EOTECH Holographic weapon sight
Dan Z. for TTAG

From EOTECH . . .

I’ve been asked to write a press release on EOTECH’s new offering of a consumer financing option on their website. Boring. It couldn’t be something cool like a new scope, or a new technology they discovered. Nope. It’s gotta be financing. Ugh. Alright. Whatever. Here it goes.

So, financing. I guess it’s kinda cool. I mean it is another alternative to high interest credit cards. Oh, and it is easy to apply for and in seconds provides instantaneous approval for immediate purchases on the EOTECH website. And it does break down expensive purchases into more manageable payments to hide from your significant other, so that’s pretty cool too.

EOTECH Vudu rifle scope
Courtesy EOTECH

Hmmmm. Let’s see. What else. EOTECH did set a goal to be industry leaders in customer and consumer service. Adding another convenient payment option that doesn’t impact consumer’s credit scores but in fact may help boost scores with on-time payments, definitely checks that box.

I was told to add a quote. Ok. Here is what the lady that worked on this said.

“Historically, under Big Corp, EOTECH was known to be difficult to work with. Since the divestiture, the new ownership and leadership team has set a goal to become industry leaders in customer service, at all levels. Our relationship with Credova offers consumers interested in purchasing EOTECH products another payment option and convenience.” Said Lisa Kemp, Director of Marketing. “Our products are not inexpensive, so offering an alternative to high interest credit cards may make the purchase process easier, more manageable, as well as address a customer who may not have purchased otherwise.”


Oh yeah, here is another thing. The financing firm EOTECH partnered with is Credova®. They have been around for years and offer several financing solutions, a seamless approval process for the consumer, have an approval rating around 80% and they take on the risk of repayment from the manufacturer. But what is really cool is that they are proud supporters of the firearms industry and 2A community.

So anyway, if you want to check it out, the Credova financing option will be live on EOTECH’s newly launched website at www.eotechinc.com.

There. Done. I guess it’s not as boring as I thought. Right. Who am I kidding?

Now, I gotta go find some coffee.



  1. Meh, Affirm or Sezzle or Afterpay would have been better. Credova has pretty shady practices. If you don’t read the fine print they are predatory. If you read the documents, can pay it off in 1 month or possible 3 months, and can tell the difference between financing and a lease to own then you can use it effectively. But if you can do all of that then you probably don’t need financing.

  2. Is it a bad sign that every retailer from jeans to sunglasses to video games has adopted the Rent-A-Center model?

    • Someone once told me that if you can’t pay cash for your vehicle then you’re living beyond your means. Choosing to finance or lease for other reasons is a different story. I thought that sounded crazy when he told me because I was young and had bought into the idea that you just go get a car loan. It makes sense now.

      • It depends on “if” you make a lot more $ buying or selling out of new vehicle. Or need to project a successful image. I never cared or wished to put myself in debt over frivolous crap-like optics you have to finance.

        • Yes there are always exceptions. Vehicle purchases are never an investment unless it’s for work, or you’re making money buying and selling (you lose on paying taxes on it if you register it). It isn’t that difficult to find a low mileage, like new vehicle that has depreciated to 25% of it’s new cost. You can drive a nice car for years without losing your a$$. Again, there are exceptions. When it comes to vehicles that hold their value like crazy, like say a Tacoma, then you’re better off finding a deal on a new one.

      • @Dude

        What spouse and I have done for 40 years is to buy new and keep for 15 – 20 years (my, one and only, GMC didn’t make it past 11 years). My Toyotas all made (are making) that mark with flying colors. I sold my 1982 Toy SR5 PU in 2010 to a Toy mechanic who wanted a project rockcrawler (for him and his teen son to work on) for almost half of what I paid new. My Mom left me her 2000 Avalon…still cranking along with no issues. My 2009 Taco PU is my newest vehicle…barely broken in.

        Really wish that Toyota would import their trucks with the diesel options available throughout the rest of the world.

        Added benefit in Montana is that you can register vehicles in their eleventh year for Permanent Plates for a one-time payment of around $105.00…that’s money in the bank!

        • What a cool idea! My first new vehicle was a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T that I assembled from a blank order form, sold it in 2000 after 29 years, for what I paid for it. Wife claims I was robbed, should have kept it. I currently have TWO vehicles in their 11th year, plan to keep them both many more, registration costs $75 a year, each. I would love that $105 deal!

        • Badass first new car Larry! Mine was a Tacoma. Nice but boring by comparison.

          “sold it in 2000 after 29 years, for what I paid for it”

          Calculated for inflation?

      • I’ve always paid cash for my vehicles. I own a 1997 Sunfire now, $300 . I love owning junk, a new car gets a scratch and OMG. Junk is ” Let’s go pasture riding.”

        • Many years ago I had a coworker, single AF officer on flying status (known as big spender showoffs, a reputation I earned!) who drove an ancient nondescript pickup, when asked why he didn’t get something reputable explained that he never put more than a half-tank of gas in it, if it broke down he could just leave it. Another single pilot bought new a base model ’66 Mustang, 6 cylinder/3 spd manual, still his only car ever, when I met him in ’82, some guys just have no interest. BTW, if you play your cards right, your first *home* is the only one you should need to finance, as well.

