defensive gun use

Two cable guys were working on a repair job around midnight in Houston this past Tuesday night when two young men, one armed with a gun, ran up to them demanding money. What the thugs didn’t know was that one of the repair men was also armed.

“It was just real quick,” said the unarmed cable guy, whose identity hasn’t been released. “We were expecting the worst.”

He was right to be scared. Although 15% of guns used in armed robberies are fake, this one was definitely the real deal, which was confirmed when the armed robber fired off a shot. The unarmed repairman was able to get on the ground, but the assault didn’t stop there.

“I went down to the ground, and that’s when he put his knee on my back and hit me on my sides. I thought it was over, and that’s when I started hearing the gun exchange right over me,” the technician said.

That gun exchange was the sound of his life being saved by his colleague, who was legally carrying a concealed handgun.

The concealed carrier shot one of the suspects in the leg while the other ran off. The 18-year-old wounded suspect is in serious condition, but he is expected to survive. The second man is still on the run. In pitch dark at midnight, one out of two isn’t bad.

Notwithstanding, we applaud the the concealed carrier for his courage, aptitude, and presence of mind in defending both his own life and the life of his colleague during this nighttime attack.

Here’s a news segment with the brief interview:


    • The article was corrected, but why was my comment edited? It was

      “Two cable guns were working on a repair job around midnight”

      • Yeah, I’ve had stealth edits of comments I’ve made, too.

        To the new owners: You’re welcome to edit your content as you see fit. If it’s not yours, delete it completely if you don’t want it on the site, or leave it alone. Editing other people’s words doesn’t look good.

    • Not as likely to be fired as working some sort of retail job and it depends on what kind of company he working for.

      • If he’s working for any of the major cable/communications carriers (Time Warner, AT&T, Frontier, etc.), he very well might be axed. All of those companies are anti-2A, and probably forbid carrying weapons on the job somewhere in their code of conduct. However, those companies are also heavily unionized, so there’s a slim chance that their union will spring to their defense

      • A friend of mine is a truck driver. I don’t know about who he drives for now, but the company he drove for previously didn’t want firearms anywhere in or on company property. If anyone was caught with a firearm, even if it was in their personal vehicle in the parking lot, it was instant termination.

  1. “The 18-year-old wounded suspect is in serious condition, but he is expected to survive. ”

    What a shame.

  2. I wish I could carry at work. But it does bring up a good question about CCWing while performing work in the public on company time.

    Actually, working at odd hours of the night for linemen is not that uncommon. It depends on how much of a premium of restoring service does one wants back on.

    • AlanInFl,

      Unless your workplace has metal detectors and X-ray scanners at every entrance, what stops you from being armed at work?

      If you have nothing more than a workplace policy which prohibits firearms, screw that and carry anyway. The only way your workplace would ever find out that you are armed is if you have to use your firearm in righteous self-defense. And at that point, it is better to be alive and lose your job than to be dead (and still lose your job since you are dead).

      You can always get another job. You cannot get another LIFE.

      Pro-tip: if the nature of your workplace makes it nearly impossible to keep a concealed full-size handgun without discovery, carry a tiny handgun (such as a Ruger LCP which easily fits in a front pocket) into and out of your workplace and keep a full-size handgun in your car.

      Pro-tip 2: and if you have a great hiding place (that no one should ever discover) within the workplace, keep a full-size handgun inside the workplace. At that point you might be able to skip carrying a tiny handgun for the trip into and out of your workplace since you would have a full-size handgun in your car. Meanwhile, if an attacker begins to murder people in the workplace, you can access your full-size handgun and have it at the ready. (And maybe even keep it in a paper bag so it is at the ready and yet still not visible to co-workers.)

        • David Walters,

          I have had some concerns myself about vehicle storage. Like anything else, the wise response is to evaluate risks and manage those risks.

