
“I do not take crap from nobody. Just do not mess with me.” – Janice Cavaletto in 68-year-old woman chases down burglars who stole guns and jewelry from her Rush County home [via]


Birchwood Casey’s New World of Targets Line


  1. Much better to take measures so the thieves and idiots don’t get in. Chasing after them is apt to be a serious problem anywhere. It could so easily have been a tragic mistake to go after them, especially unarmed. Glad she got her stuff back.

    But yeah, don’t mess with old people. They’re too weak and tired to fight much. And some of us will just shoot you if we’re attacked.

  2. I love it when an old lady with zero high speed low drag training beats young criminal whippersnappers. What would Costa and Yeager do? Probably marvel in disbelief.

  3. Yep we’ll just shoot you…a young gang spanglish looking fella’ gave me the finger yesterday(thought I cut him off but he was speeding). Glad I have a pistola in my car😄😎👍

  4. They can have the TV, cash, car and stereo. I won’t go to the trouble of the law for that. I could not let someone steal a firearm from me, due to the fact it may be used to murder. To save lives I would shoot them, and feel justified as I went through the hell of fighting the courts

    • Let’s get rid of the notion that guns are somhow special because they are meant to kill. Only guns and only to kill.
      Anything can be used to murder if you try hard enough. The cord from your stolen stereo may be found around your neighbor’s corpse’s neck next morning. Your stolen cash could be used to buy clorox and ammonia to suffocate someone. That book of matches you didn’t even notice as missing can be used to start a fire in nightclub which can kill tens or even hundreds. Not to mention running pedestrians down in your stolen car.

      When it comes to evil deeds, tools are nothing, evil mind is everything.

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