GRPC Gun Rights Policy Conference
(Dan Z. for TTAG)
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By Lee Williams 

  • Thousands of people are alive today because of the self-defense tactics and techniques developed and taught by Massad Ayoob. 
  • Millions of people have been exposed to the shooting sports for more than 50 years thanks to Tom Gresham, the innovator of all outdoor media – print, electronic and online. 
  • Even former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory known as “The Trace” describes Dr. John R. Lott Jr. as “the empirical backbone for the gun-rights movement.” 
  • And Dean Weingarten, whose first article was published in the American Rifleman in 1980, has forgotten more about gun writing than most folks will ever know. 

Ayoob, Gresham, Lott and Weingarten are just a handful of the more than 70 incredible speakers who will take the stage at the 38th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, which will be held September 22nd – September 24th, 2023, in Phoenix, AZ. 

This year’s theme is “Road to Liberty!” A list of speakers and their biographies can be seen here.

If you are sick and tired of watching from the sidelines as Joe Biden and his weaponized ATF trample our gun rights and you’ve decided to start pushing back, GRPC 2023 is the place to be. The leaders of grassroots groups from across the country will be sharing best practices and new techniques. They include Terry Thompson of The Oklahoma Second Amendment Foundation, Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Bryan Strawser of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, Alexander Roubian of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, Mark Pennak of Maryland Shall Issue, Patricia Harrold of the Nebraska Firearm Owners Association, Sean Caranna of Florida Carry, Inc., Clark Aposhian of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, and many more. 

If you want to keep better informed of Biden’s latest unconstitutional shenanigans, leaders from the country’s pro-gun media will be speaking at GRPC. They include Patrick Collins of, Charlie Cook of “Riding Shotgun with Charlie,” John Correia of Active Self Protection, Ryan Gresham of Gun Talk Media, Stephen Gutowski of The Reload, David Hardy of, Robyn Sandoval of A Girl & A Gun, Amanda Suffecool of, Cheryl Todd of Gun Freedom Radio, Mark Walters of Armed American Radio. Dan Wos of The Loaded Mic and Professor Mark Smith of Four Boxes Diner.  

Other scheduled speakers include Tom Taylor of Sig Sauer, Chris Stone of Gun Owners of America, Doug Ritter of Knife Rights, David Kopel of the Independence Institute, Washington State Senator Phil Fortunato, Dr. Sean Brodale and Dr. Robert Young of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, and more than a dozen attorneys who specialize in Second Amendment and pro-gun cases, as well as staff from SAF, CCRKBA and FPC. 

More than 70 speakers are scheduled, and the Gun Rights Policy Conference and all associated materials are free. 

Click here to register. 

Click here to book a hotel room with our exclusive low group-rate. 

Hope to see you there! 

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