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Reader John Dingell III writes:

Well, Jean-Claude Juncker still rules Europe. The EU’s Commission, Parliament, and Council have now reached an agreement to strangle gun owners across the continent in new tangles of red tape and regulations:

After a year of discussions, the European Parliament and Council have reached a provisional political agreement on the Firearms Directive.

The Commission proposed a revision of the current EU rules on firearms on 18 November 2015 to make it harder to legally acquire high capacity weapons in the European Union, allow better tracking of legally held firearms thus reducing the risk of diversion into illegal markets, and strengthen cooperation between Member States.

President Jean-Claude Juncker said: “We have fought hard for an ambitious deal that reduces the risk of shootings in schools, summer camps or terrorist attacks with legally held firearms. Of course we would have liked to go further, but I am confident that the current agreement represents a milestone in gun control in the EU.”

The provisional political agreement retains a majority of what the Commission originally proposed, such as the ban of automatic firearms transformed into semi-automatic firearms, the inclusion of collectors and museums in the scope of the directive, the regulation of alarm and acoustic weapons, the regulation of Internet sales, the regulation of deactivated weapons and more exchange of information between Member States.

At the same time, the Commission regrets that some parts of the original proposal were not supported by the Parliament and the Council. The Commission had proposed a greater level of ambition with a complete ban of the most dangerous semi-automatic firearms, including all semi-automatic firearms of the AK47 or AR15 families and a ban of assault weapons for private collectors. The Commission also regrets that the magazine size was not limited to 10 rounds for all semi-automatic firearms.

However, considering that the overall package is an improvement compared to the current situation, the Commission can accept the compromise found.

Together with the technical rules introducing strict harmonised standards for the deactivation of firearms, which are directly applicable since April 2016, the Firearms Directive will reduce the probability of dangerous but legally held weapons falling into the hands of criminals and terrorists.

More at the link, above.

This won’t affect the Swiss, but our Italian and Czech brethren are in real trouble. There are countries in Europe where shooting and gun collecting are reasonably popular. Note that none of these regulations would have stopped any of Europe’s recent terrorist attacks. The weapons used by terrorists have all flowed into the EU, along with the terrorists themselves, as Mutti Merkel destroyed their borders.

The prime mover in this outrage: Jean-Claude Juncker, the unelected Ă©minence grise of the EU and its master manipulator. His blatant contempt for the European public resounds in some of his best public quotes:

“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.” — Jean-Claude Juncker.

“We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.” — Jean-Claude Juncker.

“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?” — Jean-Claude Juncker.

“I am for secret, dark debates.” — Jean-Claude Juncker

This is exactly the kind of infringement we dodged here on November 8th.

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  1. It’s all over cept the crying. Either Putin or the Islamist will step in and give the euros a wake up call. If Putin is smart he’ll fight the jihadis in the eu and spare his people the horrors of war.

    Let the towns in the eu suffer the carnage.

      • They did learn….. then they came here and called what they learned “America”. Those people over there are the one who won’t learn….. and of you want to unlearn, then you call it california.

  2. Yes, it’s this bleak future we avoided with Trump, but now, with the way Western Europe has fallen away from it’s culture and restrictions on many of the freedoms we have, the ties between the US and Europe have thinned so greatly that it’s held together by a lone string.

    I think Trump is on to something, we need to withdraw from NATO and cut ties with Europe. The leaders in Europe are so psychotic that they want a war with Russia and there’s no reason the US should be dragged into such a conflict. The leaders of Europe today are far from the leaders that were during Nazi occupation and the early stages of the Cold War decades ago… time has changed and so to has Russia.

    It’s the Europeans and this EU monster that has influenced and indoctrinated the Democrats and turned them from center-left into outright socialists bordering on totalitarians. It’s this farce of an advanced society that exists in Europe that’s caused such civil strife on American streets, egged on by Progressive college professors.

    Enough is enough, it’s time the US re-declared independence from Europe and re-establish stronger ties with Russia. Let Western Europe wallow in the muk of multiculturalism, tolerance, and diversity and see how many more women are raped and trucks crush people to death until they all fall to their knees and pray to Mecca or finally look in the mirror and confront their problems.

    • I actually disagree the leaders now are the same type that let Hitler gain so much power. They tried to appease instead of confront Hitler and we know how that worked. The same can be said of how they are dealing with the threat of terrorism. They again are trying to appease them.

