safe storage and gun locks but preferentially recommends complete removal of firearms from the home.

They state that the presence of firearms in the home increases the risk of lethal suicidal acts among adolescents. They advise counseling parents to remove or restrict access to guns, especially when children with mood disorders, substance abuse or prior suicide attempts reside in the home. They further advocate consumer product regulation regarding child access, “safety” and firearm design. They also advocate that law enforcement track legally owned firearms.

They further push for regulations aimed at illegal sales to minors. They claim that evidence supports the effectiveness of regulation of firearms that limit the access to children. They also want decreased destructive power of handguns and ammunition, “smart gun” technology and safe storage. They encourage legislative actions including waiting periods, closure of the “gun show loophole”, mental health restrictions and background checks. They also want the “assault weapons” ban restored.

The AAP is pushing for the funding of research aimed at prevention of firearms injury. They also encourage the education of physician and professionals interested in the effects of firearms and how to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with their use.

It is important to note that the establishment public health and medical communities fail to account for the up to 2.4 million defensive gun uses annually. They also inflate the number of “gun violence” deaths by 200% by including suicide by firearms. They typically ignore the research of the criminologist and economist community. Also, much of what the AAP is asking for is already law. Unfortunately, the medical community will be unable to answer the question of “gun violence”.

Their focus is on the gun and not the violent actor. They can urge passage of all kinds of restrictions and laws that affect law-abiding citizens, but they are naïve to think that the criminals will obey their laws and obtain firearms via supervised legal channels. Thus, the aim of gun control is not the gun but control.

The AMA, ACP and AAP have aggressively campaigned for doctors to advise patients to get rid of guns. We must understand some very important facts:

  1. Doctors receive absolutely no training about firearms safety, mechanics or tactics in medical school or residency.
  2. Gun ownership is a civil right. A doctor’s abuse of his position of trust to pressure you to give up that civil right is professionally and morally wrong. You DO NOT have to tolerate it.
  3. As a consumer, you have great power in the physician-patient relationship. USE IT.

This type of unprofessional behavior by some physicians led to Florida’s Firearm Owners Privacy Act in 2011. This law was enacted to stop physicians from misusing their position to push a political agenda. This abuse of authority is called an “ethical boundary violation”.

  1. The 2011 FOPA forbade physicians from pressing patients to give up their firearms or otherwise propagandizing using the doctor-patient relationship.
  2. It precluded routine documentation of firearm ownership.
  3. It did not preclude inquiring when relevant to patient care, safety concerns or unstable person’s access.
  4. It did not forbid doctors to provide general information.

Unfortunately, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court overturned the law in February 2016. The only provision upheld was that gun owners cannot be treated differently simply because they are gun owners. Also, no patient can be turned away when seeking medical care because the doctor does not approve of his answers to gun ownership questions.

In response to this, David Codrea, in his February 22, 2017, Ammoland article, “Pro-Gun Owner Physicians Decry ‘Docs vs. Glocks’ Ruling” introduced us to his Firearms Safety Counseling Representation: Physician Qualifications and Liability Form. The form was developed in collaboration with the late Joe Horn, LA County Sheriff’s office, Retired, Risk Management Specialist.

In Part One: Qualifications, it asks physicians to list their specific courses of study and certification/accreditation for giving firearms safety advice in the home. It asks physicians to certify that they have reviewed the applicable scientific literature pertaining to defensive gun use and beneficial results of private gun ownership.

They are also asked whether they have reviewed other relevant home safety issues with the patient including: electricity, drains, disposals, compactors, garage doors, driveway safety, gas, broken glass, stored cleaning chemicals, buckets, toilets, sharp objects, garden tools, home tools, power tools, lawn mowers, lawn chemicals, scissors, needles, forks, knives, etc.

The doctor is then asked to state:

“I represent that I have sufficient data and expertise to provide expert and clinically sound advice to patients regarding firearms in the home.


I am knowingly engaging in home/firearms safety counseling without certification, license or formal training in Risk Management, and have NOT reviewed applicable scientific literature pertaining to defensive gun use and beneficial results of private firearms ownership.”

Part II: Liability asks physicians to document whether their malpractice insurance covers such counseling and to accept liability for any injury or death that results from patient following their advice. A “Yes” to either question is highly unlikely.

