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Yeah, Emily Miller’s on-camera routine could use a little more polish. Even while fielding non-threatening softballs from the perky-happy Fox and Friends Weekdend duo yesterday, she stumbled here and there and isn’t quite as smooth as she could be. Just imagine what happens when they talk to her on the Today Show. As if. But her anodyne series of articles on negotiating D.C.’s intentionally high gun licensing hurdles has brought her some notoriety and she makes an attractive, positive, pro-gun spokeschick. And that’s something of which we can always use more. So don’t stop proselytising and shooting that Sig, Em. Oh, and keep practicing in front of the mirror at home, too. We’re glad to have you on our side.

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    • Emily is a print reporter who happens to be hot. Why should her on-screen presence be polished? Resent hot women much, Dan?

  1. Women are purchasing guns in ever-increasing numbers, with Gallup reporting that almost 25% of women now claim to own a gun. As Emily noted, what’s fueling the female fire is their need to protect themselves.

    Women voters outnumber men, and women are more likely to vote Democrat. So here’s the question: will the Democratic Party’s antipathy toward gun owners have the unintended effect of alienating women?

    • With gun ownership at such a high level one would think that anti-gun legislation would meet massive resistance, however that would require the voting public to actually be aware of what is going on.

    • Maybe, in time. But that tipping point isn’t here yet. The DNC is still catering to the over-educated, under-informed pseudo-intellectual effete on the coasts, especially California, NYC/Boston/DC/Atlanta. In those areas, gun sales to women aren’t as large as the overall stats indicate. In flyover country, the stats are actually under-indicating the surge in gun ownership among women.

    • Ralph,

      I am a Massachusetts-based NRA instructor in several disciplines and I teach an ever-increasing amount of women, most of whom I’d guess or know would vote Democratic. So while I agree that most of the current* highly-visible national gun detractors are Democrats, I think it might be likely that many rank and file voters would or do support gun rights. I also find that many women educated about firearms can be at least tolerant of them, and that’s a good start. That’s why I think we should be civil towards one another in this discourse. We need more friends than enemies.

      *Recall that then-governor Ronald Reagan enacted California’s most stringent gun laws in response to various open and concealed carry incidents.

      • I am a Massachusetts-based NRA instructor in several disciplines

        Me too, also MA State Police certified and a certified RSO. It’s been my experience (take it for what it’s worth) that women are becoming very interested in firearms and self-defense and enjoy shooting. They are usually really good students who have no preconceived notions. I often hear them call firing a handgun “empowering.” Frankly, I get as big a charge out of their success with guns as they do.

        As for the Republicans, I wasn’t drawing parallels between them and the Dems. My question was entirely focused on the relationship between women and the Democratic party.

        BTW, Lefty, where do you teach?

          • We shoot in North Attleboro and at the Barnstable Town Range, Leftshooter. I do home instruction for the 4-hour class in my home or theirs.

            • Ralph,

              Gee, we’re close. I’d love to meet up sometime in the North Attleboro area for coffee or some range time. I’m sure I could learn something from you.

              If you agree, Robert F. has my email, drop me a note.

      • We’ll try to be civil whilst we cling to our guns and our religion out here in flyover country. Really, we will.

    • For now, no. I suspect that most of those women gun buyers are not single-issue voters. As long as they perceive that more of their values and needs are being met by the Democrats then I don’t see this as a party changing event. I can see some Democrat politicians moderating their anti-gun rhetoric and possibly reducing their gun control allegiance. Overall, crime is down in America and women are far less likely than men to be the victims of an assault on the street. Currently, men are far more concerned than women about America turning into a police-state along with the possibility of a social-economic-political breakdown or collapse. There is more to this interest in guns by women than is being discussed.

  2. Is ‘prosthelytizing’ the new proselytising? Either way, it’s probably a good thing. As for voters and voting: So long as voting means choosing between two candidates pushed at us by parties…or three or four ‘volunteers’ backed by big money and espousing an ever-changing and vague platform on issues…it doesn’t make a great deal of difference who wins except on that single issue. Natural. Thus big budgets have no fix. Single-issue voting (even for 2A rights) means that the elected official gets a ‘bye’ on many other issues. So a candidate (for example, Santorum) is forced to be a ‘team player’ on education so that…his pork project will gain approval. Most of ‘his’ voters won’t even know that project was on the table, and that it would subordinate his platform promises. Other candidates function similarly. Rinse and repeat.

  3. I agree with the boys Dan, You go sit on national TV and be cool and cocky, like behind you key pad. She is a good friend to gun rights, and going all snarky isn’t too cool. Her series of reports has been alot of hard work shining a light on the absurd hoops our on capital makes citizens jump through. Good for her, Keep it up Emily.

  4. I’m with the boys here, Dan. What’s with all the snark? this woman is a good friend to gun rights and friends should stick together. I’d be shakin’ like a leaf on national TV. Give the girl a break.

    • I didn’t think that Dan was snarky, but I agree that we really like Emily and she’s a great ambassador for the right of self-defense.

      If she sticks with it, Emily Miller can and will do a lot to advance gun rights in America.

  5. ‘Emily Miller: New Gun Owner, Talking Head’

    At first glance this headline (before a man’s coffee has taken effect), could be misconstrued by someone (not me of course) that a woman named Emily, who recently bought her first gun, was also recently discussing fellatio. In an effort to make America a sexist-free country we must change the headline.

  6. I ran into a woman I hadn’t seen in three years who bought a .22 pistol and is moving up to a .45 soon. I never thought of her as a gun person, and told her so. She said frankly that she realized how defenseless she was and decided that she was not going to be a victim. She got a permit too.

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