    • Totally agreed. It’s been 70 years since the end of WW2 and 25 since the end of the Soviet Union. At this point, if the Europeans are unable to defend themselves it’s because they choose not to. The notion that we are still entangled in a military alliance in Europe is frankly ridiculous. Enough American blood and treasure has been spilled in Europe in the last century. In this century, I propose we let the Europeans wipe their own asses.

      • The real reason that the US and Russia need to join together in their own military alliance is because in the next 30-40 years, Europe is going to be largely Muslim, at least the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweeden, Spain, and maybe Italy will be. Europe will turn into a Jihadi stronghold and they will then look to the attacking the US and Russia along with the nations in the Middle East because the Koran says to either convert or kill those who do not believe in Allah.

        Western Europe is going to let it happen because they don’t want to be called racist or Islamaphobic. If there will be a NATO 30 years from now, it’s going to be used to destroy Russia and there’s no reason for the US to be pulled into such a conflict. Breaking NATO ties now ensures the US is not pulled into a future war with Russia and instead will help destroy the new Islamic Empire rising in Europe.

        • It’s way, waaay too early for anything like that. If a war with Russia breaks out anytime soon, it will be because Putin wants the Soviet territories back. Like he wants Ukraine.

          Europe has a history of driving off invasions. It’s not too late for Western Europe to realize that one is happening and turn this around.

  3. The Czechs just passed a law explicitly stating an individual right to keep and bear arms in self defense as a response to Juncker. They also retain their sovereign currency, and the spirit of the good soldier Svejk (sorry I’m missing a diacritical mark). I think they will remain an oasis of gun rights, even at the price is Czexit.
    Italy is more tightly tied to the EU and the Euro and doesn’t have a half century of Nazi and Communist oppression driving its government so I don’t expect them to talk exit, but gunmaking and hunting are a big deal in Italy so they won’t roll over as easily as say Germany.

    • Small correction, the Czech law (a constitutional amendment) is only proposed for now. It seems to have good support among politicians, though.

      • Thank you for the clarification Petr. I sure hope the Czech politicians approve the constitutional amendment.

        • However, the constitutional part will be still defined by the non-constitutional law and that still leaves the same ability to limit what firearms can the citizens posess, just like the American 2nd amendment.

    • The main reason why Czech Republic voted against this proposal (leaving aside that this half-assed proposal won’t do anything where illegal weapons used in the hands of terrorists are concerned and is just meant to punish law-abiding gun owners) is that we already have pretty good laws where posession of firearms is concerned and there have been very few crimes commited by legally owned firearms in our history. And also it’s insane to limit the 10+ rounds magazines for semi-auto rifles when almost every gun owner have an semi-auto version of vz.58 assault rifle at home since it’s our “national gun” and also pretty cheap, too. So the authorities here are having a hard time imaging that they would have to make tens of thousands of guns “illegal” all of a sudden…

  4. I remember seeing a documentary about the French Communist party. It was noted that if there ever was a clash between ideology and reality, it was reality that suffered. I think cognitive dissonance is a mandatory part of being an EU member.

    • Southern Cross,

      About two weeks have passed since I last mentioned it so I guess it is time to mention it again since you brought it up. The Progressive mind works on altruism, fantasy, and emotion which means their worldview and the policies that they advocate are based on altruism, fantasy, and emotion. Facts and reality are unimportant. Hence their cognitive dissonance.

      For the life of me, I have yet to find a way to break through the altruism, fantasy, and emotion.

  5. There is some chance that Czech republic will avoid the brunt of this, at least as far as defensive weapons go.
    An amendment to the Czech constitution was proposed by the Ministry of Interior, that declares civilian right to ownership and carrying of arms as an important part of national security.

    This officially has no connection to the EU directive, but the accompanying texts make it clear that EU has no business regulating matters of national security. Those texts also point out that semi-automatic firearms are well suited for this purpose.

    Support for the measure seems almost unanimous among Czech politicians, but we’ll see how the actual vote goes.

    • Thank-you for the update and information. Now I just have to buy some more Eduard and Special Hobby kits. I’m helping freedom, you see.

      • I admit I had to Google that. Thanks.
        Btw, if you buy a CZ pistol or rifle, you will help freedom even more and in two countries at once!

    • “Support for the measure seems almost unanimous among Czech politicians . . .”