DRGO’s advice is as follows:

  1. Politely refuse to answer the question.
  2. If the question appears on your health plan questionnaire, file a formal complaint with the health plan.
  3. If the heath plan responds with the excuse that their questions about your guns are standard medical practice that they must follow, file a complaint with the state agency that regulates health plans.
  4. If the doctor persists in asking intrusive questions about guns in your home, you can file a complaint against him or her with the health plan.
  5. You can rate the physician on an internet rating site such as, etc.
  6. Medicare and insurance companies will often tie reimbursement rates with patient satisfaction surveys. You may have an impact if you report the unethical behavior regarding your guns to the payor.
  7. If the conduct is especially offensive, you can submit a complaint to the State Medical Board for an ethical boundary violation. This is a serious accusation and will be addressed by the Medical Board.

However, I have some advice myself as well:

  1. You can choose to lie or shade the truth. “I don’t own ‘a’ gun”, Tom Gresham of Gun Talk radio has said numerous times. “It is not a sin to lie to somebody who doesn’t have the right to know the truth.” Remember, in the age of electronic medical records, the government and who knows who else have access to your records. They can and eventually will be used as a backdoor gun registry.
  2. Have David Codrea and Joe Horn’s Liability Questionnaire handy when you go for a medical appointment.
  3. You have the option to fire the doctor and seek care elsewhere. DRGO has a matching service for helping find Second Amendment friendly providers. It is called and is free and confidential.
  4. You can report the anti-gun zealots to their State Medical Boards for their Ethical Boundary Violations.
  5. Please visit to find more resources regarding this and other Second Amendment related medical topics.


Dr. John Edeen is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in San Antonio, TX and is active in seeking the right to carry for qualified hospital staff. He is Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership’s membership director.

This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission. 

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  1. I leave it blank. If they question it, I don’t answer. Works. The other method is to write N/A in ink next to the response.

  2. What do you do if they ask; one of two things:
    1) Lie. It’s none of their business so I feel no moral obligation to tell them the truth, especially knowing it will be used against me later if they can find any way to.
    2) Find a new Dr. It’s doubtful this particular Dr. is the only game in town.

    • Turn the tables on them. Ask them personal, non-relevant questions:

      – When was the last time you had invasive anal sex? Did you use a condom?
      – Can I have a copy of your tax records for the last 5 years?
      – When did you stop injecting / snorting heroine?
      – etc. get creative

      None of your FGD business. Now fix my ingrown toenail.

  3. Even if you have or find a 2A-friendly physician who knows you have a gun in the home, can (will or must) he/she include that info in your patient information, thereby making it party of your medical record?

  4. I was asked a couple of years ago by the nurse that comes in first asking all of the other questions. Before I could say anything, she said you don’t have to answer that.

  5. I’d reflexively say no. Leaving aside the fact that going to medical school teaches you precisely dick about firearms, it’s no one’s business but my own whether I own a firearm or not.
    Besides, I’m sure any answer other than no would be considered a de facto yes on any such records.

  6. How about a simple NO, it’s not a congressional hearing you’re not under oath they can’t send you to prison for 7 to 9 years so screw em, it’s none of their business…..

  7. I’ve never been asked, although if I was I would just say no, trying not to smirk at the fact that I in fact had one on me at the time (or lightly concealed in my pile of clothes in the corner If I was already undressed

    • I had a physical towards the end of last year for work and when the ‘drop your drawers’ part came up I informed the Dr. I was carrying a firearm and would need to remove it. Well, apparently I conceal it very well because the Dr. kinda stood there stunned, like she REALLY wasn’t expecting that. She didn’t make a big deal of it though and I just kinda laughed to myself at her reaction.😂

      • I’m surprised you still had it on in the doctor’s office. Here, if I did that, I’d be hauled off to jail. It is illegal to carry inside churches, medical facilities, schools, etc.

  8. Had my doctor ask me that directly once. I told him it’s none of his business, left the exam room, got my medical records and left. I know have a doctor that asks questions that pertain to my visit. No idle chit chat, straight to business. I like that.

