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I love flying. I love it a lot more when I’m the pilot in command (hence why I’m dropping about $10k on a PPL) but I’ll take it any way I can get it. Today’s excuse just about tops the list for reasons to take to the sky: a weekend with Team FNH USA. As it stands, the plan for the next few days has me attending a live fire demonstration tomorrow, followed by a day of practice on the range with the team on Friday. Then I’ll be covering the Pro Series competition out at Peacemaker National Training Center in West Virginia. And I’ll be bringing you the whole experience here, complete with photos and video. Stay tuned.

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  1. Heh, I doubt you can say, but I’d love to know if you’ve gotten any grief for your review of the SCAR back in the day. The world of corporate sponsorship!

    Ah screw it, have fun, learn lots, report all!

    • I was wondering that same thing, with what he said about the charging handle when I watched that melon video the other day. I personally think those charging handles are preferrable BUT I only have AR style experience as the parts are less expensive. Think that’ll be one of those old wives tales though. *chuckles*

  2. Damn, $10k??? That’s what a Private costs these days? I’ll be looking for ya in the terminals, but I doubt our paths will cross. I don’t fly for American.

  3. Oh the joys of official sponsorship…
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    Alas, I don’t feel so secure in my travels and have never taken a firearm on any trip requiring flight. (Just one more reason I’d rather drive than fly just about anywhere.)

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