      This is an interesting observation and a real compliment to the Czech body politic. There is a direct correlation between authoritarian leaning governments and a compulsive desire to limit or ban gun ownership. As these governments become ever more authoritarian their distrust of their own people grows exponentially. This is particularly true when there is a perceived threat like the Muslim migration to European countries. When this happens, nervous politicians, having lost the trust of their populations, grow terrified of private citizens owning guns.

  6. Is THIS the benign face of the Anti-Christ? Sounds like a good candidate. Sorry I’m not joking…

    • While he could be, I always thought the anti-Christ would come from Rome, Italy.

      On a practical level, the anti-Christ, who sets himself up as God Almighty, has to either be a political or religious leader. I have heard many compelling arguments that the religious leader has to be a Pope. Of course a leader of the European Union would be a good fit as well.

        • I know JESUS CHRIST. HE transcends magic…it’s close guys. Nevermind our 20trillion debt.

      • The antichrist will perform miricles that make religions obsolete in the form we know….. think of an alien space invader with replicators and healing pods who declares he is GOD,….. and then outlaws guns….. unless that EU guy’s skin melts off to reveal a glowing angelic being and he gives sight to the blind, I dont think its him.

        • He who can by the mere declaration and/or swipe of a pen permits a (mentally ill) person to change one’s sex from “male” to “female” IS a “god” to those on “the Left”, Thankfully this “god” has been exposed as a fraud, cast down from his throne, like pharaoh did to Moses all signs of him shall be obliterated, he WILL be erased, his name never to be spoken.

  7. “… an ambitious deal that reduces the risk of shootings in schools, summer camps or terrorist attacks with legally held firearms.” — Jean-Claude Juncker

    My immediate response in my head is almost verbatim Dan Zimmerman’s comment, “Note that none of these regulations would have stopped any of Europe’s recent terrorist attacks.” Exactly.

    • Generally, that has been my response to *every* gun control proposal for the past 50 years. Nothing has been proposed which would make any difference.

  8. I’m in favor of this. It will be fun to watch Europe burn again, only this time, American troops won’t be putting out the fires.

  9. Plain and simple, Margaret Thatchers concern over a reunified Germany is coming true. The Germans have taken over Europe through the EU, and member states should be terribly concerned that civilian arms ownership is being restricted by a German politician… again.
    The Czech Republic should remember the results of the previous debacle well.
    It wouldn’t surprise me if the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and Russia have to join forces again and fight a unified Europe under Germany, and a unified Ottoman Empire under Turkey. Some things never change. Why on earth the French would buy a main battle rifle from and that’s made in a country that has invaded them twice in the last century puzzles me… but is a very “French” thing to do.

    • “The Germans have taken over Europe through the EU, and member states should be terribly concerned that civilian arms ownership is being restricted by a German politician… again.”

      This proposal was mostly driven by French-British combo.

      Only after the Brits decided to quit did the Germans jump onto the wagon.

      • And the Luxembourg. Only two ministers of interior were against the proposed EU bans. The Czech one, because the ban was tough and stupid, and the Luxembourg one, because the ban was not tough enough. Go figure. Mr. Junk-er comes from the Luxembourg.

  10. I can’t find it now but a few weeks ago I found a reference that German weapons law was very lax until the victorious Allied Powers imposed gun control on the defeated* Germans through the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

    *Yes, I know. Some will insist that the German army was not defeated on the field of battle in 1918, but betrayed by enemies from within. But this is neither the time or the place for that discussion.

  11. I can’t find it now but a few weeks ago I found a reference that German weapons law was very lax until the victorious Allied Powers imposed gun control on the defeated* Germans through the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

    *Yes, I know. Some will insist that the German army was not defeated on the field of battle in 1918, but betrayed by enemies from within. But this is neither the time or the place for that discussion.

  12. “I am for secret, dark debates.”

    Ooooo… dark and secret? Sounds kinky and entertaining in an ISIS snuff flick kinda way.

    So… before we get this party started, Mr. Juncker, I would be remiss to not advise you to pick a safe word. I recommend you pick a series of words. Possibly “Allahu Akbar” or maybe just memorize some Koran passages. Also, have you seen Pulp Fiction? Yeah, replace that skinny Zed guy with a Muslim guy of military age who’s recently migrated to the EU and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what’s coming your way, sans a rescue from Bruce Willis of course.

    Don’t worry, the knife is just for show… provided you’ve properly memorized your “safe words”…

  13. How is it that these cultures are somehow considered “our brethren”? I’d say that most of the EU is about as much our “brethren” on 2A issues as Singapore, France, and Thailand are our “brethren” on 1A issues.