  9. As a physician/surgeon myself I tell my wife to just put N/A. We know about gun safety and more about firearms than all the pediatricians I have met. I personally feel they need to focus more on childhood obesity and preventing head trauma which kills more kids yearly.

    I only discuss firearms with patients when we are talking about which next purchase to add to the collection.

    • Doctors need to remain “in their lane”. Medical malpractice kills more individuals annually than all gun deaths…even the inflated anti-gunner numbers.

  10. You can also tell the truth. I’m an adult. I have no need to lie to my doctor about anything.

    When we had one of our first kid’s first pediatrician visit, my wife asked something about the nuances of formula brands or baby food or something like that. He basically cut her off and said , “all the major brands are the same. What I really care about is whether you have a swimming pool, whether your house is child proofed, and whether your kid is up on her vaccinations. Those are the things that make a difference.”

    If your pediatrician ignores the big ticket items to go on a political tear, then its time to get a new doc.

    • until your doctor is an anti-gun liberal and decides to red flag you as a POSSIBLE threat to yourself and/or your family… Try to get your life back to normall after that… Whether or not you own a gun has nothing to do with your physical health which should be your doctors only concern.. personal possessions should be of no concern to any physician…

      • “until your doctor . . .decides to red flag you as a POSSIBLE threat to yourself and/or your family”
        Who said anything about this? I agree that false reporting should be prosecuted for the crime that it is (false declaration is perjury), but this isn’t an issue here.

        “personal possessions should be of no concern to any physician…” Child proofing a home is pretty standard fare for any doctor counselling a pediatric patient. It’s an appropriate conversation to have. Railing on about gun control is obviously not. I would have no problem with a doc saying: “Ok good, no pool. Anything else dangerous that you have around the house, medications, poisons, power tools, guns, keep ’em out of reach.”

  11. Just lie. Fuck ’em, if they’re going to betray the integrity of the relationship in order to fellate an outside political cause, they’re not entitled to your honesty. You decide what’s relevant, you are the final arbiter of the care you receive, you are not obligated to play their game.

    Remember, the quack across the table from you is part of an organization whose members kill over a quarter million Americans every single year through their own incompetence. He has incomprehensible amounts of blood on his hands. You have none. You owe him nothing.

  12. My favorite question on “the questionnaire” was – Do you wear a motorcycle helmet? I always answer no. My doctor gave me a short lecture on motorcycle safety one appointment to which I commented – but I don’t ride motorcycles…

  13. Happened once a few years ago, doc asked me if I owned guns. I replied with a question “Are you still able to sexually satisfy your wife?” He turned red-faced and a bit upset “EXCUSE me?!?”. I replied “I’m sorry, I thought this was the part of the interview where we asked each other personal questions that aren’t any of our business and have nothing to do with my medical care”. Needless to say found a new doctor.

  14. I’ve never been asked and, of course, don’t volunteer such information. If they really wanted an answer, I think I would reply in the affirmative and be prepared to counter a lecture about the dangers of firearm ownership. My attitude would be that I’m the expert when it comes to firearms and the doctor needs to learn from me.

  15. Answer with “No. I used to but a year or so back I was most of the way through a 12 pack and a pint of rum when I needed to move my backhoe… which started a largish fire… before the trench collapsed… just before the power lines came down… while I was trying to relight my joint… at that that point the fire spread to a couple of adjoining structures… which created a small flood due to the burst pipes… which is just before I dropped the heroin rig under the gas pedal… probably because I took my eyes off the neighbor’s kids… So, long story short, my guns were destroyed and insurance hasn’t paid out because I didn’t have riders…”.

    It’s more entertaining than ya’ll talking about boats.

  16. My GP and I both go to the same range and have tried out each other’s guns a couple of times over the years. So that cat is out of the range bag.

  17. I leave it blank. Do the same thing when they ask for your social security number.

    After our first kid, we missed a bill from one for the various labs, ridiculously small amount. It went off to a collection agency that then made an illegal report to the credit bureaus. Of course it got removed after a few months, but the lesson there, don’t give the doctors office your SS, leave it blank.

  18. “The nurse hands you the standard paperwork with the questionnaire pertaining to your child’s health. You start filling out the form and right there . . . question number 14 . . . ‘Do you have a gun in the home?’ It’s right after the question about swimming pools and right before the one about household cleaner storage. What do you answer?”

