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31 thoughts on “Dove Season: Learning Can Be Expensive”

    • I see quail coming up to literally 5 feet of my home office’s window. The same window from which I dispatch waskally wabbits with my .22

      The quail do no harm to any of my landscaping, so they’re always welcome and are allowed to toodle around my yard.

      • Haz, now imagine if they started screaming REPENT! REPENT! everytime they saw you 😄😉.

        • You know what’s worse than a dude throwing his religion in your face constantly? It’s a dude throwing his anti religion in your face constantly.

          Don’t make me have to pull this bus over. 🙂

  1. Began hunting doves when i was very young. Dad used a double 12 gauge, i had a double 410. the doves were very safe around me and my 410. When i graduated to the double barrel 12 gauge everything changed, went from knocking out feathers to kills. I’m almost 73 now and still remember the dove, squirrel and deer hunting with dad.

    • My parents bought me a bolt action.410 for my 12th birthday. I had the same results you did. Years later I figured out that a .410 is more of an experts choice than just a low recoil choice. Dad wasn’t really a hunter, but he was hell on varmints. He was bagging rats and red squirrels into his mid eighties.

    • Ditto for me, mostly. First shotgun was a single barrel 410 at age 9 in early 1950s. First bird I downed, while dove hunting with daddy, was a chicken hawk in an orchard. That graduated me immediately to an heirloom 16 ga. Fox Sterlingworth double that I bird-hunted with for the rest of my bird-hunting days. Gave it to my son-in-law several years ago – he didn’t realize quite what he had until other shooters at his range/shoot commented on it. Great shotgun. Some shooters today ramble on about chokes – that Fox is Modified and Full and took everything I shot at, including deer. As capable today as it was back then.
      Back to the dive.

  2. There are two sick pigeons huddled together in a corner of my side porch. They have been there for hours, sitting on the porch floor. The bird sanctuary tells us there is an avian flu in this region, so they will not take the pigeons. Sad to see them suffer, but the spot they are in is sheltered. Will likely be burying them in the morning if the fox do not find them.

    • I suppose you could offer them some water and something to eat.

      Or is that illegal?

    • The area we live in now is a bird sanctuary. All sorts of birds … geese, ducks, dove, all the others including pigeons. All over the place all the time. The only ones not protected are the pigeons, you can shoot those on your own property if you wish all day long. You can also shoot small game varmints on your own property like rabbits and squirrel and raccoons and possum, but the deer that wander around are off limits and no one shoots them because the area is off limits for deer hunting 100% of the time. Its not uncommon for us to be out in the yard and a deer arrives to make friends with our dogs who seem to like them, sometimes if the deer is young enough they play together a little but mostly they just peacefully co-exist as comfortable ‘friends’. Its not uncommon to find the deer bedded down in the tree line at the back of the property where there is a small creek running through that part. The ducks seem to irritate the dogs on purpose at times but so far the dogs haven’t gotten any of them but will chase them away and prefer to go after the raccoons and possums, sometimes a rabbit or squirrel, for their most priced prize catch and the bodies they like to throw around and play with the most. The geese stick mostly to their self in the area preferring to stop traffic as they block to roads to cross from one property to another.

  3. I don’t know why anyone would want to kill a bat. Except they are a rabies vector. So there is that. Bats do eat a lot of mosquitoes. They are also a vector of disease, as well as a pain in the ass. However, if you want to kill a bat, locate a mercury vapor lamp with a lot of bugs around it. The bats will show up. All you have to do is get a cane pole (if you don’t know what a cane pole is you can stop reading) and hold it straight up and shake the tip vigorously. A bat will fly straight into it killing its self. If you need to know how to kill something in N FL just ask.

    • Gadsden Flag,

      … hold [a cane pole] straight up and shake the tip vigorously. A bat will fly straight into it killing its self.

      That there was funny!

      When I was young we used to go to a mercury light and throw Nerf footballs at the bats. In spite of the fact that we had excellent arms and accuracy, we never managed to hit one.

  4. Lol truth
    Teaching the kid how to hunt is an investment in the future. It might take a few hundred shells before bird one but the lessons learned can’t be bought nor taught anywhere else. The memories shall remain as well.

  5. Chukar. The first time you hunt them it’s for sport/meat. The second (and third ect. ect.) it’s for Revenge. Doesn’t matter what you’re carrying. Wiliest birds ever.

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