  14. With the constant attacks by Moslems upon the populace of Europe and the sales of shotguns going through the roof in Germany and Austria I predict just one or two instances of law-abiding citizens using “legal” firearms to dispatch offenders resulting in the swaying of public sentiment and the forcing of legislators to either relax restrictions or at least delaying introduction of new legislation. For all intents and purposes Angela Merkel is done, kaput. in France Nicholas Sarkozy came in fourth in the recent primary that leaves Fillion a supposed “Conservative” to face the ever growing in popularity Marine LePen of the Front Nationale who is dead set against allowing Moslem “refugees” into the Republic.

    Both Hungary (where gun sales are also soaring due to the invasion/they erected a wall & razor-wire fence) and Poland each having a tradition of civilian firearm ownership are standing tall, proudly resisting the EU, refusing to accept the Globalist-mandated Moslem “refugees” and I would expect EU mandated firearm restrictions.

    Italy recently experienced their first (as far as I can tell) Nice/Berlin-style “vehicle borne” terror attack in Nantes, a Moslem driver mounted the curb mowing down pedestrians then exited the car and began stabbing the injured until being shot by police (no fatalities save for the perp), an “act of terrorism” which wasn’t covered by our “mainstream” (Fake) news outlets.

    Sweden is under siege, Stockholm is the rape capital of Scandinavia, 99% of all rapes are committed by “refugees” a recent poll found a majority of the women will NOT go out at night alone. Norway is no better, there the elitists in the government are dumping the scum of Africa, Asia and the Middle/Near East not in their enclaves but among the working class in suburban/rural areas. Both nations have long traditions of firearm ownership and police and fire/rescue services have already retreated from the No-Go Zones in major cities of Sweden, it’s just a matter of “when” not “if” THAT powder-keg explodes.

    Right now Israel and how their populace, military, law enforcement and private citizens deal with attacks will be the key. Every week there is some kind of attack (just watch JBS News it’s on every cable provider). A typical incident consists of a driver (male and female alike commit these attacks) targeting a crowded bus/train stop/station or checkpoint mowing down riders/pedestrians then exiting the vehicle and stabbing the survivors, in some cases it’s civilians taking down the perpetrator though the IDF both male and female alike are showing how courageous they are in taking out the perpetrators. One female IDF captain was wounded multiple times by gunfire but refused to be evacuated until the scene was secure and the enemy defeated.

    Another favorite of the Moslems in Israel is for hijab/burka wearing females to stroll the streets drawing knives and stabbing unsuspecting passersby until being shot or neutralized in some other way, armed citizens and police are both successfully ending these attacks before victim counts can mount.

    What residents of the EU AND the USA need desperately are examples of civilians “taking out” Moslem terrorists, rapists, and murderers, stories which we can then exploit for maximum publicity..

    • There is one hitch in that plan, most of Europe bans concealed carry (open carry is unheard of in Europe). There are only a few exceptions – CZ and I think some others.
      In most of Europe that long tradition is in hunting. Czechs are an oddity in the fact that most gun owners have guns for defensive purposes.
      There hasn’t been a Muslim terrorist attack in CZ yet.

    • You seem to be imagining a sweeping sea change in public opinion regarding armed self-defense in Europe. The problem is this: it is this change in public opinion that it driving EU action for stricter gun control, not crime, and not terrorism.

      After Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, the Powers That Be in Europe know they’re facing a rising tide of right-wing populism. And of course gun control has been about preventing revolution, rather than public safety, since it was sword and spear control.

    • “Both Hungary (where gun sales are also soaring due to the invasion/they erected a wall & razor-wire fence) and Poland each having a tradition of civilian firearm ownership are standing tall, proudly resisting the EU, refusing to accept the Globalist-mandated Moslem “refugees” and I would expect EU mandated firearm restrictions.”

      Both Hungary and Poland governments SUPPORT the proposal.

      Moreover, Poland has the lowest firearms ownership rate in Europe (not only EU) and Hungary is right there at the bottom too.

      “Sweden is under siege, Stockholm is the rape capital of Scandinavia, 99% of all rapes are committed by “refugees” a recent poll found a majority of the women will NOT go out at night alone. Norway is no better, there the elitists in the government are dumping the scum of Africa, Asia and the Middle/Near East not in their enclaves but among the working class in suburban/rural areas.”

