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Eberlestock Rapid Acquisition Shooting Rest (RASR)

Shooting in the field from whatever you can scrape together is, in a word, hard. Some of the shooters I respect most are those that can put together a stable shooting platform anywhere, anytime, anyhow. There are a variety of tools to help aid in this like bipods, shooting sticks, tripods, and the humble backpack. One of the items being shown off at the 2017 SHOT Show was Eberlestock’s Rapid Acquisition Shooting Rest (RASR)

The RASR is a thin piece of aluminum with a moveable shuttle that can be locked in place with a large thumbscrew. One one end, clip your bipod on to create a large, stable taildragger looking mechanism. Place your rifle in the included cradle, and get to adjusting and shooting. For a much better demo, check out the video below.

The RASR ships with three extension rods that allow it be used in kneeling and sitting positions to clear tall grass. At 14 oz, it takes up very little room in the pack and won’t weigh you down too much. MSRP is $129.

5 thoughts on “Eberlestock Rapid Acquisition Shooting Rest (RASR)”

  1. Not for me. A proper sling will do just fine for me. I live in the real world, not some competition environment course.

    Last thing I need is some crap to carry around in my non firing hand. For all the wanna be snipers, snipers are dead if they do not constantly change firing positions in intermediate combat ranges.

    • I know that the past protocol for snipers was to shoot-n-scoot to a new location, but having read numerous books now on sniper missions overseas, it seems it’s pretty common for a sniper team to occupy the top of a building for hours on end in an overwatch mission – to the point that they change shifts and occupy the same positions for days, even. Of course, in those situations, it makes a lot more sense to just build the shooting position up with sandbags.

      For hunters, this seems like a decent intermediate solution between a bipod and one of the currently trendy tripod setups. Cheaper, and makes use of gear you already own. The real test is if it aids in shooting uphill across a canyon or to a hillside (a real bugger from prone with a bipod) or from a seated position to get up above the grass and shrubs.

  2. Shoot and scoot likely still applies. Still, the concept is to adapt and overcome negative factors. I have heard that there is an increase in identified snipers/marksmen (one per rifle squad?). So it appears that snipers have adapted to the difference between being out in the jungle waiting for a target, to urban operations where high overwatch from a semi secure location works better.

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