    Don’t answer ANY of those unrelated questions.

  19. I was asked this by a pediatrician about 20 years ago. Actually, we didn’t have any firearms in our apartment at the time, so it was an honest “no.”

    • I was just going to say the same thing. Technically you are not lying to the question do you own “A” Gun. I also own more than one!

      • Clinton-like parsing. I won’t swear I’d never do it, but I would feel like I needed a shower after.

  20. Our pediatrician looked at me with surprise, when he looked down at the questionnaire and found that I had answered with, please stick to questions about my child’s health, this has nothing to do with that. I have filled out the form since then and have found that the firearm question was removed. I live in Texas, I guess I wasn’t the only one who wrote in a response…🤣😂😅😂😂😂😅

  21. Pretty much everything introduces risk into your life.

    Any sport could cause physical injuries or even a fatal heart attack. And just about any sport also produces health benefits from exercise and a countermeasure to stress.

    We could also say pretty much the same for just about any hobby or utilitarian object/activity.

    If a physician is Hell-bent on demonizing firearm ownership, ask him/her to explain the benefits as well as the drawbacks and assist with a risk versus benefit analysis. They might be surprised to learn that the benefits outweigh the risks in many instances.

  22. Mine told me he was required to ask but not to write it down. We then proceeded to discuss guns and ammo the next 30 mins.

  23. I either don’t answer, or lie, because they don’t any right to ask that. If they press, I tell them to mind their own damn business.

  24. Well I’m at the medicare age. I have been asked. My answer is “what’s this gun you speak of”? They also ask BS about depression & suicide. And domestic violence. No little kid’s in the home. I volunteer NOTHING..

  25. First fill in the question with N/A and then ask where you can find out how many of the 440,000 deaths very year from medical mistakes and errors the doctor is responsible for. This number has been confirmed by a number of organizations. Of the number of people who die in America each year 17% (2,700,000 X .17) are medical mistakes. The number who die by guns has been decreasing for years and at this time is 33,000/year of which 22,000 are suicides and studies show this number would not change much where there no guns, in fact suicides have been on a steady increase. Of the rest, 11,000, 65% are gang related and the rest are homicides and accidents. When it comes to semi-auto weapons (rifles & shotguns) (?assault weapons?) the number of deaths per year is down to less than 600. The number who drown per year is 3,800. Facts.

  26. My doctor never asks because she lives just above me and drives by my house several times per dayl She sees and hears me and my guns frequently.

  27. My wife worked for the head of a Psychiatric Hospital. Her boss was a psychiatrist. I know this may sound strange but he was one of the smartest people I have ever know. I was an LEO and he was very pro-law enforcement and I learned a tone from him in dealing with the mentally unstable. We also talked about children. The topic came up about denying children the chance to eat candy or other things. He stated that to just leave the candy out for them and they will monitor it themselves. He said they may eat a ton of it for a while but the novelty of it will wear off quickly and they will rarely eat any. He was correct. We left the Holloween candy in a bowl and threw it out at Easter time. Their friends would come over and two hand it down because they were not allowed at their homes. This even worked for them after a short while. As I thought about it, my dad was also an LEO. We knew that he kept his sidearm in the top drawer of his dresser. He would show us it, take us shooting and teach us to properly handle it whenever we wanted. There was never any mystic about guns at our home so we never even went to look at it when my dad wasn’t around. No need to as he would show us any time we asked. Gun safety starts at home with proper education and training. The majority of doctors do not have a clue on how to accomplish this and have no business in what I do at home. The government is not allowed in my home nor is my doctor.

    • I learned firearms safety first from my grand father and then from my father. Both were doctors and both believed the same as you said. Once you remove the novelty in the eyes of the child of the firearm, the child will go find some empty box to play with. I was introduced to firearms as a toddler, under responsible supervision, “Here, hold it, touch it, are you bored with it yet?” I did get their version of Cooper’s rules and they were strictly applied even to toy guns. I never had the curiosity to go play with the real firearms; I had my toy guns. There were more exciting things to play with in the world. When I was I my preteens, it was time for serious training. In addition to air rifles it was out to the range with hand guns, first .22LR then .38’s and finally .45acp in 1911. Later on came rifle lessons. Eventually magnums. It was, here kid we’ll teach all of it.