      It is not about the reality on the streets, it is about mentality of the people. My French and Norwegian friends think I am a totally crazy dangerous person for the very fact that I conceal carry daily… moreover in the Czech Republic that is way safer than either of their countries. For them, the idea of armed civilian defending self is alien, criminal and should be punishable.

      In most of Europe, thinking about guns outside of hunting/sport shooting area is absolute taboo. This won’t change just because people’s safety is at stake, the same as Angela Merkel still fares favorably with German populace.

      • You are correct in your critique of my post but Orban in Hungary is a different kind of leader, the Parliment may support restrictions but he IS a “populist” who will bow to public pressure if terror attacks/invasions mount and the populace demand they be allowed to defend themselves.

        Poland where hunting is a tradition may support control now but once THEY become the victims of attacks that will all change, citizens will demand the ability to defend themselves.

        Norway with a long history of firearm ownership for hunting also has mandatory military service for ALL citizens male AND female, once out of the service these residents trained in the proper use of “modern” firearms are NOT going to sit idly be and remain “unarmed” if the Moslems up attacks.

        Sweden where the sexual assaults are skyrocketing is already handing out “deterrent spray” to women, that will not do, soon they will be pressured to “up the ante”.

        Home invasions just for the purpose of sexual assaults rape are rising all across Europe and Scandinavia, women are a powerful voice, they will only take so much before they begin demanding the ability to defend themselves and their honor. It starts with using the “hunting” firearm in the home to repel an attacker then they can expand to carry.

  15. Europe has been a basket case for so long that I doubt many people there actually understand what freedom is or was.

  16. “This won’t affect the Swiss”

    Well, and that is where you are wrong. Switzerland will have to decide to either leave the Schengen Agreement or to bow over and implement this directive.

    It should be noted that Switzerland was invited for the Council vote (despite not being EU Member) exactly because the Directive will be binding on Switzerland – and they ABSTAINED.

    The vote went as follows:
    AGAINST: Czech Republic (+Luxembourg on grounds the ban doesn’t go far enough)
    ABSTENTIONS: Austria, Switzerland
    FOR: All remaining EU countries.

  17. Re: proposed Czech amendment – I’ll be curious about the exact wording and how it fares in the usual debates. Worth noting that this is the reason for the bizarre “well regulated militia” clause in the USA’s 2nd amendment. Sure it’s given us a lot of trouble since then, with anti-gun politicians arguing that it only applies to active duty military (a right to obey orders? WTF?), or that it doesn’t provide a right to certain firearms because they have no relation to military use, or conversely that it means they can forbid certain weapons to non-active-duty civilians because the weapons are TOO military, or that it applies only to military arms available in 1780. Never mind the rest of the amendment is crystal clear… But even so: having a national security clause was the justification for including it in the federal bill of rights at all. Otherwise it’s a regional or local matter and not a proper concern for the national government. Security/militia clause included, amendment passed, right (somewhat imperfectly and unevenly) protected for 230 years.

    I wish the Czechs well. Be careful with the choice of words though.

    • Keep in mind that the goal of the proposal is to secure the status quo, which already contains limitations – the current Czech law is quite liberal by EU standards and better than some US states but still restrictive by 2A standards.

      This is my attempt at a rough translation of the proposal:
      “Czech citizens have the right to acquire, possess and carry weapons and ammunition for the purpose of protection of life, health and property and thus contribute to the protection of internal order and security and the protection of territorial integrity, sovereignty and the democratic principles of the Czech republic.
      Terms and details are defined by law.”

      Note: In Czech justice, that law cannot be such that it undoes the purpose of the constitutional law. The current law already fulfills the purpose of this amendment, although there may be some more changes coming.

    • Look for the respective part of Wikipedia article on Czech Gun Laws (can’t post link here – the system then marks me as spammer).

      It should not be understood as equivalent of 2A – the idea is framing gun ownership as national security issue since national security issues fall outside of the scope of European Law (and thus EU Gun Ban).

      The main aim is preserving status quo on the extent of gun rights in the country. And taking the EU Commission approach and saying “this is necessary to fight terrorism”.

    • Short intro on Czech gun laws:
      In order to obtain firearms, Czechs need a license that doubles as a CCW permit. It is shall-issue. Reason must be provided but that means just checking one or more boxes in the application without any further rationale or proof required. Defense is an accepted reason for gun ownership (as well as collecting, sport, hunting and career). Most Czechs declare defense as one of their reasons to own firearms. Fairly strict proficiency tests are required as well as a medical exam every 10 years (that’s likely to be reduced back to 5).

