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(A Few of) The Dogs of SHOT Show

We only managed to snap photos of a fraction of the four-pawed SHOT Show attendees we ran across this week. But it’s only appropriate that so many furry companions made the trip along with the 65,000 two-legged attendees. After all, man’s (and woman’s) best friends have been accompanying us out into the field with our guns for centuries. We can’t think of anyone we’d rather have sharing the convention floor.


21 thoughts on “(A Few of) The Dogs of SHOT Show”

    • They are all needed in Washington, D.C. these days. They are working for Trump, looking for rats in various hiding places.

    • I was wondering that too. Checked out Leupolds website and they have a new VX-6HD along with VX-3i LRP scopes that all look very nice. I’ve seen Vortex has some new stuff too. I don’t know why TTAG hasn’t covered any of these optics companies much yet.

      • We spent most of the time visiting manufacturers, taking pictures, and writing when we could. I met with leupold and they’re next up in my queue for write up. Hang tight.

  1. The fourth one is my kind of dog. Easy care, low maintenance, doesn’t need to out in the rain or snow. 8>)

    • I dunno, something looks off about it. What kinda dog allows its owner to strap on all that tactical camo crap without tearing it off?

  2. So, fer cryin’ out loud, tell us about that thing that appears to be hearing protection on canine #1 there.

    Do it in sign language, so all the deaf hunting dogs of the world can understand.

    • My former employer has a deaf Brittany. That dog has been exposed to more shotgun blasts than any dog I ever owned, and his hearing was sharp ten years ago. Don’t know if his hearing loss is environmental or genetic though.

      The pointer I grew up with, when the fields were teeming with pheasants and I’d get off the school bus and hunt every afternoon during bird season, had more than a little hearing loss but never would have qualified as ‘legally deaf’. It is interesting that the dog I hunted over the most is the only dog of mine that ever showed significant hearing loss.

      • Hearing loss in old dogs is common, but it’s pretty well established that exposure to gunfire accelerates the process. And it’s a lot louder in front of a shotgun than behind it. It’s sad when a dog won’t come when called because he can’t hear his own name. They also lose their usefulness as home intruder alarms.

        Economical, effective, comfortable, electronic canine ear pro (so they can hear commands) would be most welcome among hunters, I would think.

      • Not to put this guy out of business, but we should push the dog ear thing to the progressives about HPA. I love my dog too, and wouldn’t want indoor shots to hurt him while bad guy takes rounds after breaking in.

  3. I saw the service dog, which seem to be gaining prominence as a form of therapy, but doesn’t have much formal regulation surrounding their use. Is it just a matter of time before the antis attempt to use someone’s reliance on a therapy dog as evidence of instability and therefore ineligibility to possess a firearm?

    • Well I have a service dog. If the anti’s try that crap they will have a he11 of fight on their hands. A service dog can be anything from PTSD to inability to walk, and everything in between. As far as “therapy” goes, “emotional support” dogs are specifically by name written out of the ADA law.

    • There are lots of regulations about service dogs, but the only one that really matters is the Federal laws and regulations in the ADA act.

      Basically, no matter how horrible or bad your local laws are, what matters is the Federal laws, which are, basically, no obstruction or intimidation of service dogs allowed. And they are allowed everywhere (almost.)

      My wife’s service dog goes with her up to the last door before surgery, to just outside the MRI room, sleeps in her room (usually on one of those folding bed/chairs) and stays with her when I can’t be there.

      Woe unto him/her/it who tries to deny us our access.

      By the way, never had any problems with access except at our old place of work (city government.) I have taken her dog (when the primary is not being ‘serviced’, the dog still is a service animal and enjoys full protection.) to a Federal and a State courthouse, we have gone shopping, to restaurants, to churches etc. Only the local city government has tried to restrict her and other people’s service dog access, and both the state and the feds came unglued at the local yocals (not a small city, either.) (Seems like the more ‘liberal’ a group is, the worse they treat access to service animals.)

      Your dog does not require ‘certification’ from an ‘approved’ organization (there is no requirement by Fed Gov laws.) Your dog does not need to come from a ‘certified organization’ or other bullhockey. The dog must meet standards of behavior, and fill the actual requirement of ‘service.’ People can ask what the dog does for the user, but cannot require a ‘dog and pony show’ to prove the use. Yes, some people have abused this, but real people out here with service dogs are doing it for very real reasons.

  4. I’m a dog lover. Well I’m an animal lover in general. But I think it’s absolutely obnoxious that people feel the need to bring their pets everywhere these days. It especially pisses me off when people sneak them into malls and restaurants. Mr. Zimmerman needs to go write for Dog Fancy.

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