  28. While I’ve never been asked, I beat them to the punch. When I see a Dr. for the first time, especially if he/she is going to be seeing me on a regular basis (Medical Dr., Dentist ect) I ask them that exact same question. If I get a simple yes or no then no harm no foul If they become upset. I politely tell them that I am not a criminal because I own and use firearms. I then quietly get up and leave never to return, In addition, I also let my family and friends, who are also big on the 2nd amendment know about this medical professional and to avoid them because of their politics.

  29. Gun ownership is NOT a civil right!!!

    Gun ownership is a NATURAL right.

    Civil rights can be created, amended, infringed, and revoked.

    Natural rights can’t.

    How are we expected to preserve our rights if no one understands them?!

    • “How are we expected to preserve our rights if no one understands them?!”

      Ironic you ask this immediately after demonstrating that you don’t understand them.

      Owning a firearm is not a natural right any more than having big, powerful muscles is a Natural Right.

      Life is the natural right from which, through a couple of branches we get the legal right to own a gun. Defense of that Natural Right is a logical outgrowth of your Natural Right to Life. The right to use the best tools at your disposal grows from your right to self defense. Your right to own a gun grows from your right to do the best you can do to defend yourself.

  30. The only doctor who I talk about guns with is a mostly retired one I occasionally coach at shotgun range.

    About 15 years back I had a clay target come off thrower in pieces including backwards as I was about to shoot. I needed stitches at local hospital. I put it down as work accident rather than have someone call police for a shooting.

  31. I usually say, “I wouldn’t answer that even if I did.” But I know that all they write down is, “Declined.” That’s probably a worse red flag than a simple, “Yes.” Somewhere in the bowels of bureaucracy a faceless Acorn clone writes down, “The worst kind. Owns guns and knows his rights.”

  32. I’ve never been asked. But when one of my docs asked what I do for a living these days, I told him straight up. I sell guns. He responded by saying “I agree with the NRA. People who want a gun should have them.”

    I liked his statement so much, I let him stick his finger up my culo. Oh, I should mention that he’s my urologist checking my prostate.

    • Ralph, I got my first prostate exam while I was in the Trauma ward about a year back with a crushed ankle. And I wouldn’t mind another from her again.

      A drop-dead *gorgeous* 30-ish Haitian woman with most delightful Island accent.

      It was memorable since I was catheterized at the time and didn’t need a Kleenex afterwards. She kinda looked at me funny as I was chuckling to myself, so I explained I found the absurdity of the whole situation so humorous. She likely rightly found me a lunatic, but I found a mess-free prostate exam funny as hell, considering the circumstances of a leg swollen 3X the size and floating on Percoset… 😉

      • Same here! Sounds good to me! Better than some guy effeminate soy drinking guy asking you do the same! Hospitals in my area certainly are in no shortage in this department!

  33. I don’t answer questions that are going to be used by insurance companies, hospitals and government researchers. And eventually gun grabbers.
    I don’t put a social security number on the forms either.

  34. I took Nancy Reagan’s advice, and just said no and left it at that. I keep my gun ownership low key. When I head to the range, I put my stuff in the truck while in the garage. Why poke the bear.

  35. My old doctor was an angler who carried a magnum when he went fishing in Alaska… He never asked if I had guns…

  36. If a doctor is going to ask if I own a gun, they might as well ask if I own a car, which is infinitely more dangerous for and to both adults and minors.

  37. Don’t ever tell them that you ever smoked, even if you quit 45 years ago. The first question they ask is if I am still smoking……….. It really makes me angry and they usually don’t ask a second time. That and the 20 questions with faces on them to tell them about “how I feel”(designed to show that I am depressed). I circle all the smiley faces and leave the rest blank………
    It is like they are asking if I have stopped beating my wife/kids/dogs – it just makes me angry.