          There are a two simple measures that you can take to mitigate the impact of an attempted or successful theft:
          (1) Keep an inexpensive (like $300) used firearm in your car. If someone steels it, you are only out $300.
          (2) Take a key part of your inexpensive used firearm (such as a slide, barrel, or magazine) with you when you leave your vehicle. If someone steals it, all they have is an inoperable firearm.

          That second point is pretty significant. Remember, the criminal low-lifes that steal from cars are NOT smart, motivated, and resourceful people. (If they were, they would be in business or working for someone and would not steal from someone’s car.) Thus, it is highly unlikely that a criminal low-life would have the where-with-all to identify the correct component, find a source and acquire it, and install it. That means your inexpensive used firearm that someone steals from your car most likely does NOT become a “crime” or “black market” firearm.

        • I almost always have a second gun in my truck, but it’s hard to find and hard to access. That’s after breaking into a locked vehicle….

          Over the years I’ve had 4-5 cars broken into. In every case, the thief grabbed the easy to see item and left much more valuable stuff behind.

          Hiding a gun under an envelope with $20 in it and it’s as safe as a gun can be. 😉

        • Sort of an abbreviated comment, what? You question it WHY? I have an 8-year-old car which has had a gun in a compartment every day but one of its life, I put it there the day I brought the car home. For exactly the reason addressed in this article, I carry a compact 9mm, with a full size 1911 .45 in the car. Since then, like 2 years ago, TX made that legal. I don’t question the wisdom, and I don’t have any idea why you would. Neither does Texas, since they have made car carry without a license legal for all.

      • Unless you work on a very control government property. It is not wise to bring a weapon onto the controlled area if one is not properly cleared by a government entity. Not a good idea. Great way to lose clearance and your job. But I can store it in my car.

        • AlanInFl,

          You say that you work in a “controlled area”. Does that mean metal detectors, X-ray scanners, and/or bomb-sniffing dogs, etc. at all the entrances? If not, then you do not work in a “controlled area” and no one would have any idea if you had a tiny pistol in a pocket holster in your pocket.

          As for losing your job and security clearance, don’t ever let anyone see your tiny pocket pistol and you won’t lose your job and security clearance. It really isn’t hard.

          Pro tip: before carrying your tiny pocket pistol into work, have a trusted friend verify that he/she cannot “make” your tiny pocket pistol however you decide to carry it.

        • To Uncommon Sense, I happened to work in that area that has those features and I can’t say what are those features are. Not every where is quite receptive to CCW holders. Just saying.

    • I’m reminded of the young lady that picked up a Ruger EC9 last week… while wearing her brown UPS uniform. I couldn’t help asking if her distribution center has metal detectors – she smiled and replied “nope!”.
      According to her, more than a couple of her coworkers are already packing – she’s gonna fit in just fine with that small group of employees who seem to have a secret they’re hiding.

    • The unemployment rate in the Trump economy today is BELOW the natural rate (where people are moving between jobs).. This of course ignores the deadbeats who don’t want a job who we used to county when using the U6 statistics (pre Obumer). Major employers have given up on “required” in order to be hired.

      In other words – Screw them. If they are dumb enough to fire you for carrying or defending yourself/others then go get a new/better employer. It’s NOT 2010

    • Most cable repair stories I’ve experienced have ended more like “I sat here for 4 freaking hours because y’all said between 12 and 4! Where’s your bloody repairman?!”

  3. this young lady is lucky, this asshole was looking for a fight ,if the motorcycle rider had been a man there would have been a serious fight. she needs to get the national rifle assn insurance to cover this kind of expense .they are a real help..

    • She was never charged, but did put an attorney on retainer before she knew if she’d be charged.
      Would NRA’s insurance have covered that?

      She has five digits worth of medical/mental/physical therapy bills, would NRA’s insurance have covered those? (the ambulance ride alone was over $3k, for turning on their lights as they rushed her to the hospital after the cops had her sitting in the road in handcuffs for a couple of hours)

      She has a gofundme going, if anybody wants to toss her some $$$

  4. Reminds me of Glen Campbell’s song, “Wichita Lineman”, 1968. One of my most favorite songs.

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