      There are some bureaucratic hoops when acquiring a gun but only to the extent demanded by EU legislation – some firearms require prior authorization by police but it is shall-issue for a token fee, without major delays.

      Automatic and heavy weapons (cannons, rocket launchers, etc) are banned. There are no capacity limits or any form of AWB. Civilian variants of the vz. 58 are prevalent among shooters. Laser aiming devices, silencers and JHP ammo are prohibited, as well as armor-piercing (precisely defined), explosive and incendiary ammo.

      There is firearms registration on firearms that require a license. That means everything with the exception of most muzzle loaders and historic (pre-1891) firearms. Air guns, Airsoft guns, deactivated firearms and similar also don’t require a license.

      Concealed carry is allowed and there are almost no gun-free zones. Even if a place forbids guns on premises, breaking that means expulsion and perhaps a misdemeanor at worst. Most of the time it can be safely ignored because nobody would notice anyway. Open carry is forbidden except for hunters on their way to a hunt.

      The law used to contain a provision that granted the government authority to restrict or ban gun ownership and demand confiscation in the time of a crisis. That was fortunately removed in 2016.

  18. The point I was making was that the “well regulated militia” clause in the USA originally served the same general purpose: it’s a matter of state security to refrain from restricting what the public already considers a basic right. I’m pleased to see that “protection of life” is explicitly listed in the Czech proposal. In too many places, saying “self defense” might as well be an admission of criminal intent.

    Also interesting that laser aiming devices are forbidden. Here they’re readily available for as much or as little money as you want to pay. I got one recently to use as a training device. At the practice range while squeezing the trigger, a laser makes it easy to see whether the muzzle is waving or circling or doing anything but holding still. But yeah, it has a tactical bad-boy aspect too. I could see lasers being a target for restriction with that kind of mystique.

    You said sound suppressors are forbidden. Here they’re not absolutely illegal but they might as well be with all the taxes and paperwork. Yet I’ve been told that suppressors are cheap and practically unregulated in some countries that severely restrict gun availability. I wish we could have more muzzle mufflers here. Damage to hearing is not a good thing, and outdoor ranges are constantly harassed by nearby towns due to noise.

    States in the USA all have different lists of forbidden places to carry concealed. Here in Colorado, basically it’s just schools and anywhere with permanent security screening. (This annoys me because I am required to visit our neighborhood school almost every day.) As you said, other places can say no guns, but at worst if you didn’t see the sign and get noticed, it’s ordinary “leave now!” trespassing and not a prison sentence. Other states can be different. Churches, casinos, hospitals, public transportation, public libraries, toilet facilities in city parks, and liquor stores are all popular places to make off limits by law. By coincidence most of these are also places that I really really want to be armed at all times. Go figure.

    Some states have emergency gun restriction laws on the books. This makes us very nervous.

    Thanks for the information about Czech gun laws. Good to learn what life is like in other places. Someday I’d like to visit the Czech Republic and see the castles.

    • I’m pretty sure that Scandinavian states allow and on some occasions even require suppressors, I don’t know how it is elsewhere.

      While we are pretty content with the tests and such we have here, we are working on lifting these individual prohibitions like suppressors and lasers. Those were already proposed in the parliament once. This amendment might help with that. Also not every laser is banned. If you replace the firing mechanism with a training laser or the round with a bore sighting laser, that’s OK. If you use a laser to aim a live firearm when shooting, that’s forbidden.

      Schools are not forbidden by law to carry here, at most it’s at the same level as a shop with a “no guns” sign. I used to teach at an evening school in a regular school building. Several adult students carried there. We used to chat about it and even went out shooting a few times. Government buildings usually have metal detectors and so are off limits.

      Liquor stores and pubs are OK but you can’t carry while under the influence. That would cost you your license for 3 years. Driving under the influence would do that too. If you collect several other misdemeanors, same result. A felony would mean losing the license for a longer time, depending on the length of the sentence. It’s permanent only for a violent felony with a sentence of over 12 years. All in all, gun owners are quite careful about following the law due to this.

      I hope you get to visit, we’d be glad to have you.

  19. It’s way, waaay too early for anything like that. If a war with Russia breaks out anytime soon, it will be because Putin wants the Soviet territories back. Like he wants Ukraine.

    Europe has a history of driving off invasions. There is still hope that the Western ones will realize that one is happening. It’s not too late to turn this around.

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