    • Oh, the medical community and insurance company blame game…Most Hospitals won’t tell you if they detect something unusual…. They secretly hide shit now a days… Another Big Brother Zone…Only geared to helping illegal Aliens… Run under DNC type politics…..Don’t be white, and part of the man splanning political spectrum…

  38. I asked my Dr. what he thought about guns being he is not from here and what he said was he thought it was great that we could have them an should keep them and the right because where he was from they could not own them but if I ever run into that problem with paperwork will put N/A because I don”t have any kids around if I have any of my grandchildren around there is none that they can get ahold of

  39. I had a family doctor in Orange Park, Florida that asked ownership on a questionnaire before it wasn’t cool to own a firearm. The next thing that happened was that my young son was questioned by him. The last straw was when my wife called me at work from the doctors office. They skipped over her a couple of times and when my wife questioned what was going on the doctor came out and gave her an anti gun lecture in the waiting room in front of all the other patients. Of course we changed doctors.
    This happened just months prior to Florida creating a law to bar doctors from questioning
    Patients about firearm ownership. Sad, that the Florida Supreme Court has overturned that law. God strike the AMA!!!
    Lucky for us our doctor going on 20 years now is also a pro 2A advocate, hunter, shooter and concealed carrier. My wife gets mad a me for using the last 10-15 minutes of my appointment to shoot the sh-t about the shooting sports with him. You may even see a number of NRA and shooting magazine s on the table of the waiting room? Also, soon after we left the anti doctor, the word got out from other patients as well and he is nowhere to be found now in OP, FL.

  40. For those readers who have not yet downloaded the


    from the article…you should. It is a hoot to read. I will have to take a copy with me to any new doctors that I “encounter” as I age. It is a two page download: the first is the Form and the second is an explanation and justification for the form. My thanks to Mr. Codrea and Mr. Horn for their ingenuity and creativity…and to Dr. J. Edeen for including it in his article.

  41. If the doctor asks if you own firearms, ask him or her, “Have you ever been sexually attracted to a child under the age of ten?” End of “conversation”.

    • I would have asked, “Are you still attracted to children under the age of ten?” and ,”Are you still beating your significant other?” and “When did you stop sexually gratifying your intimate partner?”

  42. Will Connect Patients with Gun-Friendly Providers

    Physicians swear to certain ethics & commit boundary violations by pressing anti-gun messages on patients or asking about gun ownership!

    Always tell them u don’t own guns or inform them they are committing boundary violation unless they are experts in the gun world have have advanced degrees in firearms & crime!

    U may want to remind them Doctors cause over 440,000 deaths a year through medical mistakes & guns save more than 3,000,000 lives a year!

  43. Massachusetts has been doing this very thing. Especially in Hospital Emergency Rooms. A Lot of Private Hospitals are anti civil rights. The local hospital in my are is more like checking into a ‘court house or prison’. With armed private guards screening people for ‘ weapons or contraband’ at metal detector checkpoints. All carrying ‘ Big Police State Attitudes’! Don’t get caught with toe nail clippers or Grammy’s Knitting needles! Police State, its where your at! Tyranny, its where you’ll be!

  44. Unless I have a gun shot wound or the gun is inserted into a body part it doesn’t have anything to do with my health.. i don’t tell my plumber when my kid is sick or my mechanic when I need a new roof…

  45. I think if a dr ever asked me I’d ask who built his office because obviously we were talking about stuff that didn’t matter a s&”t… ha

  46. As a trauma surgeon with over 30 years experience in facial gunshot wounds and a member of DRGO I call out the AMA. The American Medical Association has a policy opposing “the use of ‘reparative’ or ‘conversion’ therapy for sexual orientation or gender identity.” I propose that in equity they should stand up for our rights and adopt a policy opposing “the use of ‘reparative’ or ‘conversion’ therapy for firearms ownership or Second Amendment Identity.”

  47. I was asked a few years ago and looking the doctor straight in the eyes calmly said “none of your f’ing business” It never came up again. My 13 year old was asked by her physician and for what may be the first time ever, flat out lied. Even she realized it wasn’t relevant to getting checked out.

  48. “pediatrician”? – Go find a real doctor that was smart enough to pass all the Dr courses.

    Pediatricians are for useless high maintenance soccer moms.

    • Pediatricians are for useless high maintenance soccer moms.

      Really??? I mean you ARE joking RIGHT? You can’t possibly not know what a Pediatrician specializes in…….

  49. First, I’ll tell him that is no concern of his and this will be the last time I’ll be seeing him. Then I’ll walk out and never return.

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