      • It all depends on your living situation and what you want out of life. I’m still in my 20s, make good money, and will never have kids. I financed a 80k dollar vehicle because I want to have fun and enjoy the prime of my life. There is no sense in hoarding my wealth so until I’m in my 70s and too old to use any of it. Of course I max out my 401k and all that, but I have zero regrets financing my cars and house. Now if I actually had to take care of a family I’m sure priorities would change.

        • Well you can’t take it with you so you might as well enjoy it while you can. Oh, and never say never. 😉

    • Very bad sign.

      Soon, your social status will adopt it too…

      Well, kind of already does. Credit effects everything. It’s disgusting really, and should be illegal. It takes 3 days to ruin your score beyond repair, and 10 years to gain half it back. Ridiculous.

      If you can afford it outright, you shouldn’t need it. Easier said that done though, but how many of you buy a vehicle outright? Or “houses”? How many people could afford to stop working and still be able to pay off their “debt”?

      Yes, it’s pretty scary. 2020 was a joke compared to how bad it will inevitably get one day, we just all hope it’s not in our lifetime…

      • Wait now. My first car was a 7-year-old wedding present, to see us through college 200 miles apart. We financed its replacement after we graduated and had worked for a year. Since then, we’ve bought 5 new motorcycles, 3 new ATVs, 1 used and 2 new boats, 10 new and 3 used cars (close as I can remember!), every one for cash, most expensive $50K. And our current house, the bank said we did not quality for the mortgage, so we paid cash. For our 50th anniversary we took the family on a month-long cruise from FL to AK, 6 adults total in 3 balcony rooms and we paid for all of it, cash, including airlines and hotels to and from. And we have not paid a dime in interest *on anything* in the past 25years. Talking like living responsibly is impossible is just wrong.

        • One of the few High School classes that made an impression on me was a HomeEc class I took to be with my girlfriend. Best part of the class was a series of lectures and practical exercises on budgeting (I was working 30 hrs / wk for Safeway)…those lessons hit pretty close to my wallet and made sense.

          I guess in today’s schools a class as practical and prosaic as finance / budgeting is passé…what a shame.

  3. An overpriced, outdated technology needs some selling points. Do we improve the product with a cutting-edge new development? Nope, too difficult. OK then, do we cut the prices to where we become competitive? Nope, that would be too easy. What about… We give you the opportunity to add to your debts, while hiding it from sweet other half? You’re right, boring.

    • This.

      If your savings can’t cover it, don’t buy it. If you “have” to or are already in debt, then you better hope what you own is valuable when the market crashes.

  4. Nope.

    I have credit, I chose not to use it. Live mobile, live prepared. These companies are only doing this because their are cheaper options available and they want to increase their profits… Through getting suckers to go in debt over shit they don’t need.

  5. Doesn’t that mean they can hardly give the product away? Like the car companies giving 7 yrs no interest if you buy a new car?

    • Not necessarily.

      In this case I take it more to mean they want to start to tap the part of the market that would normally go for Primary Arms, Holosun, etc. because of price points. It makes a lot of sense for Eotech to try this, given the surge in gun sales over the past year.

      Another strategy would be, like PA, SIG Sauer, and I think Vortex, to introduce several tiers of products, with comparable “baseline” specs (e.g. magnification range) but differing in other features (e.g. illuminated reticles, glass coatings, shock rating, etc). But that takes more work.

      (I’m not trying to argue the relative value proposition between Eotech and other brands.)

  6. Financing of overpriced and grossly outdated tech? Hard pass.
    LED? Motion activated? 5 year battery life? Weighs just ounces? What are these things!?!?

    Primary Arms, Holosun, Sig Optics, Vortex, all these other brands even have budget models for $130 that are excellent quality. EOTech is outdating themselves like Colt did.

  7. Contrary to the EOTech pronouncement about how good it is to get out from under “Big Tech”, the divestiture being a huge benefit is nonsense. EOTech was in severe trouble. Government fines in the tens of millions of dollars for concealing product malfunctions. The “Big Tech” company that bought EOTech discovered the truth and took immediate steps to be forthright about it with the government.

    The engineering and quality talent loaned to the company from other parts of the “Big Tech” corporation identified the design flaws and fixed the systemic failures that caused weapon sites to have point of impact shifts under large temperature charges.

    I was surprised when that “Big Tech” corporation got rid of EOTech so quickly after solving ll the problems, putting EOTech back on its feet with a trustworthy quality and engineering mindset.

    Anyway, while it is a little bit interesting that EOTech is offering some finance scheme the fact that they are disparaging the “Big Tech” corporation that saved their ass and paid off thier fines is not encouraging. It tells me that failures in EOTech’s company culture survived their brief time as a nit in a large defense industry conglomerate.

    Currently I own just an old model 511 which EOTech did a great job restoring to like new condition under a not well known offer some time back. During their time with the “Big Tech” company, and for some time following, I’d say my confidence in quality and engineering practice there would be very high. But to here a disparaging remark of what amounts to their financial rescue, well, this worries me.

    Makes me want to look upon their products with caution. Before buying anything I would want to research experiences from users and testers who place the products under strains beyond infrequent consumer shooting sports.

    Just to be sure.

  8. Iron sights dont need batteries, the lenses never shatter and a twig cleans the mud off.

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