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I was pleased to run into a fellow member of the tribes in San Antonio at the Open Carry rally. In the video above, Eli Meir mentions the Holocaust when talking about the life-or-death importance of gun rights. Good for him. Good for all us. Despite the unimaginable scale of that slaughter, Jews don’t have a monopoly on suffering; all humans have a history of systematic persecution in their past. Nor do Jews have exclusive rights to the words “never again.” It means the exact same thing to a lot of people, especially those who appreciate the history of the Alamo, where two Jews died defending the mission from the Mexican Army.

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  1. You always make it sound as if only Jews have tribes. Try self-identifying as a human being, instead of as a Jew….

    • *whoosh*

      The whole point of the article flew right over your head, didnt it?

      nitpick elsewhere

      “Despite the unimaginable scale of that slaughter, Jews don’t have a monopoly on suffering; all humans have a history of systematic persecution in their past.”

      Excellent article, even though I may not be jewish I applaud Eli Meir for braking shabbat to go to this rally

      • Yes, he did miss the point. Reading comprehension fails us all sometimes.

        That being said, tribalism is the abusive drunkard grandfather of nationalism – they are both the cause of and the support mechanism for all kinds of prejudice and injustice. The sooner mankind moves beyond them the better.

    • Proud member of the American Tribe. Native born. California to be exact. As district from American Indian.

    • I should explain that Burke spent 10,000 hours researching the assassination of JFK. He should have stopped at 9,999 and spent the last hour learning how not to be a d1ck.

  2. I believe in every persons right to practice any religion of their choosing.

    I also believe equally in my right to think they are all a bunch of antiquated crap.

  3. I am an Orthodox Jew.

    I don’t agree with Eli Meir’s statements about breaking Shabbos.

    Just stating my view.

  4. Then its not “breaking” shabbat. Life and death matters are instances were normally something that would be forbidden on the sabbath is/are not.

    Ultimately it is to your Creator that you must answer. What would He have you do or not do?

  5. To my mind, there’s not a single minority ethnic or religious group that should ever favor being disarmed. That’s suicidal stupidity as the innumerable corpses littering history have shown. As for the Jews in Texas making the point, Shalom y’all.

  6. “…where two Jews died defending the mission from the Mexican Army.”
    I learned something new today. Thank you!

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