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Dredd 3D: Gun Porn with a Nice Helmet

“The filmmakers missed so many good opportunities with Dredd 3D, just to make it into a movie about shooting. Literally, just shooting. For an action movie, Dredd is surprisingly short on action because every high intensity scene is a gunfight. Every character seems utterly useless unless they have a firearm in their hand. Consider how many exciting options you have as a filmmaker when your characters are climbing a 200-story tower and almost everyone in the building has a justifiable reason to kill them. You can dangle them from high places, you can have fist fights, knife fights. You can even have Dredd take his helmet off and whack somebody! That’d probably hurt, right? The possibilities are endless! But no, this is strictly a movie about guns and gunfighting. Shoot the bad guy, watch them fall, move on to the next one.” – Rob Siebert,

22 thoughts on “Dredd 3D: Gun Porn with a Nice Helmet”

  1. If this film helps teach the helpless that gun ownership gives good innocent people a fighting chance against thugs and criminals of all flavors then I like it. Someone should send free tickets to the Brady Gangsters.

    • Actually, Judge Dredd would most likely be right up their alley, since the comics are about a fascist dystopia: Mega City One, where Dredd lives and works. Sugar, among other things, is illegal there. I don’t know what their gun laws are like, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re restricted to just Judges and the Mega City’s military.

      • Good observation about the world of Judge Dredd being a fascist utopia. My limited knowledge of JD was the first film. Agreed that guns are probably outlawed there for the common citizen. I believe the creator of JD was British.

  2. Let’s see. I have a perfectly good gun to use against the bad guy or I could throw my helmet at him. The helmet which is the only protection for my dome. What a brain twister.

  3. God, after the helmet throwing in Saving Private Ryan, people want to see it everywhere.

    Even if it were a viable tactic:


    And playing with the camera angles, shade or zooming out would remove all visual impact from doing it. Who is this knucklehead?

  4. And his point is? Lol.
    As long as the tactics are sound, guns are reloaded after a reasonable number of rounds are fired and at least one attractive women shows good gun handling and hand to hand fighting skills ( Gina Carano in “Haywire”), I have no problem with “gun porn”. if JD has this, I would enjoy watching it.
    If you want art, go to an art gallery.

    • The tactics are sound on both side. Though the bad guys do have an issue with their strategy and aim. It is, after all a movie.

  5. when the original movie with stallone, along with the book adaptation i actually liked the book wayyy better than the film. this looks like the exaclt opposite, it would be hard to detail this type of movie in a print format.

    can’t wait to see it.

  6. I thought this was a trailer for a documentary about our current police state and it’s war on (some) drugs.

  7. Two things;
    1) DONT go see it in 3D – it was one of the worst I have seen (and that includes Clash of the Titans).
    2) Rent “The Raid” if you want to see this screenplay done much better and coooler! (that’s right, they pretty much ripped off another film that did it much better).

  8. “this is strictly a movie about guns and gunfighting. Shoot the bad guy, watch them fall, move on to the next one”

    Ok. So? Whatstheproblem???

  9. Starting to sound like it won’t be on my list of movies to watch at a theater or rent. MAYBE I’ll watch it IF it makes it to one of the movie channels on Cable if I’m in the mood.

    But with the voice it sounds like they’re trying to imitate Sly’s version of Dredd.

  10. Given how iconic the comic book is, it’ll be interesting to see how this “reboot” goes… Sylvester Stallone’s version was maaaaaaaad corny.

    • I saw it tonight and it was a great movie. No lie. Reviewers seem to like it as well. Check Rotten Tomatoes.

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